5 research outputs found

    Geographic Variation In Resource Dominance Discovery In Brazilian Ant Communities

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    A predictive framework for the ecology of species invasions requires that we learn what limits successful invaders in their native range. The red imported fire ant (Solenopsis invicta) is invasive in the United States, Puerto Rico, Australia, New Zealand, and China, Solenopsis invicta appears to be a superior competitor in its introduced range, where it can cause the local extirpation of native species, but little is known about its competitive ability in its native range in South America. Here we examine the competitive ability of S. invicta for food resources in three widely separated Brazilian ant communities. Each of these communities contains 20-40 ant species, 8-10 of which were common and frequently interacted with S. invicta. S. invicta at all three sites was attacked by several species-specific phorid parasitoids, and at one site, two other species were attacked by their own specialized parasitoids. We examined interactions in these local communities for evidence that trade-offs among ant species between resource dominance and resource discovery, and between resource dominance and parasitoid vulnerability facilitate local coexistence. The trade-off between resource dominance and resource discovery was strong and significant only at Santa Genebra, where parasitoids had no effect on the outcome of confrontations at resources. At Bonito, parasitoids significantly reduced the ability of S. invicta, which was the top-ranked behavioral dominant, from defending and usurping food resources from subordinate species. In the Pantanal, S. invicta ranked behind three other ant species in a linear hierarchy of behavioral dominance, and lost the majority of its interactions with a fourth more subordinate species, Paratrechina fulva, another invasive species. Parasitoids of S. invicta were uncommon in the Pantanal, and did not affect its low position in the hierarchy relative to the other two sites. Parasitoids, however, did affect the ability of Linepithema angulation, the top-ranked behavioral dominant in this community, from defending and usurping resources from behavioral subordinates. These results indicate that both interspecific competition and trait-mediated indirect effects of phorid parasitoids affect the ecological success of the red imported fire ant in its native range, but that the relative importance of these factors varies geographically. © 2008 by the Ecological Society of America.89718241836Adler, F.R., The balance of terror: An alternative mechanism for competitive tradeoffs and its implications for invading species (1999) American Naturalist, 154, pp. 497-509Adler, F.R., LeBrun, E.G., Feener Jr., D.H., Maintaining diversity in an ant community: Modeling, extending, and testing the dominance-discovery trade-off (2007) American Naturalist, 169, pp. 323-333Allen, C.R., Lutz, R.S., Demaris, S., Red imported fire ant impacts on northern bobwhite populations (1995) Ecological Applications, 5, pp. 632-638Allen, C.R., Willey, R.D., Myers, P.E., Horton, P.M., Buffa, J., Impact of red imported fire ant infestation on northern bobwhite quail abundance trends in southeastern United States (2000) Journal of Agricultural and Urban Entomology, 17, pp. 43-51Bestelmeyer, B.T., The trade-off between thermal tolerance and behavioural dominance in a subtropical South American ant community (2000) Journal of Animal Ecology, 69, pp. 998-1009Callaway, R.M., Aschehoug, E.T., Invasive plants versus their new and old neighbors: A mechanism for exotic invasion (2000) Science, 290, pp. 521-523Cerdá, X., Retana, J., Cros, S., Thermal disruption of transitive hierarchies in Mediterranean ant communities (1997) Journal of Animal Ecology, 66, pp. 363-374Cerdá, X., Retana, J., Cros, S., Critical thermal limits in Mediterranean ant species: Trade-off between mortality risk and foraging performance (1998) Functional Ecology, 12, pp. 45-55Cerdá, X., Retana, J., Manzaneda, A., The role of competition by dominants and temperature in the foraging of subordinate species in mediterranean ant communities (1998) Oecologia, 117, pp. 404-412Chase, J.M., Abrams, P.A., Grover, J.P., Diehl, S., Chesson, P., Holt, R.D., Richards, S.A., Case, T.J., The interaction between predation and competition: A review and synthesis (2002) Ecology Letters, 5, pp. 302-315Chase, J.M., Leibold, M.A., (2003) Ecological niches: Linking classical and contemporary approaches, , University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Illinois, USAColley, W.N., (2002) Colley's bias free college football ranking method: The Colley matrix explained, , http://www.colleyrankings.com/matrate.pdfCytel. 2005. 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    Climate mediates the effects of disturbance on ant assemblage structure

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    Many studies have focused on the impacts of climate change on biological assemblages, yet little is known about how climate interacts with other major anthropogenic influences on biodiversity, such as habitat disturbance. Using a unique global database of 1128 local ant assemblages, we examined whether climate mediates the effects of habitat disturbance on assemblage structure at a global scale. Species richness and evenness were associated positively with temperature, and negatively with disturbance. However, the interaction among temperature, precipitation and disturbance shaped species richness and evenness. The effect was manifested through a failure of species richness to increase substantially with temperature in transformed habitats at low precipitation. At low precipitation levels, evenness increased with temperature in undisturbed sites, peaked at medium temperatures in disturbed sites and remained low in transformed sites. In warmer climates with lower rainfall, the effects of increasing disturbance on species richness and evenness were akin to decreases in temperature of up to 98°C. Anthropogenic disturbance and ongoing climate change may interact in complicated ways to shape the structure of assemblages, with hot, arid environments likely to be at greatest risk

    Efeitos da distância entre iscas nas estimativas de abundância e riqueza de formigas em uma floresta de terra-firme na Amazônia Central Effects of bait spacing on ant abundance and richness in one forest at Central Amazonia

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    Coletas com iscas são amplamente utilizadas para investigar a atividade de formigas de solo e vegetação e também podem ser empregadas para estimar o número de espécies e a abundância de formigas. Apesar de ser barata e fácil de implementar, a riqueza e abundância das formigas estimadas por iscas podem ser enviesadas por alguns fatores, como a distância entre iscas. Neste trabalho, avaliamos se a distância entre iscas altera as estimativas de abundância e riqueza de formigas e qual distância entre iscas resulta na melhor relação entre custo financeiro e número de espécies amostradas, objetivo da maioria dos relatórios de impacto ambiental. Amostramos 30 transectos de 100 m com distância entre iscas diferentes (2,5; 3,4; 5; 6,7; 10 e 20 m), distribuídos em uma área de 1 km² em uma floresta de terra-firme ao norte de Manaus. Independente da distância entre iscas, o número de espécies coletado a cada cinco iscas, foi aproximadamente 8, e a abundância média foi maior que 50 indivíduos. No entanto o número de espécies por isca foi maior em transectos com maior distância entre iscas. Transectos com distância entre iscas de 10 e 20 m, coletaram 50% mais espécies por isca que transectos com iscas distantes a 2,5 e 3,4 m entre si. Nossos resultados sugerem que nesta área, a amostragem mais eficiente desse método de coleta seria distribuir 450 iscas a cada 10 m ou 20 m no solo da floresta.<br>Baits are widely used to investigate the activity of terrestrial and arboreal ants, but also can be used to estimate the ant abundance and species richness. Despite the fact that baiting are cheap and easy to implement, many factors, such as the distance between baits, may influence the estimate of ant species richness and abundance. In this study, we evaluated the effects of bait spacing on abundance and the number of ant species. We also demonstrate which distance between baits showed the best relationship between costs and number of ant species sampled. We sampled 30 transects of 100 m with bait spacing ranging from 2.5 to 20 m, spread over 1 km² of a "terra-firme" forest situated at North of Manaus. The bait spacing did not affect the ant diversity estimative. Regardless bait spacing, the number of species collected every five baits was around 8, and the average abundance was approximately 50 individuals. However the number of species per bait was higher in transects with larger bait spacing. Transects with bait spacing of 10 m and 20 m, collected 50% more species than transects with baits placed 2.5 m and 3.4 m apart. Our results suggest that at this forest, the most efficient sampling design using only baits would be place 450 baits every 10 m or 20 m at the forest floo

    Essential Thrombocythemia

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