3,986 research outputs found

    The regional distribution of public expendictures in the UK : an exposition and critique of the Barnett formula

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    The Barnett formula is the official basis upon which increments to public funds are allocated to the devolved regions of the UK for those parts of the budget that are administered locally. There is considerable controversy surrounding the implications of its strict application for the relevant regions. The existing literature focuses primarily on the equity of the spatial changes to government per capita expenditure that would accompany such a change. In contrast, in this paper we attempt to quantify the system-wide economic consequences-the real, relative resource squeeze that accompanies the financial relative squeeze-on one devolved region, Scotland. The analysis uses a multisectoral regional computable general equilibrium modelling approach. We highlight the importance of population endogeneity, particularly since the population proportions used in the formula are now regularly updated

    The environmental "trade balance" between Scotland and the rest of the UK : an inter-regional input-output and SAM analysis

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    We use an inter-regional input-output (IO) and social accounting matrix (SAM) pollution attribution framework to serve as a platform for sub-national environmental attribution and trade balance analysis. While the existence of significant data problems mean that the quantitative results of this study should be regarded as provisional, the inter-regional economy-environment IO and SAM framework for Scotland and the rest of the UK (RUK) allows an illustrative analysis of some very important issues. There are two key findings. The first is that there are large environmental spillovers between the regions of the UK. This has implications in terms of the devolution of responsibility for achieving targets for reductions in emissions levels and the need for policy co-ordination between the UK national and devolved governments. The second finding is that whilst Scotland runs an economic trade deficit with RUK, the environmental trade balance relationship for the main greenhouse gas, CO2, runs in the opposite direction. In other words, the findings of this study suggest the existence of a CO2 trade surplus between Scotland and the rest of the UK. This suggests that Scotland is bearing a net loss in terms of pollutants as a result of inter-union trade. However, if Scotland can carry out key activities, such as electricity generation, using less polluting technology, it is better for the UK as a whole if this type of relationship exists. Thus, the environmental trade balance is an important part of the devolution settlement

    Ellbogendysplasie beim Hund: Finite-Elemente-Analyse

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    Ellbogengelenkserkrankungen gewinnen bei jungen Hunden großer, schnellwĂŒchsiger und bewegungsfreudiger Rassen seit Jahren zunehmend an Bedeutung. Als mögliche Ursachen der Ellbogendysplasie wurden - neben genetischer Veranlagung - Übergewicht und Überlastung der gelenkbildenden Knochen benannt. In der vorliegenden Untersuchung wurde der Einfluss verschiedener biomechanischer Parameter auf die LastĂŒbertragung in gesunden und pathologischen Hundeellbogen mit einem zweidimensionalen Finite-Elemente-Modell analysiert. Pathologische VerĂ€nderungen der Ellbogenstruktur, wie verĂ€nderte Materialeigenschaften oder asynchrones Knochenwachstum, verĂ€nderten deutlich die KontaktdrĂŒcke in den Artikulationen, die Knochendeformation und die Spannungen in den Knochen. Die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse unterstĂŒtzen die langjĂ€hrigen empirischen Beobachtungen und bieten eine ErklĂ€rung fĂŒr die bis anhin kaum verstandenen klinischen Erscheinungsbilde

    Vertical Distribution, Persistence, and Activity of Entomopathogenic Nematodes (Nematoda: Heterorhabditidae and Steinernematidae) in Alfalfa Snout Beetle- (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) Infested Fields

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    The vertical movement, persistence, and activity of four isolates of entomopathogenic nematodes, Heterorhabditis bacteriophora Poinar (Oswego), Heterorhabditis bacteriophora Poinar (NC), Steinernema carpocapsae (Weiser) (NY001),and an undescribed Steinernema species (NY008-2E), were evaluated for 24 mo at field locations in northern New York. Nematodes were released into three alfalfa fields naturally infested with alfalfa snout beetle, Otiorhynchus ligustici (L.). Each field differed in soil type and soil textural composition: silt loam, sandy loam, and loamy sand. Nematodes were recovered from soil using trap insects, Galleria mellonella larvae, and their vertical distribution was monitored at 5-cm intervals to depths of 20 cm for Steinernena species and 35 cm for Heterorhabditis species. All nematodes persisted (no significant reduction in percentage of infection of G. mellonella) for 6 mo after the initial application in all soil types. However, by the end of the second growing season (17 mo after application), all nematodes showed significant reductions in infection rates of G. mellonella except H. bacteriophora (Oswego) which showed high levels of infection for 24 mo. Nematode vertical movement was affected by soil type and varied by isolate. S. carpocapsae (NY00l)and Steinernema sp. (NY008-2E) remained primarily in soil depths <15 cm, whereas both heterorhabditids dispersed to soil depths of 35 cm. Vertical movement of H. bacteriophera (Oswego) was greatest in loamy sand and vertical movement of Steinernema sp. (NY008-2E) was greatest in sandy loam. Percentage of infection of G. mellonella by H. bacteriophora (Oswego) and S. carpocapsae (NY00l)was significantly correlated with rising soil temperatures in early spring. H. bacteriophora (Oswego) and S. carpocapsae (NYOOl)infected G. mellonella larvae in the field at soil temperatures between 15 and 18°C. Steinernema sp. (NY008-2E)infected G. mellonella larvae in the field at soil temperatures between 13 and 15°

    Advances in the identification of novel factors required in soybean nodulation, a process critical to sustainable agriculture and food security

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    Nodulation is a process of organogenesis that results from a symbiotic relationship between legume plants and soil-dwelling, nitrogen-fixing bacteria, called rhizobia. The rhizobia are housed in newly formed structures on the host roots, called nodules. Within nodules, the rhizobia fix atmospheric N2 into useable forms of nitrogen for the plant. This process is highly important to agriculture, as nitrogen is critical for plant growth and development and is typically the main component of fertilizers. Although fertilizers are effective, they are expensive and often pollute, making biological alternatives, such as legume nodulation, attractive for use in agriculture. Nodulation is regulated by the auto regulation of nodulation (AON) pathway, which enables the host plant to balance its needs between nitrogen acquisition and energy expenditure. Current research is elucidating the nodule development and AON signalling networks. Recent technological advances, such as RNA-sequencing, are revolutionizing the discovery of genes that are critical to nodulation. The discovery of such genes not only enhances our knowledge of the nodulation signalling network, but may help to underpin future work to isolate superior legume crops via modern breeding and engineering practices. Here, recent advances using the cutting-edge technique of RNA sequencing to identify new nodulation genes in soybean are discussed

    Bidirectional transcription of a novel chimeric gene mapping to mouse chromosome Yq

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The male-specific region of the mouse Y chromosome long arm (MSYq) contains three known highly multi-copy X-Y homologous gene families, <it>Ssty1/2</it>, <it>Sly </it>and <it>Asty</it>. Deletions on MSYq lead to teratozoospermia and subfertility or infertility, with a sex ratio skew in the offspring of subfertile MSYqdel males</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We report the highly unusual genomic structure of a novel MSYq locus, <it>Orly</it>, and a diverse set of spermatid-specific transcripts arising from copies of this locus. <it>Orly </it>is composed of partial copies of <it>Ssty1</it>, <it>Asty </it>and <it>Sly </it>arranged in sequence. The <it>Ssty1- </it>and <it>Sly-</it>derived segments are in antisense orientation relative to each other, leading to bi-directional transcription of <it>Orly</it>. Genome search and phylogenetic tree analysis is used to determine the order of events in mouse Yq evolution. We find that <it>Orly </it>is the most recent gene to arise on Yq, and that subsequently there was massive expansion in copy number of all Yq-linked genes.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p><it>Orly </it>has an unprecedented chimeric structure, and generates both "forward" (<it>Orly</it>) and "reverse" (<it>Orlyos</it>) transcripts arising from the promoters at each end of the locus. The region of overlap of known <it>Orly </it>and <it>Orlyos </it>transcripts is homologous to <it>Sly </it>intron 2. We propose that <it>Orly </it>may be involved in an intragenomic conflict between mouse X and Y chromosomes, and that this process underlies the massive expansion in copy number of the genes on MSYq and their X homologues.</p

    Health specific traits beyond the Five Factor Model, cognitive processes and trait expression: replies to Watson (2012), Matthews (2012) and Haslam, Jetten, Reynolds, and Reicher (2012)

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    In this article we reply to the issues raised by the three commentaries on Ferguson's (2012) article. Watson argues that the four traits identified by Ferguson (2012) – health anxiety, alexithymia, empathy and Type D – do not lie outside the Five Factor Model (FFM). We present factor analytic data showing that health anxiety forms a separate factor from positive and negative affectivity, alexithymia forms a factor outside the FFM and while emotional empathy loads with agreeableness, cognitive empathy forms a separate factor outside the FFM. Across these analyses there was no evidence for a general factor of personality. We also show that health anxiety, empathic facets and alexithymia show incremental validity over FFM traits. However, the evidence that Type D lies outside the FFM is less clear. Matthews (2012) argues that traits have a more distributed influence on cognitions and that attention is not part of Ferguson's framework. We agree; but Ferguson's original statement concerned where traits have their maximal effect. Finally, Haslam et al. suggest that traits should be viewed from a dynamic interactionist perspective. This is in fact what Ferguson (2012) suggested and we go on to highlight that traits can also influence group processes

    Ribonucleoprotein Purification and Characterization Using RNA Mango

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    The characterization of RNA–protein complexes (RNPs) is a difficult but increasingly important problem in modern biology. By combining the compact RNA Mango aptamer with a fluorogenic thiazole orange desthiobiotin (TO1-Dtb or TO3-Dtb) ligand, we have created an RNA tagging system that simplifies the purification and subsequent characterization of endogenous RNPs. Mango-tagged RNP complexes can be immobilized on a streptavidin solid support and recovered in their native state by the addition of free biotin. Furthermore, Mango-based RNP purification can be adapted to different scales of RNP isolation ranging from pull-down assays to the isolation of large amounts of biochemically defined cellular RNPs. We have incorporated the Mango aptamer into the S. cerevisiae U1 small nuclear RNA (snRNA), shown that the Mango-snRNA is functional in cells, and used the aptamer to pull down a U1 snRNA-associated protein. To demonstrate large-scale isolation of RNPs, we purified and characterized bacterial RNA polymerase holoenzyme (HE) in complex with a Mango-containing 6S RNA. We were able to use the combination of a red-shifted TO3-Dtb ligand and eGFP-tagged HE to follow the binding and release of the 6S RNA by two-color native gel analysis as well as by single-molecule fluorescence cross-correlation spectroscopy. Together these experiments demonstrate how the Mango aptamer in conjunction with simple derivatives of its flurophore ligands enables the purification and characterization of endogenous cellular RNPs in vitro
