12 research outputs found

    Hermeneutis-Historis Terhadap Artefak-Artefak Kebudayaan Indonesia Sebuah Refleksi Kesadaran

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    Pelacakan hermeneutis-historis terhadap artefak-artefak Kebudayaan Indonesia sebagai bentuk keprihatinan dari setiap gejala kepunahan tradisi. Gejala pengabaian tradisi mulai muncul seiring dengan datangnya gelombang globalisasi yang meluluhlantakkan tradisi. Negara terlambat mengantisipasi berbagai kecenderungan yang muncul, terutama pada aspek kekayaan ilmu pengetahuan lokal, filsafat lokal dalam kebudayaan Nusantara. Kekayaan tersebuthendaknya dapat menjadi sebuah ilmupengetahuan yang mempola sistem pemikiran rasional tentang materi keilmuan di masyarakat. Pelacakan hermeneutis-historis menjadi strategi penyadaran dengan mengetengahkan tafsir sejarah terhadap fenomenologi sejarah yang terabaikan seperti kearifan lokal (local wisdom). Intinya manusia Indonesia perlu mengem­bangkan seluruh potensi kodrat yang dimiliki, terutama kodrat yang positif, yaitu jiwa (akal, rasa, karsa), sosial, dan spiritual. Ketiga potensi tersebut berkaitan dengan kecerdasan intelektual (IQ), kecerdasan emosional (EQ), kecerdasan spiritual/ moral (SQ), dan kecerdasan hambatan menjadi peluang/Adversity Quotient (AQ). Keempat kecerdasan tersebut merupakan modal setiap warga Indonesia untuk bisa memenangkan persaingan yang semakin ketat di era global ini

    Nasionalisme Kebangsaan Sebagai Spirit Perjuangan Tokoh Pejuang di Lombok Timur 1945-1949

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    The struggle of the Indonesian people to achieve independence from the colonialists is as old as colonialism itself. The struggle for independence had at least begun since the establishment of the late 19th century as a chain of struggle for the people in various regions in the archipelago. The struggle of the people of East Lombok in opposing colonialism is a historical record that complements the history of the national struggle of the Indonesian nation and does not have any meaning for the national struggle of the nation. This struggle is also a very strong bond to reach the culmination point of the struggle, namely the Proclamation of Independence on August 17, 1945, as well as efforts to defend Indonesia's independence until 1950. This study has a fundamental contribution in understanding historical information related to nationalism and the spirit of struggle for warriors in East Lombok. History, in this case the revolution in East Lombok in 1945-1949, has a dedactic value for the current and future generations of the nation. The educational value that can be learned from these historical events is at least that the nation's generation has mental strength both biologically and psychologically in facing all the challenges of life and has a high sense of nationalism as part of Indonesian society that must uphold the name of the Indonesian nation


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    Artikel ini membahas tentang upaya penggalian yang mendalam terhadap permasalahan-permasalahan yang dihadapi para istri pekerja migran dan hubungannya dengan tingginya angka perceraian di wilayah Aikmel-Kabupaten Lombok Timur. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, sedangkan metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perubahan status perkawinan disebabkan faktor geografis tempat suami bekerja, dan pengucapan kalimat taqlik perjanjian perkawinan apabila seorang suami melalaikan tugas dan tanggungjawabnya. Kondisi yang demikian menyebabkan para istri banyak mengalami perubahan status perkawinannya menjadi jamal (bebalu gantung atau bebalu bersih). Perubahan status berganti pula peranan wanita sebagai kepala keluarga dan tulang punggung perekonomian keluarga. Diperlukan peningkatan peran perempuan dalam pembangunan dengan masih rendahnya kualitas hidup dan peran perempuan di berbagai bidang pembangunan, yang antara lain ditandai oleh rendahnya nilai IPG; tingginya tindak kekerasan terhadap perempuan; serta lemahnya kelembagaan dan jaringan pengarusutamaan gender daerah

    Optimalisasi Guru Menggunakan Quiz Creator dalam Meningkatkan Minat Belajar IPS Siswa di MTs. Sepit Lombok Timur

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dua hal yang mengarah kepada penggunaan media pembelajaran wondershare quiz creator, yaitu optimalisasi guru dalam proses pembelajaran, dan minat belajar IPS bagi siswa kelas VIIIb MTs. Al-amin NW Sepit. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan model analisis data Milles dan Huberman. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa secara umum guru di MTs Al-amin NW Sepit tidak pernah menggunakan media pembelajaran IT dan khususnya bagi guru mata pelajaran IPS terpadu kelas VIIIb, Hal ini dikarenakan oleh beberapa faktor: (a) guru mata pelajaran IPS terpadu tidak mengenal media pembelajaran IT dalam hal  ini  wondershare  quiz  creator,  (b)  tidak  adanya  sarana  yang  menunjang pembelajaran menggunakan media pembelajaran IT seperti LCD, (c) keterbatasan informasi bagi guru dalam hal pengembagan media berbasis IT, dan (d) guru tidak pernah mengikuti pelatihan media pembelajaran. Hadirnya media pembelajaran wondershare quiz creator memberikan dampak yang positif terhadap proses pembelajaran baik itu yang dirasakan oleh guru maupun siswa. Bagi guru penggunaan media wondershare quiz creator dirasakan sangat bermanfaat, karena selama proses mengajar menggunakan media pembelajaran wondershare quiz creator guru dapat mengoptimalkan proses pembelajaran.  Bagi siswa sendiri penggunaan media pembelajaran wondershare quiz creator dalam proses belajar dirasakan mampu meningkatkan minat belajar

    Aligning tourism area life cycle and product life cycle in avoiding decline stage: Case study on West Nusa Tenggara Indonesia

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    The peak of the tourism industry in West Nusa Tenggara before the COVID-19 pandemic suggested that its position was already in the stagnation stage according to TALC (Tourism Area Life Cycle). Also, the stage can be aligned with PLC (Product Life Cycle) which is known as the maturity stage. This research extracted opinions from tourism industry stakeholders by using multiple FGD (Focus Group Discussion) and summarized the result into a recommendation to avoid the declining stage of the tourism industry, especially in West Nusa Tenggara. One of the main conclusive answers is optimizing e-tourism at an innovative pace. However, this step does not only need good commitment, support, and collaborative intention from whole stakeholders but also good preparation from local human resources to support its sustainability. This preparation should be fulfilled by local vocational higher education in West Nusa Tenggara which is known as Tourism Polytechnic Lombok

    Nasionalisme Kebangsaan sebagai Spirit Perjuangan Tokoh Pejuang di Lombok Timur 1945-1949

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    The struggle of the Indonesian people to achieve independence from the colonialists is as old as colonialism itself. The struggle for independence had at least begun since the establishment of the late 19th century as a chain of struggle for the people in various regions in the archipelago. The struggle of the people of East Lombok in opposing colonialism is a historical record that complements the history of the national struggle of the Indonesian nation and does not have any meaning for the national struggle of the nation. This struggle is also a very strong bond to reach the culmination point of the struggle, namely the Proclamation of Independence on August 17, 1945, as well as efforts to defend Indonesia's independence until 1950. This study has a fundamental contribution in understanding historical information related to nationalism and the spirit of struggle for warriors in East Lombok. History, in this case the revolution in East Lombok in 1945-1949, has a dedactic value for the current and future generations of the nation. The educational value that can be learned from these historical events is at least that the nation's generation has mental strength both biologically and psychologically in facing all the challenges of life and has a high sense of nationalism as part of Indonesian society that must uphold the name of the Indonesian nation

    Tourism Business Sustainability Analysis in the Post-Pandemic Era: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Tourism is one of the areas that has undergone a recovery during the post-pandemic period. However, numerous factors must be considered before this industry can recover from the epidemic that has led tourism to decline globally. This is a crucial question for tourist stakeholders in post-pandemic times. Post-pandemic tourism faced several obstacles in practically all nations, and local governments handled them in different ways. Many experts began writing about tourism's sustainability during and after the pandemic. Based on this, a literature evaluation is required that carefully filters and examines the post-pandemic sustainability of tourism. The results of the review can answer the research questions: whether the right and feasible policies or strategies are implemented in the post-pandemic period for tourism industry players; and what technology is most suitable for tourism sustainability in the post-pandemic period. To answer these questions, a literature review on the topic of tourist sustainability in the post-pandemic period was conducted. The PRISMA approach was used in this study's literature review to attain this purpose. The initial selection was made using Scopus, Proquest, Emerald and Semantic Scholar databases resulting in a total of 386 articles since 2020 based on articles that have been applied filtering and screening processes; they can be categorized into four article topics, namely: Case Study, Conceptual, Strategy and Technology. The findings of the article review that PRISMA can be utilized. For the first question about policies and strategies, synergy and cooperation between components within the penta helix are required before defining tourism-related policies. To ensure tourist sustainability after the crisis phase, it is vital to generate optimism and excitement among tourism industry participants and local residents. Concerning the second research subject, the filtering study lacks research using methods other than those in the trend, such as MCDM or candlestick charts. Future studies can utilise past research. So the distance between research results and actual market conditions can be overcome; if the gap is crossed, the study's conclusions can be employed empirically in stock trading, not just on paper

    Pengembangan silabus makanan sehat dan pembiasaan perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat (PHBS)

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    Membangun pemhaman tentang perilaku sehat, mengonsumsi makanan sehat dan seimbang pada anak usia dini dilakukan melalui pendidikan di PAUD. Agar pendidikan dapat mencapai tujuan yang ditargetkan, pelaksanaan pendidikan perilaku sehat dan konsumsi makanan sehat dan seimbang harus dirancang dan dilaksanakan sesuai dengan taraf perkembangan dan kebutuhan perkembangan anak. Untuk tujuan tersebut disusunlah kurikulum pendidikan tentang perilaku sehat dan makanan sehat seimbang sebagai acuan pelaksanaan pendidikan agar terarah dan sistematik untuk mencapai tujuan

    The Implementation of Local Values in Aceh Education Curriculum

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    This study aimed at finding the values ​​of local wisdom as well as strategies for transformation and internalization of these values ​​in the curriculum for students at Madrasah Tsanawiyah. This was qualitative research, and the sampling technique used was purposive sampling. Data collection was carried out using in-depth interview techniques, documentation, and strengthened by focus group discussions (consisting of 5 experts). The validity of the data was confirmed by the triangulation technique. The data were analyzed using inductive techniques to reveal the implicit/explicit meaning of the information in the field. The results of the study indicated that the value of learning needed to be adjusted to the character of the community. Characteristics of the Acehnese people who have a strong, reactive, and exocentric character, are more effective in learning through the use of symbols of local values. One of these local values ​​is peumalèe. Peumalèe can be explicitly implemented in the curriculum and implicitly embedded in the school curriculum. The value of peumalèe not only has a strong foundation in student learning because it is related to their daily beliefs and worship but also has social and religious sanctions for those who violate it

    Overcoming local human resources barriers in tourism industry : Case study on West Nusa Tenggara Indonesia

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    Tourism industry in Indonesia is hindered by barriers in its development. There are internal barriers (denial from immigrant, old tradition) and also external barriers (new skill, Covid-19 pandemic) that affect its governance. All of them stem from human resources problems that should be overcome immediately. Using funding from the Ministry of Tourism, this research aims to address said barriers and overcome human resources problems in the tourism industry, especially in Nusa Tenggara Barat. The researchers who are based in Tourism Polytechnic Lombok seek the answers from vocational higher education overview. The answers are gathered by summarizing from the Focus Group Discussion process and also benchmarking with another tourism polytechnic in Indonesia. The results are as follows: (1) NTB, as a unique combination of the tourism industry, has big potential and upcoming modern destination (Mandalika) which should become better in the future, (2) Internal barriers factor can be overcome by optimizing local human resources, (3) In problem-solving of external barrier factor, Tourism Polytechnic should also provide IT skills to support e-tourism implementation, and (4) Human resources problem in the tourism industry has a root cause in early vocational higher education which holds important factors in overcoming the problems