62 research outputs found

    Coccinellidae housed in the Mátra Museum, Hungary, with a national checklist of the family (Coleoptera)

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    A list of 39 species of Coccinellidae deposited in the Mátra Museum (Gyöngyös, Hungary) complemented with label data is given. A checklist of the Coccinellidae of Hungary (90 species) is presented. Four species previously mentioned to occur in Hungary are deleted from the faunal list

    The effects of detritus inputs on soil organic matter content and carbon-dioxide emission in a Central European deciduous forest.

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    A major objective of our research was to survey s oil biological activity and organic matter content reduction in a Central European oak forest during treatments of various detritus inputs within the Síkf ő kút DIRT ( Detritus Input and Removal Treatments ) Project. Beside the control, three detritus removal and two detritus duplication treatments wer e applied. Our examinations have proven that soil organic matter content declined relatively fast in detritus removal treatments. The reduction was especially remarkable in root detritus removal trea tments, where – due to the lack of transpiration – soils were moister during the whole year than in the othe r treatments. The higher moisture content, despite of the reduction of detritus input, produced an intens e soil respiration. This can be explained by the fa ct that decomposing organisms have increased the use of soi l organic matter. Detritus input reduction had a significantly greater effect on soil respiration an d organic matter content than detritus input duplic ation of the same extent. The latter did not cause any si gnificant change compared to the control

    The Effects of Detritus Input on Soil Organic Matter Content and Carbon Dioxide Emission in a Central European Deciduous Forest

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    A major objective of our research was to survey soil biological activity and organic mattercontent reduction in a Central European oak forest during treatments of various detritus inputs within theSíkfkút DIRT (Detritus Input and Removal Treatments) Project. Beside the control, three detritusremoval and two detritus duplication treatments were applied. Our examinations have proven that soilorganic matter content declined relatively fast in detritus removal treatments. The reduction wasespecially remarkable in root detritus removal treatments, where – due to the lack of transpiration – soilswere moister during the whole year than in the other treatments. The higher moisture content, despite ofthe reduction of detritus input, produced an intense soil respiration. This can be explained by the fact thatdecomposing organisms have increased the use of soil organic matter. Detritus input reduction had asignificantly greater effect on soil respiration and organic matter content than detritus input duplicationof the same extent. The latter did not cause any significant change compared to the control

    Effects of Climate Change on Litter Production in a Quercetum petraeae-cerris Forest in Hungary

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    Climate change is a global problem. During the last century the increase of annual averagetemperature was 0.68°C, while the decrease of annual average of precipitation was 83 mm in Hungary.According to the long term meteorological data of Síkfkút forest ILTER site the annual averagetemperature increased while average of yearly precipitation decreased, the forest climate becamewarmer and dryer. These processes could considerably contribute to forest decline, not only in theQuercetum petraeae-cerris stand of Síkfkút, but everywhere in the country. Species composition andstructure of the forest have changed considerably, as 68% of sessile oak (Quercus petraea) and 16% ofTurkey oak (Quercus cerris) have died. Forest decline resulted in the breaking up of the formerlyclosed canopy, and consequently, in the formation of gaps in the forest. In the gaps, a secondary canopy developed with tree species of less forestry value. As a consequence, mass regeneration of field maple (Acer campestre) appeard in the gaps. The formation of gaps accelerated the warming and aridity of forests. In the article we answer the following question: how did climatic change and changing forest structure influence the leaf-litter production in the last four decades

    Állati eredetű élelmiszerek mikrobiológiai biztonsága Magyarországon

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    Az állategészségügyi és élelmiszerellenårzå szolgálat évtizedek óta vizsgálja az élelmiszerek – fåként az állati eredeté élelmiszerek – mikrobiológiai szennyezettségét. Az élelmiszerek által közvetített zoonotikus kórokozók teljes élelmiszerláncot átfogó és a védekezés alapját képezå adatgyéjtési rendszerének jogszabályi hátterét a 99/2003/EK irányelv képezi. 2006-tól az adatgyéjtés rendszerében hangsúlyosabb szerepet kapott az elåre tervezett, a minták véletlenszeré (tehát nem hibaorientált) kiválasztásán alapuló monitoring mintavétel, ami a mikrobiológiai élelmiszerbiztonsági helyzet, a fogyasztók mikrobiológiai expozíciójának reprezentatív felmérését célozza. A dolgozat tárgya a Salmonella spp., a Listeria monocytogenes, a verotoxin-termelå E. coli valamint a termotoleráns Campylobacter fajok elåfordulására vonatkozó vizsgálatok eredményeinek bemutatása. A Salmonella spp. elåfordulási gyakoriságára vonatkozó adatok a legfontosabb élelmiszer termékcsoportok mellett húshibrid, valamint árutojás-termelå baromfiállományok esetében is bemutatásra kerülnek. Jelentås különbség tapasztalható a Salmonella szerotípusok elåfordulásában a különbözå állatállományok, élelmiszer-termékcsoportok között. Az árutojás-termelå állományok, a tojástermékek esetében a S. Enteritidis a leggyakrabban izolált szerotípus, míg húshibrid állományokban és baromfihúsban szinte kizárólag a S. Infantis fordul elő. A Listeria monocytogenes sporadikusan számos azonnali fogyasztásra kész élelmiszercsoportban elåfordul, azonban országosan alig néhány pozitív minta esetében volt 100 sejt/grammot meghaladó, a fogyasztó egészségét súlyosan veszélyeztetå mértéké fertåzöttség. A nyers baromfihús Campylobacter szennyezettsége jelentås, a pozitív minták aránya meghaladja az 50%-ot. A szarvasmarha és a sertés húsának, valamint a nyers tejnek a fertåzöttsége alacsonynak tekinthetå (1-5%). The Hungarian Veterinary and Food Control Service has been responsible for the testing and data collection on the microbiological contamination of different foodstuffs (mainly food of animal origin) for decades. The legal background of monitoring on zoonotic microoorganisms transmissible by food at the relevant parts of food chain is provided by Directive 99/2003/EC. There is a change in the data collection system in Hungary from 2006 emphasizing on the randomised sampling of foodstuff instead of mistake oriented sampling system. The aim of this change in sampling system is to collect representative data on consumers exposure which can further be used in risk assessment. The aim of this study is to provide summarized data on the prevalence of the most important foodborn pathogenic microorganisms as Salmonella spp., Listeria monocytogenes, verotoxic E. coli and thermotolerant Campylobacter spp. in different matrixes. Data on prevalence of Salmonella spp. are presented not only from food, but also on animal flocks of table egg layers and broiler chicken. There is a significant difference between the prevalence of specific Salmonella serovars in different kinds of foodstuffs and animal flocks. S. Enteritidis is the most frequently isolated serovar in table egg layer flocks and egg products as in broiler flockes and chicken meat is contaminated with S. Infantis. Listeria monocytogenes can be sporadically isolated from many kinds of ready-to-eat food, but the level of contamination is very low, below the hazardous level for consumer of 100 cfu/gram. The prevalence of Campylobacter in raw poultry meat is high, more than 50% of the samples are contaminated. The contamination of beef, pork and raw milk is very low, between 1-5%

    „Pannónia”serdülőpszichiátriai multicentrikus-multidimenzionális felmérés = „PANNONIA” adolescent psychiatric multicenter study

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    A szerzők előbb ismertetik a gyermekpszichiátriai klinikai epidemiológiai vizsgálatok mai helyzetét, majd megindokolják, miért került kidolgozásra a „Pannónia”serdülőpszichiátriai felmérés. A kutatás hat dunántúli gyermekpszichiátriai gondozó új, ambuláns, 14-18 év közötti serdülő fiatal betegeinek pszichiátriai és klinikai-pszichológiai felmérését célozza, egyéves futamidővel. A közlemény második részében ismertetik a kutatás célját, szervezését, a betegek beválasztási kritériumait, az alkotó tesztbattéria részeit és a kutatás várható tudományos hozamát

    A de novo atypical ring sSMC(22) characterized by array CGH in a boy with cat-eye syndrome.

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    BACKGROUND: Microduplications 22q11 have been characterized as a genomic duplication syndrome mediated by nonallelic homologous recombination between region-specific low-copy repeats. Here we report on a 19 years old boy with intellectual disability having an unexpected structurally complex ring small supernumerary marker chromosome (sSMC) originated from a larger trisomy and a smaller tetrasomy of proximal 22q11 harboring additional copies of cat eye syndrome critical regions genes. RESULTS: PRINCIPAL CLINICAL FEATURES WERE: anorectal and urogenital malformations, total anomalous pulmonary venous return with secundum ASD, hearing defect, preauricular pits, seizure and eczema. The proband also presented some rare or so far not reported clinical findings such as hyperinsulinaemia, severe immunodeficiency and grave cognitive deficits. Chromosome analysis revealed a mosaic karyotype with the presence of a small ring-like marker in 60% of cells. Array CGH detected approximately an 1,2 Mb single and a 0,2 Mb double copy gain of the proximal long arm of chromosome 22. The 1,3 Mb intervening region of chromosome 22 from centromere to the breakpoints showed no copy alteration. The karyotype of the patient was defined as 47,XY,+mar[60]/46,XY[40].ish idic r(22)(q11.1.q11.21) x 4.arr 22q11(17,435, 645-18,656,678) x 3,(17,598,642-17,799,783) x 4 dn. CONCLUSIONS: The present report is the first one with a detailed description of clinical presentation in a patient carrying an atypical size ring sSMC (22) analyzed by array CGH. The specialty of the finding is emphasized by the fact that although the patient had a mosaic sSMC and the amplified region was smaller than in typical cat eye syndrome cases, the clinical presentation was severe