185 research outputs found

    Aminomethanol water elimination: Theoretical examination

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    The mechanism for the formation of hexamethylenetetraamine predicts the formation of aminomethanol from the addition of ammonia to formaldehyde. This molecule subsequently undergoes unimolecular decomposition to form methanimine and water. Aminomethanol is the predicted precursor to interstellar glycine, and is therefore of great interest for laboratory spectroscopic study, which would serve as the basis for observational searches. The height of the water loss barrier is therefore useful in the determination of an appropriate experimental approach for spectroscopic characterization of aminomethanol. We have determined the height of this barrier to be 55 kcal/mol at ambient temperatures. In addition, we have determined the infinite-pressure Rice-Ramsperger-Kassel-Marcus unimolecular decomposition rate to be < 10^(-25) s^(-1) at 300 K, indicating gas-phase kinetic stability for typical laboratory and hot core temperatures. Therefore, spectroscopic characterization of and observational searches for this molecule should be straightforward provided an efficient formation mechanism can be found

    Decays of the ρ^(1+)\hat\rho(1^{-+}) Exotic Hybrid and η\eta-η\eta' Mixing

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    QCD sum-rules are used to calculate the ρ^(1+)πη,πη\hat\rho(1^{-+})\to\pi\eta, \pi\eta' decay widths of the exotic hybrid in two different ηη\eta-\eta' mixing schemes. In the conventional flavour octet-singlet mixing scheme, the decay widths are both found to be small, while in the recently-proposed quark mixing scheme, the decay width Γρ^ηπ250MeV\Gamma_{\hat\rho\to\eta\pi}\approx 250 MeV is large compared with the decay width Γρ^ηπ20MeV\Gamma_{\hat\rho\to\eta^\prime\pi}\approx 20 MeV. These results provide some insight into η\eta-η\eta' mixing and hybrid decay features.Comment: latex2e, 11 pages with 4 embedded eps figures. v 2 corrects reference [5] and minor error in equation (11

    Non-perturbative Test of the Witten-Veneziano Formula from Lattice QCD

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    We compute both sides of the Witten-Veneziano formula using lattice techniques. For the one side we perform dedicated quenched simulations and use the spectral projector method to determine the topological susceptibility in the pure Yang-Mills theory. The other side we determine in lattice QCD with Nf=2+1+1N_f=2+1+1 dynamical Wilson twisted mass fermions including for the first time also the flavour singlet decay constant. The Witten-Veneziano formula represents a leading order expression in the framework of chiral perturbation theory and we also employ leading order chiral perturbation theory to relate the flavor singlet decay constant to the relevant decay constant parameters in the quark flavor basis and flavor non-singlet decay constants. After taking the continuum and the SU(2)(2) chiral limits we compare both sides and find good agreement within uncertainties.Comment: 30 pages, 7 figures, version accepted for publicatio

    The eta' meson from lattice QCD

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    We study the flavour singlet pseudoscalar mesons from first principles using lattice QCD. With N_f=2 flavours of light quark, this is the so-called eta_2 meson and we discuss the phenomenological status of this. Using maximally twisted-mass lattice QCD, we extract the mass of the eta_2 meson at two values of the lattice spacing for lighter quarks than previously discussed in the literature. We are able to estimate the mass value in the limit of light quarks with their physical masses.Comment: 16 pages: version accepted for publicatio

    Star formation histories of dwarf galaxies in the FIRE simulations: dependence on mass and Local Group environment

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    We study star formation histories (SFHs) of 500\simeq500 dwarf galaxies (stellar mass M=105109MM_\ast = 10^5 - 10^9\,M_\odot) from FIRE-2 cosmological zoom-in simulations. We compare dwarfs around individual Milky Way (MW)-mass galaxies, dwarfs in Local Group (LG)-like environments, and true field (i.e. isolated) dwarf galaxies. We reproduce observed trends wherein higher-mass dwarfs quench later (if at all), regardless of environment. We also identify differences between the environments, both in terms of "satellite vs. central" and "LG vs. individual MWvs. isolated dwarf central." Around the individual MW-mass hosts, we recover the result expected from environmental quenching: central galaxies in the "near field" have more extended SFHs than their satellite counterparts, with the former more closely resemble isolated ("true field") dwarfs (though near-field centrals are still somewhat earlier forming). However, this difference is muted in the LG-like environments, where both near-field centrals and satellites have similar SFHs, which resemble satellites of single MW-mass hosts. This distinction is strongest for M=106107MM_\ast = 10^6 - 10^7\,M_\odot but exists at other masses. Our results suggest that the paired halo nature of the LG may regulate star formation in dwarf galaxies even beyond the virial radii of the MW and Andromeda. Caution is needed when comparing zoom-in simulations targeting isolated dwarf galaxies against observed dwarf galaxies in the LG.Comment: Main text: 11 pages, 8 figures; appendices: 4 pages, 4 figures. Submitted to MNRAS; comments welcom

    Can the Mechanism for π1ηπ,ηπ\pi_1\to \eta\pi,\eta'\pi Hybrid Decays be Detected?

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    Two mechanisms for the π1\pi_1 (JPC=1+J^{PC}=1^{-+}) hybrid meson decay processes π1ηπ,ηπ\pi_1\to\eta\pi,\eta'\pi are investigated. These mechanisms are applied to ϕηγ,ηγ\phi\to\eta\gamma,\eta'\gamma and J/ψηγ,ηγJ/\psi\to\eta\gamma,\eta'\gamma decays to illustrate the validity of the decay mechanisms and to obtain independent information on the coupling of η,η\eta,\eta' to quark and gluonic operators. From this information, we find that Γ(π1ηπ)/Γ(π1ηπ)\Gamma(\pi_1\to\eta\pi)/\Gamma(\pi_1\to\eta'\pi) is substantially different in the two decay mechanisms, and hence future experimental measurements of this ratio will provide valuable information for substantiating the hybrid nature of these states and for determining the mechanism for these hybrid decays.Comment: 5 pages, revtex, 1 eps figure embedded in manuscript. Analysis and references extended in v

    {\eta} and {\eta}' mesons from Nf=2+1+1 twisted mass lattice QCD

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    We determine mass and mixing angles of eta and eta' states using Nf=2+1+1 Wilson twisted mass lattice QCD. We describe how those flavour singlet states need to be treated in this lattice formulation. Results are presented for three values of the lattice spacing, a=0.061 fm, a=0.078 fm and a=0.086 fm, with light quark masses corresponding to values of the charged pion mass in a range of 230 to 500 MeV and fixed bare strange and charm quark mass values. We obtain 557(15)(45) MeV for the eta mass (first error statistical, second systematic) and 44(5) degrees for the mixing angle in the quark flavour basis, corresponding to -10(5) degrees in the octet-singlet basis.Comment: 28 pages, 9 figures, version to appear in JHEP, extended discussion of autocorrelation times and comparison to results available in the literature, added a comment for FS-effects and clarified the description of our blocking procedur

    A single intranasal dose of chimpanzee adenovirus-vectored vaccine protects against SARS-CoV-2 infection in rhesus macaques

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    The deployment of a vaccine that limits transmission and disease likely will be required to end the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. We recently described the protective activity of an intranasally administered chimpanzee adenovirus-vectored vaccine encoding a pre-fusion stabilized spike (S) protein (ChAd-SARS-CoV-2-S [chimpanzee adenovirus-severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus-2-S]) in the upper and lower respiratory tracts of mice expressing the human angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptor. Here, we show the immunogenicity and protective efficacy of this vaccine in non-human primates. Rhesus macaques were immunized with ChAd-Control or ChAd-SARS-CoV-2-S and challenged 1 month later by combined intranasal and intrabronchial routes with SARS-CoV-2. A single intranasal dose of ChAd-SARS-CoV-2-S induces neutralizing antibodies and T cell responses and limits or prevents infection in the upper and lower respiratory tracts after SARS-CoV-2 challenge. As ChAd-SARS-CoV-2-S confers protection in non-human primates, it is a promising candidate for limiting SARS-CoV-2 infection and transmission in humans

    Properties of flavour-singlet pseudoscalar mesons from lattice QCD

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    We report on the status of the determination of properties of flavour-singlet pseudoscalar mesons using Wilson twisted mass lattice QCD at maximal twist. As part of project C7, a large number of phenomenologically relevant quantities could be extracted from first principle, from η and η′ masses to decay widths of pseudoscalar mesons to two photons

    On theories of enhanced CP violation in B_s,d meson mixing

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    The DO collaboration has measured a deviation from the standard model (SM) prediction in the like sign dimuon asymmetry in semileptonic b decay with a significance of 3.2 sigma. We discuss how minimal flavour violating (MFV) models with multiple scalar representations can lead to this deviation through tree level exchanges of new MFV scalars. We review how the two scalar doublet model can accommodate this result and discuss some of its phenomenology. Limits on electric dipole moments suggest that in this model the coupling of the charged scalar to the right handed u-type quarks is suppressed while its coupling to the d-type right handed quarks must be enhanced. We construct an extension of the MFV two scalar doublet model where this occurs naturally.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, v3 final JHEP versio