74 research outputs found


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    The research aims to analyze the pattern of farmer communication networks in partnerships and the role of farmers as one of the stakeholders in implementing communication within the institution. The number of research respondents as many as 11 respondents taken by the non probability sampling method through snowball sampling found 8 farmers who partnered with the core of external partnerships and the rest were core, brokers and livestock services. Data analysis using open access software with UCINET 6,682. Based on a survey that the majority of broiler farmers in Malang district amounting to 72% were farmers partnering with integrators or external partnerships because for the procurement of breeder production facilities able to adjust to financial capabilities. The results of the study show that the value of in degree in the communication of the farmer actors is on average higher than the outdegree which means that the farmer's role as a communication actor in the partnership because the farmer acts as the main actor in providing upstream to downstream technical information to the company, while the out value degree where the ability of farmers in the network to exchange information continuously with a value of 55.56%, the value of outdegree was not as big as the degree because the farmer's communication relationship is only with the core technical limit. The incloseness value of 87.50% where the farmer was able to influence the network was very high because the farmer as the main actor of business success and outcloseness was the ability of the farmer to be influenced by only 57.17% because the farmer has mastered technical maintenance compared to other actors

    Performance Analysis in Quantitative Traits of Local Chickens (Gallus gallus sp.) In Kediri Regency East Java

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    This study aimed to determine the phenotypic diversity of the quantitative characteristics and the results of the analysis of kinship relationships of local chickens in Kediri by using 60 adult male local chickens. Data were obtained by directly observing the quantitative characteristics according to the variables: head length, chest-length, wing length from right to left, shank length, back length, neck circumference, and chest circumference. The results showed that the majority of phenotypes were from local chickens in Kediri, consisting; of a wing length of 52.1cm, head length of 8.58cm, chest length of 28.8cm, shank length of 12.4cm, a back length of 25.35cm, neck circumference 13.98cm, and chest circumference 40.4cm. It can be concluded that local chickens in Kediri have a variety of quantitative characteristics, and the average results for each sub-district are not much different from the others. It is hoped that the results of this study can be used as primary data for further research to determine the quality and superior breeding selection

    Bioactive Compounds of Rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.)

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    Rambutan, a widely popular tropical fruit encompasses rich amount of bioactive compounds. All parts of this plant (leaves, bark, root, fruits, fruit skin, pulp and seeds) finds traditional usage, and are linked with high therapeutic values. Rambutan fruits parts like that of peel, pulp and seeds have been scientifically investigated in-depth and is reported to encompass high amounts of bioactive compounds (such as polyphenol, flavonoid, alkaloid, essential mineral, dietary fiber). These compounds contribute towards antioxidant, antimicrobial, anticancer, antidiabetic and anti-obesity activities. However, literature pertaining towards potential industrial applications (food, cosmetics, pharmaceutical) of rambutan fruits are limited. In the present chapter, it is intended to document some of the interesting research themes published on rambutan fruits, and identify the existing gaps to open up arena for future research work.This chapter theme is based on our ongoing project—VALORTECH, which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 810630

    Biosorption of zinc ion: a deep comprehension

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    Ekstraksi Minyak Kelapa Menggunakan Enzim Bromelin dari Buah Nanas

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    Ekstraksi merupakan salah satu metoda yang digunakan untuk mendapatkan minyak dari bahan yang diduga mengandung minyak. Enzim bromelin yang terkandung dalam tanaman nanas dapat digunakan sebagai bahan pengekstrak minyak. Dalam hal ini penggunaan tanaman nanas sebagai penghasil enzim pengekstrak didukung juga oleh cukup banyaknya tanaman nanas diwilayah Indonesia. Nanas yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berasal dari Subang. Komposisi nanas yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah 10%, 20% dan 30% dari berat campuran kelapa. Campuran kemudian diperam selama 6 jam, dikeringkan selama 6 jam pada suhu 65oC, lalu dilakukan pengepresan dan penyaringan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan rendemen minyak tertinggi (209,19 g) diperoleh pada daging nanas tua dengan komposisi nanas 30%. Berdasarkan uji yang dilakukan, kualitas minyak yang dihasilkan memenuhi standar baku yang telah ditetapkan (SNI).Ekstraksi merupakan salah satu metoda yang digunakan untuk mendapatkan minyak dari bahan yang diduga mengandung minyak. Enzim bromelin yang terkandung dalam tanaman nanas dapat digunakan sebagai bahan pengekstrak minyak. Dalam hal ini penggunaan tanaman nanas sebagai penghasil enzim pengekstrak didukung juga oleh cukup banyaknya tanaman nanas diwilayah Indonesia. Nanas yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berasal dari Subang. Komposisi nanas yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah 10%, 20% dan 30% dari berat campuran kelapa. Campuran kemudian diperam selama 6 jam, dikeringkan selama 6 jam pada suhu 65oC, lalu dilakukan pengepresan dan penyaringan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan rendemen minyak tertinggi (209,19 g) diperoleh pada daging nanas tua dengan komposisi nanas 30%. Berdasarkan uji yang dilakukan, kualitas minyak yang dihasilkan memenuhi standar baku yang telah ditetapkan (SNI)

    Determinan Return On Asset dengan Non Performing Financing sebagai Variabel Moderasi

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    The purpose of this study was conducted to determine the effect of CAR, FDR, TPF, and ZPR, on profitability with NPF as a moderating variable. This study uses quantitative research using multiple regression analysis as data analysis. This study uses panel data in the form of Random Effect annual data of CAR, FDR, TPF, ZPR, NPF, ROA at Islamic commercial banks registered with OJK for the 2016-2019 period. The data obtained in this study were analyzed using the eviews 9 application tool. The results of this study indicate that the CAR variable has no significant negative effect on Profitability (ROA). FDR has no significant negative effect on profitability (ROA). TPF has no significant negative effect on profitability (ROA). ZPR has no significant positive effect on profitability (ROA). NPF-moderated CAR has no significant positive effect on profitability (ROA). FDR moderated by NPF has an insignificant negative effect on profitability (ROA). TPF moderated by NPF has no significant positive effect on profitability (ROA). ZPR moderated by NPF has an insignificant negative effect on profitability (ROA)