91 research outputs found

    Deep Time-Delay Reservoir Computing: Dynamics and Memory Capacity

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    The Deep Time-Delay Reservoir Computing concept utilizes unidirectionally connected systems with time-delays for supervised learning. We present how the dynamical properties of a deep Ikeda-based reservoir are related to its memory capacity (MC) and how that can be used for optimization. In particular, we analyze bifurcations of the corresponding autonomous system and compute conditional Lyapunov exponents, which measure the generalized synchronization between the input and the layer dynamics. We show how the MC is related to the systems distance to bifurcations or magnitude of the conditional Lyapunov exponent. The interplay of different dynamical regimes leads to a adjustable distribution between linear and nonlinear MC. Furthermore, numerical simulations show resonances between clock cycle and delays of the layers in all degrees of the MC. Contrary to MC losses in a single-layer reservoirs, these resonances can boost separate degrees of the MC and can be used, e.g., to design a system with maximum linear MC. Accordingly, we present two configurations that empower either high nonlinear MC or long time linear MC

    Selective hepatitis B and D virus entry inhibitors from the group of pentacyclic lupane-type betulin-derived triterpenoids

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    Current treatment options against hepatitis B and D virus (HBV/HDV) infections have only limited curative effects. Identification of Na+/taurocholate co-transporting polypeptide (NTCP) as the high-affinity hepatic receptor for both viruses in 2012 enables target-based development of HBV/HDV cell-entry inhibitors. Many studies already identified appropriate NTCP inhibitors. However, most of them interfere with NTCP's physiological function as a hepatic bile acid transporter. To overcome this drawback, the present study aimed to find compounds that specifically block HBV/HDV binding to NTCP without affecting its transporter function. A novel assay was conceptualized to screen for both in parallel; virus binding to NTCP (measured via binding of a preS1-derived peptide of the large HBV/HDV envelope protein) and bile acid transport via NTCP. Hits were subsequently validated by in vitro HDV infection studies using NTCP-HepG2 cells. Derivatives of the birch-derived pentacyclic lupane-type triterpenoid betulin revealed clear NTCP inhibitory potency and selectivity for the virus receptor function of NTCP. Best performing compounds in both aspects were 2, 6, 19, and 25. In conclusion, betulin derivatives show clear structure-activity relationships for potent and selective inhibition of the HBV/HDV virus receptor function of NTCP without tackling its physiological bile acid transport function and therefore are promising drug candidates.Peer reviewe

    Current Developments and Challenges in the Recycling of Key Components of (Hybrid) Electric Vehicles

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    The introduction of electromobility causes major challenges as new components and materials enter vehicle recycling. This paper discusses the current developments in the recycling of traction batteries, electric motors, and power electronics, which constitute the key components of (hybrid) electric vehicles. Both technical and ecological aspects are addressed. Beside base metals, all components contain metals that are considered critical by the EU (European Union), e.g., rare earth elements, cobalt, antimony, and palladium. As electromobility is a new trend, no recycling routes have been established at an industrial scale for these components. The implementation is complicated by small return flows and a great variety of vehicle concepts as well as components. Furthermore, drastic changes regarding design and material compositions can be expected over the next decades. Due to hazards and high weights, there is a strong research emphasis on battery recycling. Most pilot-scale or semi-industrial processes focus on the recovery of cobalt, nickel, and copper due to their high value. Electric motors and power electronics can be fed into established recycling routes if they are extracted from the vehicle before shredding. However, these processes are not capable of recovering some minor metals such as rare earth elements and antimony

    Amphiphilic block copolymers featuring a reversible hetero Diels-Alder linkage

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    The present article reports the preparation of a novel class of switchable amphiphilic diblock copolymers with a temperature switchable linkage. Reversible addition fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) polymerization was used to synthesize the individual blocks: for the preparation of the non-polar block{,} i.e. poly(isoprene-co-styrene) (P(I-co-S)) (9200 g mol-1 [less-than-or-equal] Mn [less-than-or-equal] 50 000 g mol-1{,} 1.22 [less-than-or-equal] D [less-than-or-equal] 1.36){,} a chain transfer agent (CTA{,} 3-((2-bromo-2-methylpropanoyl)oxy)propyl 2-(((dodecylthio)carbonothioyl)thio)-2-methylpropanoate) carrying a bromine group was employed{,} ready for subsequent cyclopentadienyl (Cp) transformation. For the preparation of the polar block{,} triethylene glycol methyl ether acrylate (TEGA) was polymerized (6600 g mol-1 [less-than-or-equal] Mn [less-than-or-equal] 35 000 g mol-1{,} 1.12 [less-than-or-equal] D [less-than-or-equal] 1.30) using a RAFT agent carrying a phosphoryl Z-group{,} which is able to undergo hetero Diels-Alder (HDA) ligation with Cp moieties. Both building blocks were conjugated at ambient temperature in the presence of ZnCl2 as catalyst yielding the amphiphilic block copolymer P(I-co-S)-b-PTEGA (16 000 g mol-1 [less-than-or-equal] Mn [less-than-or-equal] 68 000 g mol-1{,} 1.15 [less-than-or-equal] D [less-than-or-equal] 1.32). To investigate the bonding/debonding capability of the HDA linkage{,} high temperature nuclear magnetic resonance (HT-NMR) spectroscopy{,} high temperature dynamic light scattering (HT-DLS) and high temperature size exclusion chromatography (HT-SEC) were carried out{,} evidencing that efficiently switchable amphiphilic block copolymers were generated (>4 cycles)

    Identification of Novel HBV/HDV Entry Inhibitors by Pharmacophore- and QSAR-Guided Virtual Screening

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    The hepatic bile acid transporter Na+/taurocholate co-transporting polypeptide (NTCP) was identified in 2012 as the high-affinity hepatic receptor for the hepatitis B and D viruses (HBV/HDV). Since then, this carrier has emerged as promising drug target for HBV/HDV virus entry inhibitors, but the synthetic peptide Hepcludex® of high molecular weight is the only approved HDV entry inhibitor so far. The present study aimed to identify small molecules as novel NTCP inhibitors with anti-viral activity. A ligand-based bioinformatic approach was used to generate and validate appropriate pharmacophore and QSAR (quantitative structure–activity relationship) models. Half-maximal inhibitory concentrations (IC50) for binding inhibition of the HBV/HDV-derived preS1 peptide (as surrogate parameter for virus binding to NTCP) were determined in NTCP-expressing HEK293 cells for 150 compounds of different chemical classes. IC50 values ranged from 2 µM up to >1000 µM. The generated pharmacophore and QSAR models were used for virtual screening of drug-like chemicals from the ZINC15 database (~11 million compounds). The 20 best-performing compounds were then experimentally tested for preS1-peptide binding inhibition in NTCP-HEK293 cells. Among them, four compounds were active and revealed experimental IC50 values for preS1-peptide binding inhibition of 9, 19, 20, and 35 µM, which were comparable to the QSAR-based predictions. All these compounds also significantly inhibited in vitro HDV infection of NTCP-HepG2 cells, without showing any cytotoxicity. The best-performing compound in all assays was ZINC000253533654. In conclusion, the present study demonstrates that virtual compound screening based on NTCP-specific pharmacophore and QSAR models can predict novel active hit compounds for the development of HBV/HDV entry inhibitors

    Identification of Novel HBV/HDV Entry Inhibitors by Pharmacophore- and QSAR-Guided Virtual Screening

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    The hepatic bile acid transporter Na+/taurocholate co-transporting polypeptide (NTCP) was identified in 2012 as the high-affinity hepatic receptor for the hepatitis B and D viruses (HBV/HDV). Since then, this carrier has emerged as promising drug target for HBV/HDV virus entry inhibitors, but the synthetic peptide Hepcludex® of high molecular weight is the only approved HDV entry inhibitor so far. The present study aimed to identify small molecules as novel NTCP inhibitors with anti-viral activity. A ligand-based bioinformatic approach was used to generate and validate appropriate pharmacophore and QSAR (quantitative structure–activity relationship) models. Half-maximal inhibitory concentrations (IC50) for binding inhibition of the HBV/HDV-derived preS1 peptide (as surrogate parameter for virus binding to NTCP) were determined in NTCP-expressing HEK293 cells for 150 compounds of different chemical classes. IC50 values ranged from 2 µM up to >1000 µM. The generated pharmacophore and QSAR models were used for virtual screening of drug-like chemicals from the ZINC15 database (~11 million compounds). The 20 best-performing compounds were then experimentally tested for preS1-peptide binding inhibition in NTCP-HEK293 cells. Among them, four compounds were active and revealed experimental IC50 values for preS1-peptide binding inhibition of 9, 19, 20, and 35 µM, which were comparable to the QSAR-based predictions. All these compounds also significantly inhibited in vitro HDV infection of NTCP-HepG2 cells, without showing any cytotoxicity. The best-performing compound in all assays was ZINC000253533654. In conclusion, the present study demonstrates that virtual compound screening based on NTCP-specific pharmacophore and QSAR models can predict novel active hit compounds for the development of HBV/HDV entry inhibitors

    Mutational Analysis of the GXXXG/A Motifs in the Human Na+/Taurocholate Co-Transporting Polypeptide NTCP on Its Bile Acid Transport Function and Hepatitis B/D Virus Receptor Function

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    Homodimerization is essential for plasma membrane sorting of the liver bile acid transporter NTCP and its function as Hepatitis B/D Virus (HBV/HDV) receptor. However, the protein domains involved in NTCP dimerization are unknown. NTCP bears two potential GXXXG/A dimerization motifs in its transmembrane domains (TMDs) 2 and 7. The present study aimed to analyze the role of these GXXXG/A motifs for the sorting, function, and dimerization of NTCP. The NTCP mutants G60LXXXA64L (TMD2), G233LXXXG237L (TMD7) and a double mutant were generated and analyzed for their interaction with wild-type NTCP using a membrane-based yeast-two hybrid system (MYTH) and co-immunoprecipitation (co-IP). In the MYTH system, the TMD2 and TMD7 mutants showed significantly lower interaction with the wild-type NTCP. In transfected HEK293 cells, membrane expression and bile acid transport activity were slightly reduced for the TMD2 mutant but were completely abolished for the TMD7 and the TMD2/7 mutants, while co-IP experiments still showed intact protein-protein interactions. Susceptibility for in vitro HBV infection in transfected HepG2 cells was reduced to 50% for the TMD2 mutant, while the TMD7 mutant was not susceptible for HBV infection at all. We conclude that the GXXXG/A motifs in TMD2 and even more pronounced in TMD7 are important for proper folding and sorting of NTCP, and so indirectly affect glycosylation, homodimerization, and bile acid transport of NTCP, as well as its HBV/HDV receptor function

    Advancing drug discovery through assay development: a survey of tool compounds within the human solute carrier superfamily

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    With over 450 genes, solute carriers (SLCs) constitute the largest transporter superfamily responsible for the uptake and efflux of nutrients, metabolites, and xenobiotics in human cells. SLCs are associated with a wide variety of human diseases, including cancer, diabetes, and metabolic and neurological disorders. They represent an important therapeutic target class that remains only partly exploited as therapeutics that target SLCs are scarce. Additionally, many small molecules reported in the literature to target SLCs are poorly characterized. Both features may be due to the difficulty of developing SLC transport assays that fulfill the quality criteria for high-throughput screening. Here, we report one of the main limitations hampering assay development within the RESOLUTE consortium: the lack of a resource providing high-quality information on SLC tool compounds. To address this, we provide a systematic annotation of tool compounds targeting SLCs. We first provide an overview on RESOLUTE assays. Next, we present a list of SLC-targeting compounds collected from the literature and public databases; we found that most data sources lacked specificity data. Finally, we report on experimental tests of 19 selected compounds against a panel of 13 SLCs from seven different families. Except for a few inhibitors, which were active on unrelated SLCs, the tested inhibitors demonstrated high selectivity for their reported targets. To make this knowledge easily accessible to the scientific community, we created an interactive dashboard displaying the collected data in the RESOLUTE web portal (https://re-solute.eu). We anticipate that our open-access resources on assays and compounds will support the development of future drug discovery campaigns for SLCs
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