40 research outputs found

    The Ranger 4 Flight Path and Its Determination from Tracking Data

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    The ranger iv flight path and its determination from tracking dat

    Cetacean diversity of the eastern South Atlantic Ocean and Vema Seamount detected during a visual and passive acoustic survey, 2019

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    This is the final version. Available from Cambridge University Press via the DOI in this record. Cetaceans in the eastern South Atlantic Ocean are poorly studied. We present results from a 2 week ship-based survey from Cape Town to Vema Seamount (980 km to the west) during October–November 2019, including visual and towed-hydrophone observations from the vessel, and 10 days of acoustic monitoring on the seamount. Fifty-two hours of visual surveys resulted in 39 encounters of whale groups including seven of humpback, six of fin and one sei whale, as well as four unidentified baleen whales, 18 unidentified balaenopterid whales and four unidentified odontocetes. Two humpback whales at the seamount were engaged in possible feeding behaviour. A large aggregation of mostly fin whales was observed near the continental shelf edge (22 encounters over a 70 × 50 km2 area, six fin, one sei whale, 15 not confirmed to species), an historic whaling ground for both fin and sei whales. Towed-hydrophone data (78.7 h) detected five groups of sperm whales, 45 of delphinids, one beaked whale and no Kogiids. Acoustic data from the seamount detected calls from several baleen whale species including humpback whale non-song calls, Antarctic minke ‘bioduck’ calls, sei whale down-sweep calls and a likely Bryde's whale call. Two call types could not be assigned to species, including the most detected – a simple frequency-modulated call with peak power around 130 Hz. This study contributes to an improved understanding of cetacean occurrence in the eastern South Atlantic Ocean and highlights the need for more research to improve identification of cetacean vocalizations in the region.Umweltstiftung Greenpeace Foundation, Hambur

    HydroMoth: Testing a prototype low‐cost acoustic recorder for aquatic environments

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    Passive acoustic monitoring (PAM) involves recording the sounds of animals and environments for research and conservation. PAM is used in a range of contexts across terrestrial, marine and freshwater environments. However, financial constraints limit applications within aquatic environments; these costs include the high cost of submersible acoustic recorders. We quantify this financial constraint using a systematic literature review of all ecoacoustic studies published in 2020, demonstrating that commercially available autonomous underwater recording units are, on average, five times more expensive than their terrestrial equivalents. This pattern is more extreme at the low end of the price range; the cheapest available aquatic autonomous units are over 40 times more expensive than their terrestrial counterparts. Following this, we test a prototype low-cost, low-specification aquatic recorder called the ‘HydroMoth’: this device is a modified version of a widely used terrestrial recorder (AudioMoth), altered to include a waterproof case and customisable gain settings suitable for a range of aquatic applications. We test the performance of the HydroMoth in both aquaria and field conditions, recording artificial and natural sounds, and comparing outputs with identical recordings taken with commercially available hydrophones. Although the signal-to-noise ratio and the recording quality of HydroMoths are lower than commercially available hydrophones, the recordings with HydroMoths still allow for the identification of different fish and marine mammal species, as well as the calculation of ecoacoustic indices for ecosystem monitoring. Finally, we outline the potential applications of low-cost, low-specification underwater sound recorders for bioacoustic studies, discuss their likely limitations, and present important considerations of which users should be aware. Several performance limitations and a lack of professional technical support mean that low-cost devices cannot meet the requirements of all PAM applications. Despite these limitations, however, HydroMoth facilitates underwater recording at a fraction of the price of existing hydrophones, creating exciting potential for diverse involvement in aquatic bioacoustics worldwide

    Detection of humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) non-song vocalizations around the Vema Seamount, southeast Atlantic Ocean

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from the Acoustical Society of America via the DOI in this recordHumpback whales are a cosmopolitan, highly vocal species. Investigated here are their vocalizations recorded at the Vema Seamount (31°38′S, 08°20′E) from moored hydrophones in the austral spring of 2019. During the 11-d recording period over 600 non-song calls were detected. Calls were predominantly detected at night over three consecutive days. The most common calls were low, frequency-modulated sounds (whups). An impulsive sound (gunshot) previously unknown in humpback whales was also detected. The location and timing of the calls suggests that humpback whales may be using the Vema Seamount as a temporary stop on their migration to their polar feeding grounds.Umweltstiftung Greenpeace Foundatio