115 research outputs found

    Conformal symmetry in quasifree Markovian open quantum systems

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    Conformal symmetry governs the behavior of closed systems near second-order phase transitions and is expected to emerge in open systems going through dissipative phase transitions. We propose a framework allowing for a manifest description of conformal symmetry in open Markovian systems. The key difference from the closed case is that both conformal algebra and the algebra of local fields are realized on the space of superoperators. We illustrate the framework by a series of examples featuring systems with quadratic Hamiltonians and linear jump operators, where the Liouvillian dynamics can be efficiently analyzed using the formalism of third quantization. We expect that our framework can be extended to interacting systems using an appropriate generalization of the conformal bootstrap.</p

    Laparoscopic herniorrhaphy in children with acute inflammatory diseases of the abdominal cavity

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    Institutul de Cercetări științifice în Chirurgia Pediatrică, Universitatea Națională de Cercetări Medicale „N.Pirogov”, Moscova, Rusia, Al XII-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova cu participare internațională 23-25 septembrie 2015Introducere: Prezența unui proces inflamator-distructiv acut în cavitatea abdominală este pe larg considerată ca o contraindicație pentru herniorafia laparoscopică simultană. Material și metode: În perioada 2010-2012, 240 de copii cu vîrsta 5-14 ani, au fost spitalizați cu manifestările clinice ale abdomenului acut și au fost supuși intervențiilor chirurgicale urgente. În timpul laparoscopiei la 29 pacienți (18 băieți și 11 fete) a fost depistat processus vaginalis persistent (PVP): în 25 de cazuri unilateral și în 4 cazuri - bilateral. Nouăsprezece copii din acest lot au fost diagnosticați cu formele distructive ale apendicitei acute (în 6 cazuri complicate cu peritonită locală), 5 – cu pelvioperitonită, 4 – cu limfadenită mezenterică acută și 1 copil – cu apoplexie ovariană. La toți pacienții au fost efectuate intervenții simultane – asanarea focarului inflamator și ligaturarea subcutanată endo-asistată (SEAL) a PVP. Rezultate: Nu a fost înregistrat nici un caz de conversie. După intervenția de asanare a focarului inflamator (apendicectomie, rezecție de ovar, etc.) a fost efectuată SEAL conform metodei modificate de autori. Durata SEAL nu a depășit 6 minute pentru hernia unilaterală și 9 minute în cazuri bilaterale. Postoperator toți copii au primit un tratament standard. În toate cazurile evoluția postoperatorie a fost favorabilă. Complicații abdominale sau la nivelul canalului inghinal nu au fost înregistrate. Examenul ultrasonor și testele de laborator au confirmat rezolvarea completă a procesului inflamator. Toți pacienții au fost externați complet recuperați. Concluzii: Herniorafia laparoscopică simultană la copiii cu procese acute inflamatorii în cavitatea abdominală nu este urmată de elevarea riscului complicațiilor postoperatorii.Introduction: The presence of an acute inflammatory and destructive process in the abdominal cavity is commonly a contraindication to the one-stage laparoscopic herniorrhaphy. Material and methods: From 2010 to 2012, 240 children, 5-14 years of age, were admitted to hospital with a clinical picture of acute abdomen and all of them were urgently operated on. During laparoscopy in 29 patients (18 boys and 11 girls) a persisted processus vaginalis (PPV) was found: unilateral in 25 cases and bilateral in 4 cases. In 19 children from this group destructive forms of acute appendicitis (in 6 cases complicated by local peritonitis) were diagnosed as well as 5 – pelvioperitonitis, 4 – acute mesenteric lymphadenitis, and 1 – ovarian apoplexy. All patients underwent simultaneous procedures – both inflammatory focus treatment and subcutaneous endo-assisted ligation (SEAL) of PPV. Results: There was no conversion in any case. After the intervention for treatment of inflammatory focus (appendectomy, ovarian resection, etc.) the SEAL was performed according to our modification. SEAL duration was not more than 6 minutes for unilateral hernia and 9 minutes for bilateral. Postoperatively, all children received a standard therapy. In all cases the postoperative period was favorable. Complications in abdominal cavity or inguinal canals were not registered. Ultrasound examination and blood tests confirmed a complete relief of the inflammatory process. All patients were discharged with full recovery. Conclusions: Simultaneous laparoscopic herniorrhaphy in children with acute inflammation in the abdominal cavity does not increase the risk of postoperative complications

    Analysis Of Population Health in Relation to Drinking Water After Quality In Murmansk Oblast

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    Introduction. Drinking water is one of the most important environmental factors that determines human health, which requires a search for causal relationships between drinking water pollution and increased incidence of the population. Materials and methods. We studied the incidence level of the Murmansk Oblast (Russia) population with diseases associated with the drinking water quality. We also analyzed the drinking water quality, and calculated the carcinogenic risk associated with the intake of pollutants from drinking water. Results. The risk areas in terms of drinking water quality are the city of Kirovsk and Pechenga district, the priority pollutants of drinking water are aluminum and nickel. In Pechenga district, there is an increased incidence of the blood diseases, digestive organs, nervous system, skin and subcutaneous tissue, as well as female infertility. The highest incidence rates of malignant neoplasms are recorded in the city of Murmansk. Conclusions. The aluminum role in the formation of the incidence level in the Kirovsk city population has not been established. The nickel impact on the health of the Pechenga district population may be associated with the development of female infertility and the development of contact dermatitis, in case of cutaneous action. However, the other risk factors contribution, including exposure to nickel and its compounds in the professional activities framework, needs to be clarified. The carcinogens influence present in drinking water on the additional cases formation of malignant neoplasms in Murmansk Oblast seems to be negligible

    Breakup Reactions of 11Li within a Three-Body Model

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    We use a three-body model to investigate breakup reactions of 11Li (n+n+9Li) on a light target. The interaction parameters are constrained by known properties of the two-body subsystems, the 11Li binding energy and fragmentation data. The remaining degrees of freedom are discussed. The projectile-target interactions are described by phenomenological optical potentials. The model predicts dependence on beam energy and target, differences between longitudinal and transverse momentum distributions and provides absolute values for all computed differential cross sections. We give an almost complete series of observables and compare with corresponding measurements. Remarkably good agreement is obtained. The relative neutron-9Li p-wave content is about 40%. A p-resonance, consistent with measurements at about 0.5 MeV of width about 0.4 MeV, seems to be necessary. The widths of the momentum distributions are insensitive to target and beam energy with a tendency to increase towards lower energies. The transverse momentum distributions are broader than the longitudinal due to the diffraction process. The absolute values of the cross sections follow the neutron-target cross sections and increase strongly for beam energies decreasing below 100 MeV/u.Comment: 19 pages, 14 figures, RevTeX, psfig.st

    Laparoscopic herniorrhaphy in children with acute abdomen

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    Background. The presence of an acute inflammatory and destructive process in the abdominal cavity is commonly a contraindication to the one-stage laparoscopic herniorrhaphy. Material and methods. From 2010 to 2017 986 children, 5-14 years of age, were admitted to hospital with a clinical picture of acute abdomen for surgical treatment. During laparoscopy in 53 patients (33 boys and 20 girls) a persisted processus vaginalis (PPV) was found: unilateral in 48 cases and bilateral in 5 cases. In 37 children from this group various destructive forms of acute appendicitis (in 10 cases complicated by local peritonitis with or without intraabdominal abscess and in 7 – by general peritonitis ) were diagnosed as well as 10 - pelvioperitonitis, 4 - acute mesenteric lymphadenitis, 1 - ovarian apoplexy, 1- torsion of omentum. All patients underwent simultaneous procedures - both inflammatory focus sanation and subcutaneous endo-assisted ligation (SEAL) of PPV. Results. There was no conversion in any case. When the inflammatory focus was reorganized (appendectomy, ovarian resection, etc.) SEAL was performed according to our modification. SEAL duration was not more than 8 minutes for unilateral hernia and 10 minutes for bilateral one. Postoperatively, all children received a standard therapy. In all cases the postoperative period was favorable. Complications in abdominal cavity or inguinal canals were not observed. Ultrasound examination and blood tests confirmed a complete relief of the inflammatory process. All patients were discharged with full recovery. Conclusion. Simultaneous laparoscopic herniorrhaphy in children with acute inflammation in the abdominal cavity does not increase the risk of postoperative complications

    Deuteron frozen spin polarized target for nd experiements at the VdG accelerator of Charles University

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    A frozen spin polarized deuteron target cooled by the 3He/4He dilution refrigerator is described. Fully deuterated 1,2-propanediol was used as a target material. Deuteron vector polarization about 40% was obtained for the target in the shape of a cylinder of 2 cm diameter and 6 cm length. The target is intended for a study of 3N interactions at the polarized neutron beam generated by the Van de Graaff accelerator at the Charles University in Prague

    ATLAS detector and physics performance: Technical Design Report, 1

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