947 research outputs found

    Closed-loop Control from Data-Driven Open-Loop Optimal Control Trajectories

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    We show how the recent works on data driven open-loop minimum-energy control for linear systems can be exploited to obtain closed-loop piecewise-affine control laws, by employing a state-space partitioning technique which is at the basis of the static relatively optimal control. In addition, we propose a way for employing portions of the experimental input and state trajectories to recover information about the natural movement of the state and dealing with non-zero initial conditions. The same idea can be used for formulating several open-loop control problems entirely based on data, possibly including input and state constraints

    Time-Dependent Analysis of Precast Segmental Bridges

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    Prestressed segmentally constructed balanced cantilever bridges are often subjected to larger deflections than those predicted by calculations, especially for long-term effects. In this paper, the case of modular balanced cantilever bridges, which are prestressed segmental bridges obtained through a repetition of the same double cantilever, is investigated. The considered bridges are two typical cases of modular balanced cantilever both subjected to large deformations during their lifetime. In this case, due to the unusual employed static scheme, creep deflections indefinitely evolve over time particularly at the end of the cantilevers and in correspondence with the central joint. These remarkable deflections cause discomfort for vehicular traffic and in certain cases can lead to the bridge collapse. Important extraordinary maintenance interventions were necessary to restore the viability of the bridges and to replace the viaduct design configuration. To this aim, the static schemes of the structures were varied, introducing new constraints, new tendons, and carbon fiber reinforcements. In the present work, time analysis was performed to compare the time-dependent behavior of the bridge according to two different creep models, the CEB-FIP Model Code 2010 and the RILEM Model B3, with the real-time-dependent behavior of the bridge observed during its lifetime. The two different employed models exhibit different behaviors in terms of displacements and bending moments acting on the bridge. Interesting considerations are made on their reliability in simulating the long-term creep effects that evolve indefinitely over time. Moreover, retrofitting techniques have been proposed and modeled to predict their effectiveness in reducing time-dependent deflections

    The vascular flora of the Marine Protected Area of "Capo Carbonara" (SE-Sardinia)

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    This study aims at presenting an updated inventory of the vascular flora of the Capo Carbonara Marine Protected Area, including the Sites of Community Importance “Isola dei Cavoli, Serpentara, Punta Molentis e Campulongu” and partially of “Costa di Cagliari”, in Sardinia (Italy). A total of 653 taxa are reported, 84% of which are native (5% endemics) and 16% non-native (10% neophytes, 6% archaeophytes). The native component includes 406 species, 135 subspecies, two variety and one hybrid, belonging to 75 families and 313 genera. The non-native taxa are 94 species, 13 subspecies, one variety and one hybrid, belonging to 40 families and 81 genera. Life-form analysis of native species revealed a prevalence of therophytes (49%) followed by hemicryptophytes (21%), geophytes (14%) and chamaephytes (7%). Therophytes (33%) fol lowed by phanerophytes (32%) are prevalent among the non-native taxa. Biogeographically, among native species, the Mediterranean element is largely prevailing (81%), mainly consisting of Circum-Mediterranean (39%) and Euro-Mediterranean (27%) taxa, while the American ele ment (35%) prevails over the Mediterranean species (29%) among the non-native taxa. Among endemics, the Sardo-Corsican taxa are dominant (55%), followed by Sardo-Corsican-Tuscan Archipelago (14%) and Sardinian (10%) taxa

    Experimental study on the in-plane response of adobe masonry wallets strengthened with textile reinforced matrix systems

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    Seismic strengthening of existing adobe masonry (AM) buildings has been recognized as a critical issue due to the dramatic consequences of recent seismic events occurred especially in developing countries, where a great part of the population lives in those constructions. Previous studies investigated the effectiveness of different retrofitting techniques by means of experimental programs consisting of either dynamic or static tests on reduced- or full-scale specimens, representing partial or complete AM dwellings. In this study, the output of diagonal compression tests on adobe masonry panels before and after external strengthening are presented. Three series of specimens were tested, namely, unreinforced and strengthened wallets with textile reinforced matrix (TRM) systems made of either hemp or glass meshes. Those tests benefitted from the characterization of the mud mortar that was used for both masonry joints and matrix, representing typical characteristics of existing Italian AM buildings. Main testing outcomes obtained for the AM wallets, particularly in terms of observed damage and response curves, are presented and discussed. In the end, the effectiveness of the applied TRM systems in the improvement of shear strength and ductility capacity is assessed

    Experimental in-plane lateral response of a full-scale adobe masonry wall with opening

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    A large amount of world population lives nowadays in earthen buildings, often constructed only based on construction practice and within earthquake-prone regions. In the recent history, several strong earthquakes had dramatic consequences on these structures, highlighting their significant seismic vulnerability due to multiple reasons, such as poor mechanical properties, poor detailing, and large inertia mass. Several aspects of seismic performance of existing earthen constructions need to be investigated through full-scale experimental testing. In this regard, the present study aims at contributing to the investigation by testing a full-scale adobe masonry wall with a central door-type opening under in-plane lateral loading with cyclic fashion. The mechanical behaviour of materials, specimen's design, loading protocol and instrumentation setup are described. The experimental response curves, observed damage evolution and failure mode are discussed, especially focusing on dissipation capacity of the wall

    Model-free cable robot control

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    This paper proposes a technique to control a cable robot in the total absence of a model and its parameters. The cable robot is actuated by three motors whose data, including exact positions, pulley diameters, and nominal cable length, are unknown. We just assume to have a very rough knowledge of lower and upper bounds for the partial derivatives of the relation between the cable lengths and the end-effector space coordinates. A structured-light sensor measures the end-effector position, and the goal is to drive it to a designated point. An algorithm is proposed with guaranteed convergence based on the so-called model-free plant tuning approach. No learning stage is required. Experimental results are reported

    Data-Driven Methodology for Knowledge Graph Generation Within the Tourism Domain

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    The tourism and hospitality sectors have become increasingly important in the last few years and the companies operating in this field are constantly challenged with providing new innovative services. At the same time, (big-) data has become the 'new oil' of this century and Knowledge Graphs are emerging as the most natural way to collect, refine, and structure this heterogeneous information. In this paper, we present a methodology for semi-automatic generating a Tourism Knowledge Graph (TKG), which can be used for supporting a variety of intelligent services in this space, and a new ontology for modelling this domain, the Tourism Analytics Ontology (TAO). Our approach processes and integrates data from Booking.com, Airbnb, DBpedia, and GeoNames. Due to its modular structure, it can be easily extended to include new data sources or to apply new enrichment and refinement functions. We report a comprehensive evaluation of the functional, logical, and structural dimensions of TKG and TAO

    A novel magnet-based scratch method for standardisation of wound-healing assays

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    A novel magnetic scratch method achieves repeatability, reproducibility and geometric control greater than pipette scratch assays and closely approximating the precision of cell exclusion assays while inducing the cell injury inherently necessary for wound healing assays. The magnetic scratch is affordable, easily implemented and standardisable and thus may contribute toward better comparability of data generated in different studies and laboratories