29 research outputs found

    Methods to reduce medication errors in a clinical trial of an investigational parenteral medication

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    AbstractThere are few evidence-based guidelines to inform optimal design of complex clinical trials, such as those assessing the safety and efficacy of intravenous drugs administered daily with infusion times over many hours per day and treatment durations that may span years. This study is a retrospective review of inpatient administration deviation reports for an investigational drug that is administered daily with infusion times of 8–24 h, and variable treatment durations for each patient. We report study design modifications made in 2007–2008 aimed at minimizing deviations from an investigational drug infusion protocol approved by an institutional review board and the United States Food and Drug Administration. Modifications were specifically aimed at minimizing errors of infusion rate, incorrect dose, incorrect patient, or wrong drug administered. We found that the rate of these types of administration errors of the study drug was significantly decreased following adoption of the specific study design changes. This report provides guidance in the design of clinical trials testing the safety and efficacy of study drugs administered via intravenous infusion in an inpatient setting so as to minimize drug administration protocol deviations and optimize patient safety

    Monitoring Repair of UV-Induced 6-4-Photoproducts with a Purified DDB2 Protein Complex

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    Because cells are constantly subjected to DNA damaging insults, DNA repair pathways are critical for genome integrity [1]. DNA damage recognition protein complexes (DRCs) recognize DNA damage and initiate DNA repair. The DNA-Damage Binding protein 2 (DDB2) complex is a DRC that initiates nucleotide excision repair (NER) of DNA damage caused by ultraviolet light (UV) [2]-[4]. Using a purified DDB2 DRC, we created a probe ("DDB2 proteo-probe") that hybridizes to nuclei of cells irradiated with UV and not to cells exposed to other genotoxins. The DDB2 proteo-probe recognized UV-irradiated DNA in classical laboratory assays, including cyto- and histo-chemistry, flow cytometry, and slot-blotting. When immobilized, the proteo-probe also bound soluble UV-irradiated DNA in ELISA-like and DNA pull-down assays. In vitro, the DDB2 proteo-probe preferentially bound 6-4-photoproducts [(6-4)PPs] rather than cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs). We followed UV-damage repair by cyto-chemistry in cells fixed at different time after UV irradiation, using either the DDB2 proteo-probe or antibodies against CPDs, or (6-4)PPs. The signals obtained with the DDB2 proteo-probe and with the antibody against (6-4)PPs decreased in a nearly identical manner. Since (6-4)PPs are repaired only by nucleotide excision repair (NER), our results strongly suggest the DDB2 proteo-probe hybridizes to DNA containing (6-4)PPs and allows monitoring of their removal during NER. We discuss the general use of purified DRCs as probes, in lieu of antibodies, to recognize and monitor DNA damage and repair

    Do you trust this image? Exploring the subjectivity of image trustworthiness from a cognitive perspective

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    Introduction In an age where any digital image can be manipulated, studying how and why people trust images as well as how likely people are to endorse deceptive images has become a topic of increasing importance. But, how is it human beings decide whether they trust and image? The goal of this study was to identify intersubjective cognitive dimensions which underpin decisions of trust in relation to images. Method This article attempts to shed light on the cognitive decision space of trust by means of a substantial crowd sourced empirical study Analysis Qualitative data was coded using an axial coding method, with focus placed on themes of the features bearing on decisions of trust. Results The study reveals four dimensions: the features of the image, its content, its source, and the participants’ own background knowledge. The study also reveals a surprising cognitive effect: In some cases participants confounded the decision of the trustworthiness of an image, with a decision of whether they trust the subject portrayed in the image. Conclusions It cannot be assumed that digital images will necessarily or automatically be trusted by those viewing these artefacts. There are many socio-cognitive factors in play and a reliable source alone does not consistently determine trustworthiness for users. This article aims to raise awareness in the cultural heritage sector of the need to take cognitive science perspectives into account

    Legislative Documents

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    Also, variously referred to as: Senate bills; Senate documents; Senate legislative documents; legislative documents; and General Court documents

    Alpha-tocopherol in intravenous lipid emulsions imparts hepatic protection in a murine model of hepatosteatosis induced by the enteral administration of a parenteral nutrition solution.

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    Intestinal failure-associated liver disease (IFALD) is a risk of parenteral nutrition (PN)-dependence. Intravenous soybean oil-based parenteral fat can exacerbate the risk of IFALD while intravenous fish oil can minimize its progression, yet the mechanisms by which soybean oil harms and fish oil protects the liver are uncertain. Properties that differentiate soybean and fish oils include α-tocopherol and phytosterol content. Soybean oil is rich in phytosterols and contains little α-tocopherol. Fish oil contains abundant α-tocopherol and little phytosterols. This study tested whether α-tocopherol confers hepatoprotective properties while phytosterols confer hepatotoxicity to intravenous fat emulsions. Utilizing emulsions formulated in the laboratory, a soybean oil emulsion (SO) failed to protect from hepatosteatosis in mice administered a PN solution enterally. An emulsion of soybean oil containing α-tocopherol (SO+AT) preserved normal hepatic architecture. A fish oil emulsion (FO) and an emulsion of fish oil containing phytosterols (FO+P) protected from steatosis in this model. Expression of hepatic acetyl CoA carboxylase (ACC) and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARγ), was increased in animals administered SO. ACC and PPARγ levels were comparable to chow-fed controls in animals receiving SO+AT, FO, and FO+P. This study suggests a hepatoprotective role for α-tocopherol in liver injury induced by the enteral administration of a parenteral nutrition solution. Phytosterols do not appear to compromise the hepatoprotective effects of fish oil

    A paradoxical method to enhance compensatory lung growth: Utilizing a VEGF inhibitor.

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    Exogenous vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) accelerates compensatory lung growth (CLG) in mice after unilateral pneumonectomy. In this study, we unexpectedly discovered a method to enhance CLG with a VEGF inhibitor, soluble VEGFR1. Eight-week-old C57BL/6 male mice underwent left pneumonectomy, followed by daily intraperitoneal (ip) injection of either saline (control) or 20 μg/kg of VEGFR1-Fc. On post-operative day (POD) 4, mice underwent pulmonary function tests (PFT) and lungs were harvested for volume measurement and analyses of the VEGF signaling pathway. To investigate the role of hypoxia in mediating the effects of VEGFR1, experiments were repeated with concurrent administration of PT-2385, an inhibitor of hypoxia-induced factor (HIF)2α, via orogastric gavage at 10 mg/kg every 12 hours for 4 days. We found that VEGFR1-treated mice had increased total lung capacity (P = 0.006), pulmonary compliance (P = 0.03), and post-euthanasia lung volume (P = 0.049) compared to control mice. VEGFR1 treatment increased pulmonary levels of VEGF (P = 0.008) and VEGFR2 (P = 0.01). It also stimulated endothelial proliferation (P < 0.0001) and enhanced pulmonary surfactant production (P = 0.03). The addition of PT-2385 abolished the increase in lung volume and endothelial proliferation in response to VEGFR1. By paradoxically stimulating angiogenesis and enhancing lung growth, VEGFR1 could represent a new treatment strategy for neonatal lung diseases characterized by dysfunction of the HIF-VEGF pathway

    Lung tissue protein expression analyses.

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    <p>ELISA reveals increased VEGF levels in VEGF-treated lungs (A) on POD 4. However, quantitative polymerase chain reactions (qPCR) show no difference in mRNA transcript levels of VEGF, VEGFR1, or VEGFR2 between the two groups (B). Immunoblot demonstrates an increase in the levels of P-VEGFR2, VEGFR2, P-EGFR, EGFR, and heparin-binding EGF-like growth factor (HB-EGF) with VEGF treatment (C-D). Data are expressed as mean ± SE.</p