172 research outputs found

    К вопросу об апокрифах в Хождении игумена Даниила

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    The abundance of apocryphal material in the text of the Pilgrimage by Daniel the Traveler has become the subject of several special studies in the past, by Ya. I. Gorozhansky, M. A. Venevitinov, P. A. Zabolotsky, V. P. Adrianova-Peretts, and M. Garzaniti. All of these studies, however, were based on the text of the First Redaction of the Pilgrimage (according to Venevitinov’s classification) and they did not consider the work’s literary history. The present study reveals the various ways in which the reproduction of apocryphal subjects appears in different redactions of the Pilgrimage (both full-text and abridged) and its later adaptations made in the 16th and 17th centuries. One of the examples is the description of Nazareth, which is accompanied by an apocryphal version of the Annunciation in the Pilgrimage. This version differs from the Bible text (Mt 1:18–25, Lk 1:26–28) in that it tells about the events directly preceding the Annunciation: the pre-Annunciation at the well, where Mary comes to draw water, and the appearance of the Archangel Gabriel to her in a cave. In the group of abridged copies of the 16th century from the Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery, this information is missing, and the only thing said about Nazareth is that “Archangel Gabriel announced to Her [Mary] there.” Thus, the complete story appearing in the full-text redactions of Daniel’s Pilgrimage  was replaced by a compact report consistent with the Bible narrative.The nature of the variant readings presented in this paper remains to be interpreted, as these variants may be later interpolations in the text made by redactors or they may represent traces of the earlier period of the history of the text. At the same time, any reconstruction of the literary history of the Pilgrimage has to take into account the peculiarities of the reproduction of apocryphal subjects in different redactions of the text.Богатство апокрифического материала, содержащегося в Хождении игумена Даниила, не раз становилось предметом специального рассмотрения. Однако существующие в этой области исследования специалистов опираются на текст Первой редакции памятника и не учитывают его литературную историю. В статье показано, как апокрифические сюжеты могут быть по-разному переданы редакциями Хождения игумена Даниила (полнотекстовыми и сокращенными) и его переделками XVI–XVII вв. Отметим, к примеру, рассказ о Назарете, описание которого в Хождении сопровождает апокрифическая версия Благовещения, где, в отличие от евангельского текста (Мф 1:18–25, Лк 1:26–28), рассказывается о пред-Благовещении у колодца, куда Мария пришла за водой, а затем о явлении ей архангела Гавриила в пещере. В группе сокращенных списков XVI в., происходящих из Кирилло-Белозерской обители, это сообщение опущено, а о Назарете сказано только, что “ту благовѣсти ей архагг(е)лъ Гавриилъ”. Таким образом, полноценное предание, читающееся в полнотекстовых редакциях Хождения игумена Даниила, оказалось вытеснено лаконичным сообщением, согласным с евангельским повествованием.Природу рассмотренных в статье разночтений еще предстоит осмыслить, т. к. они могут быть как поздней вставкой в текст, выполненной редакторами, так и отражением более раннего периода истории памятника. Однако особенности передачи апокрифических сюжетов списками Хождения игумена Даниила необходимо учитывать, реконструируя литературную историю этого произведения

    The study of spectral and luminescent properties of humic acids and their impact on the photodegradation process of 2,6-bis(hydroxymethyl)-4-methylphenol

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    UV photolysis (KrCl excilamp, λ rad ~ 222 nm) of aqueous humic acids (HAs) samples was carried out without and in the presence of 2,6-bis(hydroxymethyl)-4-methylphenol. The samples of HAs fractions were obtained from Aldrich Chemical Co and prepared from peat of Arkhangelsk region. The presence of Aldrich humic acid in the solution has a essential effect on the processes of phenolic compound photochemical degradation under the action of light from the excilam

    Probiotic Potential and Functional Properties of Lactobacillus Reuteri, Lactobacillus Rhamnosus and Lactobacillus Helveticus: A Comparative Study

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    This study was conducted to evaluate and comparethe probiotic propertiesofLactobacillus helveticusNK1, Lactobacillus rhamnosusF and Lactobacillus reuteriLR1lactobacilli strains.Changes in pH, cell growth, proteolytic activity, antioxidantactivity, and angiotensin-converting enzyme(ACE)inhibitoryactivity were monitored during fermentation ofreconstituted skim milk (RSM) by pure cultures of lactobacilli.Among the tested strains, L. helveticusNK1 showed the highest proteolytic, ACE inhibitoryand antioxidantactivitiesduring milk fermentation,followed by L. rhamnosus F and L. reuteriLR1.The promising capability of all of the lactobacilli strains to release bioactivepeptides from the milk proteins was demonstrated. Keywords: Lactobacillus, probiotic, milk fermentation, bioactive peptide

    Instituto político del Estado en el contexto del análisis histórico y tipológico

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    The article is devoted to problems of structuring state created history taking into account a variety of social, political, forms, various speeds of political genesis. Problems of allocation of development stages of the political organizations (statehood) taking into account uncertainty of the general units of the analysis, terms, and concepts of rather various paradigms of structuring and periodization of history are considered. It is shown that the decisive force causing the transformation of all other public sectors is growth, distribution, and deduction of a dominant position of the most effective in the conditions of this period of a political regime.El artículo está dedicado a los problemas de estructuración de la historia creada por el estado teniendo en cuenta una variedad de formas sociales, políticas, diversas velocidades de génesis política. Se consideran los problemas de asignación de etapas de desarrollo de las organizaciones políticas (estatismo) teniendo en cuenta la incertidumbre de las unidades generales del análisis, los términos y los conceptos de varios paradigmas de estructuración y periodización de la historia. Se muestra que la fuerza decisiva que causa la transformación de todos los demás sectores públicos es el crecimiento, la distribución y la deducción de una posición dominante de los más efectivos en las condiciones de este período de un régimen político

    The Use of Social Networks to Train the Intercultural Dimension of Foreign Languages at Higher Educational Institutions

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    The paper aims to identify how social networks contribute to training the intercultural dimension of foreign languages at higher educational institutions. We attempted to answer the questions of what effect the use of social networks has on foreign language training, fostering intercultural and occupational skills, and how both students and teachers perceive the intervention. To achieve research goals, we used quantitative tools, such as (1) checklists, (2) assessment records on English for Specific Purposes, (3) the cultural intelligence scale, (4) the multidimensional emotional empathy scale, and (5) the questionnaire for reflective thinking. Qualitative data were drawn from the observations and interviews. The research findings confirmed that the use of social networks provided students with a true-to-life (authentic) environment and context to gain cultural experience and train a foreign language. This strategy boosts English for Specific Purposes learning and teaching experiences using a distance-learning component. A longitudinal research design enhances transformations in students in terms of emotional empathy and reflective thinking

    Forms of International Cooperation in Environmental Education: the Experience of Saint Petersburg State University

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    The authors analyse different forms of environmental education projects and programmes implemented in the Baltic Sea region. The first one is "The Baltic University" programme taught in English. The "Baltic University" is a network of more than 200 universities from 14 counties of the Baltic Sea region. This education programme offers an opportunity for students to enroll on bachelor and master degree programmes related to environmental and social problems of the Baltic Sea region. The Polar and Marine Sciences, POMOR master programme, represents the second form of international environmental education. Russian and German researchers from six universities and four research centres have developed the programme. The target group of the programme are Russian and international students, studying together during the whole duration of the programme. It is the first internationally accredited MA programme taught in English. International accreditation proves the compliance of the programme with international education standards. The same cooperation model is used in a new international master programme - Cold Regions Environmental Landscapes Integrated Science (CORELIS). The programme started in 2016. It is implemented jointly by Hamburg university (the lead partner of the project), and university professors from Helsinki (Finland) and Lisbon (Portugal). Researchers from the Austrian National Institute of Polar Research (Austria, and Lund University (Sweden) will join the programme at a later stage. Such an approach will help achieve the synergy of the European and Russian approaches to environmental education. The Russian-Norwegian master programme "Geoecological monitoring and rational use of natural resources in the Northern oil and gas production regions" is a good example of the third form of international environmental education. The programme similar to POMOR and CORELIS. However, it has one distinctive feature - Russian and foreign students study together from the second term only. The authors describe the ways of achieving the learning objectives of these master programmes depending on the students' language skills and their basic knowledge of ecology and nature management