1,413 research outputs found

    Improving Indoor Localization Using Mobile UWB Sensor and Deep Neural Networks

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    Accurate localization in indoor environments with ultra-wideband (UWB) technology has long attracted much attention. However, due to the presence of multipath components or non-line of sight (NLOS) propagation of the radio signals, it has been converted to a critical challenge. Existing solutions use many fixed anchors in the indoor environment. Particularly, large areas require many anchor points and in the case of unexpected events that lead to the destruction of existing infrastructures, the fixed anchor points cannot be used. In this paper, a novel localization framework based on the transmitting signal from a mobile UWB sensor on the outside of the building and its received signal regarding the modified Saleh Valenzuela (SV) channel model is presented. After preprocessing the received signals, two new procedures to reduce the ranging error caused by multipath components are proposed. In the first procedure, two machine learning algorithms including multi-layer perceptron (MLP) and support vector machine (SVM) using the extracted features from the received UWB signal time and power vectors are implemented. Moreover, in the second procedure, two deep learning algorithms including MLP and convolutional neural networks (CNNs) using the received UWB signal time and power vectors are implemented to improve the performance of the indoor localization system. The simulation results show that the architecture designed for the convolutional neural network based on the hybrid dataset (the combination of the dataset related to received UWB signal time and power vectors) provides a mean absolute error (MAE) of about 3 cm

    Did female prisoners with mental disorders receive psychiatric treatment before imprisonment?

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    © 2015 Mundt et al.; licensee BioMed Central. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly credited. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.BackgroundThroughout the world, high prevalence rates of mental disorders have been found in prison populations, especially in females. It has been suggested that these populations do not access psychiatric treatment. The aim of this study was to establish rates of psychiatric in- and outpatient treatments prior to imprisonment in female prisoners and to explore reasons for discontinuation of such treatments.Methods150 consecutively admitted female prisoners were interviewed in Berlin, Germany. Socio-demographic characteristics, mental disorders, and previous psychiatric in- and outpatient treatments were assessed by trained researchers. Open questions were used to explore reasons for ending previous psychiatric treatment.ResultsA vast majority of 99 prisoners (66%; 95% CI: 58¿73) of the total sample reported that they had previously been in psychiatric treatment, 80 (53%; 95 CI: 45¿61) in inpatient treatment, 62 (41%; 95 CI: 34¿49) in outpatient treatment and 42 (29%; 21¿39) in both in- and outpatient treatments. All prisoners with psychosis and 72% of the ones with any lifetime mental health disorder had been in previous treatment. The number of inpatient treatments and imprisonments were positively correlated (rho¿=¿0.27; p¿<¿0.01). Inpatient treatment was described as successfully completed by 56% (N¿=¿41) of those having given reasons for ending such treatment, whilst various reasons were reported for prematurely ending outpatient treatments.ConclusionThe data do not support the notion of a general `mental health treatment gap¿ in female prisoners. Although inpatient care is often successfully completed, repeated inpatient treatments are not linked with fewer imprisonments. Improved transition from inpatient to outpatient treatment and services that engage female prisoners to sustained outpatient treatments are needed

    Nucleate pool boiling heat transfer of binary nano mixtures under atmospheric pressure around a smooth horizontal cylinder

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    Influence of Al2O3 nanoparticles on nucleate pool boiling heat transfer of diluted binary water-glycerol mixtures has been experimentally measured up to heat flux 91 kW/m2 at diluted volume fractions of 1% to 5% of glycerol into pure water at volumetric concentrations 0.5%, 1% and 1.5% of Al2O3 nanoparticles. Obtained results indicate that presence of nanoparticles into the mixtures result in increasing the pool boiling heat transfer coefficient values and also result in decreasing the wall superheat temperature of surface. Increased values of heat transfer are increased with increasing the volume fractions of Al2O3 too. Generally, it is concurred that Al2O3 nanoparticles typically enhance the pool boiling heat transfer coefficient of binary water-glycerol mixture in comparison with absence of nanoparticles circumstances, up to 25% at 1.5% Al2O3. Additionally, new simple semi - mathematical model has been proposed for a rough estimating of enhanced values with uncertainty about 8%

    Epidemiology of female reproductive cancers in Iran: Results of the gholestan population-based cancer registry

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    Background: Malignancies of the female reproductive tract are estimated to be the third most common group of cancers in women. Objectives: We here aimed to present their epidemiological features in Golestan provincelocated in Northeast of Iran. Materials and Methods: Data on primary female reproductive cancers diagnosed between 2004-2010 were obtained from Golestan Population-based Cancer Registry (GPCR). CanReg-4 and SPSS software were used for data entry and analysis. Age standardized incidence rates (ASR) (per 100,000 person-years) were calculated using the world standard population. Poisson regression analysis was used to compare incidence rates. P-values of less than 0.05 were considered as significant. Results: A total of 6,064 cancer cases were registered in Golestan females in the GPCR during 2004-2010, of which 652 cases (11%) were female reproductive cancers. Cancers of the ovary (ASR=6.03) and cervix (ASR=4.97) were the most common. We found significant higher rates in females living in cities than in villages. Our results showed a rapid increase in age specific incidence rates of female reproductive cancers at the age of 30 years. Conclusions: We found significant higher rates of female reproductive cancers among residents of cities than villages. Differences in the prevalence of risk factors including reproductive behavior between the two populations may partly explain such diversity. Our results also showed a rapid increase in incidence rates of these cancers in young age females. Further studies are warranted to determine risk factors of female reproductive cancers in our population

    Informed Consent for Inclusion into Clinical Trials: A Serious Subject to Note in the Developing World Morteza

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    Introduction: Informed consent is a critical issue especially in conducting clinical trials that expose human life to medical or surgical interventions. It necessitates a long and complex process through which the participant ispresented with all potential favorable and non-favorable consequences upon getting enrolled in the study.Review: The process of taking informed consent is wellunderstoodin developed countries, with every effort taken to enhance and maintain the autonomy of patients and their right to make an informed choice of whether to participate or not. This may not be the case in thedeveloping world. The information given to patients before the trial might not be properly developed and presented, an issue that can result in serious threat to the decision-making process. On the other hand, investigators should remember that enrolling people into a trial withno potential benefit for themselves cannot be considered ethical. In the current debate, we aim to address the issue of how respectfully and ethically clinical research trials can be done on human subjects and what we can do to enhance the practice in an ethical context.Conclusion: Development of a system through which we could warrant all rights of study participants in all cases around the world seems far from view. However, if we are in doubt about the ethics of a clinical trial, we can ask ourselves: &#8220;what would we do, if we were in the same position our patients are in now?&#8221

    Prevention of suicidal behaviour in prisons: an overview of initiatives based on a systematic review of research on near-lethal suicide attempts

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    Background: Worldwide, prisoners are at high risk of suicide. Research on near-lethal suicide attempts can provide important insights into risk and protective factors, and inform suicide prevention initiatives in prison. Aims: To synthesize findings of research on near-lethal attempts in prisons, and consider their implications for suicide prevention policies and practice, in the context of other research in custody and other settings. Method: We searched two bibliographic indexes for studies in any language on near-lethal and severe self-harm in prisoners, supplemented by targeted searches over the period 2000–2014. We extracted information on risk factors descriptively. Data were not meta-analyzed owing to heterogeneity of samples and methods. Results: We identified eight studies reporting associations between prisoner near-lethal attempts and specific factors. The latter included historical, prison-related, and clinical factors, including psychiatric morbidity and comorbidity, trauma, social isolation, and bullying. These factors were also identified as important in prisoners' own accounts of what may have contributed to their attempts (presented in four studies). Conclusion: Factors associated with prisoners' severe suicide attempts include a range of potentially modifiable clinical, psychosocial, and environmental factors. We make recommendations to address these factors in order to improve detection, management, and prevention of suicide risk in prisoners

    Agreement of Cerebral State Index and Glasgow Coma Scale in Brain-Injured Patients

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    Background: Variables derived from electroencephalogram like cerebral state index (CSI) have been used to monitor the anesthesia depth during general anesthesia. Observed evidences show such variables have also been used as a detector of brain death or outcome predictor in traumatic brain-injured (TBI) patients. Objectives: The current study was designed to determine the correlation between Glasgow coma score (GCS) and CSI among TBI patients. Patients and Methods: In 60 brain-injured patients who did not need and receive sedatives, GCS and CSI were daily measured during the first ten days of their hospital stay. Correlation between GCS and CSI was studied using the Pearson's correlation test. The Gamma agreement coefficient was also calculated between the two variables for the first day of hospitalization. Results: A significant correlation coefficient of 0.611-0.796 was observed between CSI and GCS in a ten-day period of the study (P < 0.001). Gamma agreement coefficient was 0.79 ( P < 0.001) for CSI and GCS for the first day of hospitalization. An increased daily correlation was observed in both CSI and GCS values. However, this increase was less significant in CSI compared with the GCS. Conclusions: A statistically significant correlation and agreement was found between GCS and CSI in the brain-injured patients and GCS was also found to be more consistent and reliable compared with CSI

    Multi-GeV Electron Generation Using Texas Petawatt Laser

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    We present simulation results and experimental setup for multi-GeV electron generation by a laser plasma wake field accelerator (LWFA) driven by the Texas Petawatt (TPW) laser. Simulations show that, in plasma of density n(e) = 2 - 4 x cm(-3), the TPW laser pulse (1.1 PW, 170 fs) can self-guide over 5 Rayleigh ranges, while electrons self-injected into the LWFA can accelerate up to 7 GeV. Optical diagnostic methods employed to observe the laser beam self-guiding, electron trapping and plasma bubble formation and evolution are discussed. Electron beam diagnostics, including optical transition radiation (OTR) and electron gamma ray shower (EGS) generation, are discussed as well.Physic

    Effectiveness of current policing-related mental health interventions in England and Wales and Crisis Intervention Teams as a future potential model: a systematic review

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    Background Experiencing mental ill health adds a layer of complexity for individuals in touch with the justice system and for those responsible for working in the justice service with these individuals, such as frontline police officers. In England and Wales, there are three commonly used but not necessarily commonly designed or operated, mental health interventions associated with policing, Liaison and Diversion, Street Triage and specialist staff embedded in Police Contact Control Rooms. A fourth US designed model, Crisis Intervention Teams (CITs), is now attracting some interest in England and Wales, and these four are to be considered in this review. A fifth intervention, Mental Health Courts, was trialed but has now been abandoned in England and Wales and so has been excluded, but remains in use elsewhere. In recent years, there has been an increase in the level of investment related to these intervention options. This has largely been without an evidence base being available to aid design, structure, and consistency of approach. The review will address this gap and provide a systematic review of each of these options. This will provide a baseline of research evidence for those who commission and provide services for individuals experiencing mental ill health and who are in contact with the justice system. Methods Twenty-nine relevant databases and sources have been selected which will be systematically searched to locate relevant studies. These studies have to meet the set inclusion criteria which require them to report an objective outcome measure(s) in respect of offending or mental health outcomes and to have an experimental or quasi-experimental design including a comparator group(s) or a pre/post comparison. The review will exclude PhD theses, papers in non-English languages and papers published prior to 1980. Keywords have been collected through canvassing experts’ opinion, literature review, controlled vocabulary and reviewing the results of a primary scoping review carried out to aid the development of the PICO, composed of Population/Participants, Intervention/Indicator, Comparator/Control, and Outcomes. For the proposed review, the key elements of the PICO are the following: persons with mental health problems, symptoms or diagnoses who come into contact with the police; interventions involving partnership working between police and mental health nurses and related professionals to divert those with mental health problems away from criminal justice processes; comparisons with control groups or areas where such interventions have not been introduced; and outcomes concerning criminal justice and health outcomes. The results of the searches will be screened using the set criteria and the selected papers reviewed and analysed to allow findings regarding these interventions to be reported. Discussion The objectives of the review are firstly to identify and report research on the relevant interventions, nationally and internationally and then secondly to consider, when possible, which interventions or aspects of those interventions are effective. This is judged with regard to changes in mental health status or service use and future offending behaviour. The approaches to be considered have gained a good deal of support and funding over recent years, and this review will provide a systematic review of the underpinning research evidence to inform future commissioning, service design and investment decisions
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