200 research outputs found

    Nonthermal hard X-ray excess in the Coma cluster: resolving the discrepancy between the results of different PDS data analyses

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    The detection of a nonthermal excess in the Coma cluster spectrum by two BeppoSAX observations analyzed with the XAS package (Fusco-Femiano et al.) has been disavowed by an analysis (Rossetti & Molendi) performed with a different software package (SAXDAS) for the extraction of the spectrum. To resolve this discrepancy we reanalyze the PDS data considering the same software used by Rossetti & Molendi. A correct selection of the data and the exclusion of contaminating sources in the background determination show that also the SAXDAS analysis reports a nonthermal excess with respect to the thermal emission at about the same confidence level of that obtained with the XAS package (~4.8sigma). Besides, we report the lack of the systematic errors investigated by Rossetti & Molendi and Nevalainen et al. taking into account the whole sample of the PDS observations off the Galactic plane, as already shown in our data analysis of Abell 2256 (Fusco-Femiano, Landi & Orlandini). All this eliminates any ambiguity and confirms the presence of a hard tail in the spectrum of the Coma cluster.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Nonthermal hard X-ray excess in the cluster Abell 2256 from two epoch observations

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    After confirmation of the presence of a nonthermal hard X-ray excess with respect to the thermal emission in the Coma cluster from two independent observations, obtained using the Phoswich Detection System onboard BeppoSAX, we present in this Letter also for Abell 2256 the results of two observations performed with a time interval of about 2.5 yr. In both spectra a nonthermal excess is present at a confidence level of ~3.3sigma and ~3.7sigma, respectively. The combined spectrum obtained by adding up the two spectra allows to measure an excess at the level of ~4.8sigma in the 20-80 keV energy range. The nonthermal X-ray flux is in agreement with the published value of the first observation (Fusco-Femiano et al. 2000) and with that measured by a Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer observation (Rephaeli & Gruber 2003).Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures, 1 table - ApJL, in pres

    How Abundant is Iron in the Core of the Perseus Cluster?

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    The analysis of Perseus data collected with the Medium Energy Concentrator Spectrometer (MECS) on board Beppo-SAX shows that the ratio of the flux of the 8 keV line complex (dominated by Fe KÎČ_{\beta} emission) over the 6.8 keV line complex (dominated by Fe Kα_{\alpha} emission) is significantly larger than predicted by standard thermal emission codes. Moreover the analysis of spatially resolved spectra shows that the above ratio decreases with increasing cluster radius. We find that, amongst the various explanations we consider, the most likely requires the plasma to be optically thick for resonant scattering at the energy of the Fe Kα_{\alpha} line. We argue that if this is the case, then measures of the iron abundance made using standard thermal emission codes, that assume optically thin emission, can significantly underestimate the true iron abundance. In the case of the core of Perseus we estimate the true abundance to be ∌\sim 0.9 solar in a circular region with radius of ∌60\sim 60 kpc and centered on NGC 1275. Finally we speculate that similar results may hold for the core of other rich clusters.Comment: 19 pages, 3 Postscript figure

    A Bayesian view on Faraday rotation maps - Seeing the magnetic power spectra in galaxy clusters

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    We present a Bayesian maximum likelihood analysis of Faraday rotation measure (RM) maps of extended radio sources to determine magnetic field power spectra in clusters of galaxies. Using this approach, it is possible to determine the uncertainties in the measurements. We apply this approach to the RM map of Hydra A and derive the power spectrum of the cluster magnetic field. For Hydra A, we measure a spectral index of -5/3 over at least one order of magnitude implying Kolmogorov type turbulence. We find a dominant scale of about 3 kpc on which the magnetic power is concentrated, since the magnetic autocorrelation length is lambda_B = 3 +/- 0.5 kpc. Furthermore, we investigate the influences of the assumption about the sampling volume (described by a window function) on the magnetic power spectrum. The central magnetic field strength was determined to be about 7 +/- 2 muG for the most likely geometries.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    An X-ray and optical study of the cluster A33

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    We report the first detailed X-ray and optical observations of the medium-distant cluster A33 obtained with the Beppo-SAX satellite and with the UH 2.2m and Keck II telescopes at Mauna Kea. The information deduced from X-ray and optical imaging and spectroscopic data allowed us to identify the X-ray source 1SAXJ0027.2-1930 as the X-ray counterpart of the A33 cluster. The faint, F_{2-10 keV} \approx 2.4 \times 10^{-13} \ergscm2, X-ray source 1SAXJ0027.2-1930, ∌2\sim 2 arcmin away from the optical position of the cluster as given in the Abell catalogue, is identified with the central region of A33. Based on six cluster galaxy redshifts, we determine the redshift of A33, z=0.2409z=0.2409; this is lower than the value derived by Leir and Van Den Bergh (1977). The source X-ray luminosity, L_{2-10 keV} = 7.7 \times 10^{43} \ergs, and intracluster gas temperature, T=2.9T = 2.9 keV, make this cluster interesting for cosmological studies of the cluster LX−TL_X-T relation at intermediate redshifts. Two other X-ray sources in the A33 field are identified. An AGN at z==0.2274, and an M-type star, whose emission are blended to form an extended X-ray emission ∌4\sim 4 arcmin north of the A33 cluster. A third possibly point-like X-ray source detected ∌3\sim 3 arcmin north-west of A33 lies close to a spiral galaxy at z==0.2863 and to an elliptical galaxy at the same redshift as the cluster.Comment: 9 pages, 6 Figures, Latex (using psfig,l-aa), to appear in Astronomy and Astrophysics S. (To get better quality copies of Figs.1-3 send an email to: [email protected]). A&AS, in pres

    Where does the hard X-ray diffuse emission in clusters of galaxies come from?

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    The surface brightness produced by synchrotron radiation in Clusters of Galaxies with a radio-halo sets a degenerate constraint on the magnetic field strength, the relativistic electron density and their spatial distributions. Using the Coma radio-halo as a case-study, predictions are made for the brightness profile expected in the 20-80 keV band due to ICS by the relativistic electrons on the CMB, for a range of central values of the magnetic field B_0 and models of its radial dependence. We show that the presence of B-field scalar fluctuations on small scales tends to systematically depress the electron density required by the radio data, hence to decrease the ICS brightness expected. These predictions are useful to evaluate the sensitivity required in future imaging HXR instruments, in order to obtain direct information on the spatial distribution and content of relativistic electrons, hence on the magnetic field properties. If compared with the flux in the Coma HXR tail - interpreted as ICS from within the radius R_h - the predictions lead to values of B_0 which are lower than those obtained from Faraday Rotation measurements. The discrepancy is somewhat reduced if the radio-halo profile is extrapolated out to R_{vir}, i.e. about 3 R_h, or if it is assumed that B(r) \propto n_{th}(r) (Dolag et al. 2002). Note that in the latter case, n_{rel}(r) has its minimum value at the center of the cluster. If real and from ICS, the bulk of the HXR tail should then be contributed by electrons other than those responsible for the bulk of the radio-halo emission. This case illustrates the need for spatially resolved spectroscopy in the HXR, in order to obtain solid information on the non-thermal content of Clusters of Galaxies.Comment: 11 pages, 13 figures, A&A in pres

    The Intragroup versus the Intracluster Medium

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    Galaxy groups differ from clusters primarily by way of their lower masses, M~10^14 M_sun vs. M~10^15 M_sun. We discuss how mass affects the thermal state of the intracluster or the intragroup medium, specifically as to their entropy levels and radial profiles. We show that entropy is produced in both cases by the continuing inflow of intergalactic gas across the system boundary into the gravitational potential well. The inflow is highly supersonic in clusters, but weakly so in groups. The former condition implies strong accretion shocks with substantial conversion of a large inflow kinetic into thermal energy, whereas the latter condition implies less effective conversion of lower energies. These features produce a conspicuous difference in entropy deposition at the current boundary. Thereafter, adiabatic compression of the hot gas into the potential well converts such time histories into radial profiles throughout a cluster or a group. In addition, in both cases a location of the system at low z in the accelerating universe or in a poor environment will starve out the inflow and the entropy production, and produce flattening or even bending down of the outer profile. We analyze in detail the sharp evidence provided by the two groups ESO 3060170 and RXJ1159+5531 that have been recently observed in X rays out to their virial radii, and find a close and detailed match with our expectations. \ua9 2016. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved

    Nonthermal phenomena in clusters of galaxies

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    Recent observations of high energy (> 20 keV) X-ray emission in a few clusters of galaxies broaden our knowledge of physical phenomena in the intracluster space. This emission is likely to be nonthermal, probably resulting from Compton scattering of relativistic electrons by the cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation. Direct evidence for the presence of relativistic electrons in some 50 clusters comes from measurements of extended radio emission in their central regions. We briefly review the main results from observations of extended regions of radio emission, and Faraday rotation measurements of background and cluster radio sources. The main focus of the review are searches for nonthermal X-ray emission conducted with past and currently operating satellites, which yielded appreciable evidence for nonthermal emission components in the spectra of a few clusters. This evidence is clearly not unequivocal, due to substantial observational and systematic uncertainties, in addition to virtually complete lack of spatial information. If indeed the emission has its origin in Compton scattering of relativistic electrons by the CMB, then the mean magnetic field strength and density of relativistic electrons in the cluster can be directly determined. Knowledge of these basic nonthermal quantities is valuable for the detailed description of processes in intracluster gas and for the origin of magnetic fields.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Space Science Reviews, special issue "Clusters of galaxies: beyond the thermal view", Editor J.S. Kaastra, Chapter 5; work done by an international team at the International Space Science Institute (ISSI), Bern, organised by J.S. Kaastra, A.M. Bykov, S. Schindler & J.A.M. Bleeke

    GMRT observations of the Ophiuchus galaxy cluster

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    VLA observations at 1477 MHz revealed the presence of a radio mini-halo surrounding the faint central point-like radio source in the Ophiuchus cluster of galaxies. In this work we present a study of the radio emission from this cluster of galaxies at lower radio frequencies. We observed the Ophiuchus cluster at 153, 240, and 614 MHz with the GMRT. The mini-halo is clearly detected at 153 and 240 MHz while it is not detected at 610 MHz. The most prominent feature at low frequencies is a patch of diffuse steep spectrum emission located at about 5' south-east from the cluster center. By combining these images with that at 1477 MHz, we derived the spectral index of the mini-halo. Globally, the mini-halo has a low-frequency spectral index of alpha_240^153 ~1.4 +/- 0.3 and an high-frequency spectral index of alpha_1477^240 ~ 1.60 +/- 0.05. Moreover, we measure a systematic increase of the high-frequency spectral index with radius: the azimuthal radial average of alpha_1477^240 increases from about 1.3, at the cluster center, up to about 2.0 in the mini-halo outskirts. The observed radio spectral index is in agreement with that obtained by modeling the non-thermal hard X-ray emission in this cluster of galaxies. We assume that the X-ray component arises from inverse Compton scattering between the photons of the cosmic microwave background and a population of non-thermal electrons which are isotropically distributed and whose energy spectrum is a power law with index p. We derive that the electrons energy spectrum should extend from a minimum Lorentz factor of gamma_min < 700 up to a maximum Lorentz factor of gamma_max =3.8 x 10^4 with an index p=3.8 +/- 0.4. The volume-averaged strength for a completely disordered intra-cluster magnetic field is B_V ~0.3 +/- 0.1 micro-G.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics. For a version with high-quality figures see http://erg.ca.astro.it/preprints/ophi_2010

    Hard X-ray emission from the galaxy cluster A3667

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    We report the results of a long BeppoSAX observation of Abell 3667, one of the most spectacular galaxy cluster in the southern sky. A clear detection of hard X-ray radiation up to ~ 35 keV is reported, while a hard excess above the thermal gas emission is present at a marginal level that should be considered as an upper limit to the presence of nonthermal radiation. The strong hard excesses reported by BeppoSAX in Coma and A2256 and the only marginal detection of nonthermal emission in A3667 can be explained in the framework of the inverse Compton model. We argue that the nonthermal X-ray detections in the PDS energy range are related to the radio index structure of halos and relics present in the observed clusters of galaxie.Comment: 15 pages, 1 figure, ApJL in pres
