20 research outputs found

    New species of titi monkey, genus Callicebus Thomas, 1903 (Primates, Pitheciidae), from Southern Amazonia, Brazil

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    O gênero Callicebus é um dos grupos mais diversificados entre os primatas neotropicais, com 31 espécies reconhecidas. Contudo, ainda existem grandes lacunas no conhecimento acerca da diversidade contida neste gênero. Tais lacunas vêm sendo paulatinamente preenchidas graças a uma intensificação recente dos esforços de amostragem. Diversas distribuições geográficas foram melhor delimitadas, e seis espécies novas foram descritas nos últimos 15 anos. O objetivo do presente estudo é descrever uma nova espécie de Callicebus pertencente ao grupo de espécies Callicebus moloch, recentemente descoberta em uma área previamente considerada como parte da distribuição geográfica de C. cinerascens. Foram realizadas quatro expedições. A coleta de dados foi realizada através de observações diretas, coletas de espécimes e entrevistas com moradores locais. Os espécimes foram depositados na coleção de mamíferos do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi. Para uma avaliação comparativa, foram examinados os exemplares das demais espécies do grupo Callicebus moloch, principalmente as formas geograficamente vizinhas, C. bernhardi e C. cinerascens. Foram examinados 10 caracteres cromáticos da pelagem. Além da massa corporal, foram verificadas as medidas externas convencionais e 26 medidas cranianas. A nova espécie difere de todas as outras espécies amazônicas do gênero Callicebus por uma combinação exclusiva de caracteres, sendo facilmente distinguida pela faixa grisalha clara contrastante na testa, costeletas e garganta ocre-escuras, partes superiores do tronco e flancos grisalho-escuras, e cauda uniformemente laranja. A distribuição geográfica da nova espécie é limitada pelos rios Roosevelt e Aripuanã, nos estados de Mato Grosso e Amazonas, Brasil. Aproximadamente 25% (1.246.382 ha) desta área constituem unidades de conservação, sendo cinco de uso sustentável (746.818 ha) e três de proteção integral (499.564 ha). Além disso, uma porção expressiva da área de distribuição da nova espécie está localizada dentro de terras indígenas (1.555.116 ha - 32%). Assim, 57% (2.801.498 ha) da área de ocorrência da nova espécie encontram-se dentro de áreas protegidas.The genus Callicebus is one of the most diverse Neotropical primate groups, with 31 recognized species. However, large knowledge gaps still exist regarding the diversity of this genus. Such gaps are gradually being filled due to recent intensification of sampling efforts. Several geographic distributions have been better delimited, and six new species have been described in the last 15 years. The goal of the present study is to describe a new species of Callicebus belonging to the Callicebus moloch species group, recently discovered in an area previously considered to be part of the geographic distribution of C. cinerascens. Data collection was conducted through direct observations, specimen collection and interviews with local residents during four expeditions. Specimens were deposited in the mammalian collection of the Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi.. For a comparative evaluation, we examined specimens of the other species of the Callicebus moloch species group, especially the geographically neighboring forms, C. bernhardi and C. cinerascens. We examined 10 chromatic characters of the fur. In addition to body mass, we verified the conventional external variables and 26 craniometric variables. The new species differs from all other Amazonian Callicebus by an exclusive combination of characters, being easily distinguished by the light gray line of the forehead, dark ocher sideburns and throat, dark gray portions of the torso and flanks, and uniformly orange tail. The geographic distribution of the new species is limited by the Roosevelt and Aripuanã rivers, in the states of Mato Grosso and Amazonas, Brazil. Approximately 25% (1,246.382 ha) of this area falls within conservation areas, with five areas of sustainable use (746,818 ha) and three of integral protection (499,564 ha). Furthermore, a considerable portion of the distribution area is located within indigenous lands (1,555.116 ha - 32%). Therefore, 57% (2,801.498 ha) of the occurrence area of the new species falls within protected areas

    New species of titi monkey, genus Callicebus Thomas, 1903 (Primates, Pitheciidae), from Southern Amazonia, Brazil

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    The genus Callicebus is one of the most diverse Neotropical primate groups, with 31 recognized species. However, large knowledge gaps still exist regarding the diversity of this genus. Such gaps are gradually being filled due to recent intensification of sampling efforts. Several geographic distributions have been better delimited, and six new species have been described in the last 15 years. The goal of the present study is to describe a new species of Callicebus belonging to the Callicebus moloch species group, recently discovered in an area previously considered to be part of the geographic distribution of C. cinerascens. Data collection was conducted through direct observations, specimen collection and interviews with local residents during four expeditions. Specimens were deposited in the mammalian collection of the Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi.. For a comparative evaluation, we examined specimens of the other species of the Callicebus moloch species group, especially the geographically neighboring forms, C. bernhardi and C. cinerascens. We examined 10 chromatic characters of the fur. In addition to body mass, we verified the conventional external variables and 26 craniometric variables. The new species differs from all other Amazonian Callicebus by an exclusive combination of characters, being easily distinguished by the light gray line of the forehead, dark ocher sideburns and throat, dark gray portions of the torso and flanks, and uniformly orange tail. The geographic distribution of the new species is limited by the Roosevelt and Aripuanã rivers, in the states of Mato Grosso and Amazonas, Brazil. Approximately 25% (1,246.382 ha) of this area falls within conservation areas, with five areas of sustainable use (746,818 ha) and three of integral protection (499,564 ha). Furthermore, a considerable portion of the distribution area is located within indigenous lands (1,555.116 ha - 32%). Therefore, 57% (2,801.498 ha) of the occurrence area of the new species falls within protected areas

    Caça de vertebrados no Parque Nacional da Serra do Divisor, Acre

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    Apesar de a caça de animais silvestres garantir a segurança alimentar de populações rurais e indígenas na Amazônia, a atividade representa um desafio para a conservação da biodiversidade. Mesmo em unidades de conservação (UCs), o impacto da extração de vertebrados ainda é pouco conhecido, dificultando ações de manejo e a implementação de estratégias de conservação adequadas à realidade local. Neste trabalho, apresentamos o perfil da atividade de caça de uma comunidade tradicional do Parque Nacional da Serra do Divisor (PNSD), no sudoeste da Amazônia. Através de entrevistas semiestruturadas, realizadas em janeiro de 2018, e de dados originados de atividades de fiscalização desenvolvidas entre janeiro de 2016 e janeiro de 2018, identificamos que 57,9% dos 69 vertebrados com ocorrência confirmada para a área de uso da comunidade Pé da Serra são alvos de caça para alimentação. Cerca de um quinto das espécies ameaçadas em listas nacionais e internacionais é citado como fonte de alimento. Os ungulados, aves, roedores caviomorfos, o tatu-verdadeiro (Dasypus novemcinctus) e o jabuti (Chelonoidis denticulatus) constituíram os grupos taxonômicos mais frequentemente citados e mais apreciados para consumo. Para o abate e captura de vertebrados cinegéticos, foram registrados o emprego da busca ativa, a focagem com uso de lanternas, armadilhas de arma de fogo e a espera. Os moradores da comunidade também utilizam a fauna silvestre para fins medicinais, como animal de estimação e na alimentação de animais domésticos. Apesar de o comércio de produtos animais não ter sido relatado pelos moradores, verificamos que 30,8% das missões de fiscalização realizadas no PNSD resultaram em apreensão de itens silvestres. A biomassa total interceptada foi de 428,08kg. A espécie mais registrada nas apreensões foi C. denticulatus, totalizando 37,9% do total de animais interceptados. A diversidade de espécies e os usos a elas atribuídos, revelados neste levantamento, destacam a importância do recurso faunístico para as populações humanas do PNSD. É através do uso de técnicas produtivas de baixo impacto, associado a empreendimentos locais de geração alternativa de renda, e criação de mecanismos de governança local, que a biodiversidade poderá ser conservada ou mantida na região

    Using population surveys and models to reassess the conservation status of an endemic Amazonian titi monkey in a deforestation hotspot

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    Assessing the conservation status of species is essential for implementing appropriate conservation measures. A lack of evidence of threats, rather than showing an absence of impacts, could reflect a lack of studies on how human activities could result in species population declines. The range of Prince Bernhard's titi monkey Plecturocebus bernhardi is restricted to the Arc of Deforestation, a deforestation hotspot in south-eastern Amazonia. Despite this, it is categorized as Least Concern on the IUCN Red List. To reassess the conservation status of P. bernhardi, we carried out surveys during 2015–2017 to delimit the geographical distribution of the species and estimate its population density and abundance. We then used spatial predictive modelling to examine future habitat and population loss within its range. Plecturocebus bernhardi occurs over an area of 131,295 km2. Its mean group size was 2.8 individuals/group and its density 10.8 individuals/km2 and 3.8 groups/km2. Habitat loss was estimated to be 58,365 km2 (44.5% of its current range) over the next 24 years (three P. bernhardi generations) under a conservative governance model of deforestation and 105,289 km2 (80.2%) under a business-as-usual model. These numbers indicate that P. bernhardi is threatened and should be categorized as Vulnerable, at least, using the IUCN Red List criteria. We recommend the reassessment of other Least Concern primate species from the Arc of Deforestation using a similar approach

    The Munduruku marmoset: A new monkey species from southern Amazonia

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    Although the Atlantic Forest marmosets (Callithrix spp.) are among the best studied Neotropical primates, the Amazonian marmosets (Callibella humilis, Cebuella spp. and Mico spp.) are much less well-known. Even species diversity and distributions are yet to be properly determined because field data and materials currently available in scientific collections do not allow comprehensive taxonomic studies of Amazonian marmosets. From 2015 to 2018, we conducted 10 expeditions in key-areas within southern Amazonia where little or no information on marmosets was available. In one such region-the Tapajós-Jamanxim interfluve-we recorded marmosets with a distinctive pelage pigmentation pattern suggesting they could represent a new species. We tested this hypothesis using an integrative taxonomic framework that included phylogenomic data (ddRAD sequences), pelage pigmentation characters, and distribution records. We found that the marmosets of the northern Tapajós-Jamanxim interfluve have unique states in pelage pigmentation characters, form a clade (100% support) in our Bayesian and Maximum-Likelihood phylogenies, and occur in an area isolated from other taxa by rivers. The integration of these lines of evidence leads us to describe a new marmoset species in the genus Mico, named after the Munduruku Amerindians of the Tapajós-Jamanxim interfluve, southwest of Pará State, Brazil. Copyright © 2019 Costa-Araújo et al

    New insights into the distribution and conservation status of the Golden-White Tassel-Ear Marmoset Mico chrysoleucos (Primates, Callitrichidae)

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    Among the 13 Mico species recognized by the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, six are listed as "Data Deficient". The geographic range of most of the Mico species has been estimated from only a few records. We report new localities and the geographic extension of Mico chrysoleucos. In addition, we confirmed the presence of the species in two distinct protected areas. We modeled the habitat suitability of M. chrysoleucos using the maximum entropy method and including new records obtained by the authors in the state of Amazonas, Brazil. From the total area of occurrence calculated for the species, 22.8% is covered by protected areas and indigenous lands. The annual mean deforestation rate estimated between 2000 and 2015 was 2.95%, and the total area deforested by 2015 was 3354 km2 or 8.6% of the total distribution limits of the species. The habitat lost between 2000 and 2015 was 3.2% (1131 km2 ) of the total potential distribution, while the habitat loss area legally protected was 31 km2, and the habitat loss in settlements was equal to 691 km2. Our results extend the geographic distribution of the species about 100 km farther south, with the Maracanã River being a possible geographic barrier for the species. The significantly low rate of habitat loss inside protected areas and indigenous land, when compared to unprotected areas, points out the importance of these areas to M. chrysoleucos conservation. The species is relatively wide-ranging, legally protected, and resilient to regional anthropic threats. However, the hydroelectric schemes and the improvement of the road system in southern Amazonia pose an imminent threat to the species

    The landscape of tolerated genetic variation in humans and primates

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    A global catalog of whole-genome diversity from 233 primate species.

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    The rich diversity of morphology and behavior displayed across primate species provides an informative context in which to study the impact of genomic diversity on fundamental biological processes. Analysis of that diversity provides insight into long-standing questions in evolutionary and conservation biology and is urgent given severe threats these species are facing. Here, we present high-coverage whole-genome data from 233 primate species representing 86% of genera and all 16 families. This dataset was used, together with fossil calibration, to create a nuclear DNA phylogeny and to reassess evolutionary divergence times among primate clades. We found within-species genetic diversity across families and geographic regions to be associated with climate and sociality, but not with extinction risk. Furthermore, mutation rates differ across species, potentially influenced by effective population sizes. Lastly, we identified extensive recurrence of missense mutations previously thought to be human specific. This study will open a wide range of research avenues for future primate genomic research

    The landscape of tolerated genetic variation in humans and primates.

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    Personalized genome sequencing has revealed millions of genetic differences between individuals, but our understanding of their clinical relevance remains largely incomplete. To systematically decipher the effects of human genetic variants, we obtained whole-genome sequencing data for 809 individuals from 233 primate species and identified 4.3 million common protein-altering variants with orthologs in humans. We show that these variants can be inferred to have nondeleterious effects in humans based on their presence at high allele frequencies in other primate populations. We use this resource to classify 6% of all possible human protein-altering variants as likely benign and impute the pathogenicity of the remaining 94% of variants with deep learning, achieving state-of-the-art accuracy for diagnosing pathogenic variants in patients with genetic diseases