34,198 research outputs found

    Travel choices in Scotland - the effect of local accessibility on non-work travel

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    Accessibility features prominently in the developing transport policies of both the United Kingdom Government and the devolved Scottish Executive which aim to promote social inclusion in particular and the integration of transport and land use planning more generally. It follows that a detailed understanding of the relationship between accessibility, personal mobility and travel behaviour is critical to the successful implementation of these policies. This paper presents the results of a disaggregate, multi-variate analysis of the Scottish Household Survey (SHS) dataset and attempts to unravel the complex relationship between socio-economical circumstance, geographical access to local services and public transport and revealed non-work travel choices. The socio-economical and geographical diversity of Scotland offers an excellent opportunity to undertake an analysis of this nature. The SHS is a continuous, cross-sectional survey funded by the Scottish Executive and undertaken by face-to-face interview based on a sample of the general population in private residences in Scotland. It seeks to provide information on the composition, characteristics and behaviour of Scottish households. The survey collects information in two parts - firstly the highest income householder provides household level data including household composition and income, key attributes of household members, transport resources available to the household including access to public transport; secondly a randomly selected adult from the household provides information on inter alia personal travel (including the completion of a one-day travel diary on the previous day) and personal views on transport, the neighbourhood and local services. The dataset analysed in this paper was collected between 1999 and 2003 and contains over 75,000 surveyed households and over 49,000 completed travel diaries. Two other variables were matched with the residential location of SHS respondents and added to the dataset; namely, an index representing proximity to local services at electoral ward level derived in the Scottish Indices of Deprivation 2003 study and a locational classification for each respondent which captures settlement size and wider regional accessibility. The primary focus of the analysis presented in this paper is an examination of the extent to which the quality of local access to services affects distance travelled for non-work purposes. Within this analysis individual and household socio-economical circumstance, available transport resources (both car ownership and local access to public transport) and the wider regional geographical context are also taken into account. It is hypothesised that good local access is negatively associated with distance travelled and that there also exists the possibility of significant interaction between local access and socio-economical circumstance and available transport resources. Regression models are developed for non-work travel which test the statistical significance of these explanatory variables. The results of the analysis reported here will add to the existing evidence base on the relationship between accessibility and travel choice. Its conclusions are expected to inform the development of strategies to enhance social inclusion and reduce overall travel which are tailored to socio-economical and geographical circumstance

    Structural templating as a route to improved photovoltaic performance in copper phthalocyanine/fullerene (C60) heterojunctions

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    We have developed a method to improve the short circuit current density in copper phthalocyanine (CuPc)/fullerene (C60) organic solar cells by ~60% by modifying the CuPc crystal orientation through use of a molecular interlayer to maximize charge transport in the direction between the two electrodes. Powder x-ray diffraction and electronic absorption spectroscopy show that a thin 3,4,9,10-perylenetetracarboxylic dianhydride interlayer before CuPc growth templates the CuPc film structure, forcing the molecules to lie flat with respect to the substrate surface, although the intrastack orientation is unaffected. This modified stacking configuration facilitates charge transport and improves charge collection

    Synthesis and characterisation of Fe<sub>6</sub> and Fe<sub>12</sub> clusters using bicine

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    Reaction of bicine {BicH3, N,N-bis(2-hydroxyethyl)glycine} with an Fe(III) oxo-centered pivalate triangle in MeCN in the presence of Et&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;NH yields [Et&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;NH&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;]&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;[Fe&lt;sub&gt;6&lt;/sub&gt;O&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;(OH)&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;(Bic)&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;(O&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;CCMe&lt;sub&gt;3&lt;/sub&gt;)&lt;sub&gt;8&lt;/sub&gt;], which possesses an S = 5 ground state. Changing the base to NaOMe produces [Fe&lt;sub&gt;12&lt;/sub&gt;O&lt;sub&gt;4&lt;/sub&gt;(Bic)&lt;sub&gt;4&lt;/sub&gt;(HBic)&lt;sub&gt;4&lt;/sub&gt;(O&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;CCMe&lt;sub&gt;3&lt;/sub&gt;)&lt;sub&gt;8&lt;/sub&gt;], which contains two Fe6 units bridged by the carboxylate arms from the bicine ligands. The complex displays strong antiferromagnetic coupling leading to an S = 0 ground state

    The Spectacular Ionized Interstellar Medium of NGC55

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    We present deep Halpha+[NII], [SII] (6716,6731A) and [OII] (3726,3729A) images of the highly inclined, actively star--forming SBm galaxy NGC 55, located in the nearby Sculptor Group. Due to its proximity, NGC 55 provides a unique opportunity to study the disk--halo interface in a late--type galaxy with unprecedented spatial resolution. Our images reveal a spectacular variety of ionized gas features, ranging from giant HII region complexes, to supergiant filamentary and shell features, to patches of very faint diffuse emission. Many of these features protrude well above the plane of the galaxy, including a very faint fragmented shell of emission which is visible at 2.6 kpc above the disk. We identify candidate `chimneys' extending out of the disk, which could be the conduits into the halo for hot gas around disk star-forming regions, and could also provide low-density paths for the passage of UV photons from the disk to the halo. Several of the identified chimneys are `capped' with clumps of ionized gas, one of which, located at 1.5 kpc above the disk plane, appears to be the site of recent star formation. Emission--line ratios ([OII]/Halpha+[NII], [SII]/Halpha+[NII]) constrain the ionization mechanism of the gas, and our images allow the first measurement of [OII]/Halpha+[NII] in extra-planar diffuse ionized gas. The diffuse gas is characterized by emission--line ratios which are enhanced on average by a factor of two compared to those of bright HII regions. Each line ratio increases in value smoothly from the cores of HII regions, through the haloes of HII regions, into the diffuse ionized gas. Such a continuous trend is predicted by models in which the diffuse gas is ionized by photons produced by massive stars in HII regions.Comment: 19 pages, including 4 figures, plus 2 external tables. Accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journal. Compressed, postscript versions of the plates are available at ftp://skysrv.pha.jhu.edu/ferguson

    On the accretion origin of a vast extended stellar disk around the Andromeda galaxy

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    We present the discovery of an inhomogenous, low-surface brightness, extended disk-like structure around the Andromeda galaxy (M31) based on a large kinematic survey of more than 2800 stars with the Keck/DEIMOS spectrograph. The stellar structure spans radii from 15 kpc out to ~40 kpc, with detections out to R ~ 70 kpc. The constituent stars lag the expected velocity of circular orbits in the plane of the M31 disk by ~40 kms and have a velocity dispersion of ~30 kms. The color range on the upper RGB shows a large spread indicative of a population with a significant range of metallicity. The mean metallicity of the population, measured from Ca II equivalent widths, is [Fe/H] = -0.9 +/- 0.2. The morphology of the structure is irregular at large radii, and shows a wealth of substructures which must be transitory in nature, and are almost certainly tidal debris. The presence of these substructures indicates that the global entity was formed by accretion. This extended disk follows smoothly on from the central parts of M31 disk with an exponential density law of scale-length of 5.1 +/- 0.1 kpc, similar to that of the bright inner disk. The population possesses similar kinematic and abundance properties over the entire region where it is detected in the survey. We estimate that the structure accounts for approximately 10% of the total luminosity of the M31 disk, and given the huge scale, contains ~30% of the total disk angular momentum. This finding indicates that at least some galactic stellar disks are vastly larger than previously thought and are formed, at least in their outer regions, primarily by accretion. [abridged]Comment: 20 pages, 30 figures, ApJ submitte

    The effect of real workloads and stochastic workloads on the performance of allocation and scheduling algorithms in 2D mesh multicomputers

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    The performance of the existing non-contiguous processor allocation strategies has been traditionally carried out by means of simulation based on a stochastic workload model to generate a stream of incoming jobs. To validate the performance of the existing algorithms, there has been a need to evaluate the algorithms' performance based on a real workload trace. In this paper, we evaluate the performance of several well-known processor allocation and job scheduling strategies based on a real workload trace and compare the results against those obtained from using a stochastic workload. Our results reveal that the conclusions reached on the relative performance merits of the allocation strategies when a real workload trace is used are in general compatible with those obtained when a stochastic workload is used

    MGGPOD: a Monte Carlo Suite for Modeling Instrumental Line and Continuum Backgrounds in Gamma-Ray Astronomy

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    Intense and complex instrumental backgrounds, against which the much smaller signals from celestial sources have to be discerned, are a notorious problem for low and intermediate energy gamma-ray astronomy (~50 keV - 10 MeV). Therefore a detailed qualitative and quantitative understanding of instrumental line and continuum backgrounds is crucial for most stages of gamma-ray astronomy missions, ranging from the design and development of new instrumentation through performance prediction to data reduction. We have developed MGGPOD, a user-friendly suite of Monte Carlo codes built around the widely used GEANT (Version 3.21) package, to simulate ab initio the physical processes relevant for the production of instrumental backgrounds. These include the build-up and delayed decay of radioactive isotopes as well as the prompt de-excitation of excited nuclei, both of which give rise to a plethora of instrumental gamma-ray background lines in addition to continuum backgrounds. The MGGPOD package and documentation are publicly available for download from http://sigma-2.cesr.fr/spi/MGGPOD/. We demonstrate the capabilities of the MGGPOD suite by modeling high resolution gamma-ray spectra recorded by the Transient Gamma-Ray Spectrometer (TGRS) on board Wind during 1995. The TGRS is a Ge spectrometer operating in the 40 keV to 8 MeV range. Due to its fine energy resolution, these spectra reveal the complex instrumental background in formidable detail, particularly the many prompt and delayed gamma-ray lines. We evaluate the successes and failures of the MGGPOD package in reproducing TGRS data, and provide identifications for the numerous instrumental lines.Comment: 60 pages, 13 figures, 7 tables, accepted for publication in ApJ

    Theoretical calculations and instrument development and test characterization of low intensity X-ray imaging devices

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    The characteristics of the Lixiscope when excited by X-rays produced by conventional electrically powered X-ray generators are explored to determine the optimum X-ray spectrum and mode of operation of the generator, which yields satisfactory Lixiscope images of medical and industrial specimens
