44 research outputs found

    Pan-ethnic carrier screening and prenatal diagnosis for spinal muscular atrophy: clinical laboratory analysis of >72 400 specimens

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    Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a leading inherited cause of infant death with a reported incidence of ∼1 in 10 000 live births and is second to cystic fibrosis as a common, life-shortening autosomal recessive disorder. The American College of Medical Genetics has recommended population carrier screening for SMA, regardless of race or ethnicity, to facilitate informed reproductive options, although other organizations have cited the need for additional large-scale studies before widespread implementation. We report our data from carrier testing (n=72 453) and prenatal diagnosis (n=121) for this condition. Our analysis of large-scale population carrier screening data (n=68 471) demonstrates the technical feasibility of high throughput testing and provides mutation carrier and allele frequencies at a level of accuracy afforded by large data sets. In our United States pan-ethnic population, the calculated a priori carrier frequency of SMA is 1/54 with a detection rate of 91.2%, and the pan-ethnic disease incidence is calculated to be 1/11 000. Carrier frequency and detection rates provided for six major ethnic groups in the United States range from 1/47 and 94.8% in the Caucasian population to 1/72 and 70.5% in the African American population, respectively. This collective experience can be utilized to facilitate accurate pre- and post-test counseling in the settings of carrier screening and prenatal diagnosis for SMA

    Rare variants in BNC2 are implicated in autosomal-dominant congenital lower urinary-tract obstruction

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    Congenital lower urinary-tract obstruction (LUTO) is caused by anatomical blockage of the bladder outflow tract or by functional impairment of urinary voiding. About three out of 10,000 pregnancies are affected. Although several monogenic causes of functional obstruction have been defined, it is unknown whether congenital LUTO caused by anatomical blockage has a monogenic cause. Exome sequencing in a family with four affected individuals with anatomical blockage of the urethra identified a rare nonsense variant (c.2557C>T [p.Arg853(∗)]) in BNC2, encoding basonuclin 2, tracking with LUTO over three generations. Re-sequencing BNC2 in 697 individuals with LUTO revealed three further independent missense variants in three unrelated families. In human and mouse embryogenesis, basonuclin 2 was detected in lower urinary-tract rudiments. In zebrafish embryos, bnc2 was expressed in the pronephric duct and cloaca, analogs of the mammalian lower urinary tract. Experimental knockdown of Bnc2 in zebrafish caused pronephric-outlet obstruction and cloacal dilatation, phenocopying human congenital LUTO. Collectively, these results support the conclusion that variants in BNC2 are strongly implicated in LUTO etiology as a result of anatomical blockage

    Parametric Oscillations of a Thermal Field During Explosive Crystallization of Amorphous Films

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    Изучены тепловые процессы, происходящие при взрывной кристаллизации аморфных пленок, напыленных на подложку. Представлены результаты численного моделирования параметрических колебаний теплового поля в системе «фазовая граница – подложка». Рассмотрены стационарный и волновой режимы возбуждения горячих центров кристаллизации в аморфной фазе. Расчеты выполнены для аморфной пленки германия. Установлены основные физические факторы, определяющие амплитудно-частотные свойства данного процесса: толщина пленки, температура подложки и скорость фазовой границы кристаллизации. Указаны примеры возникновения резонансных ситуаций. Рассмотрены колебания параметрической системы, которая испытывает внешнее воздействие в режиме биений. Для этой системы по-строен трехмерный фазовый портрет, демонстрирующий ее динамические свойства. При наличии спектра частот структура фазовых траекторий в основном аналогична варианту колебаний на одной частоте.The thermal processes occurring during explosive crystallization of amorphous films deposited on a substrate are studied. The results of numerical modeling of parametric oscillations of a thermal field in the “phase boundary – substrate” system are presented. The stationary and wave modes of hot crystallization centers in the amorphous phase are considered. The calculations are performed for an amorphous germanium film. The main physical factors determining the amplitude and frequency properties of this process are established: film thickness, substrate temperature, and crystallization phase boundary rate. Examples of the resonant situation occurrence are indicated. The parametric system oscillations, which has external influence in the beating mode, are considered. A three-dimensional phase portrait is constructed for this system, demonstrating its dynamic properties. In the presence of a frequency spectrum, the structure of phase trace is basically similar to the variant of oscillations at one frequency

    Revised Hammersmith Scale for Spinal Muscular Atrophy: : A SMA specific clinical outcome assessment tool

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    This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.Recent translational research developments in Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA), outcome measure design and demands from regulatory authorities require that clinical outcome assessments are 'fit for purpose'. An international collaboration (SMA REACH UK, Italian SMA Network and PNCRN USA) undertook an iterative process to address discontinuity in the recorded performance of the Hammersmith Functional Motor Scale Expanded and developed a revised functional scale using Rasch analysis, traditional psychometric techniques and the application of clinical sensibility via expert panels. Specifically, we intended to develop a psychometrically and clinically robust functional clinician rated outcome measure to assess physical abilities in weak SMA type 2 through to strong ambulant SMA type 3 patients. The final scale, the Revised Hammersmith Scale (RHS) for SMA, consisting of 36 items and two timed tests, was piloted in 138 patients with type 2 and 3 SMA in an observational cross-sectional multi-centre study across the three national networks. Rasch analysis demonstrated very good fit of all 36 items to the construct of motor performance, good reliability with a high Person Separation Index PSI 0.98, logical and hierarchical scoring in 27/36 items and excellent targeting with minimal ceiling. The RHS differentiated between clinically different groups: SMA type, World Health Organisation (WHO) categories, ambulatory status, and SMA type combined with ambulatory status (all p < 0.001). Construct and concurrent validity was also confirmed with a strong significant positive correlation with the WHO motor milestones rs = 0.860, p < 0.001. We conclude that the RHS is a psychometrically sound and versatile clinical outcome assessment to test the broad range of physical abilities of patients with type 2 and 3 SMA. Further longitudinal testing of the scale with regards change in scores over 6 and 12 months are required prior to its adoption in clinical trials.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio