3,337 research outputs found

    Motor transportation of livestock in Ohio

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    Decentralized Perfectionism: A Critique of Contractarianism and Bureaucracy Through the Inspiration of Nietzsche

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    The goal of this project is to articulate a critique of contractarianism and it links to the modern system of bureaucracy through a commitment to individual valuation and pluralism. This work illustrates the core of both contractarianism and bureaucracy as security and through this identification demonstrates the inability to consider social, political, and economic alternatives. This critique is based on the contractarianism of Thomas Hobbes and John Rawls, both demonstrating the deep contractarian need for security. This is extended further into a modern critique of bureaucracy as an extension of the contractarian framework, a system dependent on limiting conceptions of “expertise” and violence to secure its claim to authority. In response, the articulation of a political philosophy labeled “decentralized perfectionism” is offered to oppose the structures of contractarianism and bureaucracy. This political philosophy finds its greatest inspiration in the writing of Friedrich Nietzsche, particularly the essay Schopenhauer as Educator, in which Nietzsche describes a social relationship predicated on the achievement of individualized perfection. An examination of Nietzsche’s early perfectionism and perfectionism as a general political philosophy leads to the articulation of the conditions necessary to realize a set of political values dedicated to perpetual transformation and overcoming

    Pack Up Your Troubles In Your Old Kit-Bag And Smile, Smile, Smile

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    Pack Up Your Troubles In Your Old Kit-Bag And Smile, Smile, Smile

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    Changes in the financial structure of agricultural business organizations

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