47 research outputs found

    Estimation of percentage points and the construction of tolerance limits

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    Estimation of percentage points and construction of tolerance limit

    Results from the Crop Identification Technology Assessment for Remote Sensing (CITARS) project

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    The author has identified the following significant results. It was found that several factors had a significant effect on crop identification performance: (1) crop maturity and site characteristics, (2) which of several different single date automatic data processing procedures was used for local recognition, (3) nonlocal recognition, both with and without preprocessing for the extension of recognition signatures, and (4) use of multidate data. It also was found that classification accuracy for field center pixels was not a reliable indicator of proportion estimation performance for whole areas, that bias was present in proportion estimates, and that training data and procedures strongly influenced crop identification performance

    Crop identification technology assessment for remote sensing (CITARS). Volume 10: Interpretation of results

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    The CITARS was an experiment designed to quantitatively evaluate crop identification performance for corn and soybeans in various environments using a well-defined set of automatic data processing (ADP) techniques. Each technique was applied to data acquired to recognize and estimate proportions of corn and soybeans. The CITARS documentation summarizes, interprets, and discusses the crop identification performances obtained using (1) different ADP procedures; (2) a linear versus a quadratic classifier; (3) prior probability information derived from historic data; (4) local versus nonlocal recognition training statistics and the associated use of preprocessing; (5) multitemporal data; (6) classification bias and mixed pixels in proportion estimation; and (7) data with differnt site characteristics, including crop, soil, atmospheric effects, and stages of crop maturity

    Temporal Changes in Astronauts Muscle and Cardiorespiratory Physiology Pre-, In-, and Post-Spaceflight

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    NASAs vision for future exploration missions depends on the ability to protect astronauts health and safety for performance of Extravehicular Activity (EVA), and to allow astronauts to safely egress from vehicles in a variety of landing scenarios (e.g. water landing upon return to Earth and undefined planetary/lunar landings). Prolonged exposure to spaceflight results in diminished tolerance to prolonged physical activity, decreased cardiac and sensorimotor function, and loss of bone mineral density, muscle mass, and muscle strength. For over 50 years exercise has been the primary countermeasure against these physiologic decrements during spaceflight, and while the resulting protection is adequate for ISS missions (i.e., Soyuz landing, microgravity EVAs), there is little information regarding time-course changes in muscle and aerobic performance. As spaceflight progresses towards longer exploration missions and vehicles with less robust exercise capabilities compared to ISS, countermeasures will need to be combined and optimized to protect crew health and performance across all organ systems over the course of exploration missions up to 3 years in duration. This will require a more detailed understanding of the dynamic effects of spaceflight on human performance. Thus, the focus of this study is quantifying decrements in physical performance over different mission durations, and to provide detailed information on the physiological rational for why and when observed changes in performance occur. The research proposed will temporally profile changes in astronauts cardiorespiratory fitness, muscle mass, strength, and endurance over spaceflight missions of 2 months, 6 months, and up to 1 year in duration. Additionally, an extrapolation model will provide predictions for changes associated with exploration missions 2-3 years in duration. To accomplish these objectives astronauts will be asked to participate in pre, in, post-flight measurement of muscle performance, muscle size, cardiorespiratory fitness and submaximal performance capabilities, as well as non-invasive assessment of cerebral and muscle oxygenation and perfusion (Table 1). Additionally, ambulatory and in-flight exercise, nutrition, and sleep will be monitored using a variety of commercial technologies and in-flight assessment tools. Significance: Our detailed testing protocol will provide valuable information for describing how and when spaceflight-induced muscle and aerobic based adaptations occur over the course of spaceflight missions up to and beyond 1 year. This information will be vital in the assessment as to whether humans can be physically ready for deep space exploration such as Mars missions with current technology, or if additional mitigation strategies are necessary

    Results from the Crop Identification Technology Assessment for Remote Sensing

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    CITARS was an experiment designed to quantitatively evaluate crop identification performance for corn and soybeans in various environments using a well-defined set of automatic data techniques. These techniques differed mainly by the procedure used to obtain signatures from training data (e.g., clustering) and by the method of classification employed (e.g., linear or quadratic decision boundaries and equal or unequal class weights). Each technique was applied to LANDSAT-1 data acquired over six Indiana and Illinois test sites throughout the growing season in an attempt to recognize and estimate proportions of corn and soybeans using both local and non-local (i.e. extended) training statistics. As a result of these analyses the significance of factors which contribute to classification performance was determined. In this paper the results of (1) the differences indifferent ADP procedures; (2) the linear vs. quadratic classifier; (3) the use in classification Of prior probability information derived from historic data: (4) differences in local and non-local recognition and the associated use of preprocessing: (5) the use of multitemporal data: (6) the effects Of classification bias and mixed pixels in proportion estimation: (7) the effects of site characteristics including crop, soil, and atmospheric effects: and (8) the effects of crop maturity are presented and discussed

    Towards Probablistic Assessment of Hypobaric Decompression Sickness Treatment

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    INTRODUCTION: Pressure, oxygen (O2), and time are the pillars to effective treatment of decompression sickness (DCS). The NASA DCS Treatment Model links a decrease in computed bubble volume to the resolution of a symptom. The decrease in volume is realized in two stages: a) during the Boyle's Law compression and b) during subsequent dissolution of the gas phase by the O2 window. METHODS: The cumulative distribution of 154 symptoms that resolved during repressurization was described with a log-logistic density function of pressure difference (deltaP as psid) associated with symptom resolution and two other explanatory variables. The 154 symptoms originated from 119 cases of DCS during 969 exposures in 47 different altitude tests. RESULTS: The probability of symptom resolution [P(symptom resolution)] = 1 / (1+exp(- (ln(deltaP) - 1.682 + 1.089AMB - 0.00395SYMPTOM TIME) / 0.633)), where AMB is 1 when the subject ambulated as part of the altitude exposure or else 0 and SYMPTOM TIME is the elapsed time in min from start of the altitude exposure to recognition of a DCS symptom. The P(symptom resolution) was estimated from computed deltaP from the Tissue Bubble Dynamics Model based on the "effective" Boyle's Law change: P2 - P1 (deltaP, psid) = P1V1/V2 - P1, where V1 is the computed volume of a spherical bubble in a unit volume of tissue at low pressure P1 and V2 is computed volume after a change to a higher pressure P2. V2 continues to decrease through time at P2, at a faster rate if 100% ground level O2 was breathed. The computed deltaP is the effective treatment pressure at any point in time as if the entire deltaP was just from Boyle's Law compression. DISCUSSION: Given the low probability of DCS during extravehicular activity and the prompt treatment of a symptom with options through the model it is likely that the symptom and gas phase will resolve with minimum resources and minimal impact on astronaut health, safety, and productivity

    Maximum Oxygen Uptake During Long-Duration Space Flight: Preliminary Results

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    INTRODUCTION: Maximum oxygen uptake (VO2max) is maintained during space flight lasting <15 d, but has not been measured during long-duration missions. This abstract describes pre-flight and in-flight preliminary findings from the International Space Station (ISS) VO2max experiment. METHODS: Seven astronauts (4 M, 3 F: 47 +/- 5 yr, 174 +/- 7 cm, 74.1 +/- 14.7 kg [mean +/- SD]) performed cycle exercise tests to volitional maximum approx.45 d before flight and tests were scheduled every 30 d during flight beginning on flight day (FD) 14. Tests consisted of three 5-min stages designed to elicit 25%, 50%, and 75% of preflight VO2max, followed by 25 W/min increases. VO2 and heart rate (HR) were measured using the ISS Portable Pulmonary Function System (PPFS) (Damec, Odense, DK). Unfortunately the PPFS did not arrive at the ISS in time to support early test sessions for 3 crewmembers. Descriptive statistics are presented for pre-flight vs. late-flight (FD 147 +/- 33 d) comparisons for all subjects (n=7); and pre-flight, early (FD 18 +/- 3) and late-flight (FD 156 +/- 5) data are presented for subjects (n=4) who completed all of these test sessions. RESULTS: When all subjects are considered, average VO2max decreased from pre- to late in-flight (2.98 +/- 0.85 vs. 2.57 +/- 0.50 L/min) while maximum HR late-flight seemed unchanged (178 +/- 9 vs. 175 +/- 8 beats/min). Similarly, for subjects who completed pre-, early, and late flight measurements (n=4), mean VO2max declined from 3.19 +/- 0.75 L/min preflight to 2.43 +/- 0.43 and 2.62 +/- 0.38 L/min early and late-flight, respectively. Maximum HR was 183 +/- 8, 174 +/- 8, and 179 +/- 6 beats/min pre-, early- and late-flight. DISCUSSION: Average VO2max declined during flight and did not appreciably recover as flight duration increased; however much inter-subject variation occurred in these changes

    Sensorimotor Predictors of Post-Landing Functional Task Performance

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    Spaceflight drives adaptive changes in healthy individuals appropriate for sensorimotor function in a microgravity environment. These changes are maladaptive for return to earth's gravity. The inter-individual variability of sensorimotor decrements is striking, although poorly understood. The goal of this study is to identify a set of behavioral, neuroimaging and genetic measures that can potentially be used to predict early performance following G-transitions such as return to Earth on a set of sensorimotor tasks. Astronauts are being recruited who previously participated in sensorimotor field tests and/or dynamic posturography (MedB) within R+1 days following long-duration spaceflight

    Cosmic-ray strangelets in the Earth's atmosphere

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    If strange quark matter is stable in small lumps, we expect to find such lumps, called ``strangelets'', on Earth due to a steady flux in cosmic rays. Following recent astrophysical models, we predict the strangelet flux at the top of the atmosphere, and trace the strangelets' behavior in atmospheric chemistry and circulation. We show that several strangelet species may have large abundances in the atmosphere; that they should respond favorably to laboratory-scale preconcentration techniques; and that they present promising targets for mass spectroscopy experiments.Comment: 28 pages, 4 figures, revtex