244 research outputs found

    Adler-Kostant-Symes systems as Lagrangian gauge theories

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    It is well known that the integrable Hamiltonian systems defined by the Adler-Kostant-Symes construction correspond via Hamiltonian reduction to systems on cotangent bundles of Lie groups. Generalizing previous results on Toda systems, here a Lagrangian version of the reduction procedure is exhibited for those cases for which the underlying Lie algebra admits an invariant scalar product. This is achieved by constructing a Lagrangian with gauge symmetry in such a way that, by means of the Dirac algorithm, this Lagrangian reproduces the Adler-Kostant-Symes system whose Hamiltonian is the quadratic form associated with the scalar product on the Lie algebra.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX2

    Water chemistry analysis in the sediment of Baradla Cave, Hungary

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    Abstract Water was observed in the sediment of Baradla Cave, located in Northeast Hungary. In order to investigate its characteristics wells were drilled. Hydrochemical samples were taken directly from the wells and from the cave stream on several occasions between November 2009 and April 2010. In February 2010 there was an opportunity to observe how the chemical composition of the waters of the creeks and the sediments altered during the snow melt. Several chemical parameters of the samples were analyzed. Based on the results of the hydrochemical analyses cluster analysis was applied to define the relationship between the sampling points. Discriminant analysis was conducted to verify the classification. As a result of the classification, the water of the observation wells in the sediment proved to be distinct from the water of the cave's creek and the springs on the surface. Research shows that there is no permanent connection between the water in the cave sediment and the water of the cave creek in the cave water system

    Externális tényezők a tudományban és a tudásban = External Factors in Science and Knowledge

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    A kutatás az externális tényezők közül hármat vizsgált közelebbről szisztematikusan és tudománytörténeti kontextusokban. Továbbá e három tényező összefüggését azzal, hogy mi számít elfogadott tudományos tudásnak. A (1) szociológiai struktúrák közelebbi vizsgálata abba az irányba mutat, hogy a szakmai hátterét tekintve homogén tudósközösségre vonatkozó feltételezés - amely a paradigma-koncepció hátterében áll -, az utóbbi évtizedek tudományos gyakorlatának tükrében tarthatatlan idealizációnak bizonyult. De rámutattunk arra is, hogy a modern tudomány korábbi időszakára vonatkozóan, milyen lényegi tényezők elhanyagolásához vezetett. Ha a kutatói közösség szerkezetére és társadalmi kölcsönhatásaira vonatkozó képet árnyalnunk kell, akkor a kutatást vezérlő és a tudományos eredmények elfogadását meghatározó (2) normáknak és értékekenek a tudásban játszott szerepére vonatkozó elképzeléseket is felül kell vizsgálni. Tanulmányainkban a megismerés és bizonyos normák összefüggését vizsgáltuk Polányi, Kuhn és Feyerabend nyomán. Végül pedig ott kíséreltük meg kimutatni az externális tényezők hatását, ahol az internális megközelítések a legerősebbnek tűnnek, a tudomány (3) érvelési-logikai eszközeiben. Ahhoz hogy a tudományos évelésekben kimutathassuk az externális - vagyis a formális érvényességen (validity) és helytállóságon (soundness) kívüli - tényezőket, megvizsgáltuk a formális struktúrákra vonatkozó tudományokban, matematikában és a logikában működő externális hatásokat. | The external factors influencing knowledge were studied, and their relation to what counts as accepted scientific knowledge. There main factors were focused on: (1) the social factors, (2) norms and values, and (3) the informal reasoning structures. We argue that the inhomogenity of the scientific community and its many-faceted interaction with the rest of society urges us to revise our views concerning the ways social factors determine scientific knowledge. This insight also makes it possible for us to understand historical cases in a more profound way. It was also analyzed how norms and values, and the way scientific points are argued play interesting roles in the production and acceptance of scientific knowledge

    Challenges in the thermal modeling of highly porous carbon foams

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    The heat pulse experiment is a well-known method for determining thermal diffusivity. However, neither the measurement nor the evaluation methodologies are straightforward for heterogeneous, highly porous materials. In the present paper, we focus on two open-cell carbon foam types, differing in their porosity but having the same size. Recent experiments showed that a non-Fourier behaviour, called 'over-diffusive' propagation, is probably present for such a complex structure. The (continuum) Guyer-Krumhansl equation stands as a promising candidate to model such transient thermal behaviour. In order to obtain a reliable evaluation and thus reliable thermal parameters, we utilize a novel, state-of-the-art evaluation procedure developed recently using an analytical solution of the Guyer-Krumhansl equation. Based on our observations, it turned out that the presence of high porosity alone is necessary but not satisfactory for non-Fourier behaviour. Additionally, the mentioned non-Fourier effects are porosity-dependent. However, porous samples can also follow the Fourier law. These data serve as a basis to correctly identify the characteristic heat transfer mechanisms and their corresponding time scales, which altogether result in the present non-Fourier behaviour. Keywords: flash experiments, non-Fourier heat conduction, highly porous carbon foams

    Új filogenetikai mértékek és alkalmazásuk – Új nézőpontok a magyarok korai története kapcsán

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    The early Hungarian history is short of information and almost lack of relevant historical sources. Thus, linguists and archeologists played the most important role in founding the bases of the early Hungarian history. First of all, the linguists proved that the Hungarian language belongs to Ugric branch of Uralic language family. The other Ugric subgroup, the Ob-Ugrians are living in Western-Siberia, but there is a debate when and where the disjunction of Ugric protolanguage occurred. The second important observation is that archeological sites of Kusnarenkovo and Karajakupovo cultures (6th‒10th centuries AD) in Central and South Ural region point significant parallelism with the sites of ancient Hungarians (9th‒10th centuries AD) in the Carpathian Basin. However, the chronology and geographical location of earlier migration stations of early Hungarians from the Ugric age to the Ural region remained rather unclear. That is why there were high expectations among researchers toward a considerably new science, the DNA based population genetics. Because of the recombination-free inheritance of uni-parental markers, which are unchanged from one male (NRY- DNA) or female (mtDNA) generation to the next, unless mutations occur. Thus, the progress of population genetics resulted in more and more reliable and detailed view on early migration processes. However, the early studies showed that the recent Hungarian population is a rather typical Central-European population with a surprisingly narrow link to the Ob-Ugric and other Uralic speaking populations both on paternal and maternal line. What was even more unexpected that the ratio of Ugric likely component was relatively low among the ancient Hungarian samples (9th‒10th centuries AD), as well. The questions above point the significance of different demographic interactions like split and series of admixture among different populations in the early Hungarian history. In our understanding the demographic history of a population is a continuous combination of different types of splits and admixtures. In order to be enable to identify the different demographic interactions during a life of a population, we worked out a component based general framework, classifying some elementary demographic interactions. In the next step, we tried to find the best measure or measures, what can detect reliably the occurrence of a given elementary demographic interaction. Each of the measuring algorithms was a long-time and widely used data mining method. To test our approach we implemented a free software tool in Python 3.6, and investigated 16710 mtDNA samples of 168 Eurasian populations

    On dynamical r-matrices obtained from Dirac reduction and their generalizations to affine Lie algebras

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    According to Etingof and Varchenko, the classical dynamical Yang-Baxter equation is a guarantee for the consistency of the Poisson bracket on certain Poisson-Lie groupoids. Here it is noticed that Dirac reductions of these Poisson manifolds give rise to a mapping from dynamical r-matrices on a pair \L\subset \A to those on another pair \K\subset \A, where \K\subset \L\subset \A is a chain of Lie algebras for which \L admits a reductive decomposition as \L=\K+\M. Several known dynamical r-matrices appear naturally in this setting, and its application provides new r-matrices, too. In particular, we exhibit a family of r-matrices for which the dynamical variable lies in the grade zero subalgebra of an extended affine Lie algebra obtained from a twisted loop algebra based on an arbitrary finite dimensional self-dual Lie algebra.Comment: 19 pages, LaTeX, added a reference and a footnote and removed some typo

    Promoting the future of innovative higher education through thousands of master’s programmes STEM, interdisciplinary and business programmes in a changing labour market

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    This paper discusses how leading innovative universities and their master’s programmes reflect rapidly changing social-economic technological trends. The increasing focus on the STEM subjects, the changing profile of business and MBA programmes, and the ratio of interdisciplinarity provide insights into the development of future-oriented higher education. In the scope of this study, 2,708 master’s programmes were surveyed globally based on their online representation, and 1,750 training programmes from this list were analysed in terms of employability rankings. According to our findings, Western Europe offers the largest number of master’s programmes. STEM studies are overrepresented at the top innovative universities, and interdisciplinary studies account for fifteen percent of the programmes. Additionally, business studies with interdisciplinary programmes were identified in a higher proportion as compared to businessonly studies. The findings signal the labour market’s preferences toward future-oriented, personalised and responsive knowledge. The present study contributes to future education through a global analysis, and supports the strategy creation of higher education institutions (HEIs). Therefore, this article is especially informative to representatives, policy makers or researchers at future-oriented HEIs