140 research outputs found

    VLT spectroscopy of globular clusters in the Sombrero galaxy

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    We have obtained intermediate-resolution VLT spectroscopy of 75 globular cluster candidates around the Sa galaxy M104 (NGC4594). Fifty-seven candidates out to ~ 40 kpc in the halo of the galaxy were confirmed to be bona-fide globular clusters, 27 of which are new. A first analysis of the velocities provides only marginal evidence for rotation of the cluster system. From Hbeta line strengths, almost all of the clusters in our sample have ages that are consistent, within the errors, with Milky Way globular clusters. Only a few clusters may be 1-2 Gyr old, and bulge and halo clusters appear coeval. The absorption line indices follow the correlations established for the Milky Way clusters. Metallicities are derived based upon new empirical calibrations with Galactic globular clusters taking into account the non-linear behavior of some indices (e.g., Mg2). Our sample of globular clusters in NGC4594 spans a metallicity range of -2.13 < [Fe/H] < +0.26 dex, and the median metallicity of the system is [Fe/H] = -0.85. Thus, our data provide evidence that some of the clusters have super-solar metallicity. Overall, the abundance distribution of the cluster system is consistent with a bimodal distribution with peaks at [Fe/H] ~- 1.7 and -0.7. However, the radial change in the metallicity distribution of clusters may not be straightforwardly explained by a varying mixture of two sub-populations of red and blue clusters.Comment: 6 pages (incl. 4 figures) to appear in the proceedings of the ESO workshop "Extragalactic Globular Cluster Systems", ESO Astrophysics Symp., Garching bei Muenchen (Germany), ed. Kissler-Patig M., Springer-Verlag: Heidelber

    Interplay between endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress and autophagy induces mutant p53H273 degradation

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    The unfolded protein response (UPR) is an adaptive response to intrinsic and external stressors, and it is mainly activated by the accumulation of misfolded proteins at the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) lumen producing ER stress. The UPR signaling network is interconnected with autophagy, the proteolytic machinery specifically devoted to clearing misfolded proteins in order to survive bioenergetic stress and/or induce cell death. Oncosuppressor TP53 may undergo inactivation following missense mutations within the DNA-binding domain (DBD), and mutant p53 (mutp53) proteins may acquire a misfolded conformation, often due to the loss of the DBD-bound zinc ion, leading to accumulation of hyperstable mutp53 proteins that correlates with more aggressive tumors, resistance to therapies, and poorer outcomes. We previously showed that zinc supplementation induces mutp53 protein degradation by autophagy. Here, we show that mutp53 (i.e., Arg273) degradation following zinc supplementation is correlated with activation of ER stress and of the IRE1α/XBPI arm of the UPR. ER stress inhibition with chemical chaperone 4-phenyl butyrate (PBA) impaired mutp53 downregulation, which is similar to IRE1α/XBPI specific inhibition, reducing cancer cell death. Knockdown of mutp53 failed to induce UPR/autophagy activation indicating that the effect of zinc on mutp53 folding was likely the key event occurring in ER stress activation. Recently discovered small molecules targeting components of the UPR show promise as a novel anticancer therapeutic intervention. However, our findings showing UPR activation during mutp53 degradation indicate that caution is necessary in the design of therapies that inhibit UPR components

    Dwarf spheroidal satellites of M31: I. Variable stars and stellar populations in Andromeda XIX

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    We present B,V time-series photometry of Andromeda XIX (And XIX), the most extended (half-light radius of 6.2') of Andromeda's dwarf spheroidal companions, that we observed with the Large Binocular Cameras at the Large Binocular Telescope. We surveyed a 23'x 23' area centered on And XIX and present the deepest color magnitude diagram (CMD) ever obtained for this galaxy, reaching, at V~26.3 mag, about one magnitude below the horizontal branch (HB). The CMD shows a prominent and slightly widened red giant branch, along with a predominantly red HB, which, however, extends to the blue to significantly populate the classical instability strip. We have identified 39 pulsating variable stars, of which 31 are of RR Lyrae type and 8 are Anomalous Cepheids (ACs). Twelve of the RR Lyrae variables and 3 of the ACs are located within And XIX's half light radius. The average period of the fundamental mode RR Lyrae stars ( = 0.62 d, \sigma= 0.03 d) and the period-amplitude diagram qualify And XIX as an Oosterhoff-Intermediate system. From the average luminosity of the RR Lyrae stars ( = 25.34 mag, \sigma= 0.10 mag) we determine a distance modulus of (m-M)0_0=24.52±0.2324.52\pm0.23 mag in a scale where the distance to the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) is 18.5±0.118.5\pm0.1 mag. The ACs follow a well defined Period-Wesenheit (PW) relation that appears to be in very good agreement with the PW relationship defined by the ACs in the LMC.Comment: accepted for publication in Ap

    Overground walking training with the i-Walker, a robotic servo-assistive device, enhances balance in patients with subacute stroke: a randomized controlled trial

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    Background: Patients affected by mild stroke benefit more from physiological overground walking training than walking-like training performed in place using specific devices. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effects of overground robotic walking training performed with the servo-assistive robotic rollator (i-Walker) on walking, balance, gait stability and falls in a community setting in patients with mild subacute stroke. Methods: Forty-four patients were randomly assigned to two different groups that received the same therapy in two daily 40-min sessions 5 days a week for 4 weeks. Twenty sessions of standard therapy were performed by both groups. In the other 20 sessions the subjects enrolled in the i-Walker-Group (iWG) performed with the i-Walker and the Control-Group patients (CG) performed the same amount of conventional walking oriented therapy. Clinical and instrumented gait assessments were made pre- and post-treatment. The follow-up observation consisted of recording the number of fallers in the community setting after 6 months. Results: Treatment effectiveness was higher in the iWG group in terms of balance improvement (Tinetti: 68.4 ± 27.6 % vs. 48.1 ± 33.9 %, p= 0.033) and 10-m and 6-min timed walking tests (significant interaction between group and time: F(1,40) = 14.252, p = 0.001; and F (1,40) = 7.883, p = 0.008, respectively). When measured, latero-lateral upper body accelerations were reduced in iWG (F= 4.727, p= 0.036), suggesting increased gait stability, which was supported by a reduced number of falls at home. Conclusions: A robotic servo-assisted i-Walker improved walking performance and balance in patients affected by mild/moderate stroke, leading to increased gait stability and reduced falls in the community.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version


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    We present B and V time series photometry of Andromeda XXV, the third galaxy in our program on the Andromeda’s satellites, which we have imaged with the Large Binocular Cameras of the Large Binocular Telescope. The field of Andromeda XXV is found to contain 62 variable stars, for which we present light curves and characteristics of the light variation (period, amplitudes, variability type, mean magnitudes, etc.). The sample includes 57 RR Lyrae variables (46 fundamental-mode—RRab, and 11 first-overtone—RRc, pulsators), 3 anomalous Cepheids, 1 eclipsing binary system, and 1 unclassified variable. The average period of the RRab stars ( =0.60 σ = 0.04 days) and the period–amplitude diagram place Andromeda XXV in the class of the Oosterhoff-Intermediate objects. From the average luminosity of the RR Lyrae stars we derive for the galaxy a distance modulus of (m–M)0 = 24.63 ± 0.17 mag. The color–magnitude diagram reveals the presence in Andromeda XXV of a single, metal-poor ([Fe/H] = ‑1.8 dex) stellar population as old as ∌10–12 Gyr, traced by a conspicuous red giant branch and the large population of RR Lyrae stars. We discovered a spherically shaped high density of stars near the galaxy center. This structure appears to be at a distance consistent with Andromeda XXV and we suggest it could either be a star cluster or the nucleus of Andromeda XXV. We provide a summary and compare the number and characteristics of the pulsating stars in the M31 satellites analyzed so far for variability. Based on data collected with the Large Binocular Cameras at the Large Binocular Telescope

    Variable Stars and Stellar Populations in Andromeda XXVII. IV. An Off-centered, Disrupted Galaxy

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    We present B and V time-series photometry of the M31 satellite galaxy Andromeda XXVII (And XXVII) that we observed with the Large Binocular Cameras of the Large Binocular Telescope. In the field of And XXVII we have discovered a total of 90 variables: 89 RR Lyrae stars and 1 Anomalous Cepheid. The average period of the fundamental mode RR Lyrae stars (RRab) &lt; {P}{ab}&gt; =0.59 {days} (σ = 0.05 day) and the period–amplitude diagram place And XXVII in the class of Oosterhoff I/Intermediate objects. Combining information from the color–magnitude diagram (CMD) and the variable stars, we find evidence for a single old and metal-poor stellar population with [Fe/H] ∌ ‑1.8 dex and t ∌ 13 Gyr in And XXVII. The spatial distributions of RR Lyrae and red giant branch (RGB) stars give clear indication that And XXVII is a completely disrupted system. This is also supported by the spread observed along the line of sight in the distance to the RR Lyrae stars. The highest concentration of RGB and RR Lyrae stars is found in a circular area of 4 arcmin in radius, centered about 0.°2 in the southeast direction from Richardson et al.’s center coordinates of And XXVII. The CMD of this region is well-defined, with a prominent RGB and 15 RR Lyrae stars (out of the 18 found in the region) tracing a very tight horizontal branch at &lt; V({RR})&gt; =25.24 {mag} σ = 0.06 mag (average over 15 stars). We show that And XXVII is a strong candidate building block of the M31 halo. Based on data collected with the Large Binocular Cameras at the Large Binocular Telescope, PI: G. Clementini

    Echocardiographic Assessment of Ebstein's Anomaly in a 60-Year-Old Man

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    We present an echocardiographic evaluation of an elderly man affected with Ebstein's anomaly. In the natural history of this congenital disease only 5% of patients survive beyond the fifth decade. The patient presented severe right heart failure and he was refered to our institution for heart transplantation

    A pilot study on brain plasticity of functional connectivity modulated by cognitive training in mild Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment

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    Alzheimer's disease (AD) alters the functional connectivity of the default mode network (DMN) but also the topological properties of the functional connectome. Cognitive training (CT) is a tool to slow down AD progression and is likely to impact on functional connectivity. In this pilot study, we aimed at investigating brain functional changes after a period of CT and active control (AC) in a group of 26 subjects with mild AD (mAD), 26 with amnestic mild cognitive impairment (aMCI), and a control group of 29 healthy elderly (HE) people. They all underwent a CT and AC in a counterbalanced order following a crossover design. Resting-state functional MRI and neuropsychological testing were acquired before and after each period. We tested post-CT and post-AC changes of cognitive abilities, of the functional connectivity of the DMN, and of topological network properties derived from graph theory and network-based statistics. Only CT produced functional changes, increasing the functional connectivity of the posterior DMN in all three groups. mAD also showed functional changes in the medial temporal lobe and topological changes in the anterior cingulum, whereas aMCI showed more widespread topological changes involving the frontal lobes, the cerebellum and the thalamus. Our results suggest specific functional connectivity changes after CT for aMCI and mAD

    The use of artificial intelligence systems in diagnosis of pneumonia via signs and symptoms : a systematic review

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    Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems using symptoms/signs to detect respiratory diseases may improve diagnosis especially in limited resource settings. Heterogeneity in such AI systems creates an ongoing need to analyse performance to inform future research. This systematic literature review aimed to investigate performance and reporting of diagnostic AI systems using machine learning (ML) for pneumonia detection based on symptoms and signs, and to provide recommendations on best practices for designing and implementing predictive ML algorithms. This article was conducted following the PRISMA protocol, 876 articles were identified by searching PubMed, Scopus, and OvidSP databases (last search 5th May 2021). For inclusion, studies must have differentiated clinically diagnosed pneumonia from controls or other diseases using AI. Risk of Bias was evaluated using The STARD 2015 tool. Information was extracted from 16 included studies regarding study characteristics, ML-model features, reference tests, study population, accuracy measures and ethical aspects. All included studies were highly heterogenous concerning the study design, setting of diagnosis, study population and ML algorithm. Study reporting quality in methodology and results was low. Ethical issues surrounding design and implementation of the AI algorithms were not well explored. Although no single performance measure was used in all studies, most reported an accuracy measure over 90%. There is strong evidence to support further investigations of ML to automatically detect pneumonia based on easily recognisable symptoms and signs. To help improve the efficacy of future research, recommendations for designing and implementing AI tools based on the findings of this study are provided
