916 research outputs found

    E-learning in Multi-cultural Environments: An Analysis of Online Cabin Crew Training

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    Throughout the first decade of this century, the airline industry struggled with many challenges stemming from unstable oil prices and natural disasters. Attention was given to people as tools for competitive advantage. The airline industry focused on Human Resource Management and, as a result, e-learning gained increasing attention as it imparted knowledge on an asynchronous and global basis with substantially reduced costs. However, while focusing on learning technologies, organizations failed to acknowledge learners needs and cultural backgrounds by creating neutral e-learning environments, which resulted in ineffective training and reduced performance improvement. This thesis aimed to study the perceptions of a multi-cultural group of cabin crew members about e-learning courses designed and developed by their employing airline. A questionnaire verified the opinion of these cabin crew members on factors regarding course relevance and learner motivation, cultural sensitivity, course organization and navigation, and course interactivity in neutral e-learning environments. The results showed that the employing airline developed e-learning courses that were highly technological and interactive but had little regard for learners cultural and language backgrounds. As a result, ineffective online training prevailed

    Psychometric analysis of the short-form UCLA Loneliness Scale (ULS-6) in older adults

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    The aim of this investigation was to present new empirical evidence regarding the psychometric properties of the short-form UCLA Loneliness Scale (ULS-6) among Portuguese older people. The study included 1,154 persons (60 % women and 40 % men), aged 60-90 (M = 71.26; SD = 6.66). The psychometric properties of the ULS-6 were analysed by means of confirmatory factor analysis, internal consistency, and criterion-related validity methods. Confirmatory factor analysis supported a unidimensional structure of the measure with adequate values of various fit indices. The ULS-6 presented satisfactory psychometric properties, with a high level of internal consistency. Furthermore, the ULS-6 showed a negative relationship with self-esteem, satisfaction with life, and positive affect; and a positive one with negative affect. The results confirm that the ULS-6 provides a brief, psychometrically sound measure of loneliness that is appropriate for use among older adults

    Automated Black-Box Boundary Value Detection

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    The input domain of software systems can typically be divided into sub-domains for which the outputs are similar. To ensure high quality it is critical to test the software on the boundaries between these sub-domains. Consequently, boundary value analysis and testing has been part of the toolbox of software testers for long and is typically taught early to students. However, despite its many argued benefits, boundary value analysis for a given specification or piece of software is typically described in abstract terms which allow for variation in how testers apply it. Here we propose an automated, black-box boundary value detection method to support software testers in systematic boundary value analysis with consistent results. The method builds on a metric to quantify the level of boundariness of test inputs: the program derivative. By coupling it with search algorithms we find and rank pairs of inputs as good boundary candidates, i.e. inputs close together but with outputs far apart. We implement our AutoBVA approach and evaluate it on a curated dataset of example programs. Our results indicate that even with a simple and generic program derivative variant in combination with broad sampling over the input space, interesting boundary candidates can be identified

    Boundary Value Exploration for Software Analysis

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    For software to be reliable and resilient, it is widely accepted that tests must be created and maintained alongside the software itself. One safeguard from vulnerabilities and failures in code is to ensure correct behavior on the boundaries between sub-domains of the input space. So-called boundary value analysis (BVA) and boundary value testing (BVT) techniques aim to exercise those boundaries and increase test effectiveness. However, the concepts of BVA and BVT themselves are not clearly defined and it is not clear how to identify relevant sub-domains, and thus the boundaries delineating them, given a specification. This has limited adoption and hindered automation. We clarify BVA and BVT and introduce Boundary Value Exploration (BVE) to describe techniques that support them by helping to detect and identify boundary inputs. Additionally, we propose two concrete BVE techniques based on information-theoretic distance functions: (i) an algorithm for boundary detection and (ii) the usage of software visualization to explore the behavior of the software under test and identify its boundary behavior. As an initial evaluation, we apply these techniques on a much used and well-tested date handling library. Our results reveal questionable behavior at boundaries highlighted by our techniques. In conclusion, we argue that the boundary value exploration that our techniques enable is a step towards automated boundary value analysis and testing which can foster their wider use and improve test effectiveness and efficiency

    An Examination of Online Discussions in Higher Education: Leveraging Technology to Increase Learner Engagement and Collaboration

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    The online learning environment continues to evolve, seeking to meet the needs of students and researchers alike. The role of discussion boards in this process, however, continues to be an area of concern and research, particularly in aviation and aerospace higher education. While it has been argued that convenience should not replace quality, scholarship shows that many online discussion boards fail to achieve the intended transfer and collaborative construction of knowledge among students, which is of utmost importance for the education of aviation and aerospace professionals. Research also suggests that learner engagement and collaboration are necessary in order to achieve the highest standards of academic quality in this environment. The role of technology, however, may provide opportunities to address current challenges and inadequacies with online discussion boards. This research study evaluated the extent to which the inclusion of audio technology in online discussion boards enhanced learner engagement and collaboration, thereby enhancing the intended transfer of knowledge. Using Edward Deming’s Plan, Do, Check, Act (PDCA) cycle for continuous improvement as the framework, an experimental research approach was taken, utilizing surveys from both students and instructors. The use of an experimental and control group was used to determine the extent to which the inclusion of audio technology, specifically VoiceThread, enhanced learner engagement and collaboration in the online learning environment

    PET conexões de saberes: a pedagogia freireana como contribuição para a alfabetização de jovens de adultos

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    Le présent travail aborde la question de l'alphabétisation dans l'Éducation de Jeunes et Adultes (EJA). Il a pour l'objectif de discuter l'analphabétisme au Brésil et les effets de la méthode d'alphabétisation Freire commençant actuellement d'une expérience d'alphabétisation dans le projet PET/ Connexions de Savoirs, Aussi bien qu'identifier les sujets sociaux qui ont produit haut taux de personnes illettrées et la méthode Paulo Freire comme une possibilité d`alphabétisation émancipatrice.Pour atteindre ces objectifs, nous présentons le processus historique de l'analphabétisme au Brésil, les campagnes d'alphabétisation destinées à l'éducation populaire et le profil des sujets qui se trouvent dans des situations éducatives défavorisées. Ici, le Cuba se fait présent comme exemple d`une pays latin américain qui posséde le statut d ́une nation avec 98% d'individus alphabètes. Comme une étude caractère exploratoire, l'utilisation de la recherche bibliographique, documentaire et analyse des matières réalisés dans les expériences dans le groupe de l'EJA, Cycle I. Pour la base de la recherche bibliographique: Freire, Brandão, Haddad, Di Pierro et Trojan. Données documentaires : Plan National de l`Education(PNE), Loi de Directives et Bases (LDB), Institut brésilien de Géographie et Statistique (IBGE) et le Manuel d ́Orientations Basiques PET (MOB). Les résultats indiquent que nous avons eu des réductions des taux d'analphabètes, mais le nombre est encore alarmant par rapport à un autre pays sous-développé. L`éducation des Jeunes et des Adultes précise être vue ne seulement comme un chemin pour le développement socio-économique du pays, mais comme une formation qui garantit au sujet un être conscient / critique. À partir du rapport d'expérience, nous comprenons que l'éducation préconisée par Freire permet au citoyen la libération des injustices sociales.O presente trabalho aborda a questão da alfabetização na Educação de Jovens e Adultos (EJA). Tem por objetivo discutir o analfabetismo no Brasil e os efeitos do método de alfabetização freireana na atualidade a partir de uma experiência de alfabetização no projeto PET/Conexões de Saberes, como também identificar as questões sociais que produziram altos índices de pessoas iletradas e o método Paulo Freire como possibilidade de uma alfabetização emancipadora. Para alcançamos esses objetivos apresentamos o processo histórico do analfabetismo no Brasil, as campanhas de alfabetização voltadas para uma Educação Popular e o perfil dos sujeitos que se encontram em situações educacionais desprivilegiadas. Aqui, Cuba se faz presente como exemplo de uma país latino americano que possui o status de uma nação com 98% de indivíduos alfabetizados. Como um estudo de caráter exploratório fez o uso de pesquisa bibliográfica, documental e analises dos matérias realizados na experiências na turma da EJA, Ciclo I. Para a fundamentação da pesquisa bibliográfica: Freire, Brandão, Haddad, Di Pierro e Trojan. Dados documentais: Plano Nacional da Educação(PNE), Lei de Diretrizes e Bases (LDB), Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatísticas(IBGE) e o Manuel de Orientações Básicas PET (MOB). Os resultados obtidos indicam que tivemos reduções nas taxas de analfabetos, porém o número ainda é alarmante comparado a outros países subdesenvolvidos. A educação de Jovens e Adultos precisa ser vista não apenas como um caminho para o desenvolvimento sócio econômico do pais, mas como uma formação que garanta ao sujeito um ser consciente/crítico. A partir do relato de experiência compreendemos que a educação preconizada por Freire (2014) oportuniza ao cidadão a libertação das injustiças sociais

    O imperador Jinmu e a história japonesa : a importância do mito na formação política

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    Monografia (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Departamento de Línguas Estrangeiras e Tradução, Curso de Línguas Estrangeiras Aplicadas, 2014.O foco deste trabalho é a análise do mito do primeiro imperador mitológico japonês, Jinmu, através de uma perspectiva histórica do Japão no período Nara (710-794), juntamente com uma análise do contexto político-social da corte de Yamato nos séculos VI e VII. Trata-se, dessa forma, de um estudo de caso que exemplifica a utilização de um mito como instrumento de exploração pelos historiadores, os quais coletam informações relevantes dos mitos para contextualizar o pensamento e a cultura da época antiga do Japão. Portanto, este trabalho faz um levantamento investigativo que demonstra que o mito de Jinmu não foi apenas importante no passado, mas se tornou um mito perene até os dias de hoje devido à sua simbologia como mito nacionalista. Assim, necessitou-se de uma análise mais acurada para entender o pensamento da corte imperial durante a elaboração e oficialização deste mito, bem como compreender o contexto sociocultural do período Nara. ____________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThe focus of this work is the analysis of the myth of the first legendary Japanese emperor Jinmu through a historical perspective of Japan in the Nara period (710-794), together with an exam of the political and social context of the Yamato court in the 6th and 7th centuries. It is a case study that exemplifies the use of myth as an instrument of exploitation by historians, which collects relevant information from myths to contextualize the thought and culture of Ancient Japan. Therefore, this work makes an investigative survey which demonstrates that the myth of Jinmu was not only important in the past, but has become a perennial myth until now, due to its symbolism as a nationalist myth. Thus it is necessary a more accurate analysis to understand the thought of the imperial court during the elaboration and formalization of this myth, as well as understanding the social and cultural context of the Nara period


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    Maize is an annual monocotyledonous Monocotyledonous belonging to the family Poaceae (Gramineae), classified as Zea mays L. Maize is one of the most important crops in Brazil. To increase crop productivity, a limiting factor is adequate mineral nutrition, through fertilization, assessing the nutritional need of the vegetable, observing the total amount of nutrients absorbed. The lack of potassium macronutrient results in a series of damages to the plant, so the present work aims precisely to evaluate the response of potassium fertilization in different doses and times of application. The experiment was conducted in the experimental area belonging to the Department of Plant Science and Agricultural Sciences - CCA - Campus II of the Federal University of Paraíba located in the city of Areia-Pb. The experimental area was composed of 4 replicates, composed of 10 treatments previously randomized, each treatment with 4 grooves, and 2 times of application of K (sowing, V5 stage). The following variables were evaluated: plant height, stem diameter, number of leaves, leaf length of the middle third. The height (m) of Hybrid Corn AG1051 plants was influenced by periods of potassium fertilizer application. When AG1051 Hybrid Corn plants were submitted to potassium fertilization in the V5 stage of crop development, the average height of the plants tended to increase. In the case of the diameter of the stem (cm) of Hybrid Corn AG1051 plants, it was influenced by the periods of application of the potassic fertilizer independent of the period of application of the fertilizer, the diameter of the stem of the plants tended to increase up to the amount of 150 kg / There are 1. The number of leaves of plants of Hybrid Corn AG1051 was influenced by the periods of application of the fertilizer the number of leaves of the plants tended to increase in a quadratic form, presenting the average values of 8.8 and 8 leaves at the forty five days after planting For the plants that received fertilization in the planting and in the stage V5 of development of the culture respectively. The average leaf size of AG1051 Hybrid Corn plants was influenced by the periods of application of the fertilizer, this variable behaved in a quadratic way, independent of the period of fertilization, presenting the average values of 81 cm in length for the plants that received fertilization In the planting and 78.6 in the treatment in which the fertilization was carried out in stage V5 of crop development. Thus 50 kg ha-1 of KCl applied at corn sowing AG 1051, provides better plant height values. The fertilization season did not influence the diameter of the stem, with the best dose being 150 kg ha-1. The time of fertilization does not influence the variable number of leaves, the best dose being 200 kg ha-1. The highest value of the average third of leaves size is verified in the fertilization done at the planting applied to the dose of 100 kg ha-1 of KCl.O milho é uma Monocotiledonea herbácea, anual, monóica, pertence a família Poaceae (Gramineae), classificada como Zea mays L. O milho é uma das culturas de maior relevância em âmbito nacional. Para aumentarmos a produtividade da cultura, um fator limitante é a nutrição mineral adequada, por meio da adubação, avaliando a necessidade nutricional do vegetal, observando a quantidade total de nutrientes absorvidos. A carência do macronutriente potássio, resulta em uma série de danos ao vegetal, desse modo o presente trabalho visa justamente avaliar a resposta da adubação potássica em diferentes doses e épocas de aplicação. O experimento foi conduzido na área experimental pertencente ao Departamento de Fitotecnia e Ciências Ambientais – CCA – Campus II da Universidade Federal da Paraíba localizado no município de Areia-PB. A área experimental foi composta de 4 repetições, em fatorial 2x5, 5 doses de k, e 2 épocas de aplicação do K (semeadura, estádio V5). Avaliaram-se as seguintes variáveis: altura da planta, diâmetro do colmo, número de folhas, comprimento da folha do terço médio. A altura (m) de plantas de milho híbrido AG1051, foi influenciada pelos períodos de aplicação do adubo potássico Quando as plantas de Milho Híbrido AG1051 foram submetidas a adubação potássica no estágio V5 de desenvolvimento da cultura, a altura média das plantas tendeu a aumentar. Tratando-se do diâmetro do colmo (cm) de plantas de Milho Híbrido AG1051, constatou influenciada dos períodos de aplicação do adubo potássico independente do período de aplicação do adubo, o diâmetro do colmo das plantas tendeu a aumentar até a quantidade de 150 kg/há-1. O número de folhas de plantas de Milho Híbrido AG1051, foi influenciado pelos períodos de aplicação do adubo o número de folhas das plantas tendeu a aumentar de forma quadrática, apresentando os valores médios de 8,8 e 8 folhas aos quarenta e cinco dias após plantio para as plantas que receberam adubação no plantio e no estagio V5 de desenvolvimento da cultura respectivamente. O tamanho da folha média de plantas de Milho Híbrido AG1051, foi influenciado pelos períodos de aplicação do adubo, tal variável se comportou de forma quadrática, independente do período de adubação, apresentando os valores médios de 81 cm de comprimento para as plantas que receberam adubação no plantio e 78,6 no tratamento em que a adubação foi realizada no estagio V5 de desenvolvimento da cultura. Assim 50 kg ha-1 de KCl aplicados na semeadura do milho AG 1051, proporciona melhores valores de altura de planta. A época de adubação não influencia o diâmetro do colmo, sendo a melhor dose a de 150 kg ha-1. A época de adubação não influencia a variável número de folhas, sendo a melhor dose a de 200 kg ha-1. O maior valor do tamanho do terço médio de folhas, é verificado na adubação realizada no plantio aplicado a dose de 100 kg ha-1 de KCl

    Acceptability of adolescents' abortion: effect of religious involvement and current legislation on people's views

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    Lay people's views regarding the acceptability of adolescents' abortion as a function of religious involvement, as a function of circumstances (e.g., fetus' age), and as a function of current legislation in the country were examined. We compared data gathered in Portugal at a time when abortion on request was illegal, and data gathered in France where abortion on request has been legal since 30 years. Adult participants were presented with 64 vignettes of a few lines that were composed according to a five within-subject factors design: the adolescent's age (15 years vs. 17 1/2 years) x the adolescent's plans regarding schooling (leave school vs. go to college) x the number of months of the fetus (1, 2, 3, or 4 months) x the attitude of the adolescent's family (agree vs. disagree) x the attitude of her boyfriend, 2 x 2 x 4 x 2 x 2. Through cluster analysis, three contrasting personal positions were found: Never acceptable, depending on circumstances, and always acceptable. The judgment rule of participants adopting the "depending" position was: Acceptability = Fetus' age + Schooling plans + Partner's agreement + (Parent's agreement x Adolescent's age). The percentages of participants endorsing the always unacceptable position were higher among regular attendees of religious service and among Portuguese participants than among other participants. The ways respect for religious tradition and respect for current laws impact of people's views regarding adolescent's abortion were shown to be independent the one from the other