481 research outputs found

    Mountains of Sublimity, Mountains of Fatigue: Towards a History of Speechlessness in the Alps

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    The discovery of the Alps in the second half of the eighteenth century spawned an aesthetics of sublimity that enabled overwhelmed beholders of mountains to overcome their confusion symbolically by transforming initial speechlessness into pictures and words. When travelers ceased to be content with beholding mountains, however, and began climbing them, the sublime shudder turned into something else. In the snowy heights, all attempts to master symbolically the challenging landscape was thwarted by vertigo, somnolence, and fatigue. After 1850, physiologists intervened, using the Alpine terrain as a laboratory landscape that was ideally suited to examine one of the most threatening concerns of fin de siècle industrial societies: fatigue. This essay examines how the picturesque voyage turned into an experimental physiology of fatigue, and how the "wordless subjectivity” of romantic travelers turned into the "wordless objectivity” of life scientist


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    Необходимость определения пропускной способности трубопроводов фильтрата дисковых вакуум-фильтров возникает, например, при увеличении нагрузки на фильтры, изменении характеристик питания, режимов фильтрова-ния или при появлении участков трубопроводов, в которых износ от трения привел к потере герметичности и к необходимости замены отдельных участков. Пропускная способность трубопровода зависит от его конструкции и от условий на входе и выходе. На вход в трубопровод поступает фильтрат, про-шедший через слой осадка и фильтровальную перегородку. В настоящее время из-за снижения крупности частиц твердого, поступающих на флотацию, пита-ние флотации принимают разбавленным, что снижает содержание твердого и в питании фильтров. При разбавленном и мелкозернистом материале фильтро-вальные диски не полностью покрыты слоем осадка, и он оказывается слишком тонким. Это приводит к снижению вакуума в вакуумной системе фильтрата

    Introduction: The Laboratory of Nature - Science in the Mountains

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    "Today I made the ascent of the highest mountain in this region, which for good reasons is called Ventosum, guided only by the desire to see the extraordinary altitude of the place” (Petrarque [1336] 1880, 6-7). Petrarch's ascent of the Mont Ventoux in 1336, or rather his account of it, established the mountain as a distinctive place for experiencing and understanding nature and self. Since then, the mountain has been sought out in increasing numbers by those pursuing spiritual elevation, bodily exertion, and/or scientific investigation. To this day, a pilgrimage church, several hotels, and an observatory are characteristically perched atop Mont Ventoux. And it is famous among cyclists as a legendarily difficult étape of the Tour de Franc

    Controlling auxeticity in curved-beam metamaterials via a deep generative model

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    Lattice-based mechanical metamaterials are known to exhibit quite a unique mechanical behavior owing to their rational internal architecture. This includes unusual properties such as a negative Poisson's ratio, which can be easily tuned in reentrant-hexagonal metamaterials by adjusting the angles between beams. However, changing the angles also affects the overall dimensions of the unit cell. We show that by replacing traditional straight beams with curved ones, it is possible to control Poisson's ratio of reentrant-hexagonal metamaterials without affecting their overall dimensions. While the mechanical properties of these structures can be predicted through finite element simulations or, in some cases, analytically, many applications require to identify architectures with specific target properties. To solve this inverse problem, we introduce a deep learning framework for generating metamaterials with desired properties. By supplying the generative model with a guide structure in addition to the target properties, we are not only able to generate a large number of alternative architectures with the same properties, but also to express preference for a specific shape. Deep learning predictions together with experimental measurements prove that this approach allows us to accurately generate unit cells fitting specific properties for curved-beam metamaterials

    Механические свойства композита на основе Al[2]O[3], армированного одностенными углеродными нанотрубками

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    Subject of this work is a dynamic simulation strategy for PCCI combustion that can be used in closed-loop control development. A detailed multi-zone chemistry model for the high-pressure part of the engine cycle is extended by a mean value model accounting for the gas exchange losses. The resulting stationary model is capable of describing PCCI combustion sufficiently well. It is at the same time very economic with respect to computational costs. The model is further extended by identified system dynamics influencing the stationary inputs. For this, a Wiener model is set up that uses the stationary model as a nonlinear system representation. In this way, a dynamic nonlinear model for the representation of the controlled plant Diesel engine is created. This paper summarizes an important outcome of the the Collaborative Research Centre "SFB 686 - Modellbasierte Regelung der homogenisierten Niedertemperatur-Verbrennung" at RWTH Aachen University and Bielefeld University, Germany

    Frühe Reisende in Phokis und Lokris

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    Today, detailed reports of travellers, traders and diplomats are interesting and often pleasurable sources for the conditions in Central Greece. This book shows how the landscapes of Phokis and Lokris changed in the medieval age and during the Ottoman regency. It also pictures how Greece changed from the time of the Kingdom to the present-days

    Low Temperature Anomaly in Mesoscopic Kondo Wires

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    We report the observation of an anomalous magnetoresistance in extremely dilute quasi-one-dimensional AuFe wires at low temperatures, along with a hysteretic background at low fields. The Kondo resistivity does not show the unitarity limit down to the lowest temperature, implying uncompensated spin states. We suggest that the anomalous magnetoresistance may be understood as the interference correction from the accumulation of geometric phase in the conduction electron wave function around the localized impurity spin.Comment: Four pages, five figure

    Experience of Visual Perception in the Design Education

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    Relevance of the paper is due to theoretical and practical necessity to study the peculiarities of design education. Modern designer shall, theoretically and methodologically, master the system of design engineering based on the laws affecting the form of product, methods of styling design and design quality analysis, basics of materials science and industrial design engineering. Design of industrial products shall draw upon historical, cultural, logistical, aesthetic and artistic foundations. The paper applies methods of cultural and historical analysis, comparative methods, methods of analysis and simulation of semiotic systems. Authors, emphasizing training process integrity for design specialists, pay attention to the fact that in the modern urban world requirements to visual aesthetics are particularly important, ensuring videoecology of objects and environment, creating maximum emotional comfort. Ability to create emotional environment is due to form quality, generating peculiarities of psychological reactions as emotions. The study of form perception revealed the mechanism of creating emotional response associated with semantic capacity of design object and special features of its visual organization. Perception model of visual images in design was suggested, including recognition, comparison and dialogue processes. The findings are scientifically-based recommendations, tailored to visual perception and aimed at creating emotional comfort in design

    Strong coupling in the Kondo problem in the low-temperature region

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    The magnetic field dependence of the average spin of a localized electron coupled to conduction electrons with an antiferromagnetic exchange interaction is found for the ground state. In the magnetic field range μH0.5Tc\mu H\sim 0.5 T_c (TcT_c is the Kondo temperature) there is an inflection point, and in the strong magnetic field range μHTc\mu H\gg T_c, the correction to the average spin is proportional to (Tc/μH)2(T_c/\mu H)^2. In zero magnetic field, the interaction with conduction electrons also leads to the splitting of doubly degenerate spin impurity states