11 research outputs found

    Sistem Informasi Stok dan Keuangan pada Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah (UMKM) Banana Jaya Snack Jambi Berbasis WEB

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    Banana Jaya Snack merupakan salah satu produk unggulan makanan-minuman (food-drinks) Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah (UMKM). Pisang Tanduk merupakan bahan baku produk ini yang berukuran besar dengan rasa manis sedang dan hanya tumbuh di Jambi. Selain itu, untuk menjaga kualitas, Banana Jaya Snack memasok pisang langsung dari Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Timur (Sabak). Produk yang dihasilkan adalah keripik pisang yang telah dikemas dengan baik dan sesuai dengan standar penjualan snack yang beredar di pasaran dan telah memiliki Sertifikat Halal serta telah mendapat izin dari BPOM dan Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Jambi. Permasalahan yang sering terjadi pada Banana Jaya Snack adalah permasalahan operasional yang dihadapi oleh suatu Industri. Selain itu permasalahan yang berkaitan dengan keuangan yaitu laporan Laba Rugi dan juga laporan keuangan UMKM menyebabkan sulitnya inovasi produk. Selain masalah kreativitas, keuangan tentunya menjadi realisasi inovasi. Jika jumlah stok kurang dan tidak dapat memenuhi permintaan maka akan menghambat proses kerja serta jika stok terlalu banyak, hal ini dapat merugikan usaha. Oleh karena itu, pengusaha atau industri harus mampu mengelola stok secara efektif dan efisien agar sesuai dengan tujuan industri itu sendiri atau untuk dijual kembali. Saat ini sistem informasi yang ada di Banana Jaya Snack Jambi belum efektif dalam mengolah data, sehingga diperlukan sistem informasi stok dan keuangan bagi Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM), (pengolahan data dari manual ke otomatis) untuk menghasilkan stok dan pengolahan data keuangan

    Analysis of Health Promotion Methods for Adolescent Health Cadres in Bogor City: A Case Study

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     Health problems continue to increase, especially in non-communicable diseases, Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) 2018 shows that the stunting rate has decreased from 37.2 percent to 30.8 percent over five years, while malnutrition, from 19.6 percent to 17.6 percent shows a decline that is still not significant in a long period. On the other hand, the obesity rate actually increased from 14.8 percent to 21.8 percent and almost all non-communicable diseases had increased. This problem does not only occur at productive age or the elderly, in fact this problem can be the result of health problems during adolescence. In accordance with Permenkes Nomor 25 Tahun 2014 tentang Upaya Kesehatan Anak (Child Health Effort), it mandates the participation of youth in youth health services. This is to reduce health problems in adolescents and through adolescent approaches, one of which is through health promotion by youth health cadres. To analyze health promotion methods for youth health cadres based on school and community approaches as recommendations for health promotion methods for adolescents. The research method used is qualitative with a case study design (Creswell, 2014). The collection techniques used were online surveys, literature studies, in-depth interviews, FGDs, and desk studies. The data analysis technique used is Content Analysis. Then the results of the content analysis were continued by analyzing health promotion methods by academics and practitioners. Triangulation will be carried out by observation, interviews and focus group discussions. The results showed that health promotion methods were divided into two, namely methods for changing behavior and methods for influencing the environment. Health promotion methods for youth health cadres based on school and community approaches include education through social media, webinars, team building, competitions, discussions with practitioners, training, games, simulations, performances, and youth events. Health promotion methods for adolescent health cadres are dynamic in nature and continue to develop, so studies and research related to the effectiveness of health promotion need to be continuously developed


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    Fenomena masalah kesehatan mental semakin meningkat setiap tahunnya di kalangan mahasiswa. Mahasiswa penerima beasiswa Tunas Unggul merasakan cemas karena harus menyesuaikan dengan metode pembelajaran dan tugas sebagai penerima beasiswa. Terlebih di kondisi pandemi covid-19 yang menyebabkan mahasiswa kurang bersosialisasi dengan guru dan temannya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menggambarkan kondisi kesehatan mental mahasiswa penerima Beasiswa Tunas Unggul. metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kuantitatif. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan total sampling sebanyak 42 responden. Pengumpulan data menggunakan Self Reporting Questionnaire-29 secara online melalui google form. hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar responden tidak berisiko terjadi gangguan mental emosional yaitu sebanyak 42 responden (68.86%), sedangkan sbagian kecil responden berisiko mengalami gangguan mental emosional sebanyak 19 responden (31.14%). Data tersebut menjadi perhatian bersama bahwa lebih dari seperempat siswa yang berisiko mengalami gangguan kesehatan mental dan perlu dianalisis lebih dalam untuk mengetahui masalah kesehatan mental mahasiswa. Sebagian kecil mahasiswa yang berisiko gangguan mental emosional disebabkan oleh perubahan metode pembelajaran, tekanan pembelajaran, beban dan tugas, serta latar belakang siswa. masalah kesehatan mental yang dialami oleh mahasiswa perlu ditindaklanjuti oleh pihak beasiswa dan pihak universitas untuk meningkatkan kualitas kesehatan mahasiswa. Rekomendasi penelitian ini adalah perlunya penelitian lebih lanjut tentang faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan gangguan kesehatan mental mahasiswa


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    Masalah reproduksi menyebabkan berbagai dampak negatif seperti masalah fisik dan psikologis. Remaja yang memiliki pengetahuan yang kurang tentang kesehatan reproduksi rentan mengalami masalah reproduksi. Remaja memerlukan pemahaman tentang kesehatan reproduksi untuk meningkatkan kualitas kesehatannya. Tujuan studi ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh edukasi kesehatan terhadap pemahaman remaja tentang kesehatan reproduksi. Desain yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimen terhadap 40 kader sekolah sehat di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan di Jakarta. Teknik sampel menggunakan total sampling. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner knowledge of reproductive health berbentuk google form tentang pengetahuan kesehatan reproduksi remaja yang dibuat oleh penulis. Analisis data menggunakan uji Wilcoxon untuk mengetahui efek edukasi kesehatan kepada remaja. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat peningkatan nilai pre-test dan post-test terhadap pengetahuan kesehatan reproduksi remaja. Adapun rata-rata nilai pre-test peserta adalah 70 dan rata-rata nilai post-test adalah 95. Hal tersebut menunjukkan terdapat peningkatan pengetahuan peserta sebanyak 25 poin. Hasil uji wilcoxon menunjukkan terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap pengetahuan mengenai kesehatan reproduksi remaja (p-value=0.002). Sehingga edukasi merupakan hal penting untuk diimplementasikan di sekolah. Edukasi kesehatan reproduksi merupakan hal penting untuk pembiasaan di sekolah. Pengetahuan peserta terhadap kesehatan reproduksi sebagai upaya meningkatkan kesadaran siswa sehingga dapat menjaga kesehatan reproduksinya. Kemudian, program dalam meningkatkan kesehatan reproduksi remaja ini perlu dioptimalkan melalui program promosi kesehatan di sekolah


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    ABSTRACT  Backgroud:The development of technology that is developing rapidly so at this time all information, especially about health using the internet. This can help the nutrition officer task in monitoring the nutritional status of children under five by using the website. The purpose of this study was to determine the perception of nutrition officers in monitoring the nutritional status of infants by using the iPosyandu website.  The research method uses descriptive cross sectional approach. This research was conducted in October until December 2019 with 50 nutrition workers in PKM in the Karawang regency working area. The sampling technique uses total sampling. Data analysis used to univariate variable in the form of a frequency distribution table.  The results showed that nutrition workers had a perception that the ease of accessing information through the website was 50%. Then for the contents of the website is complete and clear by 45%, and there is information and privacy in finding information related to iPosyandu by 32%, and the accuracy of the selection of font size in the website display by 55%.  The conclusion in this study is the perception of nutrition officers towards the website mostly agree on the site, content, information, and appearance of the iPosyandu website. Sugestion based on the results of this study that the iPosyandu website can provide important information to nutrition workers to facilitate monitoring of the implementation of nutritional status monitoring in the work area of each health center so that it can be quickly and appropriately handled if there are cases of malnutrition in children under five in their region.  Keyword: Perception, Nutritionist, iPosyandu Website  ABSTRAK  Latar Belakang Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi yang berkembang dengan pesat maka saat ini semua informasi terutama tentang kesehatan menggunakan internet. Hal tersebut, dapat membantu tugas petugas gizi dalam melakukan pemantuan status gizi balita dengan menggunakan website.  Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui persepsi petugas gizi dalam pemantauan status gizi balita dengan menggunakan website iPosyandu.  Metode Penelitian menggunakan deskriptif pendekatan cross sectional. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Oktober s.d Desember 2019 pada petugas gizi di PKM wilayah kerja Kabupaten Karawang sebanyak 50 orang. Teknik pengambilan sampel dengan menggunakan total sampling. Analisis data menggunakan univariat yang disajikan dalam bentuk tabel distribusi frekuensi.   Hasil Penelitian didapatkan bahwa petugas gizi memiliki persepsi bahwa kemudahan dalam mengakses informasi melalui website sebesar 50%. Kemudian untuk isi situs web sudah lengkap dan jelas sebesar 45%, dan terdapat informasi dan privasi dalam menemukan informasi terkait iPosyandu sebesar 32%, serta ketepatan pemilihan ukuran huruf dalam tampilan website sebesar 55%.  Simpulan dalam penelitian ini bahwa persepsi petugas gizi terhadap website sebagian besar setuju terhadap situs, isi, informasi, dan tampilan situs website iPosyandu. Saran berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini bahwa website iPosyandu dapat memberikan informasi penting kepada petugas gizi  untuk memudahkan pemantauan pelaksanaan pemantaun status gizi di wilayah kerja Puskesmas masing-masing agar bisa cepat dan tepat di tangani apabila terdapat kasus-kasus penyimpangan gizi pada balita di wilayah nya.   Kata Kunci: Persepsi, Petugas Gizi, Website iPosyand

    Survei Pengetahuan Orang Tua melalui Kegiatan Sekolah Keluarga Balita (SKB) dengan Online Learning: Parental Knowledge Survey through Toddler Family School Activities (SKB) with Online Learning

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    Health education in the digital era requires one social media, namely WhatsApp as an information media that is considered effective and efficient. Thus, parents get health education through WhatsApp in the Sekolah Keluarga Balita (SKB) online learning activities with the agreed time. This study aims to determine the knowledge of parents about the First 1000 Days of Life (HPK) through the SKB  online learning that used WhatsApp. The research method used description with a cross-sectional approach. This research was conducted in March 2020 among parents of toddlers living in the fostered villages of Kampung Bestari Astra (KBA) as many as 150 people. The sampling technique was used accidental sampling. This questionnaire was given to the respondent in the form of bit.ly/ (google form). This questionnaire was filled out by respondents before being given a health education video. Data analysis using univariate have presented in the form of a frequency distribution table. The results showed that most participants in the Joint Decree were 135 people, with the age of 20-35 years as many as 60 people, and 78 parents were unfavorable knowledge. The conclusion in this study that some parents aged 20-35 years have less knowledge about the First 1000 Days of Life (HPK) so that health education is needed in a Toddler Family School (SKB) online using WhatsApp

    The financial need of feeding infants for the first six months of life in West Java Province of Indonesia and the implications of socioeconomic and mental health factors

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    Abstract Background In Indonesia, nearly half of all children aged less than six months were not exclusively breastfed in 2017. This study aimed to compare the cost of providing direct or indirect exclusive breastfeeding 0–6 months, partial exclusive breastfeeding and commercial milk formula only. This study also assessed the maternal socioeconomic and mental health factors to providing exclusive breastfeeding. Methods Data were collected in 2018 via a cross-sectional survey of 456 mothers in Bandung City and Purwakarta District, West Java Province, Indonesia, who had children aged less than six months. We used micro-costing to calculate the cost of productivity, equipment, supplies, and training of mothers when providing direct exclusive breastfeeding, indirect exclusive breastfeeding, partial exclusive breastfeeding (a mix of breastfeed and commercial milk formula), and infant formula/commercial milk formula only. Logistic regression was used to determine the impact of several independent variables, including mother’s level of depression, on exclusive breastfeeding. Results To provide direct exclusive breastfeeding, the cost per mother in the first six months is US81.08,whichislessexpensivethanindirectexclusivebreastfeeding(US81.08, which is less expensive than indirect exclusive breastfeeding (US171.15), partial exclusive breastfeeding (US487.8)andcommercialmilkformula(US487.8) and commercial milk formula (US494.9). We also found that education and age are associated with the decision to provide direct exclusive breastfeeding. Mothers who work will most likely provide indirect exclusive breastfeeding, commercial milk formula, or partial breastfeeding as opposed to direct exclusive breastfeeding. Finally, although severe depression symptoms have a positive relationship with the decision to provide commercial milk formula over direct exclusive breastfeeding, the evidence here is not strong. Conclusions The total cost of providing only commercial milk formula is 6-times higher than the cost of direct exclusive breastfeeding. The presence of severe depression symptoms is positively related to mothers opting for other feeding methods aside of direct exclusive breastfeeding and indirect exclusive breastfeeding. This study shows that direct exclusive breastfeeding is economically preferable to other methods, supports policies to reduce the time cost of exclusive breastfeeding (e.g., paid maternity leave and maternal cash transfers), and addresses the importance of mother’s mental health to ensure successful breastfeeding

    <i>Posyandu</i> Application in Indonesia: From Health Informatics Data Quality Bridging Bottom-Up and Top-Down Policy Implementation

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    The community’s mother and child health (MCH) and nutrition problems can be overcome through evidence-based health policy. Posyandu is an implementation of community empowerment in health promotion strategies. The iPosyandu application (app) is one of the health informatics tools, in which data quality should be considered before any Posyandu health interventions are made. This study aims to describe and assess differences in data quality based on the dimensions (completeness, accuracy, and consistency) of the secondary data collected from the app in Purwakarta Regency in 2019–2021. Obstacles and suggestions for improving its implementation were explored. This research applies a mixed-method explanatory approach. Data completeness was identified as the number of reported visits of children under five per year. Data accuracy was analyzed using WHO Z-score anthropometry and implausible Z-score values. Data consistency was measured using Cronbach’s alpha coefficient, followed by qualitative research with focus group discussions, in-depth interviews, and field observation notes. The quantitative study results found that some of the data were of good quality. The qualitative research identified the obstacles experienced using the iPosyandu app, one of them being that there were no regulations governing the use of iPosyandu to bridge the needs of the government, and provided suggestions from the field to improve its implementation

    Optimalisasi Pemantauan Kesehatan Balita Stunting melalui Buku Monitoring Gizi Anak di Kabupaten Rote Ndao, NTT

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    Rote Ndao Regency, which is located on one of the outer islands in NTT Province, has a total stunting prevalence of 23.48%. The improvement of stunting with interventions in the health and non-health sectors has a considerable contribution. This activity aims to carry out a stunting control improvement program by utilizing child nutrition monitoring books as a medium in monitoring the health of stunting toddlers in Rote Ndao Regency. The target in this activity is families who have toddlers aged 13-48 months as many as 88 children. The method of this activity is that all targets are given a monitoring book and supplementary feeding and Zinc supplementation is carried out for 12 weeks. The results showed that the provision of additional feeding assistance and supplementation improved nutritional status with increased weight and even this activity increased the motivation of the family to improve the child's lifestyle and health status