54 research outputs found

    Pozabljena tradicija. Oris arhaičnega pesništva

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    Članek se loteva splošne predstavitve arhaičnega pesništva. Najprej obravnava teoretični okvir, v katerem se običajno giblje njegovo raziskovanje, pri čemer ga skuša v nekaterih pogledih razmejiti od ljudskega pesništva evropskih narodov. V nadaljevanju opiše njegove splošne značilnosti, predstavi in na kratko analizira posamezne konkretne primere, nazadnje pa polemizira z vprašanjem o njegovi »literarnosti«. *** The article is intended as a general introduction into archaic poetry. At the begining, it deals with the generally adopted theoretical framework, whereby it aims at drawing a distinction between archaic poetry and the oral poetry of the European nations. Afterwards, it describes some of the general characteristics of archaic poetry, presents and shortly analyzes some concrete examples, and finally questions the issue of its »literariness«

    Changes in technique of handspring double salto forward tucked performed on horse and vaulting table

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    Aim of the research was to determine changes in technique parameters while performing handspring double salto forward tucked (Roche) on old horse and new vaulting table. On a sample of 9 vaults performed in 2000 World Cup in Ljubljana on horse and 9 vaults performed at World championship in Debrecen on vaulting table we made a series of t-tests for biomechanics kinematics parameters. There are differences in many variables, but most important are those related to the support phase (position of hands, take off vertical velocity) which also causes better outcome during the flight and landing. New vaulting table is really much better apparatus than the horse as has better place for support, which makes easier production of angular momentum (inclined table) and higher vertical take off velocity


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    The aim of our investigation was to determine kinematic parameters of some acrobatic jumps backward, related to the difficulty categories in the current men's FIG Code of points. Ten male gymnasts performed ten different acrobatic jumps backward during the European championship in 1996 in Koebenhaven (Denmark). The analyzed elements were stretched salto backward, stretched salto backward with 1/1 turn, stretched salto backward with 3/2 turn, stretched salto backward with 2/1 turn, double salto backward tucked, double salto backward tucked with 1/1 turn, double salto backward tucked with 2/1 turn, double salto backward stretched, double salto backward stretched with 1/1 turn and triple salto backward tucked. According to the results we can not define the difficulty categories, but the data are quite informative for further investigations, comparison with other similar types of sports and also for coaches for methodic purposes

    Henri de Lubac – Theologian of the Church

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    Članak naslova Henri de Lubac – teolog Crkve pokazuje uvjete u kojima je Henri postavljao temelje obnove Crkve, kojima je s teologom Danieloujem otvorio put zbirke Sources Chretiennes koja danas ima više od 584 dijelova. Ne možemo se ne osvrnuti na godine profesure teologije u Lyonu, kao ni na trpljenje i iskušenja, a istovremeno i sve veću i jaču ljubav prema Crkvi, kao ni nezaobilazni doprinos 2. vatikanskome koncilu. Razmišljanje o teologiji Henria de Lubaca bogati nas preplitanjem prošlosti i sadašnjosti dok gledamo u vlastitu dušu i njezinu izvrsnost kao anima ecclesiastica. Članak naglašava potrebu neprestanom vraćanju izvorima vjere. Kao što se svijet svaki dan mijenja i obnavlja, tako se i Crkva svaki dan iznova rađa u euharistijskom darovanju. Ecclesia semper reformanda. Sve više spoznajemo kako je veliku ulogu pri tome imao kardinal Henri de Lubac koji je već i samom osudom svoga djela istovremeno obnavljao lice Kristove zaručnice.The article Henri de Lubac – Theologian of the Church describes the circumstances in which de Lubac set the foundations for the renewal of the Church, and together with the theologian Daniélou started the collection Sources Chrétiennes (Christian Sources) which today already numbers 584 volumes. We cannot fail to mention the years he spent as a professor of theology in Lyon, as well as his suffering and temptations, and at the same time his ever-increasing love for the Church, and his great contribution to the Second Vatican Council. Thinking about the theology of de Lubac enriches us by interweaving the past and the present as we look at our own soul and its excellence as anima ecclesiastica. The article highlights the need to constantly revisit the sources and roots of faith. As the world changes and renews every day, so the Church gets reborn each day in the gift of the Eucharist. Ecclesia semper reformanda. We learn more and more about how important was the role of Cardinal Henri de Lubac, who, already with the conviction of his own work, has at the same time renewed the image of Christ\u27s bride – the Church

    Koloskopija v onkologiji

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    Henri de Lubac - a witness of Christ and the Church

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    Članak s naslovom Henri de Lubac – svjedok Krista i Crkve upušta se u teologiju kardinala Henrija de Lubaca po kojoj je čitalac pozvan da se zagleda u svoju usmjerenost na Krista i njegovo otajstveno tijelo koje je Crkva. Henri de Lubac velik je svjedok ljubavi prema Crkvi unatoč svoj patnji koju je tiho podnosio. Crkva se uvijek ponovo rađa i obnavlja iz euharistijskog dara koji je istovremeno temelj njezina zajedništva (communio) i izvor svetosti. Finis omnium Ecclesia. Crkva je tako prostrana kao Božji plan stvaranja. Crkva je unutarnji temelj tog plana. Iz toga slijedi značenje vjere u Boga za pravilno razumijevanje Crkve i poslanstva kršćana u njoj.This article, with the title Henri de Lubac – A witness of Christ and the Church, concentrates on the theology of Cardinal Henri de Lubac. The reader is invited to consider his attendance on Christ and his mystical body – the Church. De Lubac’s is a great testimony of love for the Church, despite the suffering that he quietly lived. The Church is continuously reborn and renewed in the sacrifice of the Eucharist, which is the basis of her communion and the source of holiness. Finis omnium Ecclesia: the Church is as great as the Divine plan of creation; it is the inner basis of that plan. Therefore we realize the meaning of faith in God for an appropriate understanding of the Church and the mission of Christians within it

    T cell lymphoproliferative disorders associated with anti-tumor necrosis factor alpha antibody therapy for ulcerative colitis: literature summary

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    The enhanced risk of development of lymphoproliferative disorders in patients with inflammatory bowel disease has been attributed to immunosuppressive/immunomodulatory therapies. Infliximab is a chimeric monoclonal immunoglobulin G1 antibody directed against tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) that was approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1998 as an effective therapeutic agent against inflammatory bowel disease. Malignant lymphomas of both B and T cell lineage have been described in patients undergoing therapy involving TNF-α blockade. To date, eight cases of Epstein–Barr virus (EBV)-negative hepatosplenic T cell lymphoma associated with infliximab have been reported to the FDA’s Adverse Event Reporting System, as well as several other T cell lymphoproliferative disorders with aggressive clinical outcomes. We present the histologic, immunophenotypic, and molecular features of a T cell lymphoproliferative disorder involving the axillary lymph node of a 33-year-old male following infliximab treatment for ulcerative colitis. These EBV-negative lymphomas suggest that lymphoproliferative disorders following infliximab treatment for inflammatory bowel disease may involve EBV-independent immune dysregulation. The spectrum of lymphoproliferative disorders associated with infliximab and the potential mechanisms by which they occur are discussed

    Development of low blood glucose readings in nine non-diabetic patients treated with tumor necrosis factor-alpha inhibitors: a case series

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Treatment with various biological agents in disease states such as rheumatoid arthritis has been associated with multiple side effects. Whereas many of these are frequently reported in the literature, hypoglycemia, a possible side effect of tumor necrosis factor-alpha inhibitors, may be underpublicized.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>We report nine cases of non-diabetic Caucasian women who were between 29 and 68 years of age and who developed low glucose readings after treatment with tumor necrosis factor-alpha inhibitors. We provide a more detailed discussion of existing evidence of the role of tumor necrosis factor-alpha in the pathogenesis of inflammation and its impact on glycemic equilibrium.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Physicians using tumor necrosis factor-alpha inhibitors in the treatment of various rheumatic and other autoimmune diseases should be aware of the potential for the development of glycemic disturbance in these patients. A further role of tumor necrosis factor-alpha inhibitors in the glycemic equilibrium warrants larger controlled trials in patients with and those without a history of diabetes.</p
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