56 research outputs found

    Cloud thermodynamic phase and particle size estimation using the 0.67 and 1.6 ?m channels from meteorological satellites

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    International audienceA robust method to estimate the cloud microphysical properties from visible (0.67 ?m) and near infrared (1.6 ?m) measurements of reflected sunlight is presented. The method does not determine cloud particle phase and size separately. Instead it assigns a cloud particle type to every pixel that is most representative for the radiation measurements. The corresponding radiative transfer model calculations will yield the most accurate values for optical thickness. Furthermore, an estimate of the particle size is obtained, which is used in estimates of liquid water path. Radiative transfer calculations have been performed for eleven cloud particle models assuming a single, plane-parallel and homogeneous layer. Standard gamma distributions with varying effective radii have been chosen for liquid water droplet whereas imperfect hexagonal ice crystal with different aspect ratio and size were selected for ice particles. It is shown that the ratio of the visible reflectivity to the near infrared reflectivity as a function of the visible reflectivity allows a consistent classification of cloud particles with respect to size and phase over a large area. The method is tested with measurements from the Along Track Scanning Radiometer instrument (ATSR-2) on board ERS-2 for a marine stratocumulus cloud and a cirrus cloud over the North Sea. For both cases, the variation of the measured ratio as a function of the measured visible reflectivity is well simulated by liquid water droplet distribution with an effective radius between 4 and 10 micrometers for the stratocumulus and by imperfect hexagonal ice crystal with a size of 60 ?m for cirrus. The method was used in the CLIWANET-project and will be the basis to the algorithm for AVHRR and SEVIRI radiances for EUMETSAT's Sattelite Application facility on climate monitoring

    Design of a game-based training environment to enhance mental health care professionals' skills in using e-mental health:Multiple methods user requirements analysis

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    Background: A major factor hampering the adoption of technology in mental health care is a lack of knowledge and skills. Serious gaming offers a potentially effective strategy to enhance the skills needed through experiencing and learning-by-doing in a playful way. However, serious gaming solutions are not widely available for mental health care. Therefore, the development of a game-based training environment in mental health care was pursued in a design project. The first step in such a design project is to identify user requirements that should be met. Objective: This study aims to deliver user requirements that inform the design of a game-based training environment for mental health care professionals. This environment aims to support mental health care professionals’ knowledge and skill enhancement regarding the use of e–mental health (eMH); for example, video calling, mobile apps, web-based treatment modules, and techniques such as virtual or augmented reality. Methods: We used an exploratory multiple methods design consisting of a web-based questionnaire, co-design sessions, and interviews. To ensure a good representation of the target user group, professionals from various disciplines within mental health care were included in the research. The multiple methods design facilitates a broad view of user needs and in-depth knowledge of specific design requirements. We describe the protocol for this research project in a protocol paper published in the JMIR Research Protocols in February 2021. Results: The user requirements analysis revealed three types of users for the envisioned game-based training environment: mental health care professionals who want to learn about the basic possibilities of eMH, mental health care professionals who want to develop their eMH skills to the next level, and mental health care professionals who want to experiment with new technologies. This reflects the diversity of needs that were identified, as well as the need to develop a diversity of suitable scenarios in the environment. User requirements analysis shows that the focus of a training environment should be on increasing knowledge about the possibilities of eMH, focusing on experiencing the benefits in particular situations, and building confidence in using eMH in a therapeutic setting. This requires careful consideration of the suitable game characteristics. Conclusions: Improvement of mental health care professionals’ skills in eMH requires an environment that is user driven and flexible, and simultaneously incorporates contextual factors that are relevant for its implementation in practice. This user requirements analysis contributes to the understanding of the issues that should be considered in the development of a game-based training environment. This shows that there are multiple and diverse learning needs among mental health care professionals. Various client populations, services, and situations demand various options for training. International Registered Report Identifier (IRRID): RR2-102196/1881

    Mental healthcare goes online:Practitioners' experiences of providing mental healthcare during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has necessitated sudden and radical changes in mental health care delivery, as strict social distancing and lockdown measures were imposed in the early phases of the pandemic. Almost overnight, practitioners were forced to transfer their face-to-face care practice to online means. To understand the implications of this drastic change for mental health care, and to improve the online care offerings, an online qualitative survey was held among mental health care professionals in Netherlands (n = 51). Our findings indicate that technological and usability problems pose a significant challenge, as do difficulties to establish rapport with clients. Moreover, not all mental health issues and treatment forms are equally amenable to online interaction. In contrast, in many instances, practitioners were positive about the effectiveness of treatment, and reported flexibility, a lower threshold for contact, and lack of travel time as advantages. Their most prominent needs concern better technological, organizational, and logistical support. It is critical that these needs are acted upon by institutions and governments. In addition, current results inform future research on the improvement of e-mental health technologies

    The design of a game-based training environment to enhance health care professionals’ skills in using eMental health:Study protocol for the user requirements analysis

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    Background: E–mental health (EMH) offers various possibilities for mental health care delivery, with many studies demonstrating its clinical efficacy. However, the uptake of EMH technologies by mental health care professionals remains to be low. One of the reasons for this is the lack of knowledge and skills in using these technologies. Skill enhancement by means of serious gaming has been shown to be effective in other areas but has not yet been applied to the development of EMH skills of mental health care professionals. Objective: The aim of this paper is to describe a study protocol for the user requirements analysis for the design of a game-based training environment for mental health care professionals to enhance their skills in EMH. Methods: The user requirements are formulated using three complementary outputs: personas (lively descriptions of potential users), scenarios (situations that require EMH skills), and prerequisites (required technical and organizational conditions). We collected the data using a questionnaire, co-design sessions, and interviews. The questionnaire was used to determine mental health care professionals’ characteristics, attitudes, and skill levels regarding EMH and was distributed among mental health care professionals in the Netherlands. This led to a number of recognizable subuser groups as the basis for personas. Co-design sessions with mental health care professionals resulted in further specification of the personas and an identification of different user scenarios for the game-based training environment. Interviews with mental health care professionals helped to determine the preferences of mental health care professionals regarding training in EMH and the technical and organizational conditions required for the prospective game-based training environment to be used in practice. This combination of requirement elicitation methods allows for a good representation of the target population in terms of both a broad view of user needs (through the large N questionnaire) and an in-depth understanding of specific design requirements (through interviews and co-design). Results: The questionnaire was filled by 432 respondents; three co-design sessions with mental health care professionals and 17 interviews were conducted. The data have been analyzed, and a full paper on the results is expected to be submitted in the first half of 2021. Conclusions: To develop an environment that can effectively support professionals’ EMH skill development, it is important to offer training possibilities that address the specific needs of mental health care professionals. The approach described in this protocol incorporates elements that enable the design of a playful training environment that is user driven and flexible and considers the technical and organizational prerequisites that influence its implementation in practice. It describes a protocol that is replicable and provides a methodology for user requirements analyses in other projects and health care areas

    Assessing professionals' adoption readiness for eMental health:Development and validation of the eMental health adoption readiness scale

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    BACKGROUND: The last few decades have witnessed significant advances in the development of digital tools and applications for mental health care. Despite growing evidence for their effectiveness, acceptance and use of these tools in clinical practice remain low. Hence, a validated and easy-to-use instrument for assessing professionals’ readiness to adopt eMental health (EMH) is necessary to gain further insights into the process of EMH adoption and facilitate future research on this topic. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study is to develop and validate an instrument for assessing mental health care professionals’ readiness to adopt EMH. METHODS: Item generation was guided by literature and inputs from mental health care professionals and experts in survey development. Exploratory factor analyses were conducted on an initial set of 29 items completed by a sample of mental health care professionals (N=432); thereafter, the scale was reduced to 15 items in an iterative process. The factor structure thus obtained was subsequently tested using a confirmatory factor analysis with a second sample of mental health care professionals (N=363). The internal consistency, convergent validity, and predictive validity of the eMental Health Adoption Readiness (eMHAR) Scale were assessed. RESULTS: Exploratory factor analysis resulted in a 3-factor solution with 15 items. The factors were analyzed and labeled as perceived benefits and applicability of EMH, EMH proactive innovation, and EMH self-efficacy. These factors were confirmed through a confirmatory factor analysis. The total scale and subscales showed a good internal consistency (Cronbach α=.73-.88) along with acceptable convergent and predictive relationships with related constructs. CONCLUSIONS: The constructed eMHAR Scale showed a conceptually interpretable 3-factor structure having satisfactory characteristics and relationships with relevant concepts. Its ease of use allows for quick acquisition of data that can contribute to understanding and facilitating the process of adoption of EMH by clinical professionals

    New insights into the kinetics and variability of egg excretion in controlled human hookworm infections

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    Four healthy volunteers were infected with 50 Necator americanus infective larvae (L3) in a controlled human hookworm infection trial and followed for 52 weeks. The kinetics of fecal egg counts in volunteers was assessed with Bayesian multilevel analysis, which revealed an increase between weeks 7 and 13, followed by an egg density plateau of about 1000 eggs/g of feces. Variation in egg counts was minimal between same-day measurements but varied considerably between days, particularly during the plateau phase. These analyses pave the way for the controlled human hookworm model to accelerate drug and vaccine efficacy studies

    Aandacht voor veiligheid

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    De komende decennia worden er tussen de 500.000 en 1.500.000 woningen gebouwd waarvan een groot deel in laag Nederland. Deze studie laat zien dat door deze woningen overstromingsbestendig te bouwen schadereductie mogelijk is. Het schaderisico wordt dan nog eens een factor 2 minder als naast een Business as Usual variant nieuwbouwwoningen worden opgehoogd tot +5 m NAP. De kosten van opgehoogde nieuwbouwhuizen zijn hoger en variëren tussen de 0,4 en 1.7 miljard euro/jaar, hetgeen overeenkomt met 0,1-0,5% van het BNP. Dijkversterking levert de hoogste reductie op in het schaderisico bij de gehanteerde scenario’s. Gevolgbeperkende maatregelen in de ruimtelijk ordening als additionele oplossingsrichting zijn echter goed mogelijk als er ook een economische perspectief is bijvoorbeeld door middel van multifunctioneel ruimtegebruik

    Description of a Evaporation-Condensation Aerosol Conditioner

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    Dit rapport is een handleiding voor een bedrijfszeker, routinematig gebruik van een zgn. Evaporation-Condensation aerosol Conditioner. Met deze aerosol generatie apparatuur kunnen op stabiele, reproduceerbare manier zeer hoge concentraties (tot 1 miljoen deeltjes per cc) monodispers submicron aerosol geproduceerd worden. De aerosol afmetingen kunnen gevarieerd worden tussen 0.3 en 1.2 mu-m in diameter de geometrische standaardafwijking bedraagt circa 1.25-1.4.Abstract not availableRIV
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