99 research outputs found
Modeling, Analysis and Control of Underwater Vehicle SROV
A new type of Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) has been designed by Marin MĂ€tteknik (MMT) in cooperation with Reach Subsea and Kystdesign AS; the Surveyor ROV. Although MMT is successfully using the SROV in day-to-day operations, no mathematical model describing the system has previously been derived. In this thesis project, a mathematical model describing the SROV is developed through system identification techniques. Experiments to facilitate parameter estimation of the model are designed and consequently performed. The gathered data sets are investigated to determine how well they are suited for parameter estimation. Estimation of the continuous-time model parameters are carried out using a Kalman filter running on the input-output data obtained through the experiments. Comparisons between this method and results obtained through a subspacebased identification Matlab method are performed. Model validation is carried out using numerous performance measures. The thesis has shown that a coupled LPV model may be a feasible approach to the modeling problem, and also makes suggestions that could possiblyimprove on the results. As an alternative to the current control system, simulations of closed-loop responses of the identified system model using a Model Predictive Control (MPC) structure are undertaken and presented. The simulations show that good performance is achievable using the MPC lgorithm. Noticeably, the current control system has difficulties attenuating deviations from angular velocity set points. The MPC scheme has been shown to effectively suppress such control errors in simulations
John Adams: A Life
The First of Men: A Life of George Washington
Numerische Methoden zur Erforschung einer N = 1 Super Yang-Mills-Theorie mit SU(2)c und SU(3)c Wilson Fermionen
Die Supersymmetrie ist eine Erweiterung des Standardmodells der Elementarteilchenphysik und vermag es, einige der dort vorkommenden RĂ€tsel aufzulösen. Hierzu wird die zugrunde gelegte Poincare-Algebra durch eine Graduierung erweitert. Aufbauend auf dem Superraum-Formalismus lĂ€sst sich eine nichtabelsche supersymmetrische Feldtheorie formulieren, die die Super-Yang-Mills-Wirkung beinhaltet. Ziel der Arbeit war die numerische Untersuchung des Teilchenspektrums der Theorie. Hierzu wurde die gitter-diskretisierte Form der Wirkung nach dem Konzept von Wilson mit der Curci-Veneziano Fermionwirkung verwendet. Um bessere Symmetrieeigenschaften schon bei endlichen GitterabstĂ€nden erreichen zu können, eignen sich Tree-level Symanzik- und STOUT-verbesserte Wirkungen. Zur performanten Realisierung eines Update-Programms fĂŒr Feldkonfigurationen wurde erstmals fĂŒr dieses Model ein Hybrid Monte-Carlo Algorithmus mit einer polynomialen Approximation der Fermion-Matrix (PHMC) implementiert
Forhandlinger om det kulturelle hegemoniet; hvordan foregÄr debatten om identitetspolitiske temaer i den offentlige samtalen?
De siste Ärene har det blÄst en kulturell «wind of change» over den vestlige verden. Som vanlig startet den i USA, og begynte Ä spre seg pÄ vÄrt kontinent med litt forsinkelse. Forandringen pÄvirker vÄre moralske verdier, og strÞmningen vil for ettertiden sannsynligvis sortere under «fÞlelsesperiode». Historisk sett innebÊrer ikke slike svingninger at kunnskap og opplysning forsvinner fra kulturen, men den mister gradvis sitt moment, og mÄ vike for mer moralske verdivurderinger. AktÞrene som bidrar til Ä drive frem endringene benekter ikke nÞdvendigvis vitenskapelige fakta, selv om vi ogsÄ har sett eksempler pÄ det, men de avviser vitenskapen som (eneste) premissleverandÞr for det gjeldende verdihegemoniet. PÄ samme mÄte som IQ som parameter for vurdering av menneskeverd har tapt sin eksistensberettigelse til fordel for det kristen-humanistiske synet pÄ mennesket som uendelig verdifullt og ukrenkelig, dreier vÄr tids «kulturkamp» seg f.eks. om i hvilken grad biologiske fakta skal vÊre styrende for hvordan vi ser pÄ kjÞnnsidentitet og seksualitet. SprÄket spiller alltid en viktig rolle i kulturelle endringer, og nÄr sprÄket brukes til Ä skape og opprettholde sosiale forhold, blir sprÄket selv, og mÄten vi snakker om ulike temaer pÄ (diskurser) sosiale maktfaktorer som ikke mÄ undervurderes. Ved Ä studere sprÄk- og diskurs-endringer, kan vi avdekke og forstÄ de stÞrre endringene i det kulturelle hegemoniet, og ikke minst hvordan den hegemoniske diskursen eventuelt smitter over pÄ samfunnsinstitusjonene vÄre, pÄ forskning og vitenskap, pÄ jusen, pÄ kunsten og pÄ mediene. I oppgaven har jeg undersÞkt hvilke virkelighetsbilder som kjemper om hegemoniet, og hvordan kampen pÄvirker ytringsklimaet i offentligheten. TilnÊrmingen er pragmatisk, og bygger pÄ teorier og begreper fra diskursanalyse, spesielt kritisk diskursanalyse. Ved hjelp av tekstanalyse og argumentasjonsanalyse forsÞker jeg Ä vise frem ulike diskurser om temaene som debatteres i empirien. Materialet viser at det er grunnleggende enighet om de konkurrerende verdienes legitimitet, men at vektingen av dem varierer mellom diskursene
Aquatic pollution from anthropogenic discharges modulates gene expression in liver of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
With the aim to characterise the biological impact of anthropogenic discharge in a river, gene expression in fish was evaluated as a biomarker for mixture effects of potential toxic compounds in the aquatic environment. Adult male rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) were used as monitoring organisms. Within the German experimental set up, trout were exposed actively for 28 days in biologically purified sewage as well as in river water up- and downstream of the sewage treatment plant (STP) effluent. In a different approach, wild trout were captured in southern Chile near anthropogenic discharges. Fish were taken from river Maullin receiving sewage from a settlement and from river Pescado influenced by effluents from a fish farm. In vivo effects were assessed by RT-qPCR analyses of biomarker gene expression, vitellogenin (vg), metallothionein (mt) and cytochrome 1A (cyp1A) in liver samples with primers amplifying specific sequences previously confirmed by cloning and sequencing. The modulation of expression of marker genes involved in metal stress, reproduction and detoxifying systems in the liver of male rainbow trout revealed organismal response to anthropogenic contamination in two different study areas, such as Chile and Germany, thereby indicating a potential risk on the aquatic ecosystems
sustainable wireless broadband access to the future internet the earth project
In a world of continuous growth of economies and global population eco-sustainability is of outmost relevance. Especially, mobile broadband networks are facing an exponential growing traffic volume and so the sustainability of these networks comes into focus. The recently completed European funded Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) project EARTH has studied the impact of traffic growth on mobile broadband network energy consumption and carbon footprint, pioneering this field. This chapter summarizes the key insights of EARTH on questions like "How does the exploding traffic impact the sustainability?", "How can energy efficiency be rated and predicted?", "What are the key solutions to improve the energy efficiency and how to efficiently integrate such solutions?" The results are representing the foundation of the maturing scientific engineering discipline of Energy Efficient Wireless Access, targeting the standardisation in IETF and 3GPP, strongly influencing academic research trends, and will soon be reflected in products and deployments of the European telecommunications industry
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