13 research outputs found

    Особенности формирования прибыли строительных организаций на примере «ООО Рекон Строй»

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    Объектом исследования является процесс управления прибылью предприятия. Цель работы – разработка мероприятий по повышению прибыли предприятия на основе совершенствования процесса управления прибылью. В процессе исследования проводились: оценка влияния факторов на уровень прибыли ООО "Рекон Строй"; совершенствование процесса формирования прибыли ООО "Рекон Строй". В результате исследования предложены направления совершенствования процесса формирования прибыли ООО "Рекон Строй". Основные конструктивные, технологические и технико-эксплуатационные характеристикиThe object of study is the process of profit administration in a company. The work purpose – development of measures to improve the profits of the enterprise based on the improvement of the process of profit management. In the process studies were conducted: assessment of the impact of factors on the profit level of OOO "Rekon Stroy"; improving the process of profit formation of OOO "Rekon Stroy". The study suggested ways of improving the process of profit formation of OOO "Rekon Stroy". The basic constructive, technological and technical-operational characteristic

    Why Is Iron Deficiency/Anemia Linked to Alzheimer’s Disease and Its Comorbidities, and How Is It Prevented?

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    Impaired iron metabolism has been increasingly observed in many diseases, but a deeper, mechanistic understanding of the cellular impact of altered iron metabolism is still lacking. In addition, deficits in neuronal energy metabolism due to reduced glucose import were described for Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and its comorbidities like obesity, depression, cardiovascular disease, and type 2 diabetes mellitus. The aim of this review is to present the molecular link between both observations. Insufficient cellular glucose uptake triggers increased ferritin expression, leading to depletion of the cellular free iron pool and stabilization of the hypoxia-induced factor (HIF) 1α. This transcription factor induces the expression of the glucose transporters (Glut) 1 and 3 and shifts the cellular metabolism towards glycolysis. If this first line of defense is not adequate for sufficient glucose supply, further reduction of the intracellular iron pool affects the enzymes of the mitochondrial electron transport chain and activates the AMP-activated kinase (AMPK). This enzyme triggers the translocation of Glut4 to the plasma membrane as well as the autophagic recycling of cell components in order to mobilize energy resources. Moreover, AMPK activates the autophagic process of ferritinophagy, which provides free iron urgently needed as a cofactor for the synthesis of heme- and iron–sulfur proteins. Excessive activation of this pathway ends in ferroptosis, a special iron-dependent form of cell death, while hampered AMPK activation steadily reduces the iron pools, leading to hypoferremia with iron sequestration in the spleen and liver. Long-lasting iron depletion affects erythropoiesis and results in anemia of chronic disease, a common condition in patients with AD and its comorbidities. Instead of iron supplementation, drugs, diet, or phytochemicals that improve energy supply and cellular glucose uptake should be administered to counteract hypoferremia and anemia of chronic disease

    Sex-Specific Effects of Long-Term Antipsychotic Drug Treatment on Adipocyte Tissue and the Crosstalk to Liver and Brain in Rats

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    Antipsychotic drug (APD) medication can lead to metabolic dysfunctions and weight gain, which together increase morbidity and mortality. Metabolically active visceral adipose tissue (VAT) in particular plays a crucial role in the etiopathology of these metabolic dysregulations. Here, we studied the effect of 12 weeks of drug medication by daily oral feeding of clozapine and haloperidol on the perirenal fat tissue as part of VAT of male and female Sprague Dawley rats in the context of complex former investigations on brain, liver, and blood. Adipocyte area values were determined, as well as triglycerides, non-esterified fatty acids (NEFAs), glucose, glycogen, lactate, malondialdehyde equivalents, ferric iron and protein levels of Perilipin-A, hormone-sensitive-lipase (HSL), hepcidin, glucose transporter-4 (Glut-4) and insulin receptor-ß (IR-ß). We found increased adipocyte mass in males, with slightly higher adipocyte area values in both males and females under clozapine treatment. Triglycerides, NEFAs, glucose and oxidative stress in the medicated groups were unchanged or slightly decreased. In contrast to controls and haloperidol-medicated rats, perirenal adipocyte mass and serum leptin levels were not correlated under clozapine. Protein expressions of perilipin-A, Glut-4 and HSL were decreased under clozapine treatment. IR-ß expression changed sex-specifically in the clozapine-medicated groups associated with higher hepcidin levels in the perirenal adipose tissue of clozapine-treated females. Taken together, clozapine and haloperidol had a smaller effect than expected on perirenal adipose tissue. The perirenal adipose tissue shows only weak changes in lipid and glucose metabolism. The main changes can be seen in the proteins examined, and probably in their effect on liver metabolism

    Association of air pollution with cognitive functions and its modification by APOE gene variants in elderly women

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    Epidemiological studies have shown effects of long-term exposure to air pollution on cardiovascular and respiratory health. However, studies investigating the effects of air pollution on cognition and brain function are limited. We investigated if neurocognitive functions are associated with air pollution exposure and whether apolipoprotein E (ApoE) alleles modify the association of air pollution exposure with cognition.; We investigated 789 women from the SALIA cohort during the 22-year follow-up examination (2008-2009). Exposure to particulate matter (PM) size fractions and nitrogen oxides (NOx) were assigned to home addresses. Traffic indicators were used to assess residential proximity to high traffic load. Level of cognitive performance was assessed using the CERAD-Plus test. Air pollution effects on cognitive functioning were estimated cross-sectionally using adjusted linear regression models.; Air pollution was negatively associated with cognitive function and cognitive performance in the subtests for semantic memory and visuo-construction. Significant associations could be observed for figure copying with an interquartile range increase of NO2 (β=-0.28 (95%CI:-0.44;-0.12)), NOx (β=-0.25 (95%CI:-0.40;-0.09)), PM10 (β=-0.14 (95%CI:-0.26;-0.02)) and PM2.5 (β=-0.19 (95%CI:-0.36;-0.02)). The association with traffic load was significant in carriers of one or two ApoE ɛ4 risk alleles.; In this study of elderly women, markers of air pollution were associated with cognitive impairment in the visuospatial domain. The association of traffic exposure is significant in participants carrying the ApoE ε4 risk allele