22 research outputs found

    Characterisation of thermal barrier sensor coatings synthesised by sol–gel route

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    Further improvements in the efficiency of gas turbines are recognised to come from increases in turbine entry temperatures. Accurate temperature measurements are crucial to achieve these increases whilst maintaining reliability and economic component life. The combination of phosphor thermometry and thermal barrier coating (TBC) technology has led to the development of functional temperature sensor coatings which have several advantages over conventional temperature measurement techniques. Developments in sol–gel processing indicate that this method could be used for the production, or particularly, the repair of TBCs in the future. This paper demonstrates, for the first time, that sol–gel processing can be used to make sensor TBCs. The optimum concentration of SmO1.5 was 2 wt.% in YSZ to achieve the brightest phosphorescence emission. Above this concentration the overall intensity of the emission reduces and the transitions from 4F3/2 were suppressed. Furthermore, a similar suppression of these transitions was observed when the product of the sol–gel was heat treated to 1100 ◦C. This was concluded to be due to a higher degree of crystallinity allowing a greater interaction between the dopant ions. The dependence of the phosphorescence spectrum on heat treatment temperature provides the first indication that YSZ produced through sol–gel could be used to detect historic temperatures. An evaluation of the subsurface measurement and temperature capabilities has shown that the phosphorescence can be detected from relatively thin layers, 20 µm, even under 50 µm of undoped YSZ coating. Although the temperature detection range, 400–700 ◦C, is too low for advanced TBCs the material could be used in low temperature regimes or for health monitoring purposes

    Canakinumab for Treatment of Adult-Onset Still's Disease to Achieve Reduction of Arthritic Manifestation (CONSIDER): phase II, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicentre, investigator-initiated trial

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    Background: Inhibition of interleukin (IL)-1 represents a promising treatment option in adult-onset Still's disease (AOSD). Objective: To investigate the efficacy and safety of canakinumab in patients with AOSD and active joint involvement by means of a multicentre, double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled trial. Methods Patients with AOSD and active joint involvement (tender and swollen joint counts of >= 4 each) were treated with canakinumab (4 mg/kg, maximum 300 mg subcutaneous every 4 weeks) or placebo. The primary endpoint was the proportion of patients with a clinically relevant reduction in disease activity at week 12 as determined by the change in disease activity score (Delta DAS28>1.2). Results At enrolment, patients had high active disease with a mean DAS28(ESR) of 5.4 in the canakinumab and 5.3 in the placebo group, respectively. In the intention-to-treat analysis, 12 patients (67%) in the canakinumab group and 7 patients (41%) in the placebo group fulfilled the primary outcome criterion (p=0.18). In the per-protocol analysis, significantly higher American College of Rheumatology (ACR) 30% (61% vs 20%, p=0.033), ACR 50% (50% vs 6.7%, p=0.009) and ACR 70% (28% vs 0%, p=0.049) response rates were observed in the canakinumab group compared with the placebo group. Two patients in the canakinumab group experienced a serious adverse event. Conclusion Although the study was terminated prematurely and the primary endpoint was not achieved, treatment with canakinumab led to an improvement of several outcome measures in AOSD. The overall safety findings were consistent with the known profile of canakinumab. Thus, our data support indication for IL-1 inhibition with canakinumab in AOSD

    Filling Kinetic Gaps: Dynamic Modeling of Metabolism Where Detailed Kinetic Information Is Lacking

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    Integrative analysis between dynamical modeling of metabolic networks and data obtained from high throughput technology represents a worthy effort toward a holistic understanding of the link among phenotype and dynamical response. Even though the theoretical foundation for modeling metabolic network has been extensively treated elsewhere, the lack of kinetic information has limited the analysis in most of the cases. To overcome this constraint, we present and illustrate a new statistical approach that has two purposes: integrate high throughput data and survey the general dynamical mechanisms emerging for a slightly perturbed metabolic network.This paper presents a statistic framework capable to study how and how fast the metabolites participating in a perturbed metabolic network reach a steady-state. Instead of requiring accurate kinetic information, this approach uses high throughput metabolome technology to define a feasible kinetic library, which constitutes the base for identifying, statistical and dynamical properties during the relaxation. For the sake of illustration we have applied this approach to the human Red blood cell metabolism (hRBC) and its capacity to predict temporal phenomena was evaluated. Remarkable, the main dynamical properties obtained from a detailed kinetic model in hRBC were recovered by our statistical approach. Furthermore, robust properties in time scale and metabolite organization were identify and one concluded that they are a consequence of the combined performance of redundancies and variability in metabolite participation.In this work we present an approach that integrates high throughput metabolome data to define the dynamic behavior of a slightly perturbed metabolic network where kinetic information is lacking. Having information of metabolite concentrations at steady-state, this method has significant relevance due its potential scope to analyze others genome scale metabolic reconstructions. Thus, I expect this approach will significantly contribute to explore the relationship between dynamic and physiology in other metabolic reconstructions, particularly those whose kinetic information is practically nulls. For instances, I envisage that this approach can be useful in genomic medicine or pharmacogenomics, where the estimation of time scales and the identification of metabolite organization may be crucial to characterize and identify (dis)functional stages

    Worst-Case X-ray Photon Energies in Ultrashort Pulse Laser Processing

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    Ultrashort pulse laser processing can result in the secondary generation of unwanted X-rays if a critical laser irradiance of about 1013 W cm−2 is exceeded. Spectral X-ray emissions were investigated during the processing of tungsten and steel using three complementary spectrometers (based on CdTe and silicon drift detectors) simultaneously for the identification of a worst-case spectral scenario. Therefore, maximum X-ray photon energies were determined, and corresponding dose equivalent rates were calculated. An ultrashort pulse laser workstation with a pulse duration of 274 fs, a center wavelength of 1030 nm, pulse repetition rates between 50 kHz and 200 kHz, and a Gaussian laser beam focused to a spot diameter of 33 μm was employed in a single pulse and burst laser operation mode. Different combinations of laser pulse energy and repetition rate were utilized, keeping the average laser power constant close to the maximum power of 20 W. Peak irradiances I0 ranging from 7.3 × 1013 W cm−2 up to 3.0 × 1014 W cm−2 were used. The X-ray dose equivalent rate increases for lower repetition rates and higher pulse energy if a constant average power is used. Laser processing with burst mode significantly increases the dose rates and the X-ray photon energies. A maximum X-ray photon energy of about 40 keV was observed for burst mode processing of tungsten with a repetition rate of 50 kHz and a peak irradiance of 3 × 1014 W cm−2