2,370,894 research outputs found

    Sperimagnetism in Fe(78)Er(5)B(17) and Fe(64)Er(19)B(17) metallic glasses: II. Collinear components and ferrimagnetic compensation

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    Magnetization measurements on an Fe(64)Er(19)B(17) glass and polarized-beam neutron scattering measurements on Fe(78)Er(5)B(17) and Fe(64)Er(19)B(17) were described in part I. The finite spin-flip neutron scattering cross sections were calculated using a sperimagnetic structure based on random cone arrangements of the magnetic moments. The temperature variation of the cross sections of Fe(64)Er(19)B(17) suggested that a compensated sperimagnetic phase existed at T(comp). The analysis of the non-spin-flip neutron scattering cross sections is described here in part II. Two spin-dependent total structure factors S(+/-+/-). (Q) were defined from these cross sections and, despite the limited range of the data 0.5 angstrom(-1) , are zero on both sublattices in the compensated sperimagnetic structure at T(comp). The pre-peak in the spin-dependent total structure factors at 112 K showed that it originated in the atomic structure and it may involve Fe-Er-Fe 'collineations' at a radial distance of approximate to 6.0 angstrom. Finally, the RDF(+/-+/-) (r) of Fe(64)Er(19)B(17) at 180 K and of Fe(78)Er(5)B(17) at 2 K show that both glasses have the (mu(Fe) UP:mu(Er) DOWN) structure like the (Fe, Tb)(83)B(17) collinear ferrimagnets

    Influence of chemical and magnetic interface properties of Co-Fe-B / MgO / Co-Fe-B tunnel junctions on the annealing temperature dependence of the magnetoresistance

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    The knowledge of chemical and magnetic conditions at the Co40Fe40B20 / MgO interface is important to interpret the strong annealing temperature dependence of tunnel magnetoresistance of Co-Fe-B / MgO / Co-Fe-B magnetic tunnel junctions, which increases with annealing temperature from 20% after annealing at 200C up to a maximum value of 112% after annealing at 350C. While the well defined nearest neighbor ordering indicating crystallinity of the MgO barrier does not change by the annealing, a small amount of interfacial Fe-O at the lower Co-Fe-B / MgO interface is found in the as grown samples, which is completely reduced after annealing at 275C. This is accompanied by a simultaneous increase of the Fe magnetic moment and the tunnel magnetoresistance. However, the TMR of the MgO based junctions increases further for higher annealing temperature which can not be caused by Fe-O reduction. The occurrence of an x-ray absorption near-edge structure above the Fe and Co L-edges after annealing at 350C indicates the recrystallization of the Co-Fe-B electrode. This is prerequisite for coherent tunneling and has been suggested to be responsible for the further increase of the TMR above 275C. Simultaneously, the B concentration in the Co-Fe-B decreases with increasing annealing temperature, at least some of the B diffuses towards or into the MgO barrier and forms a B2O3 oxide

    The Unevolved Main Sequence of Nearby Field Stars and the Open Cluster Distance Scale

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    The slope and zero-point of the unevolved main sequence as a function of metallicity are investigated using a homogeneous catalog of nearby field stars with absolute magnitudes defined with revised Hipparcos parallaxes, Tycho-2 photometry, and precise metallicities from high-dispersion spectroscopy. (B-V)-temperature relations are derived from 1746 stars between [Fe/H] = -0.5 and +0.6 and 372 stars within 0.05 dex of solar abundance; for T_e = 5770 K, the solar color is B-V= 0.652 +/- 0.002 (s.e.m.). From over 500 cool dwarfs between [Fe/H] = -0.5 and +0.5, Delta(B-V)/Delta[Fe/H] at fixed M_V = 0.213 +/- 0.005, with a very weak dependence upon the adopted main sequence slope with B-V at a given [Fe/H]. At Hyades metallicity this translates into Delta M_V/Delta[Fe/H] at fixed B-V = 0.98 +/- 0.02, midway between the range of values empirically derived from smaller and/or less homogeneous samples and model isochrones. From field stars of similar metallicity, the Hyades ([Fe/H] = +0.13) with no reddening has (m-M)_0 = 3.33 +/- 0.02 and M67, with E(B-V) = 0.041, A_V = 3.1E(B-V), and [Fe/H] = 0.00, has (m-M)_0 = 9.71 +/- 0.02 (s.e.m), where the errors quoted refer to internal errors alone. At the extreme end of the age and metallicity scale, with E(B-V) = 0.125 +/- 0.025 and [Fe/H] = +0.39 +/- 0.06, comparison of the fiducial relation for NGC 6791 to 19 field stars with (B-V) above 0.90 and [Fe/H] = +0.25 or higher, adjusted to the metallicity of NGC 6791, leads to (m-M)_0 = 13.07 +/- 0.09, internal and systematic errors included.Comment: 32 pages, 8 eps figures, latex; accepted for PAS

    Temperature-Dependence of Magnetically-Active Charge Excitations in Magnetite across the Verwey Transition

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    We have studied the electronic structure of bulk single crystals and epitaxial films of magnetite Fe3_3O4_4. Fe 2p2p core-level spectra show clear differences between hard x-ray (HAX-) and soft x-ray (SX-) photoemission spectroscopy (PES), indicative of surface effects. The bulk-sensitive spectra exhibit temperature (TT)-dependent charge excitations across the Verwey transition at TVT_V=122 K, which is missing in the surface-sensitive spectra. An extended impurity Anderson model full-multiplet analysis reveals roles of the three distinct Fe-species (A-Fe3+^{3+}, B-Fe2+^{2+}, B-Fe3+^{3+}) below TVT_V for the Fe 2p2p spectra, and its T−T-dependent evolution. The Fe 2p2p HAXPES spectra show a clear magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) in the metallic phase of magnetized 100-nm-thick films. The model calculations also reproduce the MCD and identify the magnetically distinct sites associated with the charge excitations. Valence band HAXPES shows finite density of states at EFE_F for the polaronic metal with remnant order above TVT_V, and a clear gap formation below TVT_V. The results indicate that the Verwey transition is driven by changes in the strongly correlated and magnetically active B-Fe2+^{2+} and B-Fe3+^{3+} electronic states, consistent with resistivity and bulk-sensitive optical spectra.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures Accepted in Physical Review Letter

    Isotope effect on the transition temperature TcT_c in Fe-based superconductors: the current status

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    The results of the Fe isotope effect (Fe-IE) on the transition temperature TcT_c obtained up to date in various Fe-based high temperature superconductors are summarized and reanalyzed by following the approach developed in [Phys. Rev. B 82, 212505 (2010)]. It is demonstrated that the very controversial results for Fe-IE on TcT_c are caused by small structural changes occurring simultaneously with the Fe isotope exchange. The Fe-IE exponent on TcT_c [αFe=−(ΔTc/Tc)/(ΔM/M)\alpha_{\rm Fe}=-(\Delta T_c/T_c)/(\Delta M/M), MM is the isotope mass] needs to be decomposed into two components with the one related to the structural changes (αFestr\alpha_{\rm Fe}^{\rm str}) and the genuine (intrinsic) one (αFeint\alpha_{\rm Fe}^{\rm int}). The validity of such decomposition is further confirmed by the fact that αFeint\alpha_{\rm Fe}^{\rm int} coincides with the Fe-IE exponent on the characteristic phonon frequencies αFeph\alpha_{\rm Fe}^{\rm ph} as is reported in recent EXAFS and Raman experiments.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures. The paper is partially based on the results published in [New J. Phys. 12, 073024 (2010) = arXiv:1002.2510] and [Phys. Rev. B 82, 212505 (2010) = arXiv:1008.4540
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