5 research outputs found

    Shank3 mutant mice display autistic-like behaviours and striatal dysfunction

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    Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) comprise a range of disorders that share a core of neurobehavioural deficits characterized by widespread abnormalities in social interactions, deficits in communication as well as restricted interests and repetitive behaviours. The neurological basis and circuitry mechanisms underlying these abnormal behaviours are poorly understood. SHANK3 is a postsynaptic protein, whose disruption at the genetic level is thought to be responsible for the development of 22q13 deletion syndrome (Phelan–McDermid syndrome) and other non-syndromic ASDs. Here we show that mice with Shank3 gene deletions exhibit self-injurious repetitive grooming and deficits in social interaction. Cellular, electrophysiological and biochemical analyses uncovered defects at striatal synapses and cortico-striatal circuits in Shank3 mutant mice. Our findings demonstrate a critical role for SHANK3 in the normal development of neuronal connectivity and establish causality between a disruption in the Shank3 gene and the genesis of autistic-like behaviours in mice.National Institute of Mental Health (U.S.) (NIMH/NIH (R01MH081201))Hartwell Foundation (Hartwell Individual Biomedical Research Award)Simons Foundation (Autism Research Initiative (SFARI) grant Award)Brain and Behavior Research Foundation (NARSAD Young Investigator Award)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (F32MH084460))National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (NIH grant (R03MH085224))Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (SFRH/BD/15231/2004)Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (SFRH/BD/15855/2005)Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência (“Programa Gulbenkian de Doutoramento em Biomedicina” (PGDB, Oeiras, Portugal))University of Coimbra. Center for Neuroscience and Cell Biology (“Programa Doutoral em Biologia Experimental e Biomedicina” (CNC, Coimbra, Portugal)

    Cortico-striatal synaptic defects and OCD-like behaviours in Sapap3-mutant mice

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    Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is an anxiety-spectrum disorder characterized by persistent intrusive thoughts (obsessions) and repetitive actions (compulsions). Dysfunction of cortico-striato-thalamo-cortical circuitry is implicated in OCD, though the underlying pathogenic mechanisms are unknown. SAP90/PSD95-associated protein 3 (SAPAP3) is a postsynaptic scaffolding protein at excitatory synapses that is highly expressed in the striatum. Here we show that mice with genetic deletion of SAPAP3 exhibit increased anxiety and compulsive grooming behavior leading to facial hair loss and skin lesions; both behaviors are alleviated by a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor. Electrophysiological, structural, and biochemical studies of SAPAP3 mutant mice reveal defects in cortico-striatal synapses. Furthermore, lentiviral-mediated selective expression of SAPAP3 in the striatum rescues the synaptic and behavioral defects of SAPAP3 mutant mice. These findings demonstrate a critical role for SAPAP3 at cortico-striatal synapses and emphasize the importance of cortico-striatal circuitry in OCD-like behaviors

    Features, reason for testing, and changes with time of 583 paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria clones from 529 patients: a multicenter Italian study

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    In this study, we aimed at disclosing the main features of paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH) clones, their association with presentation syndromes, and their changes during follow-up. A large-scale, cooperative collection (583 clones from 529 patients) of flow cytometric and clinical data was entered into a national repository. Reason for testing guidelines were provided to the 41 participating laboratories, which followed the 2010 technical recommendations for PNH testing by Borowitz. Subsequently, the 30 second-level laboratories adopted the 2012 guidelines for high-resolution PNH testing, both upon order by the local clinicians and as an independent laboratory initiative in selected cases. Type3 and Type2 PNH clones (total and partial absence of glycosyl-phosphatidyl-inositol-anchor, respectively) were simultaneously present in 54 patients. In these patients, Type3 component was sevenfold larger than Type2 (p\u2009<\u20090.001). Frequency distribution analysis of solitary Type3 clone size (N\u2009=\u2009442) evidenced two discrete patterns: small (20% of peripheral neutrophils) and large (>\u200970%) clones. The first pattern was significantly associated with bone marrow failure and myelodysplastic syndromes, the second one with hemolysis, hemoglobinuria, and thrombosis. Pediatric patients (N\u2009=\u200934) showed significant preponderance of small clones and bone marrow failure. The majority of PNH clones involved neutrophils, monocytes, and erythrocytes. Nevertheless, we found clones made exclusively by white cells (N\u2009=\u200913) or erythrocytes (N\u2009=\u20093). Rare cases showed clonal white cells restricted only to monocytes (6 cases) or neutrophils (3 cases). Retesting over 1-year follow-up in 151 cases showed a marked clone size increase in 4 cases and a decrease in 13, demonstrating that early breaking-down of PNH clones is not a rare event (8.6% of cases). This collaborative nationwide study demonstrates a clear-cut difference in size between Type2 and Type3 clones, emphasizes the existence of just two classes of PNH presentations based on Type3 clone size, depicts an asymmetric cellular composition of PNH clones, and documents the possible occurrence of changes in clone size during the follow-up

    Cortico-striatal synaptic defects and OCD-like behaviours in Sapap3-mutant mice

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    Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is an anxiety-spectrum disorder characterized by persistent intrusive thoughts (obsessions) and repetitive actions (compulsions). Dysfunction of cortico-striato-thalamo-cortical circuitry is implicated in OCD, though the underlying pathogenic mechanisms are unknown. SAP90/PSD95-associated protein 3 (SAPAP3) is a postsynaptic scaffolding protein at excitatory synapses that is highly expressed in the striatum. Here we show that mice with genetic deletion of SAPAP3 exhibit increased anxiety and compulsive grooming behavior leading to facial hair loss and skin lesions; both behaviors are alleviated by a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor. Electrophysiological, structural, and biochemical studies of SAPAP3 mutant mice reveal defects in cortico-striatal synapses. Furthermore, lentiviral-mediated selective expression of SAPAP3 in the striatum rescues the synaptic and behavioral defects of SAPAP3 mutant mice. These findings demonstrate a critical role for SAPAP3 at cortico-striatal synapses and emphasize the importance of cortico-striatal circuitry in OCD-like behaviors