3,813 research outputs found

    CW and pulsed electrically detected magnetic resonance spectroscopy at 263 GHz/12 T on operating amorphous silicon solar cells

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    Here we describe a new high frequency/high field continuous wave and pulsed electrically detected magnetic resonance (CW EDMR and pEDMR) setup, operating at 263 GHz and resonance fields between 0 and 12 T. Spin dependent transport in illuminated hydrogenated amorphous silicon p-i-n solar cells at 5 K and 90 K was studied by in operando 263 GHz CW and pEDMR alongside with complementary X-band CW EDMR. Benefiting from the superior resolution at 263 GHz, we were able to better resolve EDMR signals originating from spin dependent hopping and recombination processes. 5 K EDMR spectra were found to be dominated by conduction and valence band tale states involved in spin dependent hopping, with additional contributions from triplet exciton states. 90 K EDMR spectra could be assigned to spin pair recombination involving conduction band tail states and dangling bonds as dominating spin dependent transport process, with additional contributions from valence band tail and triplet exciton states.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Social Preferences and the Efficiency of Bilateral Exchange

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    Under what conditions do social preferences, such as altruism or a concern for fair outcomes, generate efficient trade? I analyze theoretically a simple bilateral exchange game: Each player sequentially takes an action that reduces his own material payoff but increases the other player’s. Each player’s preferences may depend on both his/her own material payoff and the other player’s. I identify necessary conditions and sufficient conditions on the players’ preferences for the outcome of their interaction to be Pareto efficient. The results have implications for interpreting the rotten kid theorem, gift exchange in the laboratory, and gift exchange in the field

    Cost-effectiveness of trastuzumab in the adjuvant treatment of early breast cancer: a model-based analysis of the HERA and FinHer trial

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    BACKGROUND: Routine adjuvant administration of trastuzumab (T) has been implemented in most centers, but its economic impact has not yet been well examined. METHODS: A Markov model was constructed based on clinical data of the Herceptin Adjuvant (HERA) and the Finland Herceptin (FinHer) trials. Costs from the perspective of a Swiss health care provider were calculated based on resource use. RESULTS: On the basis of HERA data, our model yielded an overall survival rate of 71.8% for the T group versus 62.8% for the control group [risk ratio (RR) = 0.87) after 10 years and 62.9% versus 52.7% (RR = 0.84) after 15 years. Cost-effectiveness resulted in 40505 Euros (EUR) per life years gained (LYG) after 10 years and 19673 EUR per LYG after 15 years. For the FinHer regimen, overall survival after 10 and 15 years resulted in 81.8% versus 66.1% (RR = 0.81) and 73.6% versus 57.0% (RR = 0.77). Costs of 8497 EUR per patient could be saved after 10 years and 9256 EUR after 15 years compared with the control group. CONCLUSION: In a long-term perspective, adjuvant T based on the HERA regimen can be considered cost-effective. The regimen used in the FinHer trial is even cost saving, but estimations are based on a single small tria

    Intrauterine light delivery for photodynamic therapy of the human endometrium

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    Photodynamic therapy is currently being evaluated as a minimally invasive procedure for endometrial ablation not requiring anaesthesia. Light penetration depths at 630, 660 and 690 nm and the optimal configuration of intrauterine light-diffusing fibres were determined in 14 human uteri to assist in the design of a light intrauterine device. Post-menopausal ex-vivo uteri showed a significantly lower light penetration depth than pre-menopausal uteri. With a single central diffusing fibre inserted, the fluence rate measured in the uterine wall at the most remote point of the cavity decreased to 1.1 ± 0.4% of that measured at closest proximity, whereas it decreased to only 40.0 ± 9.0% with three fibres. Distension of the uterine cavity with 2 ml of an optically clear fluid increased the fluence rate at the fundus between the fibres at a depth of 2 mm by a factor of 4. We conclude that in normal-sized pre-menopausal uterine cavities, three diffusing fibres will deliver an optical dose above the photodynamic threshold level at a depth of 4 mm, even in the most remote areas, in <30 min without causing thermal damage. For distorted and elongated cavities, either slight distension of the cavity or the insertion of a fourth diffusing fibre is require

    The resurrection of group selection as a theory of human cooperation

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    Two books edited by members of the MacArthur Norms and Preferences Network (an interdisciplinary group, mainly anthropologists and economists) are reviewed here. These books in large part reflect a renewed interest in group selection that has occurred among these researchers: they promote the theory that human cooperative behavior evolved via selective processes which favored biological and/or cultural group-level adaptations as opposed to individual-level adaptations. In support of this theory, an impressive collection of cross-cultural data are presented which suggest that participants in experimental economic games often do not behave as self-interested income maximizers; this lack of self-interest is regarded as evidence of group selection. In this review, problems with these data and with the theory are discussed. On the data side, it is argued that even if a behavior seems individually-maladaptive in a game context, there is no reason to believe that it would have been that way in ancestral contexts, since the environments of experimental games do not at all resemble those in which ancestral humans would have interacted cooperatively. And on the theory side, it is argued that it is premature to invoke group selection in order to explain human cooperation, because more parsimonious individual-level theories have not yet been exhausted. In summary, these books represent ambitious interdisciplinary contributions on an important topic, and they include unique and useful data; however, they do not make a convincing case that the evolution of human cooperation required group selection

    If cooperation is likely punish mildly: Insights from economic experiments based on the snowdrift game

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    Punishment may deter antisocial behavior. Yet to punish is costly, and the costs often do not offset the gains that are due to elevated levels of cooperation. However, the effectiveness of punishment depends not only on how costly it is, but also on the circumstances defining the social dilemma. Using the snowdrift game as the basis, we have conducted a series of economic experiments to determine whether severe punishment is more effective than mild punishment. We have observed that severe punishment is not necessarily more effective, even if the cost of punishment is identical in both cases. The benefits of severe punishment become evident only under extremely adverse conditions, when to cooperate is highly improbable in the absence of sanctions. If cooperation is likely, mild punishment is not less effective and leads to higher average payoffs, and is thus the much preferred alternative. Presented results suggest that the positive effects of punishment stem not only from imposed fines, but may also have a psychological background. Small fines can do wonders in motivating us to chose cooperation over defection, but without the paralyzing effect that may be brought about by large fines. The later should be utilized only when absolutely necessary.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures; accepted for publication in PLoS ON

    Spatial prisoner's dilemma game with volunteering in Newman-Watts small-world networks

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    A modified spatial prisoner's dilemma game with voluntary participation in Newman-Watts small-world networks is studied. Some reasonable ingredients are introduced to the game evolutionary dynamics: each agent in the network is a pure strategist and can only take one of three strategies (\emph {cooperator}, \emph {defector}, and \emph {loner}); its strategical transformation is associated with both the number of strategical states and the magnitude of average profits, which are adopted and acquired by its coplayers in the previous round of play; a stochastic strategy mutation is applied when it gets into the trouble of \emph {local commons} that the agent and its neighbors are in the same state and get the same average payoffs. In the case of very low temptation to defect, it is found that agents are willing to participate in the game in typical small-world region and intensive collective oscillations arise in more random region.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Magnetized Iron Atmospheres for Neutron Stars

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    Using a Hartree-Fock formalism, we estimate energy levels and photon cross sections for atomic iron in magnetic fields B ~ 10^13 G. Computing ionization equilibrium and normal mode opacities with these data, we construct LTE neutron star model atmospheres at 5.5 < Log(T_eff) < 6.5 and compute emergent spectra. We examine the dependence of the emergent spectra on T_eff and B. We also show the spectral variation with the angle between the magnetic field and the atmosphere normal and describe the significant limb darkening in the X-ray band. These results are compared with recent detailed computations of neutron star H model atmospheres in high fields and with low field Fe and H model atmospheres constructed from detailed opacities. The large spectral differences for different surface compositions may be discernible with present X-ray data; we also note improvements needed to allow comparison of Fe models with high quality spectra.Comment: 18 pages with 5 eps figures, accepted for publication in ApJ Replaced due to clerical error only: one more author, no new conten