168 research outputs found

    Semantic Process Modeling – Design and Implementation of an Ontology-based Representation of Business Processes

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    An extension of process modeling languages is designed which allows representing the semantics of model element labels which are formulated in natural language by using concepts of a formal ontology. This combination of semiformal models with formal ontologies will be characterized as semantic process modeling. The approach is exemplarily applied to the languages EPC (Event-driven Process Chain), BPMN (Business Process Modeling Notation) and OWL (Web Ontology Language) and is generalized by means of an information model. The proposed formalization of the semantics of individual model elements in conjunction with the usage of inference engines allows the improvement of query functionalities in modeling tools and enables new possibilities of model validation. The integration of the approach in the IT-based work environments of modelers is demonstrated by a system architecture and a prototypical implementation. Evidently, advantages in the areas of modeling, model management, IT-business alignment, and compliance can be achieved by the application of modeling tools augmented with semantic technologies

    Managing Changes in Collaborative Networks: A Conceptual Approach

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    Collaborative Networks represent organizational forms that became omnipresent in today’s way of making business. Such organizational forms are often established in order to satisfy a complex customer need, which one company could not satisfy on its own. This means that the participating companies are to a certain degree dependent on each other. Managing inter-firm relationships by means of inter-organizational interdependencies represents an important Business-IT Alignment issue. In this paper, we present the Dependency-based Alignment Framework, which represents a conceptual approach for managing changes in Collaborative Networks from a holistic perspective. A detailed and methodologically well-founded approach in the definition and design of our framework is accompanied by a detailed investigation of relevant properties of this design artifact. To demonstrate the applicability of our framework in practice, we introduce a case study, which uses Semantic Media Wiki and the SPARQL query language. Finally, we evaluate our results in an argumentative and deductively descriptive way


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    Der Beitrag befasst sich mit der Dokumentation von Modellen und dem Management der zwischen ihnen bestehenden Beziehungen. Zur systematischen Erfassung und Nutzung des Wissens um die Zusammenhänge und Relationen zwischen Modellen werden semantische Wikis untersucht. Hierzu wird ein Vergleichsrahmen entwickelt, der zur problemadäquaten Auswahl semantischer Wikis herangezogen wird. Zum praktischen Einsatz semantischer Wikis wird eine Metadatenstruktur entworfen und deren Verwendung anhand eines Prototyps demonstriert

    Process Modeling Recommender Systems - A Generic Data Model and Its Application to a Smart Glasses-based Modeling Environment

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    The manual construction of business process models is a time-consuming, error-prone task and presents an obstacle to business agility. To facilitate the construction of such models, several modeling support techniques have been suggested. However, while recommendation systems are widely used, e.g., in e-commerce, these techniques are rarely implemented in process modeling tools. The creation of such systems is a complex task since a large number of requirements and parameters have to be taken into account. In order to improve the situation, the authors have developed a data model that can serve as a backbone for the development of process modeling recommender systems (PMRS). This article outlines the systematic development of this model in a stepwise approach using established requirements and validates it against a data model that has been reverse-engineered from a real-world system. In a last step, the paper illustrates an exemplary instantiation of the data model in a Smart Glasses-based modeling environment and discusses business process agility issues. The authors expect their contribution to provide a useful starting point for designing the data perspective of process modeling recommendation features that support business agility in process-intensive environments

    Serviceorientierte Architekturen : Gestaltung, Konfiguration und Ausführungvon Geschäftsprozessen

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    Die serviceorientierte Architektur (SOA) ist ein in Wissenschaft und Unternehmenspraxis viel diskutiertes Management- und Systemarchitekturkonzept. Dieser Beitrag erklärt die Bedeutung des Geschäftsprozessmanagements für die Serviceorientierung und zeigt auf, wie Prozessmodelle zum Entwurf und zur Realisierung serviceorientierter Architekturen eingesetzt werden können. Hierfür wird ein mehrstufiges Konzept vorgestellt, das eine Gestaltungs-, eine Konfigurations- und eine Ausführungsebene umfasst. Der präsentierte Ansatz, der am Beispiel der Ereignisgesteuerten Prozesskette (EPK), der Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN), der Business Process Execution Language (BPEL) und der Web Services Description Language (WSDL) illustriert wird, schließt die im Forschungsstand bestehende Lücke zwischen der konzeptionellen Modellierung und der serviceorientierten IT-Unterstützung. Als Anwendungsfall dient die Anforderungsanalyse eines Online-Versandhändlers aus dem Bereich der Unterhaltungselektronik. Im Ergebnis wird deutlich, dass in der SOA-Diskussion bislang betriebswirtschaftlich-organisatorischen Aspekten zu wenig Bedeutung beigemessen wurde

    Supporting Technical Customer Services with Mobile Devices: Towards an Integrated Information System Architecture

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    Due to increasing complexity of machines and plants, information tailored to the needs of Technical Customer Services(TCS) is a prerequisite for the execution of efficient service processes. This paper describes the conception of a supportingarchitecture incorporating an integration platform to meet the TCS’ demand for information. On the one hand, the developedarchitecture directs the integration of data from different specialized systems to cover the aforementioned information needs.On the other hand, it enables the feedback of the TCS to other corporate departments which is often neglected. The systemclasses to be integrated are presented besides options and technologies for realizing the integration platform. The articlecreates a framework for future discussions on information technology integration to support the TCS

    The agri-food sector in Russia: Current situation and market outlook until 2025

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    This report gives an overview on the Russian agri-food sector and provides an outlook for the developments in agricultural markets for Russia, focussing on the main agricultural commodities. For the purpose of the study a detailed dataset and modelling structure for the main agricultural commodities in Russia has been developed and integrated into the overall AGMEMOD modelling framework.JRC.J.4-Agriculture and Life Sciences in the Econom

    Process Oriented Collaboration in Grid-Environments: A Case Study in the Construction Industry

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    This paper addresses the process-oriented collaboration based on a grid-based platform for the support of virtual organizations (VO), illustrated on the example of the construction industry. Distributed, organizational and IT-structures of teams involved in vintage complex projects cannot be managed with conventional methods in an appropriate manner. Both using a grid platform and grid-based services, in conjunction with semantic methods for consistency saving and goal-oriented process management can increase the efficiency of collaboration processes in large-scale projects. A hybrid grid- and web service-based architecture for the next generation of VO service and a gateway solution was developed integrating the process-oriented perspective and prototypically implemented. The problem, as well as the solution on the basis of the hybrid system architecture combing the benefits of the cutting-edge technologies, the methodical concept for modeling VO processes and their automated execution on a grid platform are discussed in detail

    The agri-food sector in Ukraine: Current situation and market outlook until 2025

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    This report gives an overview on the Ukrainian agri-food sector and provides an outlook for the developments in agricultural markets for Ukraine, focussing on the main agricultural commodities. For the purpose of the study a detailed dataset and modelling structure for the main agricultural commodities in Ukraine has been developed and integrated into the overall AGMEMOD modelling framework.JRC.J.4-Agriculture and Life Sciences in the Econom

    Unveiling diversity in agricultural markets projections: from EU to Member States. A medium-term outlook with the AGMEMOD model

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    Every year the European Commission provides mid-term projections for agricultural markets. These projections are reported for the EU-28 aggregate and split into EU-15 and EU-N13 to reflect the diversity existing between the pre- and post-2004 Member States. However, the diversity of European agriculture goes beyond these two aggregates. This report presents the results of projections for agricultural markets in the EU Member States by 2026, generated using the AGMEMOD (Agriculture Member State Modelling) model. The projections are consistent with the European Commission's 2016 Mid-Term Outlook and represent production, consumption, yields, and trade for the main commodity groups (cereals, oilseeds, dairy and meats). In addition, the main characteristics of the model and the partnership that manages it are described. The report also provides examples of further analysis that can be performed with AGMEMOD in terms of country- or region-specific developments, focusing on agricultural markets in the EU-N13, and in terms of the relations between a single Member State and the rest of the EU, in this case focusing on the United Kingdom and the EU. Furthermore, an analysis of the implementation of coupled support in the EU Member States is presented. The report finishes with some testimonies of policy makers about the role AGMEMOD plays in their policy analysis, and sketching how AGMEMOD might develop in the mid-term.JRC.D.4-Economics of Agricultur
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