346 research outputs found

    Student Articulations of Critical Multicultural Education Concepts from One Study Abroad Experience in New Zealand

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    This study examines how six teacher candidates in one U.S. based teacher preparation program articulate understandings of critical multicultural education concepts after a field experience in a study abroad program in New Zealand. Teacher candidates were interviewed about their understandings of culture, privilege, and social inequality. Field placements were in high poverty elementary schools with high numbers of linguistic and ethnic minority students. Teacher candidate responses revealed development of cultural appreciation but a lack of engagement with issues related to privilege and social inequality. Teacher candidates further had difficulty articulating issues of power and systemic privilege enacted either in the New Zealand context, or in their home cultural context in the United States. This study calls for more explicit support for teacher candidates as they grapple with recognizing and practicing a Culturally Relevant Pedagogy in order to realize the potential of diverse study abroad field experiences for teacher preparation

    The Statistical Mechanics Approach to Protein Sequence Data: Beyond Contact Prediction

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    The recent application of models from inverse statistical mechanics to protein sequence data in has been a large success. In my thesis, I will build upon these models but also use them beyond their original aim of residue contact prediction. This includes the improvement of contact prediction itself by extending the models, the application of the methods in the wider scope of protein interaction networks and the prediction of further biological characteristics from the extracted information

    The Shackling of Incarcerated Pregnant Women: A Human Rights Violation Committed Regularly in the United States

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    The international human rights community has repeatedly expressed concern about the shackling of pregnant women deprived of their liberty in the United States. The federal government has adopted an anti-shackling policy and some states have passed laws or policies restricting shackling. Despite these positive developments, shackling of women prisoners continues to occur in violation of U.S. and international law.Shackling pregnant women increases the substantial medical risks of childbirth. Shackling of pregnant women is a harmful, painful, and demeaning practice that is rarely necessary to preserve safety. Most female prisoners are non-violent offenders, and women who are pregnant, in labor, or in postpartum recovery are especially low flight and safety risks.Both international law and U.S. constitutional law prohibit shackling during certain stages of pregnancy, childbirth, and post-partum recovery. Article 10 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (the "ICCPR") guarantees that persons deprived of their liberty be treated with dignity and respect. Article 7 prohibits torture, or cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment. The Eighth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution prohibits cruel or unusual punishments, which some Federal courts have interpreted to prohibit the shackling of pregnant prisoners during childbirth.While the U.S. federal government has adopted an anti-shackling policy that applies to federal prisons and 24 states have adopted policies limiting (to varying degrees) shackling of pregnant prisoners, legislation enacted by state legislatures is preferable to the adoption of an administrative policy by the executive. Indeed, 18 state legislatures in the United States have in fact passed legislation restricting shackling, but many such laws contain broad exceptions or are not adequately implemented.We recommend that the UN Human Rights Committee (the "Committee") that monitors compliance with the ICCPR ask and encourage the United States to 1) enact a federal law banning the practice of shackling prisoners during pregnancy, covering, at a minimum, the third trimester, transport to medical facilities, labor, delivery and postpartum recovery, 2) take appropriate measures to ensure that those 32 states that do not have anti-shackling laws to enact comprehensive laws, including training of correctional officers, 3) to review existing state anti-shackling laws and policies to ensure that they are comprehensive and fully-implemented, and 4) to conduct an empirical study to determine the scope of shackling in U.S. prisons and to understand why the practice of shackling pregnant women persists

    Inter-protein sequence co-evolution predicts known physical interactions in bacterial ribosomes and the trp operon

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    Interaction between proteins is a fundamental mechanism that underlies virtually all biological processes. Many important interactions are conserved across a large variety of species. The need to maintain interaction leads to a high degree of co-evolution between residues in the interface between partner proteins. The inference of protein-protein interaction networks from the rapidly growing sequence databases is one of the most formidable tasks in systems biology today. We propose here a novel approach based on the Direct-Coupling Analysis of the co-evolution between inter-protein residue pairs. We use ribosomal and trp operon proteins as test cases: For the small resp. large ribosomal subunit our approach predicts protein-interaction partners at a true-positive rate of 70% resp. 90% within the first 10 predictions, with areas of 0.69 resp. 0.81 under the ROC curves for all predictions. In the trp operon, it assigns the two largest interaction scores to the only two interactions experimentally known. On the level of residue interactions we show that for both the small and the large ribosomal subunit our approach predicts interacting residues in the system with a true positive rate of 60% and 85% in the first 20 predictions. We use artificial data to show that the performance of our approach depends crucially on the size of the joint multiple sequence alignments and analyze how many sequences would be necessary for a perfect prediction if the sequences were sampled from the same model that we use for prediction. Given the performance of our approach on the test data we speculate that it can be used to detect new interactions, especially in the light of the rapid growth of available sequence data

    The microstructural treatment of sublexical lemmas in Afrikaans descriptive dictionaries

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    Arguments in metalexicographic literature on the status of subword and multiword lexical items resulted in a more comprehensive lemmatic treatment of these lexical items in the latest editions of Afrikaans descriptive dictionaries, e.g. Woordeboek van die Afrikaanse TaalVolume IX (WAT), Verklarende Handwoordeboek van die Afrikaanse Taal (HAT), Nasionale Woordeboek(NW), Verklarende Afrikaanse Woordeboek(VA), and Basiswoordeboek van Afrikaans (BA).This article seeks to investigate whether sublexical lemmas are microstructurally treated the same as lexical lemmas, or whether lexicographers still distinguish between these various types of lemmas in some way or other. If differences exist in the treatment of the various types of lemmas, Afrikaans lexicographers are still word-biased: although subword lexical items are sometimes microstructurally treated in the same way as lexical items in that they are given lemmatic status, they are nevertheless distinguished microstructurally. For example, in WAT IX and HAT, sublexical lemmas are treated in almost the same manner as word lemmas in that their pronunciation is consistently given. However, in most of the dictionaries mentioned, grammatical information on sublexical lemmas is found as part of the definiens. Except for BA, no Afrikaans dictionary illustrates the contextual use of sublexical lemmas by means of examples or quotations; only their formation products are provided. More labels, and even etymological information, should also be provided more frequently as part of the microstructure of sublexical lemmas.On the basis of the preceding it can already be concluded that Afrikaans lexicographers have not nearly done enough in removing traces of word-bias in descriptive dictionaries. In addition to macrostucturally treating subword lexical items as lemmas, these items should, where possible, be dealt with on a microstructural level in exactly the same way as lexical lemmasKeywords: affixes; afrikaans descriptive dictionary; definiens; etymology; examples; homonymy; labels; lexical categories; lexical lemma; lexicography; macrostructure; microstructure; opposition; polysemy; pronunciation; quotations; stems; sublexical lemma; synonymy; techno-stems; word bia


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    Jonathan Crowther (Editor), Kathryn Kavanagh (Assistant Editor) andMichael Ashby (Phonetics Editor). Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionaryof Current English, 5th edition· (New International Students' Edition)1995, x + 1428 pp. ISBN 0-19-431423-5. Oxford: Oxford UniversityPress. Price R54,95

    Doen die "Woordeboek van die Afrikaanse Taal Deel XII" dit vir die Afrikaanse taal en die Suid-Afrikaanse leksikografie?

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    Hierdie resensieartikel wil vasstel in watter mate WAT deel XII aan die missie van die WAT voldoen, naamlik "om die Afrikaanse taal en die gebruikers daarvan te dien, asook die leksikografie in die algemeen, veral die Suid-Afrikaanse leksikografie". Daar word ondersoek ingestel na die voortekste, agtertekste en die sentrale teks, en aangetoon dat albei buitetekste geĂŻntegreer is met die sentrale teks en in daardie opsig dus wel die leksikografie dien. Wat die sen-trale teks betref, word tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat die gebruikers van die Afrikaanse taal sowel as die Suid-Afrikaanse leksikografie meer daarby sal baat indien dit deegliker gekonseptua-liseer en beplan sou word aan die hand van leksikografiese funksies. Die keuse van leksikale items wat die omvattendheid van die Afrikaanse leksikon illustreer en verteenwoordig sal ook aan die hand van 'n goed beplande korpus herbedink moet word. Frekwent gebruikte woorde sal dus nie langer as lemmatekens oor die hoof gesien word nie en die lengte van artikelinskrywings behoort ook meer gelykvormig gebalanseer te word. Sodoende sal die Afrikaanse taal en die gebruikers daarvan beter gedien word. Die Suid-Afrikaanse leksikografie sal daarby baat indien die WAT sou terugkeer na wat van 'n omvattende woordeboek verwag word, naamlik 'n meer gebalanseerde verteenwoordiging van makro- en mikrostruktuur. Dit behoort ook te lei tot 'n meer eweredige verspreiding van artikelomvang en minder onbewerkte lemmatekens. Sleutelwoorde: agtertekste, buitetekste, leksikografie, leksikografiese funksie, lemmateken, makrostruktuur, mediostruktuur, mikrostruktuur, omvattende woordeboek, onbewerkte lemmateken, raamstruktuur, sen-trale teks, voortekst

    Definiëring in 'n aanleerderwoordeboek

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    English Title: Defining in a Learner's DictionaryEnglish AbstractBecause a learner's dictionary (in this case Basiswoordeboek vir Afrikaans) is directed at the foreign language user it stands to reason that the definitions therein will differ to a great extent from those used in a standard descriptive dictionary (for this article the Nasionale Woordeboek). This article discusses the differences in defining between these two types of dictionaries. The dissimilarity in the use of these dictionaries results in the main differences in defining: where the standard descriptive dictionary is used mainly for decoding, the learner's dictionary is also used for encoding of text. Therefore the definiens should be as unambiguous and user-friendly as possible. The ways in which this could be achieved are described, such as the use of full sentences, basic vocabulary, etc.Keywords: definiendum, definiens, defining, definition, dictionary, genus differentia definition, learner's dictionary, lexicographer, lexicography, standard descriptive dictionary, synonym definition, syntax, vocabular

    Are South African print newspaper narratives reframed for Internet news portals or not?

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    This paper deals with the translation of newspaper texts from Afrikaans/English newspapers for Afrikaans/English Internet news portals. In this paper I discuss to what extent newspaper reports, selected for translation and subsequent publication on the Internet, undergo a reframing process and how these reports are edited, rewritten, reshaped and repackaged (transformed) for a new cultural context (Bielsa and Bassnett 2009). This study has a sociological and cultural perspective in that it deals with Baker’s (2006) narrative frame model in detecting which narrative frames can be identified in the translation of these texts from South African newspapers for a more global readership. Baker sees framing as an active strategy that implies agency through which translators consciously participate in the construction of reality within a specific socio-cultural group. The way in which and the reasons why the news teams for the Internet news portals (re)direct or reframe the perspective of reality as constituted within South African print newspapers is the main research topic.Keywords: news translation, transediting, narrative frame model, print newspapers, e-news platforms, ideolog


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    The digitization of classical control systems presents a number of challenges and opportunities with respect to the miniaturization, distribution, reliability verification and obsolescence of both the controller and the underlying system under control. A method for the design of proportional-integral-derivative (PID) compensators realized in the form of all-digital components is presented. All-digital refers to a system implementation that is realizable with a wide range of digital logic components including discrete digital logic elements and programmable logic devices (PLDs) such as field-programmable gate arrays. The proportional, integral and derivative components of the classical PID control law were re-envisioned in terms of frequency of occurrences or counts for adaptation to combinatorial and sequential digital logic. Modification of the control scheme around this newly formed representation of system error enables the development of a PID-like FPGA-based or PLD-based controller. Details of the design of an all-digital PID-like controller including abstract, causal block diagrams and a MATLAB® and Simulink® based implementation are presented. The compensator was simulated in a velocity tracking DC motor control application and was found to perform comparably to that of a classical PID based control. Methods for assessing the resultant stability of an all-digital PID compensated system under control are discussed
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