60 research outputs found

    A nafion film cover to enhance the analytical performance of the CuO/Cu electrochemical sensor for determination of chemical oxygen demand

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    We modified and evaluated the performance of a CuO/Cu electrochemical electrode for chemical oxygen demand (COD) determination by covering it with a Nafion (Nf) film. The resulting modified CuONf/Cu electrode sensor was used for the electrochemical determination of COD in river, slaughterhouse and estuarine water samples in order to evaluate its performance for this particular task. It was compared with the CuO/Cu sensor with no Nafion. The main electrochemical characteristics of interest, resistance, sensitivity, accuracy and reproducibility, were assessed by means of Linear Sweep Voltammetry using glucose as a standard. Results of these essays indicate that the procedure used produced smooth and firmly attached Nf films covering the whole copper surface. This sensor was shown to be resistant to interferences and effective in electro-oxidation of a wide range of organic compounds and therefore very useful for COD determination. Using the newly developed CuONf/Cu electrode an analytical linear range of 50 to 1000 mg·L-1 COD, with a detection limit of 2.11 mg·L-1 (n = 6) COD was achieved. The comparison shows that the CuONf/Cu sensor is more appropriate for COD determination than its counterpart with no Nafion.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    In vitro wearing away of orthodontic brackets and wires in different conditions: A review

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    Introduction: The release of metallic ions from orthodontic brackets and wires typically depends on their quality (chemical composition) and the medium to which they are exposed, e.g., acidic, alkaline, substances with a high fluoride concentration, etc. This review examines corrosion and wear of orthodontic brackets, wires, and arches exposed to different media, including: beverages (juices), mouthwashes and artificial saliva among others, and the possible health effects resulting from the release of metallic ions under various conditions. Objective: This review aims to determine the exposure conditions that cause the most wear on orthodontic devices, as well as the possible health effects that can be caused by the release of metallic ions under various conditions. Sources: A search was carried out in the Scopus database, for articles related to oral media that can corrode brackets and wires. The initial research resulted in 8,127 documents, after applying inclusion and exclusion criteria, 76 articles remained. Conclusion: Stainless steel, which is commonly used in orthodontic devices, is the material that suffers the most wear. It was also found that acidic pH, alcohols, fluorides, and chlorides worsen orthodontic material corrosion. Further, nickel released from brackets and wires can cause allergic reactions and gingival overgrowth into patients.Fil: Espinoza Montero, Patricio J.. Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador; EcuadorFil: Montero Jiménez, Marjorie Elizabeth. Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador; Ecuador. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas Teóricas y Aplicadas. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas Teóricas y Aplicadas; ArgentinaFil: Fernández, Lenys. Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador; EcuadorFil: Paz, Jose Luis. Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos; PerúFil: Piñeiros, José Luis. Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador; EcuadorFil: Ceballos, Sandra Macías. Universidad Central del Ecuador; Ecuado

    Electrochemical degradation of surfactants in domestic wastewater using a DiaClean® cell equipped with a boron-doped diamond electrode

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    Treating domestic wastewater has become more and more complicated due to the high content of different types of detergents. In this context, advanced electro-oxidation (AEO) has become a powerful tool for complex wastewater remediation. The electrochemical degradation of surfactants present in domestic wastewater was carried out using a DiaClean® cell in a recirculation system equipped with boron-doped diamond (BDD) as the anode and stainless steel as the cathode. The effect of recirculation flow (1.5, 4.0 and 7.0 L min−1) and the applied current density (j = 7, 14, 20, 30, 40, and 50 mA cm−2) was studied. The degradation was followed by the concentration of surfactants, chemical oxygen demand (COD), and turbidity. pH value, conductivity, temperature, sulfates, nitrates, phosphates, and chlorides were also evaluated. Toxicity assays were studied through evaluating Chlorella sp. performance at 0, 3, and 7 h of treatment. Finally, the mineralization was followed by total organic carbon (TOC) under optimal operating conditions. The results showed that applying j = 14 mA cm−2 and a flow rate of 1.5 L min−1 during 7 h of electrolysis were the best conditions for the efficient mineralization of wastewater, achieving the removal of 64.7% of surfactants, 48.7% of COD, 24.9% of turbidity, and 44.9% of mineralization analyzed by the removal of TOC. The toxicity assays showed that Chlorella microalgae were unable to grow in AEO-treated wastewater (cellular density: 0 × 104 cells ml−1 after 3- and 7-h treatments). Finally, the energy consumption was analyzed, and the operating cost of 1.40 USD m−3 was calculated. Therefore, this technology allows for the degradation of complex and stable molecules such as surfactants in real and complex wastewater, if toxicity is not taken into account


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    El presente trabajo contempla el estudio bajo condiciones hidrotérmicas en medio alcalino de la síntesis de zeolitas, utilizando como materia prima caolín previamente seleccionado entre diversos aluminosilicatos de procedencia venezolana y el cual fue calcinado durante 1,5 horas a la temperatura de 700°C. La optimización de la síntesis se llevó a cabo variando parámetros como concentración de NaOH 2,0 M, temperatura y tiempo de cristalización 90°C durante 3 horas. Con fines comparativos, se llevó a cabo la síntesis de la zeolita A pura, siguiendo el procedimiento de la Asociación Internacional de Zeolitas (AIZ). Todos los productos fueron caracterizados por difracción de rayos X (DRX), microscopía electrónica de barrido (MEB), análisis químico elemental por espectrometría óptica de emisión atómica con plasma inductivamente acoplado (EEA-PIA), y espectroscopia infrarrojo (IR-TF). Por otra parte, las aplicaciones de las películas de zeolita sintetizada en dichas condiciones saturadas con calcio y sodio, por separado, y modificada por los surfactantes catiónico denominado bromuro de cetiltrimetilamonio (CTAB) y no iónico llamado Triton X-100, para la posterior modificación de la superficie electródica de carbón vítreo (CV) en la detección por oxidación de compuestos fenólicos, por voltametría cíclica, presentaron mejoras en la respuesta voltamétrica a pH 9,2 y 9,6 comparadas con la del carbón vítreo sin modificar, atribuido a los efectos del pH y de los surfactantes en la superficie de la zeolita.ABSTRACTThis work concerns the study of the synthesis of zeolites under hydrothermal conditions in an alkaline medium, using, as raw material, kaolin previously selected from various aluminosilicates from Venezuela and which was heated for 1.5 hours at a temperature of 700°C. The optimization of the synthesis was conducted by varying parameters such as concentration of NaOH 2.0 M, temperature and time of crystallization at 90°C for 3 hours. For purposes of comparison, we carried out the synthesis of pure zeolite A, according to the procedure of the International Association of Zeolites (IZA). All products were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), elemental chemical analysis by emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES) and infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR). On the other hand, the applications of zeolite films synthesized in these conditions saturated with calcium and modified by surfactants named cetyltrimethylamonium bromide (CTAB) and non-ionic named Triton X-100, for the subsequent modification of the glassy carbon electrode surface (GC) in the detection by oxidation of phenolic compounds, by cyclic voltammetry, showed improvements in the voltammetric response to pH 9.2 and 9.6 compared with that of the unaltered glassy carbon, attributed to the effects of the surfactants and pH on the surface of the zeolite.Keywords: Zeolite, Kaolin, Synthesis, Hydrothermal treatment, Surface modification, Surfactant, Zeolite modified electrodes, Cyclic voltammetry, Detection, Electrochemical sensing

    A nafion film cover to enhance the analytical performance of the CuO/Cu electrochemical sensor for determination of chemical oxygen demand

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    We modified and evaluated the performance of a CuO/Cu electrochemical electrode for chemical oxygen demand (COD) determination by covering it with a Nafion (Nf) film. The resulting modified CuONf/Cu electrode sensor was used for the electrochemical determination of COD in river, slaughterhouse and estuarine water samples in order to evaluate its performance for this particular task. It was compared with the CuO/Cu sensor with no Nafion. The main electrochemical characteristics of interest, resistance, sensitivity, accuracy and reproducibility, were assessed by means of Linear Sweep Voltammetry using glucose as a standard. Results of these essays indicate that the procedure used produced smooth and firmly attached Nf films covering the whole copper surface. This sensor was shown to be resistant to interferences and effective in electro-oxidation of a wide range of organic compounds and therefore very useful for COD determination. Using the newly developed CuONf/Cu electrode an analytical linear range of 50 to 1000 mg·L−1 COD, with a detectionlimitof2.11mg·L−1 (n=6)CODwasachieved. The comparison shows that theCuONf/Cu sensor is more appropriate for COD determination than its counterpart with no Nafion

    Simultaneous quantification of Cd(II) and Pb(II) in surface marine sediments using Ag–Hg and Ag–Bi nanoalloys glassy carbon modified electrodes

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    The evaluation of glassy carbon (GC) electrodes modified with a Nafion (Nf) film and doped with nanoalloys (Nys) deposits of Ag–Hg and Ag–Bi and their application to determination of Cd (II) and Pb(II) in marine sediments, is described. Deposited Ag–Hg and AgBi Nys have a size of approximately ~80 nm dispersed and embedded inside the booths of the Nf net, while other of them remained on Nf net surface. For the AgBiNysNf-GC electrode, a detection limit (DL), 3 s criterion, slightly higher than for the AgHgNysNf-GC modified electrode was obtained. Accuracy of measurements was asserted by comparison with quantification of Cd and Pb in three sets of marine sediments samples previously analyzed by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES). The values of the standard deviation and the coefficients of variation are very low, and also comparable between the different determinations

    Cuantificación de plomo en cerveza artesanal mediante voltametría de redisolución anódica con pulso diferencial sobre electrodo de diamante dopado con boro

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    Se reporta el estudio del contenido de Pb(II) en seis marcas de cervezas artesanales de la ciudad de Quito-Ecuador, utilizando Voltametría de Redisolución Anódica con Pulso Diferencial (DPASV, por sus siglas en inglés), diamante dopado con boro (BDD, por sus siglas en inglés) como electrodo de trabajo y buffer de acetato como solución electrolítica. La caracterización del BDD se llevó a cabo mediante Microscopía Electrónica de Barrido (SEM, por sus siglas en inglés) y Voltamperometría Cíclica (VC). Los resultados por SEM mostraron que la superficie de electrodos de BDD es rugosa y granular, la cual presentó una baja corriente capacitiva y una respuesta electroquímica quasi-reversible frente al par redox Ferri/Ferrocianuro de potasio. El método se optimizó en un rango lineal entre 0,3-1,3 mg L-1, se obtuvo repetibilidad con un RSD del 4,56%, reproducibilidad del 9,19% y límite de detección de 0,020 mg L-1. Las cervezas analizadas fueron etiquetadas como A, B, C, D, E y F, preservando así la identidad de las marcas que participaron en el estudio. Las muestras de cerveza B, C, D y E cumplen con la normativa NTE INEN 2262 para Pb(II) con una concentración por debajo de su límite máximo permitido de 0,1 mg L-1; mientras las muestras A y F exceden del límite máximo permisible. El método se validó mediante la comparación de los resultados obtenido por DPASV y Espectroscopia de Absorción Atómica por Llama (FAAS, por sus siglas en inglés), donde pruebas t-student indican que no hay diferencia significativa para la determinación del Pb(II) entre los métodos. Se concluye que la técnica de DPASV es una alternativa efectiva para la determinación de Pb(II) en cervezas artesanales

    Humedales artificiales y celdas de combustibles microbianas como sistemas individuales y combinados para el tratamiento de aguas residuales: una revisión

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    El aumento poblacional y el desarrollo tecnológico ha ocasionado una gran demanda energética, lo que ha dado paso a que varios grupos de investigación incursionen en la búsqueda de soluciones a corto y mediano plazo. El uso de tecnologías que permitan tratar aguas contaminadas y la generación simultánea de energía eléctrica surge como una alternativa viable para dar solución a este problema. En este documento se revisa el mecanismo para el tratamiento de agua residual y la generación de energía eléctrica simultánea, a través de sistemas combinados de humedales acoplados a celdas de combustible microbianas (CW-MFC, por sus siglas en inglés). El objetivo de esta revisión es describir los componentes y funcionamiento de los sistemas individuales CW y MFC, así como también del sistema combinado CW-MFC, los cuales han sido empleados en investigaciones recientes. Se exploran los principales estudios, relacionados con el material con el cual se construyen los electrodos, que generen mayor eficiencia energética y materiales filtrantes que beneficien el tratamiento del agua residual. Además, se presentan los desafíos en este ámbito de investigación. Los CW y las MFC son sistemas que combinados mejoran la eficiencia en el tratamiento de agua residual y a la vez permiten aprovechar la energía eléctrica que los microorganismos generan durante el proceso de oxidación de la materia orgánica