17,289 research outputs found

    A Rigorous Proof of Fermi Liquid Behavior for Jellium Two-Dimensional Interacting Fermions

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    Using the method of continuous constructive renormalization group around the Fermi surface, it is proved that a jellium two-dimensional interacting system of Fermions at low temperature TT remains analytic in the coupling constant λ\lambda for λlogTK|\lambda| |\log T| \le K where KK is some numerical constant and TT is the temperature. Furthermore in that range of parameters, the first and second derivatives of the self-energy remain bounded, a behavior which is that of Fermi liquids and in particular excludes Luttinger liquid behavior. Our results prove also that in dimension two any transition temperature must be non-perturbative in the coupling constant, a result expected on physical grounds. The proof exploits the specific momentum conservation rules in two dimensions.Comment: 4 pages, no figure

    The Anderson Model as a Matrix Model

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    In this paper we describe a strategy to study the Anderson model of an electron in a random potential at weak coupling by a renormalization group analysis. There is an interesting technical analogy between this problem and the theory of random matrices. In d=2 the random matrices which appear are approximately of the free type well known to physicists and mathematicians, and their asymptotic eigenvalue distribution is therefore simply Wigner's law. However in d=3 the natural random matrices that appear have non-trivial constraints of a geometrical origin. It would be interesting to develop a general theory of these constrained random matrices, which presumably play an interesting role for many non-integrable problems related to diffusion. We present a first step in this direction, namely a rigorous bound on the tail of the eigenvalue distribution of such objects based on large deviation and graphical estimates. This bound allows to prove regularity and decay properties of the averaged Green's functions and the density of states for a three dimensional model with a thin conducting band and an energy close to the border of the band, for sufficiently small coupling constant.Comment: 23 pages, LateX, ps file available at http://cpth.polytechnique.fr/cpth/rivass/articles.htm

    Remarkable virtual SUSY effects in W±W^{\pm} production at high energy hadron colliders

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    We present a complete 1-loop study of the electroweak corrections to the process ugdW+ug\to dW^+ in MSSM and SM. The occurrence of a number of remarkable properties in the behavior of the helicity amplitudes at high energies is stressed, and the crucial role of the virtual SUSY contributions in establishing them, is emphasized. The approach to asymptopia of these amplitudes is discussed, comparing the effects of the logarithmic and constant contributions to the mass suppressed ones, which are relevant at lower energies. Applying crossing to ugdW+ug\to d W^+, we obtain all subprocesses needed for the 1-loop electroweak corrections to W±W^\pm-production at LHC. The SUSY model dependence of such a production is then studied, and illustrations are given for the transverse W±W^{\pm} momentum distribution, as well as the angular distribution in the subprocess center of mass.Comment: 21 pages, 12 figures, version to appear in Phys.Rev.

    Conserving and gapless approximations for the composite bosons in terms of the constituent fermions

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    A long-standing problem with the many-body approximations for interacting condensed bosons has been the dichotomy between the ``conserving'' and ``gapless'' approximations, which either obey the conservations laws or satisfy the Hugenholtz-Pines condition for a gapless excitation spectrum, in the order. It is here shown that such a dichotomy does not exist for a system of composite bosons, which form as bound-fermion pairs in the strong-coupling limit of the fermionic attraction. By starting from the constituent fermions, for which conserving approximations can be constructed for any value of the mutual attraction according to the Baym-Kadanoff prescriptions, it is shown that these approximations also result in a gapless excitation spectrum for the boson-like propagators in the broken-symmetry phase. This holds provided the corresponding equations for the fermionic single- and two-particle Green's functions are solved self-consistently.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Observation of magnetism in Au thin films

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    Direct magnetization measurements of thin gold films are presented. These measurements integrate the signal from the thin film under study and the magnetic contribution of the film's interface with the substrate. The diamagnetic contribution to the signal from the bulk substrate is of the same order as the noise level. we find that thin gold films can exhibit positive magnetization. The character of their magnetic behavior is strongly substrate dependent.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Fermionic functional renormalization group for first-order phase transitions: a mean-field model

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    First-order phase transitions in many-fermion systems are not detected in the susceptibility analysis of common renormalization-group (RG) approaches. Here we introduce a counterterm technique within the functional renormalization-group (fRG) formalism which allows access to all stable and metastable configurations. It becomes possible to study symmetry-broken states which occur through first-order transitions as well as hysteresis phenomena. For continuous transitions, the standard results are reproduced. As an example, we study discrete-symmetry breaking in a mean-field model for a commensurate charge-density wave. An additional benefit of the approach is that away from the critical temperature for the breaking of discrete symmetries large interactions can be avoided at all RG scales.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figures. v2 corrects typos, adds references and a discussion of the literatur

    Spectral Function of 2D Fermi Liquids

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    We show that the spectral function for single-particle excitations in a two-dimensional Fermi liquid has Lorentzian shape in the low energy limit. Landau quasi-particles have a uniquely defined spectral weight and a decay rate which is much smaller than the quasi-particle energy. By contrast, perturbation theory and the T-matrix approximation yield spurious deviations from Fermi liquid behavior, which are particularly pronounced for a linearized dispersion relation.Comment: 6 pages, LaTeX2e, 5 EPS figure

    A general numerical analysis program for the superconducting quasiparticle mixer

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    A user-oriented computer program SISCAP (SIS Computer Analysis Program) for analyzing SIS mixers is described. The program allows arbitrary impedance terminations to be specified at all LO harmonics and sideband frequencies. It is therefore able to treat a much more general class of SIS mixers than the widely used three-frequency analysis, for which the harmonics are assumed to be short-circuited. An additional program, GETCHI, provides the necessary input data to program SISCAP. The SISCAP program performs a nonlinear analysis to determine the SIS junction voltage waveform produced by the local oscillator. The quantum theory of mixing is used in its most general form, treating the large signal properties of the mixer in the time domain. A small signal linear analysis is then used to find the conversion loss and port impedances. The noise analysis includes thermal noise from the termination resistances and shot noise from the periodic LO current. Quantum noise is not considered. Many aspects of the program have been adequately verified and found accurate

    Renormalized perturbation theory for Fermi systems: Fermi surface deformation and superconductivity in the two-dimensional Hubbard model

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    Divergencies appearing in perturbation expansions of interacting many-body systems can often be removed by expanding around a suitably chosen renormalized (instead of the non-interacting) Hamiltonian. We describe such a renormalized perturbation expansion for interacting Fermi systems, which treats Fermi surface shifts and superconductivity with an arbitrary gap function via additive counterterms. The expansion is formulated explicitly for the Hubbard model to second order in the interaction. Numerical soutions of the self-consistency condition determining the Fermi surface and the gap function are calculated for the two-dimensional case. For the repulsive Hubbard model close to half-filling we find a superconducting state with d-wave symmetry, as expected. For Fermi levels close to the van Hove singularity a Pomeranchuk instability leads to Fermi surfaces with broken square lattice symmetry, whose topology can be closed or open. For the attractive Hubbard model the second order calculation yeilds s-wave superconductivity with a weakly momentum dependent gap, whose size is reduced compared to the mean-field result.Comment: 18 pages incl. 6 figure