260 research outputs found

    Determinació d'anions inorgànics epr cromatografia líquida de bescanvi iònic

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    Some Methods of analysis for the anions chloride, nitrite, nitrate and sulphate by means of the ion-exchange liquid chromatography technique are optimized. These methods use a single column and refractive index and ultraviolet detectors. A new method for the analysis of these inorganic anions is presented. We have applied it to river water analysis with a very high sensitivity (less than 1 ppb for nitrite and few ppb for nitrate and chloride)

    Com ens ajuden les TIC a millorar l'expressió escrita de l'alumnat de primer cicle d'ESO?

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    Els alumnes i les alumnes de primer cicle d'ESO s'enfronten amb les dificultats de la nova etapa i la necessitat de demostrar les seves competències lingüístiques, quant al redactat i la correcció en l'elaboració de textos diversos. Les noves tecnologies de la informació i la comunicació poden ajudar (i han de propiciar-ho) a desenvolupar aquestes capacitats, i han de ser un element motivador perquè els nois i les noies sentin la necessitat de crear produccions escrites pròpies, adequades lingüísticament, coherents i amb les idees ben organitzades. És necessari, a més, que l'avaluació d'aquestes tasques els serveixi per millorar l'expressió en llengua catalana, gramaticalment i ortogràficament, tot ajudant-los a establir sistemes d'autocorrecció i rectificació d'errors. L'exposició pública (en un mitjà com el d'internet) de les seves obres hauria de reblar l'aspecte de la motivació en la creació d'escrits, de manera que els aporti noves expectatives de comunicació i els animi a participar de l'espai virtual que els ofereix aquesta finestra oberta al món. El meu treball té la intenció de ser un projecte educatiu per aconseguir una millora en l'expressió escrita dels alumnes del primer curs d'ESO amb l'ajuda de les eines de les Tecnologies de la Informació i la Comunicació.Los alumnos y alumnas de primer ciclo de ESO se enfrentan con las dificultades de la nueva etapa y la necesidad de demostrar sus competencias lingüísticas, en cuanto al redactado y la corrección en la elaboración de textos diversos. Las nuevas tecnologías de la información y la comunicación pueden ayudar (y deben propiciar) el desarrollo de estas capacidades, y deben ser un elemento motivador para que los chicos y las chicas sientan la necesidad de crear producciones escritas propias, adecuadas lingüísticamente, coherentes y con las ideas bien organizadas. Es necesario, además, que la evaluación de estas tareas les sirva para mejorar la expresión en lengua catalana, gramaticalmente y ortográficamente, ayudándolos a establecer sistemas de autocorrección y rectificación de errores. La exposición pública (en un medio como el de internet) de sus obras debería remachar el aspecto de la motivación en la creación de escritos, de manera que les aporte nuevas expectativas de comunicación y los anime a participar del espacio virtual que les ofrece esta ventana abierta al mundo. Mi trabajo tiene la intención de ser un proyecto educativo para conseguir una mejora en la expresión escrita de los alumnos del primer curso de ESO con la ayuda de las herramientas de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación.The students of first cycle of ESO face the difficulties of the new stage and the need to demonstrate their linguistic competence in terms of style and grammar for the development of different kind of texts. The new information and communication technologies can help (and should encourage) the development of these capabilities, and should be motivating for boys and girls to feel the need to create their own written productions, linguistically appropriate, consistent and well-organized. It is also necessary that the assessment of these tasks will serve to improve their expression in Catalan, grammar and spelling, helping to establish self-correction systems and error checking and correction. Public exposure (in a medium like the Net) of their essays should round off the issue of writing motivation, so that provides those new expectations for communication and encourage them to participate in the virtual space offered by this window, open to the world. My paper is intended as an educational project to improve the writing skills of first year students that with the help of the tools of Information and Communication Technologies

    Description of Gluconacetobacter swingsii sp. nov. and Gluconacetobacter rhaeticus sp. nov., isolated from Italian apple fruit

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    Two Gram-negative, rod-shaped, non-spore-forming bacteria (DST GL01T and DST GL02T) were isolated from apple fruit juice in the region of the Italian Alps. On the basis of 16S rRNA gene sequence similarities, strains DST GL01T and DST GL02T were shown to belong to the \u3b1-subclass of the Proteobacteria, and, in particular, to the genus Gluconacetobacter, in the Gluconacetobacter xylinus branch (98.5-100 %). Chemotaxonomic data (major ubiquinone, Q10; predominant fatty acid, C18:1\u3c97c, accounting for approximately 50 % of the fatty acid content) support the affiliation of both strains to the genus Gluconacetobacter. The results of DNA-DNA hybridizations, together with physiological and biochemical data, allowed genotypic and phenotypic differentiation between strains DST GL01T and DST GL02T and from the 11 validly published Gluconacetobacter species. They therefore represent two new species, for which the names Gluconacetobacter swingsii sp. nov. and Gluconacetobacter rhaeticus sp. nov. are proposed, with the type strains DST GL01T (=LMG 22125T=DSM 16373T) and DST GL02T (=LMG 22126T=DSM 16663T), respectivel

    Metabarcoding analysis of gut microbiota of healthy individuals reveals impact of probiotic and maltodextrin consumption

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    In a previously published double-blind, placebo-controlled study, we showed that probiotics intake exerted a positive effect on sleep quality and a general improvement across time in different aspects of the profile of mood state, like sadness, anger, and fatigue in 33 healthy individuals. The present work investigates the impact of the probiotic product, constituted of Limosilactobacillus fermentum LF16, Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus LR06, Lactiplantibacillus plantarum LP01 (all former members of Lactobacillus genus), and Bifidobacterium longum 04, on the gut microbiota composition of the same cohort through a metabarcoding analysis. Both the placebo and probiotic treatments had a significant impact on the microbiota composition. Statistical analysis showed that the microbiota of the individuals could be clustered into three groups, or bacteriotypes, at the baseline, and, inherently, bacterial compositions were linked to different responses to probiotic and placebo intakes. Interestingly, L. rhamnosus and L. fermentum were retrieved in the probiotic-treated cohort, while a bifidogenic effect of maltodextrin, used as placebo, was observed. The present study shed light on the importance of defining bacteriotypes to assess the impact of interventions on the gut microbiota and allowed to reveal microbial components which could be related to positive effects (i.e. sleep quality improvement) to be verified in further studies

    ‘Huesos de cristal’ y Educación Física. Una experiencia de simulación e imaginación hacia la inclusión

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    La inclusión educativa reporta cada vez más situaciones en las que se evidencia la necesidad de concretar propuestas específicas, como la inclusión de alumnado con Osteogénesis Imperfecta (OI) en Educación Física. Así, presentamos una iniciativa basada en una experiencia inclusiva previa (Martos-García & Valencia-Peris, 2016), en la que se decidió simular e imaginar a una persona con OI en una sesión de formación del profesorado en Educación Especial. Los objetivos pasan por cambiar las actitudes de las personas participantes, proporcionarles información relativa a la OI y evaluar la idoneidad educativa de esta propuesta, ubicada en un paradigma post-crítico. Mediante la utilización de observadores críticos, diarios de campo y encuestas de respuesta abierta a 25 alumnos y alumnas del Máster de Educación Especial del curso 2014-2015, se recogieron las interpretaciones de las personas involucradas en la iniciativa. El análisis de contenido posterior refleja opiniones favorables a esta experiencia en aras de concienciar al futuro profesorado y de aprender estrategias concretas de inclusión. Sin embargo, se encuentran ciertas limitaciones en su trascendencia educativa y opiniones de relativa violencia simbólica que recomiendan tomar precauciones en su desarrollo. A pesar de ello, se argumenta a favor de su aplicación en los contextos propios de la EF.Educative inclusion more and more reports situations in which the necessity of setting specific proposals become clear, like the inclusion of a student with Imperfect Osteogenesis (IO) in Physical Education. Thus, we present an initiative, based on a previous inclusive experience (Martos-García & Valencia-Peris, 2016), where a person with IO was simulated and imagined in a teacher training session in Special Education. The objectives are to change the attitudes of participants, give them information related to IO and evaluate the suitability of this proposal, based on a post-critical paradigm. Through the utilization of critical observers, field notes and open-ended surveys to 25 students of Special Education Master Classes in 2014-15, interpretations of people involved in this initiative were collected. The subsequent content analysis reflects opinions of this experience, to make future teachers aware of this practice and learn about particular strategies for inclusion. However, some limitations about its educative significance were found and some student’s opinions symbolized violence thus, it is recommended that relevant precautions are taken during its development. Despite that, there are arguments for the use of IO simulation in PE contexts.Actividad Física y Deport

    A compact array calibrator to study the feasibility of acoustic neutrino detection

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    [EN] Underwater acoustic detection of ultra-high-energy neutrinos was proposed already in 1950s: when a neutrino interacts with a nucleus in water, the resulting particle cascade produces a pressure pulse that has a bipolar temporal structure and propagates within a flat disk-like volume. A telescope that consists of thousands of acoustic sensors deployed in the deep sea can monitor hundreds of cubic kilometres of water looking for these signals and discriminating them from acoustic noise. To study the feasibility of the technique it is critical to have a calibrator able to mimic the neutrino signature that can be operated from a vessel. Due to the axial-symmetry of the signal, their very directive short bipolar shape and the constraints of operating at sea, the development of such a calibrator is very challenging. Once the possibility of using the acoustic parametric technique for this aim was validated with the first compact array calibrator prototype, in this paper we describe the new design for such a calibrator composed of an array of piezo ceramic tube transducers emitting in axial direction.We acknowledge the financial support of the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Grants FPA2012-37528-C02-02, and Consolider MultiDark CSD2009-00064, of the Generalitat Valenciana, Grants ACOMP/2015/175 PrometeoII/2014/079 and of the European FEDER funds.Ardid Ramírez, M.; Camarena Femenia, F.; Felis-Enguix, I.; Herrero Debón, A.; Llorens Alvarez, CD.; Martínez Mora, JA.; Saldaña-Coscollar, M. (2016). A compact array calibrator to study the feasibility of acoustic neutrino detection. EPJ Web of Conferences. 116(03001):1-4. https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/201611603001S141160300