8 research outputs found

    Inhibitory control in schoolers: domain evaluation and analysis of the effects of exercise interventions

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    Programa Oficial de Doutoramento en Ciencias do Deporte, Educación Física e Actividade Física Saudable. 5005V01[Abstract] Inhibitory control (IC) is a central component of the Executive Functions (EFs) with a fundamental role organizing how various mental processes work together in light of goal-directed behaviors. This domain includes a family of related functions that govern inter-related processes and are determinant in several high impact disorders. To clarify the presence of IC differences in typically developed schoolers, and its training possibilities with exercise interventions, three studies were performed. The first study involved an evaluation of several IC and impulsivity components in a schoolers sample. Underlying common connections were found between IC components, but not between IC and impulsivity components. However, accuracy and reaction times appear to link the IC and impulsivity domains. Elevated differences between IC and impulsive tendencies were discovered among participants. In the second study, a systematic review and meta-analysis on the effects of diverse longitudinal physical exercise interventions in the IC of children and adolescents were accomplished. Small but statistically non-significant effect sizes were found. The third study included an acute intervention with three intervention groups to evaluate their effects on schoolers' IC. Each intervention had a specific design regarding IC demands and exercise components. The results did not show significant improvements or significative differences.[Resumen] El control inhibitorio (CI) es un componente central de las funciones ejecutivas (FE), que gobierna varios procesos mentales para generar comportamientos dirigidos a objetivos; es una familia de funciones que rigen procesos interrelacionados y son determinantes en varios trastornos. Para aclarar la presencia de diferencias en el CI de escolares con desarrollo normal y sus posibilidades de entrenamiento con ejercicio, se realizaron tres estudios. En el primero se evaluaron varios componentes del CI y del constructo impulsividad. Los resultados mostraron conexiones entre los componentes del CI, pero no entre los del CI e impulsividad. Se observaron diferencias notables en el CI y las tendencias impulsivas de los participantes. Precisión y tiempos de reacción parecen vincular dichos constructos. En el segundo, se realizó una revisión sistemática con meta-análisis sobre los efectos de diversas intervenciones de ejercicio, con un diseño longitudinal, en el CI de niños y adolescentes. Se encontraron pequeños tamaños del efecto estadísticamente no significativos. El tercer estudio incluyó una intervención aguda con tres grupos de intervención (cada uno específicamente diseñado en cuanto a demanda de CI y componente de ejercicio físico) para evaluar sus efectos en el CI de escolares. Los resultados obtenidos no mostraron mejoras o diferencias significativas.[Resumo] O control inhibitorio (CI) é un compoñente central das funcións executivas (FE) cun papel fundamental no funcionamento de diversos procesos mentais para xerar condutas dirixidas a obxectivos; É unha familia de funcións que rexen procesos conectados e son determinantes en varios trastornos. Para aclarar a presenza de diferenzas no CI de nenos con desenvolvemento normal e as súas posibilidades de adestramento con intervencións de exercicio, realizáronse tres estudos. No primeiro avaliáronse varios compoñentes do CI e da impulsividade. Os resultados mostraron conexións entre os compoñentes do CI, pero non entre os do CI e impulsividade. Observáronse diferenzas notables no CI e as tendencias impulsivas dos participantes. A precisión e os tempos de reacción parecen ligar estes dominios. No segundo, realizouse unha revisión sistemática con meta-análise nos efectos de diversas intervencións de exercicio, cun deseño lonxitudinal, no CI de nenos e adolescentes. Atopáronse pequenos tamaños do efecto estatisticamente non significativos. O terceiro estudo incluíu unha intervención aguda con tres grupos de intervención (deseñados cada un especificamente en termos da demanda do CI e compoñente de exercicio) para avaliar os seus efectos no CI de escolares. Os resultados obtidos non mostraron melloras ou diferenzas significativas

    It’s About Time: The Circadian Network as Time-Keeper for Cognitive Functioning, Locomotor Activity and Mental Health

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    A variety of organisms including mammals have evolved a 24h, self-sustained timekeeping machinery known as the circadian clock (biological clock), which enables to anticipate, respond, and adapt to environmental influences such as the daily light and dark cycles. Proper functioning of the clock plays a pivotal role in the temporal regulation of a wide range of cellular, physiological, and behavioural processes. The disruption of circadian rhythms was found to be associated with the onset and progression of several pathologies including sleep and mental disorders, cancer, and neurodegeneration. Thus, the role of the circadian clock in health and disease, and its clinical applications, have gained increasing attention, but the exact mechanisms underlying temporal regulation require further work and the integration of evidence from different research fields. In this review, we address the current knowledge regarding the functioning of molecular circuits as generators of circadian rhythms and the essential role of circadian synchrony in a healthy organism. In particular, we discuss the role of circadian regulation in the context of behaviour and cognitive functioning, delineating how the loss of this tight interplay is linked to pathological development with a focus on mental disorders and neurodegeneration. We further describe emerging new aspects on the link between the circadian clock and physical exercise-induced cognitive functioning, and its current usage as circadian activator with a positive impact in delaying the progression of certain pathologies including neurodegeneration and brain-related disorders. Finally, we discuss recent epidemiological evidence pointing to an important role of the circadian clock in mental health.Peer Reviewe

    Systematic Review of Meta-Analyses: Exercise Effects on Depression in Children and Adolescents

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    Background Depression is a common threat to children and adolescents in terms of affecting psychosocial development and increasing their risk of suicide. Apart from conventional treatments for depression, physical exercise has become a promising alternative. This paper aims to systematically review the existing meta-analyses that focus on the impact of physical exercise on clinical and nonclinical depression in children and adolescents. Methods A systematic literature search was conducted using PsycINFO, PsycARTICLES, MedLine, PubMed, and hand searching. Risk of bias analysis, effect sizes calculations, and evaluation of the methodological characteristics (AMSTAR 2) were carried out. Results Four meta-analyses met the inclusion criteria. After analysing the overlap, the total sample contained 30 single studies (mostly including gender mixed samples) and 2,110 participants (age range 5–20 years). The medium duration of the interventions was 11.5 weeks. The sessions had a medium length of 41 min, and the frequency of implementation was three sessions per week. The most implemented intervention type was aerobic exercise, while control groups mainly continued with their regular routine, among other related options. The overall mean effect of physical exercise on depression was medium (d = −0.50). The additional analysis in clinically depressed samples documented a small to medium mean effect (d = −0.48) in favor of the intervention. Conclusion The small to medium but consistently positive effects that were found in the present study place physical exercise as a promising and helpful alternative for children and adolescents with clinical and nonclinical depression. The limited literature focused on children and adolescents in comparison with adult samples points to the need for further research.Peer Reviewe

    Can regular physical exercise be a treatment for panic disorder? A systematic review

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    Introduction: In the last few decades, exercise has been explored as a potential tool to reduce symptoms experienced by patients with panic disorder (PD). This systematic review aims to assess the effects of regular exercise interventions on panic severity, global anxiety, and depression symptoms of these patients. Areas covered: A search was conducted on PubMed, ISI Web of Science, and Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials using search terms related to PD and exercise. Eight trials were included, Furthermore, regular exercise programs presented different methodological characteristics. There is o clear evidence indicating that regular exercise programs (at least two 20-minute sessions per week for at least 6 weeks) reduce panic-related symptoms. Regular exercise is effective in improving global anxiety measures and depression. Expert opinion: Continuous aerobic exercise is the main type of intervention in the literature, generally providing a limited prescription. Currently, it is recommended the interval training, with intense and shorter stimuli, and long-term duration trials. However, despite the use of self-selected intensities and control based on the internal load be interesting as recommendation to increase adherence, careful is needed regarding training prescription due to scarce evidence.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Clinical applications of exercise in Parkinson’s disease: what we need to know?

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    Introduction: Exploring the potential of exercise in the rehabilitation process of patients with Parkinson’s (PD) may be an interesting treatment perspective. Exercise-induced responses derived from neurotrophic elements appear to ameliorate the decline in neurodegeneration. Despite this understanding, the literature needs to be updated. Areas covered: Our review focuses on: a) the key mechanisms of exercise on PD, highlighting mainly the responses related to neuroplasticity; b) the effects induced by different traditional types of exercise, also highlighting the effects of complementary therapies related to movement; c) the volume of exercise required to support efficient results are explored in the context of PD. Additionally, the proposition of new clinical application strategies in the context of PD will also be determined. Expert opinion: It is suggested that different intensities of aerobic exercise be explored for the treatment of PD. The results associated with high intensity seem promising for performance, physiological and clinical parameters, such as BDNF production and cognition. On the other hand, the diversification of tasks and repetition of motor gestures appear as consistent arguments to exercise prescription. Finally, for future investigations, the neuromodulation strategy in association with aerobic exercise appears as a potential inducer of benefits on gait and cognitive function.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio