88 research outputs found

    Comparative American and Japanese tobacco smoke uptake parameters after overnight tobacco deprivation

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/109819/1/cptclpt2004281.pd

    The multi-wavelength view of shocks in the fastest nova V1674 Her

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    Classical novae are shock-powered multi-wavelength transients triggered by a thermonuclear runaway on an accreting white dwarf. V1674 Her is the fastest nova ever recorded (time to declined by two magnitudes is t_2=1.1 d) that challenges our understanding of shock formation in novae. We investigate the physical mechanisms behind nova emission from GeV gamma-rays to cm-band radio using coordinated Fermi-LAT, NuSTAR, Swift and VLA observations supported by optical photometry. Fermi-LAT detected short-lived (18 h) 0.1-100 GeV emission from V1674 Her that appeared 6 h after the eruption began; this was at a level of (1.6 +/- 0.4)x10^-6 photons cm^-2 s^-1. Eleven days later, simultaneous NuSTAR and Swift X-ray observations revealed optically thin thermal plasma shock-heated to kT_shock = 4 keV. The lack of a detectable 6.7 keV Fe K_alpha emission suggests super-solar CNO abundances. The radio emission from V1674 Her was consistent with thermal emission at early times and synchrotron at late times. The radio spectrum steeply rising with frequency may be a result of either free-free absorption of synchrotron and thermal emission by unshocked outer regions of the nova shell or the Razin-Tsytovich effect attenuating synchrotron emission in dense plasma. The development of the shock inside the ejecta is unaffected by the extraordinarily rapid evolution and the intermediate polar host of this nova.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figures, 3 tables. Accepted to MNRA

    Improving breast cancer services for African-American women living in St. Louis

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    A mixed methods, community-based research study was conducted to understand how provider-level factors contribute to the African-American and white disparity in breast cancer mortality in a lower socioeconomic status area of North St. Louis. This study used mixed methods including: (1) secondary analysis of Missouri Cancer Registry data on all 885 African-American women diagnosed with breast cancer from 2000 to 2008 while living in the geographic area of focus; (2) qualitative interviews with a subset of these women; (3) analysis of data from electronic medical records of the women interviewed; and (4) focus group interviews with community residents, patient navigators, and other health care professionals. 565 women diagnosed with breast cancer from 2000 to 2008 in the geographic area were alive at the time of secondary data analysis; we interviewed (n = 96; 17 %) of these women. Provider-level obstacles to completion of prescribed treatment included fragmented navigation (separate navigators at Federally Qualified Health Centers, surgical oncology, and medical oncology, and no navigation services in surgical oncology). Perhaps related to the latter, women described radiation as optional, often in the same words as they described breast reconstruction. Discontinuous and fragmented patient navigation leads to failure to associate radiation therapy with vital treatment recommendations. Better integrated navigation that continues throughout treatment will increase treatment completion with the potential to improve outcomes in African Americans and decrease the disparity in mortality

    Abdominal obesity and metabolic syndrome: exercise as medicine?

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    Background: Metabolic syndrome is defined as a cluster of at least three out of five clinical risk factors: abdominal (visceral) obesity, hypertension, elevated serum triglycerides, low serum high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and insulin resistance. It is estimated to affect over 20% of the global adult population. Abdominal (visceral) obesity is thought to be the predominant risk factor for metabolic syndrome and as predictions estimate that 50% of adults will be classified as obese by 2030 it is likely that metabolic syndrome will be a significant problem for health services and a drain on health economies.Evidence shows that regular and consistent exercise reduces abdominal obesity and results in favourable changes in body composition. It has therefore been suggested that exercise is a medicine in its own right and should be prescribed as such. Purpose of this review: This review provides a summary of the current evidence on the pathophysiology of dysfunctional adipose tissue (adiposopathy). It describes the relationship of adiposopathy to metabolic syndrome and how exercise may mediate these processes, and evaluates current evidence on the clinical efficacy of exercise in the management of abdominal obesity. The review also discusses the type and dose of exercise needed for optimal improvements in health status in relation to the available evidence and considers the difficulty in achieving adherence to exercise programmes. Conclusion: There is moderate evidence supporting the use of programmes of exercise to reverse metabolic syndrome although at present the optimal dose and type of exercise is unknown. The main challenge for health care professionals is how to motivate individuals to participate and adherence to programmes of exercise used prophylactically and as a treatment for metabolic syndrome

    Evaluation of Microorganisms Cultured from Injured and Repressed Tissue Regeneration Sites in Endangered Giant Aquatic Ozark Hellbender Salamanders

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    Investigation into the causes underlying the rapid, global amphibian decline provides critical insight into the effects of changing ecosystems. Hypothesized and confirmed links between amphibian declines, disease, and environmental changes are increasingly represented in published literature. However, there are few long-term amphibian studies that include data on population size, abnormality/injury rates, disease, and habitat variables to adequately assess changes through time. We cultured and identified microorganisms isolated from abnormal/injured and repressed tissue regeneration sites of the endangered Ozark Hellbender, Cryptobranchus alleganiensis bishopi, to discover potential causative agents responsible for their significant decline in health and population. This organism and our study site were chosen because the population and habitat of C. a. bishopi have been intensively studied from 1969–2009, and the abnormality/injury rate and apparent lack of regeneration were established. Although many bacterial and fungal isolates recovered were common environmental organisms, several opportunistic pathogens were identified in association with only the injured tissues of C.a. bishopi. Bacterial isolates included Aeromonas hydrophila, a known amphibian pathogen, Granulicetella adiacens, Gordonai terrae, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia, Aerococcus viridans, Streptococcus pneumoniae and a variety of Pseudomonads, including Pseudomonas aeruginosa, P. stutzeri, and P. alcaligenes. Fungal isolates included species in the genera Penicillium, Acremonium, Cladosporium, Curvularia, Fusarium, Streptomycetes, and the Class Hyphomycetes. Many of the opportunistic pathogens identified are known to form biofilms. Lack of isolation of the same organism from all wounds suggests that the etiological agent responsible for the damage to C. a. bishopi may not be a single organism. To our knowledge, this is the first study to profile the external microbial consortia cultured from a Cryptobranchid salamander. The incidence of abnormalities/injury and retarded regeneration in C. a. bishopi may have many contributing factors including disease and habitat degradation. Results from this study may provide insight into other amphibian population declines

    Abdominal obesity and low physical activity are associated with insulin resistance in overweight adolescents: a cross-sectional study

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    ABSTRACT: Background: Previous studies have assessed the metabolic changes and lifestyles associated with overweight adolescents. However, these associations are unclear amongst overweight adolescents who have already developed insulin resistance. This study assessed the associations between insulin resistance and anthropometric, metabolic, inflammatory, food consumption, and physical activity variables amongst overweight adolescents. Methods: This cross-sectional study divided adolescents (n = 120) between 10 and 18 years old into 3 groups: an overweight group with insulin resistance (O + IR), an overweight group without insulin resistance (O-IR), and a normal-weight control group (NW). Adolescents were matched across groups based on age, sex, pubertal maturation, and socioeconomic strata. Anthropometric, biochemical, physical activity, and food consumption variables were assessed. Insulin resistance was assessed using homeostatic model assessment (HOMA Calculator Version 2.2.2 from ©Diabetes Trials Unit, University of Oxford), and overweight status was assessed using body mass index according to World Health Organization (2007) references. A chi-square test was used to compare categorical variables. ANOVAs or Kruskal-Wallis tests were used for continuous variables. Multiple linear regression models were used to calculate the probability of the occurrence of insulin resistance based on the independent variables. Results: The risk of insulin resistance amongst overweight adolescents increases significantly when they reach a waist circumference > p95 (OR = 1.9, CIs = 1.3-2.7, p = 0.013) and watch 3 or more hours/day of television (OR = 1.7, CIs = 0.98-2.8, p = 0.033). Overweight status and insulin resistance were associated with higher levels of inflammation (hsCRP ≄1 mg/L) and cardiovascular risk according to arterial indices. With each cm increase in waist circumference, the HOMA index increased by 0.082; with each metabolic equivalent (MET) unit increase in physical activity, the HOMA index decreased by 0.026. Conclusions: Sedentary behaviour and a waist circumference > p90 amongst overweight adolescents were associated with insulin resistance, lipid profile alterations, and higher inflammatory states. A screening that includes body mass index, in waist circumference, and physical activity evaluations of adolescents might enable the early detection of these alterations

    Virtual field trips as physically active lessons for children: a pilot study.

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    The modern classroom is an inherently sedentary environment. Virtual Field Trips (VFTs) using interactive whiteboards to explore virtual scenes are a potential method of converting sedentary class-time into physically active teaching. This pilot aimed to assess the effects of a developed VFT on physical activity and learning in primary-school children.Participants (n = 85) were randomly assigned to a) a 30-minute physically active London 2012 Olympics-themed VFT, or b) a 30-minute sedentary version of the same VFT. Activity was measured using GT1M Actigraphs, content recall was assessed with a quiz and user evaluations were gained from teacher and pupil questionnaires.Pupils in the active VFT displayed significantly less sedentary time (p < 0.001), and significantly more light (p < 0.001), moderate (p = 0.01) and vigorous physical activity (p < 0.001) than sedentary VFT pupils. No differences in content recall were found between intervention groups: suggesting that adding physical activity into classroom teaching may not compromise attainment. High acceptability was found in teachers and active VFT students rated their session significantly higher than sedentary pupils (p < 0.002).This one-day pilot provides early evidence of the ability of VFTs to convert sedentary academic time into active time. Longitudinal research is needed to assess prolonged effects of active VFTs in reducing sedentary time.University College Londo
