86 research outputs found

    Regulation of plasma volume in male lowlanders during 4 days of exposure to hypobaric hypoxia equivalent to 3500 m altitude.

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    Acclimatization to hypoxia leads to a reduction in plasma volume (PV) that restores arterial O <sub>2</sub> content. Findings from studies investigating the mechanisms underlying this PV contraction have been controversial, possibly as experimental conditions were inadequately controlled. We examined the mechanisms underlying the PV contraction evoked by 4 days of exposure to hypobaric hypoxia (HH) in 11 healthy lowlanders, while strictly controlling water intake, diet, temperature and physical activity. Exposure to HH-induced an ∼10% PV contraction that was accompanied by a reduction in total circulating protein mass, whereas diuretic fluid loss and total body water remained unchanged. Our data support an oncotically driven fluid redistribution from the intra- to the extravascular space, rather than fluid loss, as the mechanism underlying HH-induced PV contraction. Extended hypoxic exposure reduces plasma volume (PV). The mechanisms underlying this effect are controversial, possibly as previous studies have been confounded by inconsistent experimental conditions. Here, we investigated the effect of hypobaric hypoxia (HH) on PV in a cross-over study that strictly controlled for diet, water intake, physical activity and temperature. Eleven males completed two 4-day sojourns in a hypobaric chamber, one in normoxia (NX) and one in HH equivalent to 3500 m altitude. PV, urine output, volume-regulating hormones and plasma protein concentration were determined daily. Total body water (TBW) was determined at the end of both sojourns by deuterium dilution. Although PV was 8.1 ± 5.8% lower in HH than in NX after 24 h and remained ∼10% lower thereafter (all P < 0.002), no differences were detected in TBW (P = 0.17) or in 24 h urine volumes (all P > 0.23). Plasma renin activity and circulating aldosterone were suppressed in HH during the first half of the sojourn (all P < 0.05) but thereafter similar to NX, whereas no differences were detected for copeptin between sojourns (all P > 0.05). Markers for atrial natriuretic peptide were higher in HH than NX after 30 min (P = 0.001) but lower during the last 2 days (P < 0.001). While plasma protein concentration was similar between sojourns, total circulating protein mass (TCP) was reduced in HH at the same time points as PV (all P < 0.03). Despite transient hormonal changes favouring increased diuresis, HH did not enhance urine output. Instead, the maintained TBW and reduced TCP support an oncotically driven fluid redistribution into the extravascular compartment as the mechanism underlying PV contraction

    Dietary sodium induces a redistribution of the tubular metabolic workload.

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    Body Na <sup>+</sup> content is tightly controlled by regulated urinary Na <sup>+</sup> excretion. The intrarenal mechanisms mediating adaptation to variations in dietary Na <sup>+</sup> intake are incompletely characterized. We confirmed and expanded observations in mice that variations in dietary Na <sup>+</sup> intake do not alter the glomerular filtration rate but alter the total and cell-surface expression of major Na <sup>+</sup> transporters all along the kidney tubule. Low dietary Na <sup>+</sup> intake increased Na <sup>+</sup> reabsorption in the proximal tubule and decreased it in more distal kidney tubule segments. High dietary Na <sup>+</sup> intake decreased Na <sup>+</sup> reabsorption in the proximal tubule and increased it in distal segments with lower energetic efficiency. The abundance of apical transporters and Na <sup>+</sup> delivery are the main determinants of Na <sup>+</sup> reabsorption along the kidney tubule. Tubular O <sub>2</sub> consumption and the efficiency of sodium reabsorption are dependent on sodium diet. Na <sup>+</sup> excretion by the kidney varies according to dietary Na <sup>+</sup> intake. We undertook a systematic study of the effects of dietary salt intake on glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and tubular Na <sup>+</sup> reabsorption. We examined the renal adaptive response in mice subjected to 7 days of a low sodium diet (LSD) containing 0.01% Na <sup>+</sup> , a normal sodium diet (NSD) containing 0.18% Na <sup>+</sup> and a moderately high sodium diet (HSD) containing 1.25% Na <sup>+</sup> . As expected, LSD did not alter measured GFR and increased the abundance of total and cell-surface NHE3, NKCC2, NCC, α-ENaC and cleaved γ-ENaC compared to NSD. Mathematical modelling predicted that tubular Na <sup>+</sup> reabsorption increased in the proximal tubule but decreased in the distal nephron because of diminished Na <sup>+</sup> delivery. This prediction was confirmed by the natriuretic response to diuretics targeting the thick ascending limb, the distal convoluted tubule or the collecting system. On the other hand, HSD did not alter measured GFR but decreased the abundance of the aforementioned transporters compared to NSD. Mathematical modelling predicted that tubular Na <sup>+</sup> reabsorption decreased in the proximal tubule but increased in distal segments with lower transport efficiency with respect to O <sub>2</sub> consumption. This prediction was confirmed by the natriuretic response to diuretics. The activity of the metabolic sensor adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase (AMPK) was related to the changes in tubular Na <sup>+</sup> reabsorption. Our data show that fractional Na <sup>+</sup> reabsorption is distributed differently according to dietary Na <sup>+</sup> intake and induces changes in tubular O <sub>2</sub> consumption and sodium transport efficiency

    Molecular mechanism of edema formation in nephrotic syndrome: therapeutic implications

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    Sodium retention and edema are common features of nephrotic syndrome that are classically attributed to hypovolemia and activation of the renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system. However, numbers of clinical and experimental findings argue against this underfill theory. In this review we analyze data from the literature in both nephrotic patients and experimental models of nephrotic syndrome that converge to demonstrate that sodium retention is not related to the renin–angiotensin–aldosterone status and that fluid leakage from capillary to the interstitium does not result from an imbalance of Starling forces, but from changes of the intrinsic properties of the capillary endothelial filtration barrier. We also discuss how most recent findings on the cellular and molecular mechanisms of sodium retention has allowed the development of an efficient treatment of edema in nephrotic patients

    Protein Phosphatase 2A Interacts with the Na+,K+-ATPase and Modulates Its Trafficking by Inhibition of Its Association with Arrestin

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    Background: The P-type ATPase family constitutes a collection of ion pumps that form phosphorylated intermediates during ion transport. One of the best known members of this family is the Na +,K +-ATPase. The catalytic subunit of the Na +,K +-ATPase includes several functional domains that determine its enzymatic and trafficking properties. Methodology/Principal Findings: Using the yeast two-hybrid system we found that protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) catalytic C-subunit is a specific Na +,K +-ATPase interacting protein. PP-2A C-subunit interacted with the Na +,K +-ATPase, but not with the homologous sequences of the H +,K +-ATPase. We confirmed that the Na +,K +-ATPase interacts with a complex of A- and C-subunits in native rat kidney. Arrestins and G-protein coupled receptor kinases (GRKs) are important regulators of G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) signaling, and they also regulate Na +,K +-ATPase trafficking through direct association. PP2A inhibits association between the Na +,K +-ATPase and arrestin, and diminishes the effect of arrestin on Na +,K +-ATPase trafficking. GRK phosphorylates the Na +,K +-ATPase and PP2A can at least partially reverse this phosphorylation. Conclusions/Significance: Taken together, these data demonstrate that the sodium pump belongs to a growing list of io

    C-Peptide Increases Na,K-ATPase Expression via PKC- and MAP Kinase-Dependent Activation of Transcription Factor ZEB in Human Renal Tubular Cells

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    Replacement of proinsulin C-peptide in type 1 diabetes ameliorates nerve and kidney dysfunction, conditions which are associated with a decrease in Na,K-ATPase activity. We determined the molecular mechanism by which long term exposure to C-peptide stimulates Na,K-ATPase expression and activity in primary human renal tubular cells (HRTC) in control and hyperglycemic conditions.HRTC were cultured from the outer cortex obtained from patients undergoing elective nephrectomy. Ouabain-sensitive rubidium ((86)Rb(+)) uptake and Na,K-ATPase activity were determined. Abundance of Na,K-ATPase was determined by Western blotting in intact cells or isolated basolateral membranes (BLM). DNA binding activity was determined by electrical mobility shift assay (EMSA). Culturing of HRTCs for 5 days with 1 nM, but not 10 nM of human C-peptide leads to increase in Na,K-ATPase α(1)-subunit protein expression, accompanied with increase in (86)Rb(+) uptake, both in normal- and hyperglycemic conditions. Na,K-ATPase α(1)-subunit expression and Na,K-ATPase activity were reduced in BLM isolated from cells cultured in presence of high glucose. Exposure to1 nM, but not 10 nM of C-peptide increased PKCε phosphorylation as well as phosphorylation and abundance of nuclear ERK1/2 regardless of glucose concentration. Exposure to 1 nM of C-peptide increased DNA binding activity of transcription factor ZEB (AREB6), concomitant with Na,K-ATPase α(1)-subunit mRNA expression. Effects of 1 nM C-peptide on Na,K-ATPase α(1)-subunit expression and/or ZEB DNA binding activity in HRTC were abolished by incubation with PKC or MEK1/2 inhibitors and ZEB siRNA silencing.Despite activation of ERK1/2 and PKC by hyperglycemia, a distinct pool of PKCs and ERK1/2 is involved in regulation of Na,K-ATPase expression and activity by C-peptide. Most likely C-peptide stimulates sodium pump expression via activation of ZEB, a transcription factor that has not been previously implicated in C-peptide-mediated signaling. Importantly, only physiological concentrations of C-peptide elicit this effect

    Experimental type II diabetes and related models of impaired glucose metabolism differentially regulate glucose transporters at the proximal tubule brush border membrane.

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    What is the central question of this study? Although SGLT2 inhibitors represent a promising treatment for patients suffering from diabetic nephropathy, the influence of metabolic disruption on the expression and function of glucose transporters is largely unknown. What is the main finding and its importance? In vivo models of metabolic disruption (Goto-Kakizaki type II diabetic rat and junk-food diet) demonstrate increased expression of SGLT1, SGLT2 and GLUT2 in the proximal tubule brush border. In the type II diabetic model, this is accompanied by increased SGLT- and GLUT-mediated glucose uptake. A fasted model of metabolic disruption (high-fat diet) demonstrated increased GLUT2 expression only. The differential alterations of glucose transporters in response to varying metabolic stress offer insight into the therapeutic value of inhibitors. SGLT2 inhibitors are now in clinical use to reduce hyperglycaemia in type II diabetes. However, renal glucose reabsorption across the brush border membrane (BBM) is not completely understood in diabetes. Increased consumption of a Western diet is strongly linked to type II diabetes. This study aimed to investigate the adaptations that occur in renal glucose transporters in response to experimental models of diet-induced insulin resistance. The study used Goto-Kakizaki type II diabetic rats and normal rats rendered insulin resistant using junk-food or high-fat diets. Levels of protein kinase C-βI (PKC-βI), GLUT2, SGLT1 and SGLT2 were determined by Western blotting of purified renal BBM. GLUT- and SGLT-mediated d-[(3) H]glucose uptake by BBM vesicles was measured in the presence and absence of the SGLT inhibitor phlorizin. GLUT- and SGLT-mediated glucose transport was elevated in type II diabetic rats, accompanied by increased expression of GLUT2, its upstream regulator PKC-βI and SGLT1 protein. Junk-food and high-fat diet feeding also caused higher membrane expression of GLUT2 and its upstream regulator PKC-βI. However, the junk-food diet also increased SGLT1 and SGLT2 levels at the proximal tubule BBM. Glucose reabsorption across the proximal tubule BBM, via GLUT2, SGLT1 and SGLT2, is not solely dependent on glycaemic status, but is also influenced by diet-induced changes in glucose metabolism. We conclude that different metabolic disturbances result in complex adaptations in renal glucose transporter protein levels and function

    Glomerulonephritis and sodium retention: enhancement of Na+/K+-ATPase activity in the collecting duct is shared by rats with puromycin induced nephrotic syndrome and mice with spontaneous lupus-like glomerulonephritis

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    BACKGROUND: In rats with puromycin aminoglucoside-induced (PAN) nephrotic syndrome, micropuncture studies have localized the site of sodium retention to the collecting duct. We have confirmed this finding by demonstrating a two-fold increase in Na+/K+-ATPase activity specifically limited to the cortical collecting duct in PAN rats. To further define whether this phenomenon was dependent on the chemical induction of the nephrotic syndrome or was a general phenomenon observed in glomerulonephritis, we measured Na+/K+-ATPase activity in nephron segments from mice with spontaneous lupus-like nephritis. METHODS: Hydrolytic activity of Na+/K+-ATPase was measured in three isolated nephron segments: proximal convoluted tubule, thick ascending limb and cortical collecting duct. The Na+/K+-ATPase activities were measured in PAN rats, sham-injected controls, and in (MRL x BXSB) F1 male mice which develop a well established spontaneous lupus-like glomerulonephritis by 4 months of age and their controls. Control mice have the same genetic background, but lack the Yaa mutant gene responsible for autoimmune acceleration and are free of glomerular lesions at 4 months of age. RESULTS: In (MRL x BXSB) F1 male mice, Na+/K+-ATPase was similar to control mice in the proximal convoluted tubule and the thick ascending limb. In contrast, cortical collecting duct Na+/K+-ATPase activity was two times higher in (MRL x BXSB) F1 mice than controls. These results were identical to those observed in PAN rats compared to their sham-injected controls studied 7 days after an intraperitoneal injection of puromycin or isotonic saline, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Enhancement of Na+/K+-ATPase activity localized to the cortical collecting duct is a general characteristic of glomerulonephritis independent of its mode of induction, i.e. chemical versus autoimmune. Therefore, the experimental model of PAN is suitable to study the underlying mechanisms leading to Na+/K+-ATPase dysfunction

    K(+)-ATPase-mediated Rb+ transport in rat collecting tubule: modulation during K+ deprivation

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    International audienceTo evaluate the involvement of K(+)-ATPase activity in K+ transport in the terminal segments of the rat nephron, we searched for the existence of a component of Rb+ uptake into microdissected segments of collecting tubule associated with the activity of this ATPase. Results indicated that K(+)-ATPase is stimulated by K+ and by Rb+ in a similar fashion and that it is specifically inhibited by the imidazopyridine Sch 28080 (apparent affinity approximately 5 x 10(-7) M). In both cortical and outer medullary collecting tubules (CCT and MCT) of normal rats, 10(-4) M Sch 28080 significantly inhibited the initial rate of Rb+ uptake. Sch 28080-sensitive Rb+ uptake in these two nephron segments was not altered by ouabain, as K(+)-ATPase activity. Finally, both K(+)-ATPase activity and Sch 28080-sensitive Rb+ uptake were increased by similar factors in the CCT and MCT of rats fed a K(+)-depleted diet for 3 days. In these two nephron segments, the apparent stoichiometry of K(+)-ATPase was 1 Rb+:1 ATP. These results demonstrate that K(+)-ATPase reflects the activity of a K+ pump that is pharmacologically similar to the gastric H(+)-K+ pump