121 research outputs found

    Is there Initial Upper Palaeolithic in Western Tian Shan? Example of an open-air site Katta Sai 2 (Uzbekistan)

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    The paper presents the results of multidisciplinary studies on the open-air loess site Katta Sai 2 located in thewestern piedmonts of Tian Shan in Uzbekistan. Two archaeological horizons contain features associated with theInitial Upper Palaeolithic (IUP) - both Levallois and blade/bladelet volumetric technology, together with anUpper Palaeolithic toolkit. The cultural traits observed in Katta Sai 2 might have local roots dating back to MIS 5aand can be found in so-called Obirakhmatian technocomplex determined in several archaeological sites in theregion. Thus, the obtained results question the hypothesis of non-local origins of IUP complexes associated withthe early modern human migration from the Near East to Mongolia along the piedmonts of Pamir and Tian Shan.Until reliable anthropological and genetic data are obtained, it seems to be too early to conclude about therelationship between modern human migration and the appearance of IUP assemblages, at least across thewestern parts of Central Asia

    ICT-enabled Refugee Integration: A Research Agenda

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    The recent phenomenon that has become known as the European refugee crisis is, in reality, a global problem. Accordingly, issues regarding refugee integration have become a central debate topic worldwide. In this paper, we examine how refugees use information and communication technology (ICT) in different regions across the world to understand how ICT supports their desperate journey to safety, their stay in temporary settlement camps, and their post-settlement inclusion in host countries. We conducted a series of interviews with Syrian refugees in Berlin, Germany, to collect preliminary insights. Then, we organized panel discussions at two key information systems conferences (ICIS 2016 and ECIS 2017) that involved participants from various countries. The panel discussions revealed seven key research themes: accessibility to information, availability of education and linguistic resources, admissibility to labor markets and entrepreneurship opportunities, communicability with home country, connectedness with local population, interactivity with host government, and volunteer coordination. We discuss how ICT might help to address issues related to each theme, present research questions relevant to each theme, and supply an illustration of how ICT has been employed to address an aspect of each theme. Insights gathered lead to theoretical implications and future opportunities for research in the information systems field, practical implications for different stakeholders interested in refugee integration to consider, and social implications related to refugee crisis that we cannot ignore

    Stepping on invisible land: on the importance of communicating the value of soils.

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    Soils play fundamental roles in the functioning of the Earth's ecosystems. Despite numerous initiatives to protect soils, it continues to be generally perceived as dirt or, at best, the surface we walk on. To better understand soil perception by the public, we conducted a survey with 99 participants from Poland and Brazil. We applied opportunity sampling and conducted semi-structured interviews with 40 respondents from Poland and 30 from Brazil, and 29 unstructured interviews in Brazil. Most of the respondents (53%) of the semi-structured interviews associated soil with the surface where plants grow, while 27% said that it is the ground we step on. When asked about pro-environmental campaigns, none of the respondents pointed to soil-related initiatives. Most of the respondents (99%) claimed that there is a need to increase their knowledge about the importance of soils, mostly through education (30%). The majority of the respondents of the unstructured interviews in Brazil indicated provision services provided by soils and pointed to the need for youth engagement in soil communication, corroborating the results from the semi-structured interviews. To address this, we present the results on artistic workshops as an experimental model for teaching and dissemination. We present two short documentary movies reporting the results from unstructured interviews and artistic workshops that can be used as data gathering tools, teaching tools and for dissemination purposes. This is a novel approach to communicating with the relevant stakeholders to promote more sustainable resource management

    Inhibition of platelet aggregation by carbon monoxide-releasing molecules (CO-RMs): comparison with NO donors

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    Carbon monoxide (CO) and CO-releasing molecules (CO-RMs) inhibit platelet aggregation in vitro. Herein, we compare the anti-platelet action of CORM-3, which releases CO rapidly (t½ 1 min), and CORM-A1, which slowly releases CO (t½ = 21 min). The anti-platelet effects of NO donors with various kinetics of NO release were studied for comparison. The effects of CO-RMs and NO donors were analyzed in washed human platelets (WP), platelets rich plasma (PRP), or whole blood (WB) using aggregometry technique. CORM-3 and CORM-A1 inhibited platelet aggregation in human PRP, WP, or WB, in a concentration-dependent manner. In all three preparations, CORM-A1 was more potent than CORM-3. Inhibition of platelets aggregation by CORM-A1 was not significantly affected by a guanylate cyclase inhibitor (ODQ) and a phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitor, sildenafil. In contrast, inhibition of platelet aggregation by NO donors was more potent with a fast NO releaser (DEA-NO, t½ = 2 min) than slow NO releasers such as PAPA-NO (t½ = 15 min) or other slow NO donors. Predictably, the anti-platelet effect of DEA-NO and other NO donors was reversed by ODQ while potentiated by sildenafil. In contrast to NO donors which inhibit platelets proportionally to the kinetics of NO released via activation of soluble guanylate cyclase (sGC), the slow CO-releaser CORM-A1 is a superior anti-platelet agent as compared to CORM-3 which releases CO instantly. The anti-platelet action of CO-RMs does not involve sGC activation. Importantly, CORM-A1 or its derivatives representing the class of slow CO releasers display promising pharmacological profile as anti-platelet agents

    Quantitative and Molecular Genetic Analyses of Mutations Increasing Drosophila Life Span

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    Understanding the genetic and environmental factors that affect variation in life span and senescence is of major interest for human health and evolutionary biology. Multiple mechanisms affect longevity, many of which are conserved across species, but the genetic networks underlying each mechanism and cross-talk between networks are unknown. We report the results of a screen for mutations affecting Drosophila life span. One third of the 1,332 homozygous P–element insertion lines assessed had quantitative effects on life span; mutations reducing life span were twice as common as mutations increasing life span. We confirmed 58 mutations with increased longevity, only one of which is in a gene previously associated with life span. The effects of the mutations increasing life span were highly sex-specific, with a trend towards opposite effects in males and females. Mutations in the same gene were associated with both increased and decreased life span, depending on the location and orientation of the P–element insertion, and genetic background. We observed substantial—and sex-specific—epistasis among a sample of ten mutations with increased life span. All mutations increasing life span had at least one deleterious pleiotropic effect on stress resistance or general health, with different patterns of pleiotropy for males and females. Whole-genome transcript profiles of seven of the mutant lines and the wild type revealed 4,488 differentially expressed transcripts, 553 of which were common to four or more of the mutant lines, which include genes previously associated with life span and novel genes implicated by this study. Therefore longevity has a large mutational target size; genes affecting life span have variable allelic effects; alleles affecting life span exhibit antagonistic pleiotropy and form epistatic networks; and sex-specific mutational effects are ubiquitous. Comparison of transcript profiles of long-lived mutations and the control line reveals a transcriptional signature of increased life span

    What Every Business Student Needs to Know About Information Systems

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    Whether Information Systems should or should not be part of the core business school curriculum is a recurring discussion in many universities. In this article, a task force of 40 prominent information systems scholars address the issue. They conclude that information systems is absolutely an essential body of knowledge for business school students to acquire as well as a key element of the business school\u27s long-run strategic positioning within the university. Originally prepared in response to draft accreditation guidelines prepared by AACSB International, the article includes a compilation of the concepts that the authors believe to be the core information systems knowledge that all business school students should be familiar with