23 research outputs found

    Adolescent Smoking Behavior: Study of Socio Psychological Factor

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    Background: Adolescents who are in the age range 10-24 years were grouped into early, middle and late adolescent. During their growth, there are processes including biological and psychological changes which refer to the process of searching for their identity. At this period, adolescents are risky to involve in smoking behavior. Indonesian Health Research (2008) detected 23.7% of the population aged more than 10 years had been smoke every day. Therefore, it is necessary to study a variety of socio-psychological factors that influence adolescent smoking behavior. Discussion: This study found psychosocial factors including knowledge, attitudes, peer pressure, parental influence, mass media and culture provide a substantial contribution in adolescents smoking behavior forming. Conclusion: In order to cope with the adolescents smoking behavior so in their growth they need to be equipped with enough information about the health effects of smoking which can be initiated primarily at home or at school

    Outpatient Care Utilization among Elderly in South Sumatra Based on National Social-Economic Survey Data

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    Implementation of National Health Insurance is thought to be the cause ofincreasing number of visits to health facilities, especially in elderly peoplewho tend to be in sick. This study aims to analyze the outpatient utilizationby elderly in South Sumatera region. Study design was cross-sectional.Samples was elderly in South Sumatra (n = 2,833 people). Study done on2016, using data from Survei Sosial Ekonomi Nasional (Susenas) at 2015. Dataanalysis used chi-square test and multiple logistic regression. Based on thestudy known that outpatient utilization of elderly in all health facilitiesduring the past month amounted to 29.2%. Providers selected when elderlyneeded of outpatient treatment, most often visited to the doctor'spractice/midwife's practice (46.2%), and puskesmas (24.2%). Elderly whohas private health insurance have a tendency was 1.9 times greater (OR=1.9)to utilize outpatient compared to elderly who do not have insurance. Itsconcluded that variables associated with outpatient care utilization are:health insurance membership (OR=1.9) and work activity (OR=1.5). It isrecommended for elderly to remain active in their activities so that they canrealize the healthy and active aging and reduce the sick visits to healthfacilities


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    ABSTRAKMasa remaja merupakan masa transisi yang sering mengalami permasalahan yang sangat kompleks, seperti masalah kesehatan reproduksi, kehamilan, hubungan seks pranikah, aborsi, Penyakit Menular Seksual (PMS), HIV-AIDS serta NAPZA. Salah satu upaya yang dilakukan pemerintah untuk menanggulangi hal tersebut yaitu melalui pendekatan peer group yang dikembangkan dalam PIK-R/M sebagai jembatan proses komunikasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis aspek inovasi yang memenga-ruhi komunikasi kesehatan reproduksi pada Mahasiswa di Kota Palembang tahun 2018. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain cross sectional. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa perguruan tinggi yang institusi pendidikannya sudah terpapar Program PIK-M yaitu sebanyak 100 orang. Pengambilan sampel pada penelitian ini menggunakan cluster random sampling. Analisis data yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis univariat dan analisis bivariat dengan uji chi-square. Proporsi komunikasi kesehatan reproduksi yang kurang aktif pada Mahasiswa di Kota Palembang tahun 2018 yaitu sebesar 42,0%. Hasil analisis bivariat diperoleh aspek inovasi yang memengaruhi  komunikasi kesehatan reproduksi pada mahasiswa di Kota Palembang tahun 2018 adalah fasilitas (p-value=0,000), dan media informatif (p-value=0,000). Faktor yang paling dominan berpengaruh dengan komunikasi kesehatan reproduksi yaitu fasilitas dengan nilai PRAdjusted terbesar yaitu sebesar 16,309.Dapat disimpulkan bahwa fasilitas dan media informatif memengaruhi berjalannya komunikasi kesehatan reproduksi. Peneliti menyarankan kepada BKKBN (Badan Kependudukan dan Keluarga Berencana) sebagai inisiator pembentukan PIK-M untuk memonitoring dan mengevaluasi jalannya program agar tujuan dari dibentuknya PIK-M tercapai. Peneliti juga menyarankan untuk memasifkan penggunaan jejaring sosialsebagai media yang paling banyak diakses  dan mudah digunakan oleh mahasiswa

    Determinant of Parents Role in Adolescent Premarital Sex Behavior: An Applicative Model

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    Premarital sex behavior had become a serious issue. Preliminary studies show 12 of 30 teenagers who religious, well-educated, and has good family background, were already experienced sexual intercourse. The objective of this study is explaining parents’ role through their knowledge, attitude, perception, facilities given to children, and behavior. This research was conducted at 2017, and using a cross-sectional design. Quantitative data were obtained by 526 population study and interviewing 150 students’ parent from six high schools in Palembang which are selected using multistage random sampling. Multivariate data analysis is processed by Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) Test in statistical application program named Partial Least Square (PLS). This research found that fifty percent of respondent have good knowledge and supportive attitude towards preventive action of premarital sex behavior. There are 62.7% having good perception about the importance of parents’ role. However, 41.3% just perform negatively on preventive sexual behavior in early ages. They usually provide some facilities such as money, motorbike or car, handphone, laptop, and internet at home that can be used to access pornography content. Model analysis proved that knowledge, attitude, perception, and facilities influence 29 percent of adolescent premarital sex behavior caused by improper parenting rol

    Self-efficacy analysis to stop using drugs in adolescent male inmates

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    Self-efficacy in adolescent drug abuse refers to individual beliefs about their ability and potential to overcome drug addiction and avoid relapse. The study aimed to analyse self-efficacy to stop using drugs in male juvenile prisoners in Palembang City. This study used a quantitative approach with a cross-sectional research design. The sample consisted of 111 adolescent respondents aged 15-24 who abused drugs at LPKA Palembang City. The independent variables consist of age, education, knowledge, emotional condition and social modelling, while the dependent variable is self-efficacy. The analysis used was univariate, bivariate and multivariate. The results showed that respondents with high self-efficacy (45.9%) and low self-efficacy (54.1%), furthermore there is a relationship between the age of the respondents (p=0.004, PR=3.360, 95% CI (1.523-7.413)), knowledge (p=0.000, PR=8.017, 95%CI (2.976-21.597)), emotional state (p=0.004, PR=3.334, 95%CI (1.515-7.339)), social modelling (p=0.011, PR =3.333, 95% CI (1.377-8.070)) with self-efficacy. Meanwhile, the education level variable (p=0.700, PR=0.790) was unrelated to self-efficacy. Knowledge was the most dominant variable influencing self-efficacy (p=0.000, PR=7.153, 95% CI (2.375-21.549)) after controlling for age. Self-efficacy to stop using drugs is formed because of high knowledge about the dangers of drugs; positive emotional conditions and social modelling also strengthen in development of this self-efficacy. There is a need for intensive education from health workers and prison administrators to increase the self-efficacy of male adolescent convicts who abuse drugs so they can stop using drugs

    Psychosocial Determinants of Risky Sexual Behavior Among Senior High School Students in Merauke District

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    Adolescents aged 10-24 years old are susceptible group to premarital sex, drugs abuse, and HIV/AIDS infection. Papua is the largest contributor to AIDS/HIV number in Indonesia. To overcome such problem, Rutgers WPF formed Dunia Remajaku Seru!(DAKU!), an intervention program towards adolescent reproductive health at senior high school level. This study aimed to determine psychosocial determinants of risky sexual behavior among senior high school students in Merauke District through cross-sectional approach. Samples were 1,364 second grade students that got DAKU!Program and matching process was conducted on schools that did not get DAKU!Program. Data analysis included univariate analysis, bivariate (chi square test) and multivariate (logistic regression test). Results showed that variables significantly related to adolescent risky sexual behavior were peer group with negative behavior, self-efficacy, parents'control, exposure to DAKU!Program and sex. Meanwhile, based on multivariate analysis, peer group with negative behavior (RP = 4.7 CI = 2.8 - 7.7) was the most dominant factor influencing risky sexual behavior

    Determinant of Parents Role in Adolescent Premarital Sex Behavior: An Applicative Model

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    Premarital sex behavior had become a serious issue. Preliminary studies show 12 of 30 teenagers who religious, well-educated, and has good family background, were already experienced sexual intercourse. The objective of this study is explaining parents’ role through their knowledge, attitude, perception, facilities given to children, and behavior. This research was conducted at 2017, and using a cross-sectional design. Quantitative data were obtained by 526 population study and interviewing 150 students’ parent from six high schools in Palembang which are selected using multistage random sampling. Multivariate data analysis is processed by Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) Test in statistical application program named Partial Least Square (PLS). This research found that fifty percent of respondent have good knowledge and supportive attitude towards preventive action of premarital sex behavior. There are 62.7% having good perception about the importance of parents’ role. However, 41.3% just perform negatively on preventive sexual behavior in early ages. They usually provide some facilities such as money, motorbike or car, handphone, laptop, and internet at home that can be used to access pornography content. Model analysis proved that knowledge, attitude, perception, and facilities influence 29 percent of adolescent premarital sex behavior caused by improper parenting rol