9 research outputs found

    Aktorzy, relacje i sieci – o współpracy naukowej nie bibliometrycznie

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    Scholarly collaboration is relatively well described quantitatively on the macro level thanks to the analyses of large bibliographic databases. At the same time, there are known limitations of the bibliometric approaches to studying collaboration in science. We argue that in orderto improve our understanding of social processes operating in science it is necessary to take a more in-depth look: (1) identify kinds of actors that are recognized as potential partners in collaboration, (2) what features of collaborative relations are considered crucial for en-gaged actors, (3) what kinds of structures of networks composed of collaboration relations actors are embedded in, and what factors influence these structures. With 30 individual in-depth interviews (IDI) with Polish scholars we gathered detailed information about individual collaborations that allowed us to analyze collaborative ties from individual perspective and map respondent-centered networks of collaboration. Scholars identify individuals as well as teams or institutions as collaborators. They also distinguish symmetric and asymmetric collaborations. Structures of respondent-centered collaboration networks are affected by (a) leadership strategies of team principals (especially whether teams are built around positions or individuals); (b) institutional location (by making establishing external collaborations easier for scientists from bigger institutions); (c) scientific degree and recent changes in financing of science (as young scientists receive more freedom from usual organizational hierarchies by receiving substantial grants).Współpraca w nauce jest względnie dobrze opisywana na poziomie makro dzięki ilościowym analizom dużych baz bibliograficznych. Takie ujęcie współpracy naukowej ma jednak szereg znanych ograniczeń. Stoimy na stanowisku, że, aby poszerzyć wiedzę o procesach społecznych w świecie nauki, konieczne jest bardziej pogłębione ujęcie, które (1) rozróżnia różne typy aktorów społecznych identyfikowanych przez naukowców jako potencjalni współpracownicy, (2) identyfikuje cechy relacji współpracy, które potencjalni współpracownicy postrzegają jako istotne, (3) jakimi strukturami sieci relacji współpracy otoczeni są naukowcy i jakie czynniki odpowiadają za zróżnicowanie tych struktur. Za pomocą 30 wywiadów pogłębionych (IDI) przeprowadzonych z polskimi naukowcami zebraliśmy szczegółowe informacje na temat poszczególnych współpracy, które pozwoliły nam na analizę relacji z indywidualnych perspektyw i rozrysowanie ego-centrycznych sieci współpracy poszczególnych respondentów. Wśród swoich współpracowników naukowcy wymieniają zarówno osoby, jak i zespoły lub całe instytucje. Rozróżniają również współprace symetryczne i niesymetryczne. Struktury ego-centrycznych sieci współpracy są zróżnicowane ze względu na (a) strategie przywódcze kierowników zespołów, szczególnie pod względem tego, czy zespoły są budowane wokół ludzi, czy też raczej wokół pozycji; (b) ulokowanie instytucjonalne poprzez łatwość bądź trudność nawiązywania współpracy z naukowcami z większych ośrodków; (c) stopień naukowy i zmiany w zasadach finansowania, albowiem grant badawczy dla „młodego naukowca” pozwala mu na więcej swobody i oderwanie od lokalnych hierarchii organizacyjnych

    New rules of evaluation of scholarly journals and scholarly institutions in Poland

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    Recent amendments to laws on Polish science and higher education have resulted in changes in the system of evaluation of both research institutions and scholarly journals. The final result of the assessment will be a new categorization of academic units. As the majority of scientific institutions in Poland are publicly funded, new criteria will have significant impact on their financing. The next evaluation will be conducted in 2013 and will be supported by currently developed computer applications. The address will present the rules of evaluation of journals and research units in Poland and will iscuss the main allegations made against them

    Polska Bibliografia Naukowa

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    Polish Scholarly Bibliography (PBN) is a component of a country-wide system POL-on, a System for Information About Higher Education in Poland, developed for Ministry of Science and Higher Education in Poland. The PBN has been created to aggregate information about scientific publication of Polish reasearchers and scientific institutions. This data is necessary both for evaluation and for deep analysis of the scholarly communication in Poland. The PBN is a database, which combines data from existing institutional bibliographies with direct input of the publication metadata with web interface. The system is already available to the users in beta version, and is adopted to the user needs. It is expected that soon it will be extended as a central repostory for the thesis in Poland

    POL-index — Polska Baza Cytowań

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    POL-index — a Polish citation database — is being developed in the Centre for Open Science, a part of Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling, University of Warsaw. Its development is a result of the evaluation of humanities and social sciences journals from the so-called "list B", conducted in 2012 by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education. The system, whose main elements are currently being prepared for release, is very flexible in terms of data gathering. Its target workflow will be based on cooperation with Polish bibliographic databases, which will minimize the engagement of representatives of scholarly journals. One of the by-products of POL-index system will be the Polish Impact Coefficient, which will be included in the evaluation of scholarly journals in 2014

    Actors, Relations, and Networks: Scholarly Collaboration Beyond Bibliometric Measures

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    Scholarly collaboration is relatively well described quantitatively on the macro level thanks to the analyses of large bibliographic databases. At the same time, there are known limitations of the bibliometric approaches to studying collaboration in science. We argue that in order to improve our understanding of social processes operating in science it is necessary to take a more in-depth look: (1) identify kinds of actors that are recognized as potential partners in collaboration, (2) what features of collaborative relations are considered crucial for engaged actors, (3) what kinds of structures of networks composed of collaboration relations actors are embedded in, and what PSR202-02factors influence these structures. With 30 individual in-depth interviews (IDI) with Polish scholars we gathered detailed information about individual collaborations that allowed us to analyze collaborative ties from individual perspective and map respondent-centered networks of collaboration. Scholars identify individuals as well as teams or institutions as collaborators. They also distinguish symmetric and asymmetric collaborations. Structures of respondent-centered collaboration networks are affected by (a) leadership strategies of team principals (especially whether teams are built around positions or individuals); (b) institutional location (by making establishing external collaborations easier for scientists from bigger institutions); (c) scientific degree and recent changes in financing of science (as young scientists receive more freedom from usual organizational hierarchies by receiving substantial grants)

    11. Seminarium Open Access, 19-23.10.2020

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    Seminarium Open Access organizowane jest każdego roku w Bibliotece Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego w ramach obchodów International Open Access Week. Edycja 2020 odbyła się w dniach 19-25.10.2020 r. pod hasłem „Open with purpose: taking action to built structural equity and inclusion” - „Otwieraj z sensem: działaj, by wyrównywać szanse i zapobiegać wykluczeniu”