16 research outputs found

    The effectiveness of graphic representation techniques used by industrial designers for the conceptual presentation of new products

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    [EN] Graphic techniques are very important means for designers. They can improve the conceptual presentation of new products before a client or a company, stimulating the communication of their potential, defending their benefits and making clear their commercial viability. To choose the most suitable graphic languages is essential so that the client can understand the proposal, allowing this way to establish a dialogue with the designer itself in order to improve the solution. Today the multiplication of graphic media has made it possible for the designers to have a wide range of ways to conduct and present their ideas, but it may happen that the graphic techniques chosen may not always be the most appropriate. This work aims to demonstrate the importance of graphic expression used as a tool for presenting ideas about new products, and evaluate the effectiveness of several graphic techniques in improving the client's understanding of the product, taking into account the conceptual clarity, the representation of the mode of use, the relationship with the user and the contextualization of the product in its habitat or use environment.Felip Miralles, F. (2017). The effectiveness of graphic representation techniques used by industrial designers for the conceptual presentation of new products. Multidisciplinary Journal for Education, Social and Technological Sciences. 4(2):97-113. doi:10.4995/muse.2017.7686SWORD9711342Bishop, I., & Lange, E. (2005). Presentation Style and Technology. En I. Bishop & E. Lange (Eds.), Visualization in landscape and enviromental planning: technology and applications (pp. 68-77). New York: Taylor&Francis.Brath, R., Peters, M., & Senior, R. (s. f.). Visualization for Communication: The Importance of Aesthetic Sizzle. Ninth International Conference on Information Visualisation (IV’05). doi:10.1109/iv.2005.145Crilly, N., Blackwell, A. F., & Clarkson, P. J. (2006). Graphic elicitation: using research diagrams as interview stimuli. Qualitative Research, 6(3), 341-366. doi:10.1177/1468794106065007Chulvi, V., Mulet, E., Felip, F., & García-García, C. (2016). The effect of information and communication technologies on creativity in collaborative design. Research in Engineering Design, 28(1), 7-23. doi:10.1007/s00163-016-0227-2García-García, C., Chulvi, V., Galán Serrano, J., Felip, F., Royo González, M. (2015) The use of social networks for invigorate the communication during the conceptual design phase in virtual projects. In Proceedings of 19th International Congress on Project Management and Engineering, Granada, Spain (pp. 277-290). AEIPROGarcía-García, C., Chulvi, V., Mulet Escrig, E., Felip, F. (2016) Comparative study of digital sketching tools for conceptual design of new products. In Proceedings of 20th International Congress on Project Management and Engineering, Cartagena, Spain (pp. 1028-1040). AEIPRO. http://www.aeipro.com/files/congresos/2016cartagena/03030.4603.pdfGonzález Alastrué, J. A., & Jover, L. (2004). Los gráficos en la comunicación y el razonamiento científicos: ¿instrumento u ornamento? Medicina Clínica, 122(Supl.1), 3-10. doi:10.1157/13057541Herbert, D. M. (1988). Study Drawings in Architectural Design: Their Properties as a Graphic Medium. Journal of Architectural Education, 41(2), 26-38. doi:10.1080/10464883.1988.1075847

    Interactive architectures. Emerging visual practices in the interface city

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    [EN] We are living the transition from a static to a dynamic architecture driven by the integration of new technologies into the urban environment. In this scenario, citizens abandon their passive roles in order to consolidate their position as active agents of this change by proposing new ways to relate with the city A conceptual analysis of recent interactive urban installations confirmed two facts: firstly, the consolidation of a trend towards the creative use of light as a source of new visual languages to encourage dialogue between citizens and the urban environment; secondly, the provision of public spaces with technological resources to be practiced via interactivity encourages participation, and strengthens the link between citizens and their city, both of which are positive for urban development.[ES] Vivimos la transición de una arquitectura estática a una dinámica propiciada por la integración de las nuevas tecnologías en el entorno urbano. En este escenario los ciudadanos abandonan su rol pasivo para afianzarse como agentes activos de este cambio, proponiendo nuevos modos de relación con la ciudad. A través del análisis conceptual de recientes instalaciones urbanas interactivas es posible constatar dos hechos: por un lado, la consolidación de una tendencia hacia el uso creativo de la luz como germen de nuevos lenguajes visuales para promover el diálogo entre el ciudadano y el entorno urbano; y por otro, que dotar de recursos tecnológicos a espacios públicos con el fin de ser practicados desde la interactividad fomenta la participación y fortalece el vínculo del ciudadano con su ciudad, siendo positivo para el desarrollo urbano.El presente trabajo pertenece al proyecto de investigación ‘Arte y diseño en la nueva sociedad digital’, con código P1-1B2015-30 y financiado por la Universitat Jaume IFelip Miralles, F. (2019). Arquitecturas interactivas. Prácticas visuales emergentes en la ciudad interfaz. EGA. Revista de Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica. 24(36):222-231. https://doi.org/10.4995/ega.2019.12087SWORD222231243

    Sketching as a communication tool and a vehicle for exploring new ideas in Higher Education of industrial design. Implementation and analysis of new methodologies

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    [EN] Freehand drawing is a basic tool to explore shapes and visualize ideas during the first phase of projective process in industrial design. Sketches, expressive and quickly executed, allow designers to highlight the most interesting aspects of the product to be designed and help to define its shape and general features. Due to the immediacy that characterizes the manual drafting industrial designers in training learn to become able to translate any ideas graphically and thus able to communicate with other designers, initiating a dialogue on the product to be designed. In the Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Design and Product Development Engineering at the Jaume I University of Castellón (Spain), the subject 'Artistic Expression II' maintains and strengthens the knowledge gained in other subjects about the different graphic techniques, making drawing a means of expression for represent, synthesize and define the shape of objects. However, it has been found that the subject procedures were not adequate to achieve the learning results proposed, so it was necessary to apply a new approach. This paper describes the implementation of a new methodological strategy on this subject, adapting it to the European Higher Education Area, with the aim that students in Industrial Design acquire the four core competences of this matter. We describe the activities designed to achieve each of the competences and the implemented methodology for each of these activities. Finally, the results are analyzed and the overall positive impact of the measures taken is discussed.The methodologies conducted in this subject are part of the educational improvement project with reference 3049/15, which has received funding from the Educational Support Unit (U.S.E.) of the Jaume I University, through the annual program 'Aids for educational innovation projects at the Jaume I University in the 2015/16 course'.Navarro, JL.; Felip Miralles, F. (2017). Sketching as a communication tool and a vehicle for exploring new ideas in Higher Education of industrial design. Implementation and analysis of new methodologies. Multidisciplinary Journal for Education, Social and Technological Sciences. 4(2):26-46. doi:10.4995/muse.2017.6349SWORD264642Carnevale, V. (2015). «To Design» or «To Draw»: Two Different Verbs, Two Different Abilities, One Result. The International Journal of Designed Objects, 8(1), 17-25. doi:10.18848/2325-1379/cgp/v08i01/38695Dong, H., Cifter, A. S., & Fan, Z. (2013). Methods for Improving Undergraduate Students’ Sketching Skills. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education, 41(4), 329-336. doi:10.7227/ijmee.41.4.7Herbert, D. M. (1988). Study Drawings in Architectural Design: Their Properties as a Graphic Medium. Journal of Architectural Education, 41(2), 26-38. doi:10.1080/10464883.1988.10758473Laseau, P. (2001). Graphic Thinking for Architects and Designers. New York: John Wiley & Sons.Travis, S. (2014). Sketching as a Tool for Seeing: A Method for Teaching Drawing to Architecture and Interior Design Students. The International Journal of Design Education, 7(3), 63-74. doi:10.18848/2325-128x/cgp/v07i03/3845

    La Metáfora Interactiva. Arquitectura funcional y cognitiva del interface

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    La presente investigación se enmarca en un momento en el que el surgimiento de nuevos formatos en Tecnologías de la Comunicación define un escenario inédito en las prácticas sociales, culturales y artísticas. El acceso y gestión de la información quedan hoy definidos por una marcada interconexión, posibilitadora de un flujo dinámico de datos omnidireccional que contribuye a la gestación de una arquitectura social y cultural con trazas de globalidad. El interface electrónico, cuyas bases formales y funcionales quedan establecidas desde la labor interdisciplinar de informáticos, artistas y diseñadores, queda definido como un lenguaje en tanto que establece un diálogo entre el usuario y la máquina, haciendo uso de los recursos que le son propios con el fin de garantizar una eficacia comunicativa, y quedando condicionado desde su práctica individual y social por cambios diacrónicos de operatividad. Desde la colonización de las esferas actuales de la comunicación por parte de la imagen, y la estrecha vinculación de ésta con el lenguaje, es posible establecer un campo de estudio de naturaleza visual dentro del interface electrónico, donde la metáfora gráfica juega un papel esencial como vehículo en la asociación de ideas y directamente implicada en la optimización de las posibilidades de estos interfaces. El propósito de la investigación es establecer un marco desde el que estudiar la viabilidad de la hipótesis inicial, que defiende el uso de la metáfora aplicada al interface electrónico como vehículo necesario para el establecimiento de unos flujos cognitivos más eficaces que revierten en una mejor comprensión de la funcionalidad interactiva practicada en el sistema y posibilitan un diálogo más dinámico con la información. A tal fin se ha estructurado el trabajo en dos partes relacionadas: La primera parte establece un marco eminentemente teórico desde el que se aborda la revisión de los conceptos de lenguaje, imagen e icono, desde los cuales estudiamos la arquitectFelip Miralles, F. (2008). La Metáfora Interactiva. Arquitectura funcional y cognitiva del interface [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/2183Palanci

    Immersive experiences during the conceptual phase of the architectural project: virtual reality as a tool for user participation in the co-creation process

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    La elevada competencia del mercado actual dificulta la contratación de proyectos singulares de viviendas unifamiliares. Por ello, resulta necesario agudizar el ingenio para ofrecer al cliente una visión diferencial respecto a las propuestas de otros competidores. En este contexto, se propone incorporar al propio usuario en el proceso proyectual durante la fase de desarrollo conceptual de la propuesta constructiva, utilizando la Realidad Virtual (RV). Sumergir al usuario en una experiencia sensorial inmersiva le permitiría vivir su propio espacio habitable antes de ser construido, permitiendo a diseñadores y arquitectos centrar la atención en el estudio personaliza-do de la iluminación natural y el diseño de los paramentos que actuaran como nexo entre el espacio interior y exterior de la vivienda. Esta forma de abordar el proyecto puede suponer una ventaja competitiva que contribuiría al posicionamiento del estudio arquitectónico como referente del mercado. Este trabajo analiza diferentes sistemas RV actuales que podrían ser adaptados durante el proceso de trabajo, y discute la ventaja que supone para los estudios de arquitectura esta metodología del proyecto frente a otras más convencionales.The high competitiveness of the current market makes it difficult to contract unique projects for single-family homes. Therefore, it is necessary to sharpen inventiveness in order to offer the customer a different vision compared to the proposals of other competitors. In this context, we propose to incorporate the user in the design process during the conceptual development stage of the construction proposal, using Virtual Reality (VR). Introducing the user to an immersive sensory experience would allow him/her to live his/her own living space before being built, al-lowing designers and architects to focus attention on the personalized study of natural lighting and the design of the walls that act as a connection between the interior and exterior space of the home. This way of approaching the project can provide a competitive advantage that would contribute to the positioning of the architectural studio as a referent in the market. This paper analyses different cur-rent VR systems that could be adapted during the work process, and discusses the advantage that this project methodology has for architectural studios compared to other more conventional ones.Universitat Jaume I P1·1B2015-30Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2016-75866-C3-1-

    Sketching as a communication tool and a vehicle for exploring new ideas in Higher Education of industrial design. Implementation and analysis of new methodologies

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    Freehand drawing is a basic tool to explore shapes and visualize ideas during the first phase of projective process in industrial design. Sketches, expressive and quickly executed, allow designers to highlight the most interesting aspects of the product to be designed and help to define its shape and general features. Due to the immediacy that characterizes the manual drafting industrial designers in training learn to become able to translate any ideas graphically and thus able to communicate with other designers, initiating a dialogue on the product to be designed. In the Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Design and Product Development Engineering at the Jaume I University of Castellón (Spain), the subject 'Artistic Expression II' maintains and strengthens the knowledge gained in other subjects about the different graphic techniques, making drawing a means of expression for represent, synthesize and define the shape of objects. However, it has been found that the subject procedures were not adequate to achieve the learning results proposed, so it was necessary to apply a new approach. This paper describes the implementation of a new methodological strategy on this subject, adapting it to the European Higher Education Area, with the aim that students in Industrial Design acquire the four core competences of this matter. We describe the activities designed to achieve each of the competences and the implemented methodology for each of these activities. Finally, the results are analyzed and the overall positive impact of the measures taken is discussed


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    [EN] This paper presents a synoptic study on the use of some graphic technologies such as VR Virtual Reality, AR Augmented Reality and VE Virtual Environment that can be used to increase the appreciation and full experience of heritage sites as resources for accessibility. This analysis familiarises us with these technologies and their suitability for each heritage asset in relation to users with disabilities. Their use on heritage sites seeks to bring these places to people in a new way, changing their role from a passive to a fully active one.[ES] Este artículo presenta un estudio del uso de algunas tecnologías gráficas aplicadas a la realidad virtual como son la Realidad Aumentada y los entornos de Realidad Inmersiva que pueden ser utilizados como recursos de accesibilidad para mejorar la apreciación y la experiencia de enclaves del patrimonio histórico. Este análisis permite conocersituar estas tecnologías y su idoneidad en cada lugar y con relación a los usuarios con determinadas discapacidades. Su empleo en determinados contextos del patrimonio ofrece un nuevo modo de aproximación a los mismos de modo autónomo y participativo.Puyuelo Cazorla, M.; Val Fiel, M.; Merino Sanjuán, L.; Felip Miralles, F. (2011). REPRESENTACIONES VIRTUALES Y OTROS RECURSOS TÉCNICOS EN LA ACCESIBILIDAD AL PATRIMONIO CULTURAL. EGA. Revista de Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica. 16(17):164-173. doi:10.4995/ega.2011.919SWORD164173161

    Gamification as a tool for acquisition soft skills in the design field

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    Comunicació presentada a INTED2018, 12th International Technology, Education and Development Conference. (March 5-7 2018, Valencia, Spain).The current labour context is increasingly changing, driven by the continuous blooming of technological changes. So, the integration of recent graduates to the labour market, as new professionals, demand the acquisition of not only each field’s specific Hard Skills, but also generic, transversal Soft Skills which might facilitate the adaptation of these professionals to future contexts, while enabling them to develop their work career in a responsible way, as well as increasing their entrepreneurial spirit. These abilities are especially relevant in the field of design engineering, as the idiosyncrasy of the discipline leads their practitioners to offering solutions to diverse problems society and users have. So their professional development is inextricably linked to social changes and society evolution. In this way, in the “Sustainable Development Goal 4, Education 2030” (SDG4-Education 2030), regarding targets and commitments, the UNESCO defines the needs to emphasize the development of high-level cognitive and non-cognitive/transferable skills, such as problem solving, critical thinking, creativity, teamwork, communication skills or conflicts resolution, which can be applied across a wide range of occupational fields. Therefore, the acquisition of these Soft Skills by design professionals can ease their adaptation to a novel future scenario and guarantee a prolonged professional development over time. So, not only learners should be provided with opportunities to update their skills continuously through lifelong learning, but it is also necessary to give the chance for active professionals to adapt to new contexts in the future. This work presents an action proposal aimed to enhance the acquisition of Soft Skills by design professionals, in a playful way. So, a conceptual proposal of a methodology, based on the concept of Gamification, is suggested, where the degree of acquisition of some Soft Skills by the designer would be assessed. To do so, a platform where sharing and assessing evidences is to be developed. And the incentive for the participation of both new graduates and professionals lies in the detection of their professional weaknesses (from the evidences’ assessment) and the possibility of having a feedback consisting of professional recycling actions. The use of Smartphones becomes the vehicular platform for acquiring and assessing these transversal abilities, as these devices offer different technological possibilities for generating the designers’ own evidences, by means of actions such as voice recording, video recording, image capturing, text recognition, etc. Once generated, the evidences would be assessed by using a co-evaluation system, based on a peer review process, where the evaluation of colleagues’ work is presented as a part of a collaborative game and where the assessment process of peers’ work can contribute ideas for improving personal Soft Skills. Furthermore, all this may end up in the generation of a community with common interests. As a result, the suggested methodology can offer a useful tool for designers for continuously assessing the state of their Soft Skills, thus facilitating their progressive adaptation to the changes to their future professional contexts

    Revitalizing public space from communication and creative neomedial practice. New languages for dialogue between the citizen and the urban environment

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    La ciudad actual se construye, desarrolla y practica desde la comunicación, y el lenguaje, clave en la formación del pensamiento, la cultura y las identidades, evoluciona en sociedad. Cabe por tanto reflexionar sobre la capacidad de los nuevos lenguajes que emergen de la integración de las nuevas tecnologías en el entorno urbano para proponer un nuevo tipo de comunicación con la ciudad que revitalice sus diferentes espacios. En este artículo se identifican las distintas tipologías de espacios públicos desde los que el ciudadano establece su relación con la ciudad. Así mismo, se estudia cómo una incorporación creativa de las NTIC en los soportes más habituales de estos lugares ayuda a percibirlos como espacios urbanos de relación vividos por el ciudadano desde la interacción, identificando claves que ayudan a entender mejor la comunicación en la urbe y su relación con la emergencia de una ciudad híbrida. Desde el análisis de significativas aportaciones creativas de la última década se identifican diferentes lenguajes y tipologías de comunicación que acontecen en la ciudad, reflexionando sobre tendencias y escenarios de interés para los campos del arte y el diseño orientados a reforzar el concepto de ciudad practicada que ayuda a canalizar la revitalización de los distintos espacios urbanos.ABSTRACT: The modern city is built, developed and practiced from communication, and language, key in the formation of thought, culture and identities, evolves in society. We should therefore consider the ability of new languages emerging from the integration of new technologies in the urban environment to propose a new type of communication with the city to revitalize its different spaces. This article describes the different types of public spaces from which citizens determine their relationship with the city. Similarly, we study how the creative incorporation of ICTs in the most usual elements of these places helps to perceive them as relationship urban spaces, experienced by the citizens through interaction, identifying clues that help us to better understand communication in the city and its relationship with the emergence of a hybrid city. From the analysis of significant creative contributions of the last decade different languages and types of communication that occur in the city are identified, reflecting on trends and scenarios relevant to the fields of art and design, aimed at strengthening the concept of a practiced city that aims to revitalize the various urban spaces

    Diseño, producto y usuario:: el papel del consumidor en el proceso de co-creación

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    CThis work proposes a new model for the design and development of new products and establishes a framework for reflection on the relationship that the designer must establish with consumers belonging to special collectives when integrating them into the Co-Creation process, trying to answer to their real needs regardless of the commercial potential of the product. From the point of view of a product design that does not only watch over the mere economic interests of the companies, it seems possible to take advantage of the current inertia of other social movements to transfer these role changes also to the consumption system. This approach takes up part of the Universal Design principles as a way towards a design that meets the diversities, capable of reaching all citizens to solve their needs and minimizing the social gap that has been widening in recent decades.Este trabajo propone un nuevo modelo para el diseño y desarrollo de nuevos productos y establece un marco de reflexión sobre la relación que debe establecer el diseñador con los consumidores pertenecientes a colectivos especiales al integrarlos en el proceso de Co-Creación, tratando de responder a sus necesidades reales independientemente del potencial comercial del producto. Desde el punto de vista de un diseño de producto que no vela únicamente por los meros intereses económicos de las empresas, parece posible aprovechar la inercia actual de otros movimientos sociales para trasladar estos cambios de poder también al sistema de consumo. Este planteamiento retoma en parte los principios del Diseño Universal como camino hacia un diseño que atiende a las diversidades, capaz tanto de llegar a todos los ciudadanos para dar solución a sus necesidades como de minimizar la brecha social que ha ido ampliándose en las últimas décadas