196 research outputs found

    Анализ эффективности зарезки боковых стволов на скважинах Катыльгинского нефтегазового месторождения (Томская область)

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    Работа посвящена анализу эффективности зарезки боковых стволов как самому эффективному методу по увеличению нефтеотдачи на Катыльгинском месторождении и рекомендована к применению в дальнейшем. В paбoте пpиведены cведения o геoлoгo-физичеcкoй и геoлoгo-пpoмыcлoвoй хapaктеpиcтике меcтopoждения, aнaлиз paзpaбoтки меcтopoждения, пoкaзaтели текущегo cocтoяния paзpaбoтки и востоновления скважин разными методами. Пpедcтaвленa cтpуктуpa фoндa cквaжин, oбopудoвaнных электpoцентpoбежными нacocaми. Пpoделанные paбoты пoкaзaли, чтo внедpение данного метода (закрезки боковых стволов) пoзвoляет увеличить дoбычу нефти из бездействующих скважин пpи cнижении ее cебеcтoимocти.The work is devoted to the analysis of the effectiveness of sidetracking as the most effective method for increasing oil recovery at the Katylginskoye field and is recommended for use in the future. The work contains information on the geological, physical, and geochemical properties of the site, the analysis of the location of the site, the indicators of the current state of the development and the development of wells in various ways. The structure of the wells is presented, which are equipped with electric centrifugal pumps. The completed works showed that the introduction of this method (sidetracking) allows increasing the oil output from idle wells while reducing its self-sufficiency

    Extremist thinking and doing:A systematic literature study of empirical findings on factors associated with (de)radicalisation processes.

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    The aim of the present literature review is to provide a comprehensive overview of the empirical literature on radicalisation leading to extremism. Two research questions are asked: (1) Under what conditions are individuals receptive to extremist groups and their ideology? (2) Under what conditions do individuals engage in extremist acts? A theoretical framework is used to structure the findings. A systematic literature search was conducted including peer-reviewed articles containing primary qualitative or quantitative data. A total of 707 empirical articles were included which used quantitative or qualitative research methods. The findings clearly indicate that no single factor in itself predicts receptiveness to extremist ideas and groups, or engagement in violent behaviour. Rather, factors at different levels of analysis (micro-, meso- and macro-level) interplay in the radicalisation process

    Triggerfactoren in het radicaliseringsproces

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    Ruim tweehonderd Nederlanders zijn afgereisd voor de jihad in Syrië en Irak. Het aantal Nederlandse sympathisanten loopt (volgens de AIVD) in de duizenden. Tevens is er onder een breder deel van de bevolking mogelijk sprake van een voedingsbodem voor radicalisering. Hierbij is de vraag relevant waardoor sommige mensen wel radicaliseren, maar veel méér mensen niet. Wat zijn uiteindelijk de factoren die de doorslag geven, die het radicaliseringsproces daadwerkelijk in gang zetten of mensen verder doen radicaliseren? Het identificeren van dergelijke triggers is van evident belang. Immers, om verdergaande radicalisering tegen te gaan, is het zaak om juist op deze factoren te kunnen anticiperen.Het doel van dit artikel is om inzicht te bieden in de rol van triggerfactoren in het radicaliseringsproces. Wij definiëren triggerfactoren als concrete gebeurtenissen (bijvoorbeeld incidenten, problemen, keuzes) die aanwijsbaar (verdere) (de)radicalisering in gang zetten. Dit doen wij op basis van een systematisch literatuuronderzoek en een aanvullend onderzoek dat is uitgevoerd in het kader van het Actieprogramma Integrale Aanpak Jihadisme (Feddes e.a. 2015). Allereerst bespreken wij hoe triggerfactoren een rol kunnen spelen in het radicaliseringsproces. Daarbij gaan we kort in op eigenschappen van zowel de triggerfactoren als de persoon die van invloed kunnen zijn op het effect van de triggerfactoren in het radicaliseringsproces. Daarna bieden we een overzicht van de triggerfactoren, waarin we onderscheid maken tussen triggerfactoren op het micro- (persoonlijk), meso- (groeps-) en macro- (maatschappelijk) niveau. We sluiten af met een discussie over de theoretische en praktische implicaties en aanbevelingen voor verder onderzoek

    Seasonal evaluation of the land surface scheme HTESSEL against remote sensing derived energy fluxes of the Transdanubian region in Hungary

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    The skill of the land surface model HTESSEL is assessed to reproduce evaporation in response to land surface characteristics and atmospheric forcing, both being spatially variable. Evaporation estimates for the 2005 growing season are inferred from satellite observations of the Western part of Hungary and compared to model outcomes. Atmospheric forcings are obtained from a hindcast run with the Regional Climate Model RACMO2. Although HTESSEL slightly underpredicts the seasonal evaporative fraction as compared to satellite estimates, the mean, 10th and 90th percentile of this variable are of the same magnitude as the satellite observations. The initial water as stored in the soil and snow layer does not have a significant effect on the statistical properties of the evaporative fraction. However, the spatial distribution of the initial soil and snow water significantly affects the spatial distribution of the calculated evaporative fraction and the models ability to reproduce evaporation correctly in low precipitation areas in the considered region. HTESSEL performs weaker in dryer areas. In Western Hungary these areas are situated in the Danube valley, which is partly covered by irrigated cropland and which also may be affected by shallow groundwater. Incorporating (lateral) groundwater flow and irrigation, processes that are not included now, may improve HTESSELs ability to predict evaporation correctly. Evaluation of the model skills using other test areas and larger evaluation periods is needed to confirm the results. <br><br> Based on earlier sensitivity analysis, the effect of a number of modifications to HTESSEL has been assessed. A more physically based reduction function for dry soils has been introduced, the soil depth is made variable and the effect of swallow groundwater included. However, the combined modification does not lead to a significantly improved performance of HTESSEL

    Civic Participation and Other Interventions That Promote Children\u2019s Tolerance of Migrants

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    In this chapter, we begin by providing a definition of \u2018tolerance\u2019, illustrating the wide range of attributes associated with the concept in the literature. Second, we identify some key paths through which tolerance can develop at different stages of an individual\u2019s development. Through a literature review, we will track some of the factors that can increase tolerance toward migrants during early and late stages development. Finally, we will conclude by presenting an overview of methodological approaches that practitioners have at their disposal to promote tolerance toward migrants

    Coordinate up-regulation of TMEM97 and cholesterol biosynthesis genes in normal ovarian surface epithelial cells treated with progesterone: implications for pathogenesis of ovarian cancer

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Ovarian cancer (OvCa) most often derives from ovarian surface epithelial (OSE) cells. Several lines of evidence strongly suggest that increased exposure to progesterone (P4) protects women against developing OvCa. However, the underlying mechanisms of this protection are incompletely understood.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>To determine downstream gene targets of P4, we established short term <it>in vitro </it>cultures of non-neoplastic OSE cells from six subjects, exposed the cells to P4 (10<sup>-6 </sup>M) for five days and performed transcriptional profiling with oligonucleotide microarrays containing over 22,000 transcripts.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We identified concordant but modest gene expression changes in cholesterol/lipid homeostasis genes in three of six samples (responders), whereas the other three samples (non-responders) showed no expressional response to P4. The most up-regulated gene was <it>TMEM97 </it>which encodes a transmembrane protein of unknown function (MAC30). Analyses of outlier transcripts, whose expression levels changed most significantly upon P4 exposure, uncovered coordinate up-regulation of 14 cholesterol biosynthesis enzymes, insulin-induced gene 1, low density lipoprotein receptor, <it>ABCG1</it>, endothelial lipase, stearoyl- CoA and fatty acid desaturases, long-chain fatty-acyl elongase, and down-regulation of steroidogenic acute regulatory protein and <it>ABCC6</it>. Highly correlated tissue-specific expression patterns of <it>TMEM97 </it>and the cholesterol biosynthesis genes were confirmed by analysis of the GNF Atlas 2 universal gene expression database. Real-time quantitative RT-PCR analyses revealed 2.4-fold suppression of the <it>TMEM97 </it>gene expression in short-term cultures of OvCa relative to the normal OSE cells.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These findings suggest that a co-regulated transcript network of cholesterol/lipid homeostasis genes and <it>TMEM97 </it>are downstream targets of P4 in normal OSE cells and that <it>TMEM97 </it>plays a role in cholesterol and lipid metabolism. The P4-induced alterations in cholesterol and lipid metabolism in OSE cells might play a role in conferring protection against OvCa.</p