Experimental study on the in-plane response of adobe masonry wallets strengthened with textile reinforced matrix systems


Seismic strengthening of existing adobe masonry (AM) buildings has been recognized as a critical issue due to the dramatic consequences of recent seismic events occurred especially in developing countries, where a great part of the population lives in those constructions. Previous studies investigated the effectiveness of different retrofitting techniques by means of experimental programs consisting of either dynamic or static tests on reduced- or full-scale specimens, representing partial or complete AM dwellings. In this study, the output of diagonal compression tests on adobe masonry panels before and after external strengthening are presented. Three series of specimens were tested, namely, unreinforced and strengthened wallets with textile reinforced matrix (TRM) systems made of either hemp or glass meshes. Those tests benefitted from the characterization of the mud mortar that was used for both masonry joints and matrix, representing typical characteristics of existing Italian AM buildings. Main testing outcomes obtained for the AM wallets, particularly in terms of observed damage and response curves, are presented and discussed. In the end, the effectiveness of the applied TRM systems in the improvement of shear strength and ductility capacity is assessed

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