1,138 research outputs found

    Anomalous c-axis charge dynamics in copper oxide materials

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    Within the t-J model, the c-axis charge dynamics of the copper oxide materials in the underdoped and optimally doped regimes is studied by considering the incoherent interlayer hopping. It is shown that the c-axis charge dynamics is mainly governed by the scattering from the in-plane fluctuation. In the optimally doped regime, the c-axis resistivity is a linear in temperatures, and shows the metallic-like behavior for all temperatures, while the c-axis resistivity in the underdoped regime is characterized by a crossover from the high temperature metallic-like behavior to the low temperature semiconducting-like behavior, which are consistent with experiments and numerical simulations.Comment: 6 pages, Latex, Three figures are adde

    Effect of Cyclic Stresses below the Endurance Limit on the Fatigue Life of 40Cr Steel

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    The effect of cyclic stresses below the endurance limit on the fatigue life of 40Cr medium-strength carbon steel is studied. Conventional constant-amplitude cyclic tests and specially designed variableamplitude ones are conducted under torsional loading at the stress ratio R = 0.1. The results show that the strengthening effect of cyclic stresses below the endurance limit can be reached if they are applied prior to the exceeding ones. Moreover, the stress amplitude, number of cycles and load sequence are found to be the three major strengthening effect-controlling factors.Изучено влияние циклических напряжений ниже предела выносливости на усталостную долговечность углеродистой стали средней прочности 40Cr. Выполнены стандартные циклические испытания с постоянной амплитудой и специально разработанное испытание с переменной амплитудой при крутящем усилии и коэффициенте асимметрии R = 0,1. Показано, что эффект упрочнения от циклических напряжений ниже предела выносливости достигается при их приложении до напряжений, превышающих этот предел. Установлено, что амплитуда напряжений, число циклов и схема нагружения являются тремя основными факторами, контролирующими эффект упрочнения

    Non-universality of elastic exponents in random bond-bending networks

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    We numerically investigate the rigidity percolation transition in two-dimensional flexible, random rod networks with freely rotating cross-links. Near the transition, networks are dominated by bending modes and the elastic modulii vanish with an exponent f=3.0\pm0.2, in contrast with central force percolation which shares the same geometric exponents. This indicates that universality for geometric quantities does not imply universality for elastic ones. The implications of this result for actin-fiber networks is discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, minor clarifications and amendments. To appear in PRE Rap. Com

    BES3 time of flight monitoring system

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    A Time of Flight monitoring system has been developed for BES3. The light source is a 442-443 nm laser diode, which is stable and provides a pulse width as narrow as 50 ps and a peak power as large as 2.6 W. Two optical-fiber bundles with a total of 512 optical fibers, including spares, are used to distribute the light pulses to the Time of Flight counters. The design, operation, and performance of the system are described.Comment: 8 pages 16 figures, submitted to NI

    G(2) quivers

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    We present, in explicit matrix representation and a modernity befitting the community, the classification of the finite discrete subgroups of G2 and compute the McKay quivers arising therefrom. Of physical interest are the classes of Script N = 1 gauge theories descending from M-theory and of mathematical interest are possible steps toward a systematic study of crepant resolutions to smooth G2 manifolds as well as generalised McKay Correspondences. This writing is a companion monograph to hep-th/9811183 and hep-th/9905212, wherein the analogues for Calabi-Yau three- and four-folds were considered

    2D and 3D Polar Plume Analysis from the Three Vantage Positions of STEREO/EUVI A, B, and SOHO/EIT

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    Polar plumes are seen as elongated objects starting at the solar polar regions. Here, we analyze these objects from a sequence of images taken simultaneously by the three spacecraft telescopes STEREO/EUVI A and B, and SOHO/EIT. We establish a method capable of automatically identifying plumes in solar EUV images close to the limb at 1.01 - 1.39 R in order to study their temporal evolution. This plume-identification method is based on a multiscale Hough-wavelet analysis. Then two methods to determined their 3D localization and structure are discussed: First, tomography using the filtered back-projection and including the differential rotation of the Sun and, secondly, conventional stereoscopic triangulation. We show that tomography and stereoscopy are complementary to study polar plumes. We also show that this systematic 2D identification and the proposed methods of 3D reconstruction are well suited, on one hand, to identify plumes individually and on the other hand, to analyze the distribution of plumes and inter-plume regions. Finally, the results are discussed focusing on the plume position with their cross-section area.Comment: 22 pages, 10 figures, Solar Physics articl

    On the fraction of dark matter in charged massive particles (CHAMPs)

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    From various cosmological, astrophysical and terrestrial requirements, we derive conservative upper bounds on the present-day fraction of the mass of the Galactic dark matter (DM) halo in charged massive particles (CHAMPs). If dark matter particles are neutral but decay lately into CHAMPs, the lack of detection of heavy hydrogen in sea water and the vertical pressure equilibrium in the Galactic disc turn out to put the most stringent bounds. Adopting very conservative assumptions about the recoiling velocity of CHAMPs in the decay and on the decay energy deposited in baryonic gas, we find that the lifetime for decaying neutral DM must be > (0.9-3.4)x 10^3 Gyr. Even assuming the gyroradii of CHAMPs in the Galactic magnetic field are too small for halo CHAMPs to reach Earth, the present-day fraction of the mass of the Galactic halo in CHAMPs should be < (0.4-1.4)x 10^{-2}. We show that redistributing the DM through the coupling between CHAMPs and the ubiquitous magnetic fields cannot be a solution to the cuspy halo problem in dwarf galaxies.Comment: 21 pages, 2 figures. To appear in JCA

    Suppressing CMB Quadrupole with a Bounce from Contracting Phase to Inflation

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    Recent released WMAP data show a low value of quadrupole in the CMB temperature fluctuations, which confirms the early observations by COBE. In this paper, a scenario, in which a contracting phase is followed by an inflationary phase, is constructed. We calculate the perturbation spectrum and show that this scenario can provide a reasonable explanation for lower CMB anisotropies on large angular scales.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Grover search with pairs of trapped ions

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    The desired interference required for quantum computing may be modified by the wave function oscillations for the implementation of quantum algorithms[Phys.Rev.Lett.84(2000)1615]. To diminish such detrimental effect, we propose a scheme with trapped ion-pairs being qubits and apply the scheme to the Grover search. It can be found that our scheme can not only carry out a full Grover search, but also meet the requirement for the scalable hot-ion quantum computing. Moreover, the ion-pair qubits in our scheme are more robust against the decoherence and the dissipation caused by the environment than single-particle qubits proposed before.Comment: RevTe

    DCC Dynamics in (2+1)D-O(3) model

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    The dynamics of symmetry-breaking after a quench is numerically simulated on a lattice for the (2+1)-dimensional O(3) model. In addition to the standard sigma-model with temperature-dependent Phi^4-potential the energy functional includes a four-derivative current-current coupling to stabilize the size of the emerging extended topological textures. The total winding number can be conserved by constraint. As a model for the chiral phase transition during the cooling phase after a hadronic collision this allows to investigate the interference of 'baryon-antibaryon' production with the developing disoriented aligned domains. The growth of angular correlations, condensate, average orientation is studied in dependence of texture size, quench rate, symmetry breaking. The classical dissipative dynamics determines the rate of energy emitted from the relaxing source for each component of the 3-vector field which provides a possible signature for domains of Disoriented Chiral Condensate. We find that the 'pions' are emitted in two distinct pulses; for sufficiently small lattice size the second one carries the DCC signal, but it is strongly suppressed as compared to simultaneous 'sigma'-meson emission. We compare the resulting anomalies in the distributions of DCC pions with probabilities derived within the commonly used coherent state formalism.Comment: 27 pages, 17 figures; several minor insertions in the text; two references adde