335 research outputs found

    Scalings of Elliptic Flow for a Fluid at Finite Shear Viscosity

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    Within a parton cascade approach we investigate the scaling of the differential elliptic flow v2(pT)v_2(p_T) with eccentricity ϵx\epsilon_x and system size and its sensitivity to finite shear viscosity. We present calculations for shear viscosity to entropy density ratio η/s\eta/s in the range from 1/4π1/4\pi up to 1/π1/\pi, finding that the v2v_2 saturation value varies by about a factor 2. Scaling of v2(pT)/ϵxv_2(p_T)/\epsilon_x is seen also for finite η/s\eta/s which indicates that it does not prove a perfect hydrodynamical behavior, but is compatible with a plasma at finite η/s\eta/s. Introducing a suitable freeze-out condition, we see a significant reduction of v2(pT)v_2(p_T) especially at intermediate pTp_T and for more peripheral collisions. This causes a breaking of the scaling for both v2(pT)v_2(p_T) and the pT−p_T-averaged v2v_2, while keeping the scaling of v_2(p_T)/\la v_2\ra. This is in better agreement with the experimental observations and shows as a first indication that the η/s\eta/s should be significantly lower than the pQCD estimates. We finally point out the necessity to include the hadronization via coalescence for a definite evaluation of η/s\eta/s from intermediate pTp_T data.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures. Two points in fig.4 has been change

    Anisotropies in momentum space at finite Shear Viscosity in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions

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    Within a parton cascade we investigate the dependence of anisotropies in momentum space, namely the elliptic flow v2=v_2= and the v4=v_4=, on both the finite shear viscosity η\eta and the freeze-out (f.o.) dynamics at the RHIC energy of 200 AGeV. In particular it is discussed the impact of the f.o. dynamics looking at two different procedures: switching-off the collisions when the energy density goes below a fixed value or reducing the cross section according to the increase in η/s\eta/s from a QGP phase to a hadronic one. We address the relation between the scaling of v2(pT)v_2(p_T) with the eccentricity ϵx\epsilon_x and with the integrated elliptic flow. We show that the breaking of the v2(pT)/ϵxv_2(p_T)/\epsilon_x scaling is not coming mainly from the finite η/s\eta/s but from the f.o. dynamics and that the v2(pT)v_2(p_T) is weakly dependent on the f.o. scheme. On the other hand the v4(pT)v_4(p_T) is found to be much more dependent on both the η/s\eta/s and the f.o. dynamics and hence is indicated to put better constraints on the properties of the QGP. A first semi-quantitative analysis show that both v2v_2 and v4v_4 (with the smooth f.o.) consistently indicate a plasma with 4πη/s∼1−24\pi \eta/s \sim 1-2.Comment: 7 pages. Proceedings of the International School of Nuclear Physics in Erice, Sicily, to appear in Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physic

    Does the NJL chiral phase transition affect the elliptic flow of a fluid at fixed η/s\eta/s?

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    We have derived and solved numerically the Boltzmann-Vlasov transport equations that includes both two-body collisions and the chiral phase transition by mean of NJL-field dynamics. The scope is to understand if the field dynamics supply new genuine effects on the build-up of the elliptic flow v2v_2, a measure of the asymmetry in the momentum space, and in particular if it can affect the relation between v2v_2 and the shear viscosity to entropy ratio η/s\eta/s. Solving the transport equation with a constant cross section for the condition of Au+AuAu+Au collisions at sNN=200\sqrt{s_{NN}}=200 AGeV it is shown a sizable suppression of v2v_2 due to the attractive nature of the field dynamics that generates the constituent mass. However the key result is that if η/s\eta/s of the system is kept fixed by an appropriate local renormalization of the cross section the v2v_2 does not depend on the details of the collisional and/or field dynamics and in particular it is not affected significantly by the chiral phase transition.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Isospin effects on sub-threshold kaon production at intermediate energies

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    We show that in collisions with neutron rich heavy ions at energies around the production threshold K^0 and K^+ yields might probe the isospin dependent part of the nuclearEquation of State (EoS) at high baryon densities. In particular we suggest the K^0/K^+ ratio as a promising observable. Results obtained in a fully covariant relativistic transport approach are presented for central Au+Au collisions in the beam energy range 0.8-1.8~AGeV. The focus is put on the EoS influence which goes beyond the "collision-cascade" picture. The isovector part of the in-medium interaction affects the kaon multiplicities via two mechanisms: i) a "symmetry potential" effect, i.e. a larger neutron repulsion in n-rich systems (isospin fractionation); ii) a "threshold" effect, due to the change in the self-energies of the particles involved in inelastic processes. Genuine relativistic contributions are revealed, that could allow to directly ``measure'' the Lorentz structure of the effective isovector interaction.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, revtex

    Isospin Effects on Strangeness in Heavy-Ion Collisions

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    Kaon properties are studied within the framework of a fully covariant transport approach. The kaon-nucleon potential is evaluated in two schemes, a chiral perturbative approach and an effective One-Boson-Exchange model. Isospin effects are explicitly accounted for in both models. The transport calculations indicate a significant sensitivity of momentum distributions and total yields of K0,+K^{0,+} isospin states on the choice of the kaon-nucleon interaction. Furthermore, isospin effects are rather moderate on absolute kaon yields, but appear on strangeness ratios. This is an important issue in determining the high density symmetry energy from studies of strangeness production in heavy-ion collisions.Comment: 15 papes, 5 figures. Accepted for publication in Nuclear Physic


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    Carbon grains in the interstellar medium evolve through exposure to UV photons, heat, gas, and cosmic rays. Understanding their formation, evolution, and destruction is an essential component of evaluating the composition of the dust available for newly forming planetary systems. The 3.4 lm absorption band, attributed to the aliphatic C"H stretch vibration, is a useful probe of the degree to which energetic processing affects hydrogenated carbon grains. Here we report on the effects of ion bombardment of two different kinds of nano-size hydrogenated carbon grains with different hydrogen content. Grain samples, both with and without a mantle of H2O ice, were irradiated with 30 keV He + to simulate cosmic-ray processing in both diffuse and dense interstellar medium conditions. The ion fluences ranged between 1:5 � 10 13 and 7:9 � 10 15 ions cm � 2 . Infrared and Raman spectroscopy were used to study the effects of ion irradiation on grains. In both the dense and diffuse interstellar medium simulations, ion bombardment led to a reduction of the 3.4 lm band intensity. To discuss the effects of cosmic-ray irradiation of interstellar hydrogenated carbon materials we adopt the approximation of 1 MeV monoenergetic protons. An estimate of the C"H bond destruction cross section by 1 MeV protons was made based on experiments using 30 keV He + ions and model calculations. In combination with results from our previous studies, which focused on UV irradiation and thermal H atom bombardment, the present results indicate that the C"H bond destruction by fastcolliding charged particles is negligible with respect to that of UV photons in the diffuse ISM. However, in dense cloud regions, cosmic-ray bombardment is the most significant C"H bond destruction mechanism when the optical depth corresponds to values of the visual extinction larger than � 5 mag. The results presented here strengthen the new interpretation of the evolution of the interstellar aliphatic component (i.e., the C"H bonds in the CH2 and CH3 groups) as evidenced by the presence of the 3.4 lm absorption band in the diffuse medium and the absence of such a signature in the dense cloud environment. The evolutionary transformation of carbon grains, induced by H atoms, UV photons, and cosmic rays, indicates that C"H bonds are readily formed, in situ, in the diffuse interstellar medium and are destroyed in the dense cloud environment

    Isospin Dynamics in Heavy Ion Collisions: EoS-sensitive Observables

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    Heavy Ion Collisions (HIC) represent a unique tool to probe the in-medium nuclear interaction in regions away from saturation and at high nucleon momenta. In this report we present a selection of reaction observables particularly sensitive to the isovector part of the interaction, i.e. to the symmetry term of the nuclear Equation of State (EoS) At low energies the behavior of the symmetry energy around saturation influences dissipation and fragment production mechanisms. Predictions are shown for deep-inelastic and fragmentation collisions induced by neutron rich projectiles. Differential flow measurements will also shed lights on the controversial neutron/proton effective mass splitting in asymmetric matter. The high density symmetry term can be derived from isospin effects on heavy ion reactions at relativistic energies (few AGeV range), that can even allow a ``direct'' study of the covariant structure of the isovector interaction in the hadron medium. Rather sensitive observables are proposed from collective flows and from pion/kaon production. The possibility of the transition to a mixed hadron-quark phase, at high baryon and isospin density, is finally suggested. Some signatures could come from an expected ``neutron trapping'' effect.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures; espcrc1 style; IX Int.Conf. on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions, Rio de Janeiro Aug.2006; to appear in Nucl.Phys.
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