33 research outputs found

    Promjene u aktivnosti središnjeg živčanog sustava štakora tretiranih tijekom faza ontogeneze dimetoatom, organofosfornim insekticidom u kombinaciji s drugim toksikantima

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    Organophosphates are usually found in the environment with other pesticides and with pollutants of industrial origin can cause combined exposure involving unknown interactions between the agents. In this study, female Wistar rats were given 1/25 LD50 of dimethoate by gavage, combined with the same LD50 fractions of propoxur and cypermethrin or with arsenic (6.66 mg kg-1). The doses were given from day 5 to 15 of pregnancy, or that plus for the 4 weeks of lactation, or that plus 8 weeks for the male offspring after weaning. Control rats received distilled water. Electrophysiological recording was done when the male offspring reached 12 weeks of age. Spontaneous activity and evoked potentials from the somatosensory, visual and auditory cortex; and conduction velocity and absolute and relative refractory periods of the tail nerve were measured. The general trend was a shift of the spontaneous cortical activity to higher frequencies and increase in the evoked potential latency. The results showed that combined exposure to several environmental toxicants could be more harmful than the effects of each substance alone, indicating the importance of combination toxicology in modelling human effects. Furthermore, these results emphasize the importance of avoiding toxic exposures in pregnant and nursing women.Organofosfati su u okolišu obično prisutni zajedno s drugim pesticidima i mogu uzrokovati uz onečišćivače industrijskog podrijetla, kombiniranu izloženost koja uzrokuje interakcije među spojevima. U radu su ženke štakora soja Wistar tretirane oralnom intubacijom s 1/25 LD50 dimetoata kombiniranog s 1/25 LD50 propoksura i cipermetrina ili s arsenom (6,66 mg kg-1). Tretmani su bili: od 5. do 15. dana trudnoće; ili od 5. do 15. dana trudnoće i 4 tjedna za vrijeme laktacije; ili od 5. do 15. dana trudnoće, 4 tjedna za vrijeme laktacije i 8 tjedana potomcima mužjacima nakon polijeganja. Kontrolna skupina štakora tretirana je samo destiliranom vodom. Na potomcima mužjacima je nakon 12 tjedana provedeno elektrofiziološko snimanje. Mjerena su spontana i podražajno izazvana aktivnost iz somatosenzorskih, vizualnih i auditivnih kortikalnih područja, brzina provođenja i apsolutni i relativni periodi otpora repnog živca. Opće promjene bile su pomak u spontanoj kortikalnoj aktivnosti na više frekvencije te povećanje latentnog perioda kod podražajno izazvanog potencijala. Rezultati su pokazali da izlaganje kombinacijama toksikanata iz okoliša može biti štetnije od učinaka svakog od toksikanata zasebno, upućujući na važnost ispitivanja učinaka kombinacija različitih toksikanata na ljudsko zdravlje. Rezultati osobito upućuju na važnost izbjegavanja izlaganja trudnica i dojilja toksikantima

    Kombinirani učinci supkronične izloženosti olovu, živi i alkoholu na spontanu i podražajno izazvanu kortikalnu aktivnost kod štakora

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of a combination of well-known neurotoxic heavy metals, lead and mercury, with ethanol. For 12 weeks, young adult male Wistar rats were given plain tap water or water containing 5 % (v/v) ethanol to drink, and were treated with two doses of lead acetate or mercuric chloride by gavage. Accordingly, there was a water-drinking and an alcohol-drinking control group. After the treatment period, spontaneous and stimulus-evoked activity from the somatosensory, visual and auditory cortical areas was recorded. The frequency spectrum of the spontaneous activity, as well as latency and duration of the evoked potential were analysed. A shift in frequency was observed in the electrocorticogram, and lengthened latency and duration times in the evoked potentials. Alcohol seemed to influence the effect of the metals. Combined exposure to heavy metals and regular alcohol consumption may result in more severe central and/or peripheral neurotoxic outcomes.Cilj rada bio je istražiti učinke kombinacije poznatih neurotoksičnih teških metala, olova i žive, u kombinaciji s etanolom. Mužjacima štakora soja Wistar (starim 12 tjedana) tijekom 12 tjedana bila je dostupna obična voda ili voda koja je sadržavala 5 % (v/v) etanola te su tretirani oralnom intubacijom s dvije doze olovova acetata ili živina klorida. Kontrolne skupine štakora tretirane su ili samo vodom ili pak vodom s alkoholom. Tijekom tretmana spontana i podražajno izazvana aktivnost iz somatosenzorskih, vizualnih i auditivnih kortikalnih područja bila je snimana. Raspon frekvencija spontane aktivnosti, kao i latentni period te trajanje izazvanih potencijala su analizirani. Na elektrokortikogramu primijećen je pomak frekvencije, a kod izazvanih potencijala produženi latentni period i trajanje. Čini se da alkohol utječe na učinak metala. Kombinacija izloženosti teškim metalima i redovite konzumacije alkohola može rezultirati težim središnjim i/ili perifernim neurotoksičnim učinkom

    A gluténmentesen táplálkozó fogyasztók életminősége. Magyarországi és romániai kérdőíves felmérés eredményei = Quality of life of consumers following a gluten-free diet. Results of a questionnaire survey in Hungary and Romania

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    Absztrakt: Bevezetés és célkitűzés: A fogyasztói egészségtudatosság fokozódásával a glutén a diétára szoruló coeliakiás betegek mellett – különböző kedvező egészségügyi hatások reményében – számos fogyasztó által kerülendő élelmiszer-összetevővé vált. A diéta szigorú betartása komoly lemondásokat és életmódbeli változásokat követel a betegektől, ami életminőségüket is kedvezőtlenül érinti. Jelen munkánk célja a magyarországi és romániai, gluténmentes diétát folytató fogyasztók életminőségének megismerése és az arra gyakorolt negatív hatások feltárása. Módszer: Online kérdőíves adatgyűjtésünket 1155 magyarországi és romániai felnőtt fogyasztó részvételével végeztük. Eredmények: A gluténmentesen táplálkozó fogyasztók számára az önfegyelem hiánya viszonylag könnyen leküzdhető akadály, életvitelüket azonban a társas összejövetelek, az otthonon kívüli étkezés negatívan befolyásolta. Mindemellett életvitelben és anyagilag is megterhelő az étrend betartása. A magyarországi fogyasztók számára a külső tényezők – mint a termékek ára, választéka, íze, beszerezhetősége – jelentősebb akadályként jelentkeztek, míg a romániai megkérdezettek számára inkább a belső tényezők (termékismeret hiánya, életmód, önfegyelem hiánya) okoztak nagyobb gondot. Az allergén és intoleranciát okozó összetevők jelölési kötelezettsége elérte célját, mivel megkönnyítette a diétázók élelmiszer-választását, fokozta bizalmukat. Következtetések: A tanulmány rámutat, hogy a diétázók életminőségének javítása nem csupán általános intézkedések (az otthonon kívüli étkezést ellátók felkészültségének javítása és a termékek árának racionalizálása), hanem országspecifikus cselekvéseken keresztül is fokozható. Orv Hetil. 2019; 160(25): 980–986. | Abstract: Introduction and aim: With the rising consumer’s health awareness, especially towards patients with celiac disease, gluten has become a food ingredient to be avoided by many people expecting various positive health effects. The strict adherence of diet requires serious abandonments and lifestyle changes that affect directly their quality of life. The aim of the present study was to recognise the quality of life of Hungarian and Romanian consumers following a gluten-free diet as well as to explore the negative effects on them. Method: An online questionnaire survey was conducted upon 1155 Hungarian and Romanian respondents. Results: For gluten-free consumers, self-control was relatively easy to overcome, but their lifestyle was negatively affected by social events and dining out. In addition, diet adherence was a burden from both lifestyle and financial point of view. For Hungarian consumers, external factors such as price, choice, taste and availability of products had become a major obstacle, while Romanian ones were more likely to be affected by internal factors (product information, diet knowledge, lifestyle, self-control). Mandatory labelling of substances and products causing allergies and intolerances has achieved its purpose, as it has made it easier for consumers on diet to choose food and increased their confidence. Conclusions: The study points out that dieters’ quality of life can be enhanced not only by general actions (improving the preparedness of out-of-home meal services and rationalising the price of products), but also through country-specific community intervention. Orv Hetil. 2019; 160(25): 980–986

    An insight of Romanians’ knowledge about dietary fibers in relationship with cancer

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    Objectives: To estimate the relationship between socio-demographic characteristics of Romanian population, and their knowledge towards dietary fiber intake, the information sources preferred and perception of cancer related health risks. Methods: We used a convenient cross-sectional survey, and the data were collected using a validated questionnaire, disseminated online. Six different Romanian counties with 57 cities were selected in 2015, with 670 participants, and we used the SPSS program 22.0 for statistical purpose. Results: The knowledge about dietary fibers intake was low in our sample, also was the ingestion of foods rich in fiber (fruits, vegetables and cereals). Compared to men, women agree significantly more frequent that fibers in appropriate amounts can prevent or treat diseases (U=44607, z=-4.66, p<0.001, r=0.18) and separately related to specific diseases, that fibers can prevent and/or treat cardio-vascular diseases, cholesterol, bowel cancer, breast cancer, constipation, and diabetes, but with no differences regarding the deficiency of vitamins and minerals (p=0.774) or obesity (p=0.399). The in-depth analysis of factors that are able to influence Romanian’s knowledge and attitudes towards food fibers, defined the social profile of the respondents with interest on dietary fiber intake, which is: young females, with at least high school education, that considers internet and television like main sources of information regarding fibers. Comparing to other EU countries, Romanian consumers have good information about dietary fibers importance for health but the daily intake is lower. Conclusions: Based on our results, we can elaborate efficient community and school intervention programs, more focused on modern information technology and communication skills, fit to the consumer’s profile in order to promote a healthy nutrition behavior and proper knowledge.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Food behavior, social aspects and nutritional status in Romania

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    George Emil Palade University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science and Technology, Targu Mures, Romania, CI&DETS/CERNAS Research Centres, Polytechnic Institute of Viseu, Campus Politécnico, Viseu, PortugalIntroduction. Health status is directly linked with nutritional status, life style and food behaviour. There are 4 Health Indicators: Health Conscience, Health Information Orientation, Health-Oriented Beliefs, and Healthy Activities. People who are health conscious have a positive attitude towards preventive measures such as healthy eating. Health information refers to the extent to which an individual is willing to seek health information. At the cognitive level, health orientation is manifested in the field of health beliefs, which refers to the specific cognitions held by individuals about health behaviors. Also, health-oriented individuals are more likely to engage in healthy activities than other people in the population. The four aspects of the health orientation mentioned suggest the differences between individuals in the context of their sources of information in the health field. Our aim was to evaluate connections between social characteristics, nutritional status data and food behaviour, in a Romanian population sample. Material and methods. We followed a qualitative cross-sectional study based on screening of 751 Romanian adults from different regions of our country, which was carried out in 2018. We used a validated questionnaire from an international project, based on 26 specific questions, filled in online, regarding their nutritional and social data completed by their attitudes and information towards food behaviour. In our group, 68.7% were women, one quarter had over 50 years old, 82.3% were from urban areas and almost 2/3rds were higly educated. Results. We obtained a positive correlation between demographic parameters and the BMI, also healthy food behaviors were more frequent at women versus man. On the opposite, the confidence of men upon the information about healthy eating from the internet was higher than that of women. The number of hours/day spent watching TV or in front of the computer was positively correlated with age and also with their BMI. A high education level was significantly positively associated with healthier choices regarding nutrition practices. Health status in relation with nutritional status showed us that the most concerned group for their diet was those who suffered from different pathologies especially cardiovascular disorders. We obtained no significant associations among BMI, environment, current professional activity, responsibility for eating, and physical activity. Conclusions. Nutritionists, specialists in medicine, and food stakeholders should promote healthy diets through adequate sources of information aimed at target groups. Multidisciplinary teams should develop a more efficient strategy to motivate people to make healthy eating choices and improve population food behavior