1,752 research outputs found

    High-precision measurement of the hypertriton lifetime and Λ-separation energy exploiting ML algorithms with ALICE at the LHC.

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    El sistema de recursos en el Proyecto del nuevo Código procesal civil brasileño

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    [Resumen:] En Brasil se discute la publicación de un nuevo Código Procesal Civil desde hace cinco años, y actualmente se encuentra en la fase final de promulgación de la nueva Ley. El presente artículo analiza las principales propuestas de modificación legislativa, del Derecho positivo vigente, en relación a los recursos civiles. El sistema de recursos brasileño es bastante complejo y con innumerables mecanismos especies de recursos, teniendo un importantísimo impacto en el orden civil. El análisis de las modificaciones está hecha desde una perspectiva analítico-crítica, en la cual los autores se sitúan hacia las posiciones y elecciones realizadas en el Poryecto de Nuevo Código Procesal Civil[AbsracCt:] For about five years, Brazil has been discussing a new Civil Procedure Code, which finds itself on the verge of becoming a reality, as it is, at the moment, at its original “house”, the Senate, for final debates and following proclamation. The present article is a study of the main propositions on the appeal system. The brazilian appeal system is rather complex, with numerous and different kinds of appeals, which has a great impact on civil jurisdiction. The study brings a critical and analytical perspective of the main proposed amendments, changes and choices made in the Draft of the Civil Procedure Code.


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    The human brain is able to generate a wide repertoire of behavioral and psychological phenomena spanning from simple motor acts to cognition, from unimodal sensory perceptions to conscious experience. All these abilities are based on two key parameters of cortico-thalamic circuits functioning: the reactivity to a direct, local stimulation (cortical excitability) and the ability to causally interact (cortical effective connectivity). Indeed, alterations of these parameters have been suggested to underlie neurologic and psychiatric conditions. Over the last ten years, high-density electroencephalography combined with transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS/hd-EEG) has been used to non-invasively probe cortical excitability and connectivity and to track over time pathological alterations, plastic changes and therapy-induced modifications in cortical circuits. A recently proposed theory suggests that consciousness depends on the brain\u2019s ability to engage in complex activity patterns that are, at once, distributed among interacting cortical areas (integrated) and differentiated in space and time (information-rich). In a recent series of experiments the electroencephalographic TMS-evoked brain response was recorded in healthy subjects during wakefulness, non-rapid eyes movement sleep (NREM), under pharmacological conditions (anesthesia), and pathological conditions (severely brain-injured, vegetative state patients). Indeed, TMS/hd-EEG measurements showed that during wakefulness the brain is able to sustain long-range specific patterns of activation, while when consciousness fades in NREM sleep, anesthesia and vegetative state, the thalamo-cortical system produces either a local or a global slow wave which underlies respectively a loss of differentiation or integration. We hypothesize that, like spontaneous sleep slow waves, the slow waves triggered by TMS are due to bistability between periods of neuronal activity (up-state) and silence (down-state) in cortical networks. Thalamo-cortical bistability could impair the ability of thalamo-cortical circuits to sustain long-range, differentiated patterns of activation, a key theoretical requisite for consciousness. Animal studies show that the extracellular signature of the down-state is a transient suppression of high frequency (>20Hz) power in the local field potential (LFP). More recently, intracranial recordings during NREM sleep in humans have shown that a intracranial stimulations induce a widespread suppression of high frequencies (i.e. cortical down-states) that impair the ability of thalamo-cortical circuits to engage in causal interactions. In the present thesis we use a TMS/hd-EEG approach in patients affected by disorders of consciousness such as vegetative state (VS) and minimally conscious state (MCS) to investigate whether bistability could underlie also pathological loss of consciousness. To verify this hypothesis, we recorded TMS-evoked potentials (TEPs) in awake VS and MCS patients as well as in healthy controls (HC) during wakefulness and NREM sleep. TEPs were analyzed by means of time-frequency analyses (power and phase-locking factor - PLF). We observed that TEPs recorded in VS patients were characterized by a large positive-negative deflection, closely resembling the one recorded in HC during NREM sleep. This sleep-like slow-wave was associated with a significant suppression of power in the high frequency band (>20 Hz) together with an early drop of PLF. Interestingly, in VS patients the power suppression slowly recovered to the baseline whereas in the NREM sleep of HC it was replaced by a late increase of power. Finally, the recovery of consciousness assessed in two patients evaluated longitudinally was paralleled by the resurgence of TEPs high frequency oscillations and by an increase of PLF duration. These results suggest that the slow waves evoked by TMS in VS patients possibly reflect a condition of cortical bistability that prevents the entrainment of thalamocortical modules in effective interactions and, hence, the emergence of consciousness. Intriguingly, the resumption of TEPs high frequency oscillations and a longer duration of phase-locked components (PLF) seem to be associated with the recovery of consciousness. Since bistability is, in principle, reversible and its mechanisms are well understood at the cellular and network level, it may represent a suitable target for novel therapeutic approaches in patients in whom consciousness is impaired, in spite of preserved cortical activity

    A modelagem matemática como recurso didático em projetos interdisciplinares

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    Este estudo examina o envolvimento e acompanhamento de um grupo de alunos de Cálculo na realização de um projeto interdisciplinar, que utiliza a Modelagem Matemática como recurso didático. O relato da experiência e a avaliação dos resultados mostrou ganhos no processo de ensino e aprendizagem da disciplina, oportunidades de aplicação e reflexão sobre situações reais e proporcionou novos questionamentos e redirecionamentos ao professor-orientador

    Visual Methodologies: an Introduction to the interpretation of Visual Materials

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    Fruto de Cursos de Cultura Visual ministrados por Gillian Rose nos anos de 1996, 1997 e 1998 na Edinburgh University , Visual Methodologies: An Introduct ion to the interpretat ion of Visual Mater ials foi escrito durante o ano de 1999 e publicado pela primeira vez em 2001, tendo sido reeditado no mesmo ano. Seguiram-se, depois, mais seis reimpressões, sendo esta resenha pautada na segunda edição de 2007. O livro ainda não está traduzido para o português3. Rose é professora de Geografia Cultural na Open University de Londres, desenvolveu seu bacharelado em Cambridge e o doutoramento em Londres, conforme currículo na página da Open University, onde lemos, em suas palavras: "...meu interesse de pesquisa atual se situa no campo da Cultura Visual. Estou interessada nas formas com as quais as subjetividades e as relações sociais são representadas ou tornadas visíveis em diferentes mídias, e como estes processos são fundamentados e se referem a relações de poder". (THE OPEN UNIVERSITY)

    La Hierusalem di Bernardino Caimi: evocazioni di Terra Santa sul Sacro Monte di Varallo Sesia

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    Il Sacro Monte di padre Bernardino Caimi (1425-1499/1500), fondato a Varallo Sesia nel 1491 con l’intento di riprodurre mimeticamente i luoghi della Terra Santa, è stato oggetto di una notevole quantità di studi, che, per quanto abbiano fatto luce su molti aspetti della vicenda storico-artistica del complesso, non sono mai riusciti a definire in maniera definitiva la conformazione del complesso originario, ora in buona parte celato dalle edificazioni successive. La quasi completa assenza di fonti grafiche coeve rende ardua l’interpretazione delle prime descrizioni del complesso, comunque redatte a più di vent’anni di distanza dalla fondazione. In questo contesto una delle più urgenti problematiche nello studio delle fasi iniziali della costruzione del monumento risiede nell’individuazione non soltanto delle singole cappelle, ma anche delle aree geografiche evocate. Dall’analisi puntuale di planimetrie, disegni e fonti iconografiche risalenti alla seconda metà del XVI e alla prima metà del XVII secolo, sovrapposte e confrontate con i rilievi degli edifici esistenti, è stato possibile ricostruire una più precisa planimetria illustrativa dello stato di fatto del Sacro Monte intorno al 1560, ovvero prima della redazione del grande progetto di pianificazione descritto nel cosiddetto Libro dei Misteri (1565-72). Per quanto cronologicamente distante dalla data di fondazione e dalla redazione della prima guida pervenutaci, questa base cartografica costituisce un attendibile punto di partenza per lo studio delle edificazioni precedenti. Nel presente saggio s’intende presentare la struttura generale della Hierusalem di Bernardino Caimi, ormai in buona parte irrimediabilmente scomparsa, cercando di mettere chiarezza sull’originaria disposizione delle cappelle e sulle matrici progettuali che hanno generato questo peculiare complesso

    “... Non ho mai strillato tanto in vita mia!”. Marcello Piacentini e la ricostruzione del palazzo della Ragione di Ferrara (1946-1957)

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    This essay retraces the history of the Palazzo della Ragione in Ferrara, a key public building with medieval origins which was rebuilt during the postwar years according to a project by Marcello Piacentini. The research will specifically focus on the aesthetic and political debates generated by the building and on the pivotal role played by Piacentini, thanks to the extensive body of documents collected at the Biblioteca di Scienze Tecnologiche of the University of Florence and at the City Archives of Ferrara. By following the steps which led to the final design and the construction, the essay highlights the role of the building in larger debates concerning the restoration of historical monuments after the destruction caused by the Second World War and the contribution of architecture in the definition of a national identity after the divisions caused by the fall of the fascist regime